737 resultados para Biscayne aquifer


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A regional hydrogeochemical model was developed to evaluate the geochemical evolution of different groundwaters in an alluvial aquifer system in the Interior of Oman. In combination with environmental isotopes the model is able to extract qualitative and quantitative information about recharge, groundwater flow paths and hydraulic connections between different aquifers. The main source of water to the alluvial aquifer along the flow paths ofWadi Abyadh andWadi M’uaydin in the piedmont is groundwater from the high-altitude areas of the Jabal Akhdar and local infiltration along the wadi channels. In contrast, the piedmont alluvial aquifer alongWadi Halfayn is primarily replenished by lateral recharge from the ophiolite foothills to the east besides smaller contributions from the Jabal Akhdar and local infiltration. Further down gradient in the Southern Alluvial Plain aquifer a significant source of recharge is direct infiltration of rain and surface runoff, originating from a moisture source that approaches Oman from the south. The model shows that the main geochemical evolution of the alluvial groundwaters occurs along the flow path from the piedmont to the Southern Alluvial Plain, where dedolomitization is responsible for the observed changes in the chemical and carbon isotope composition in these waters.


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A time-lapse pressure tomography inversion approach is applied to characterize the CO2 plume development in a virtual deep saline aquifer. Deep CO2 injection leads to flow properties of the mixed-phase, which vary depending on the CO2 saturation. Analogous to the crossed ray paths of a seismic tomographic experiment, pressure tomography creates streamline patterns by injecting brine prior to CO2 injection or by injecting small amounts of CO2 into the two-phase (brine and CO2) system at different depths. In a first step, the introduced pressure responses at observation locations are utilized for a computationally rapid and efficient eikonal equation based inversion to reconstruct the heterogeneity of the subsurface with diffusivity (D) tomograms. Information about the plume shape can be derived by comparing D-tomograms of the aquifer at different times. In a second step, the aquifer is subdivided into two zones of constant values of hydraulic conductivity (K) and specific storage (Ss) through a clustering approach. For the CO2 plume, mixed-phase K and Ss values are estimated by minimizing the difference between calculated and “true” pressure responses using a single-phase flow simulator to reduce the computing complexity. Finally, the estimated flow property is converted to gas saturation by a single-phase proxy, which represents an integrated value of the plume. This novel approach is tested first with a doublet well configuration, and it reveals a great potential of pressure tomography based concepts for characterizing and monitoring deep aquifers, as well as the evolution of a CO2 plume. Still, field-testing will be required for better assessing the applicability of this approach.


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This data set presents a comprehensive characterisation of the sedimentary structures from important groundwater hosting formations in Germany (Herten aquifer analog) and Brazil (Descalvado aquifer analog). Multiple 2-D outcrop faces are described in terms of hydraulic, thermal and chemical properties and interpolated in 3D using stochastic techniques. For each aquifer analog, multiple 3D realisations of the facies heterogeneity are provided using different stochastic simulations settings. These are unique analogue data sets that can be used by the wider community to implement approaches for characterising aquifer formations.


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These data are from a field experiment conducted in a shallow alluvial aquifer along the Colorado River in Rifle, Colorado, USA. In this experiment, bicarbonate-promoted uranium desorption and acetate amendment were combined and compared to an acetate amendment-only experiment in the same experimental plot. Data include names and location data for boreholes, geochemical data for all the boreholes between June 1, 2010 and January 1, 2011, microarray data provided as signal to noise ratio (SNR) for individual microarray probes, microarray data provided as signal to noise ratio (SNR) by Genus.


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A methodology is described for understanding the interaction of karstic aquifers with allogenic rivers, where little information is available. This methodology includes conventional hydrogen- ology methods tracer tests and measurements of flow into, out of and circulating within the karstic system. The method is designed to un- derstand the hydrogeological behaviour of a river in sufficient detail, given a short study pe- riod. The methodology is applied to a karstic system in Spain, obtaining useful, quantitative results for a hydrological year, such as an esti- mate of the water balance, differentiation be- tween autogenic and allogenic natural recharge, relationship and connection between the river and the aquifer, and measurements of infiltration capacity in watercourses under different hydro- logical situations. The paper deals with a useful example that could be applied to other rivers and aquifers where few data are available. It can be applied to aquifers under a natural regime and Mediterranean climate.


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Se cuantifican las descargas subterráneas de un acuífero a un río que lo atraviesa utilizando correlaciones estadísticas. El río Duero, España, incrementa su caudal base en varios m3/s, al atravesar unos afloramientos carbonatados mesozoicos en un pequeño tramo de su cabecera; esto es de especial importancia en época de estiaje, cuando la mayor parte del caudal base del río procede de manantiales que allí se sitúan. Dichos afloramientos corresponden a uno de los dos acuíferos calcáreos confinados, que se desarrollan en paralelo y están hidráulicamente desconectados por una capa impermeable, que forman el sistema acuífero de los manantiales de Gormaz. Este sistema se encuentra en estado de régimen natural y está apenas explotado. Se define el modelo conceptual de funcionamiento hidrogeológico, considerando el papel hidrogeológico de la falla de Gormaz, situada en la zona de descarga del sistema. Analizando información geológica antecedente y la geofísica exploratoria realizada, se obtuvo un mejor conocimiento de la geometría y los límites de los acuíferos, definiéndose un sistema acuífero con una zona de recarga en el sur, correspondiente a los afloramientos calcáreos, los cuales se confinan hacia el norte bajo el Terciario, hasta intersecar con la falla normal de Gormaz. El salto de falla genera una barrera para las formaciones permeables situadas al extremo norte (margen derecha del río Duero); a su vez, el plano de falla facilita el ascenso del agua subterránea del sistema acuífero en estudio y pone en conexión hidráulica los dos acuíferos. Se estimaron, además, los parámetros hidráulicos de los acuíferos en los alrededores de la falla. La buena correlación entre los niveles piezométricos y las descargas subterráneas al río Duero han permitido la reconstrucción del hidrograma de los manantiales de Gormaz en el periodo 1992-2006. Se calcula así que la contribución subterránea al río Duero es de 135.9 hm3/año, que supone el 18.9% de la aportación total del río. In a short stretch of its headwaters, the base flow of the River Duero increases by several m3/s as it traverses some Mesozoic carbonate outcrops. This is of special importance during the dry season, when the majority of the base flow of the river proceeds from springs in this reach. The outcrops correspond to one of two confined calcareous aquifers that developed in parallel but which are not hydraulically connected because of an impermeable layer. Together, they constitute the aquifer system of the Gormaz Springs. The system is still in its natural regime and is hardly exploited. This study defines the conceptual model of hydrogeological functioning, taking into consideration the role of the Gormaz Fault, which is situated in the discharge zone of the system. Analysis of both antecedent geological information and geophysical explorations has led to a better understanding of the geometry and boundaries of the aquifers, defining an aquifer system with a recharge zone in the south corresponding to in the calcareous outcrops. These calcareous outcrops are confined to the north below Tertiary formations, as far as their intersection with the normal fault of Gormaz. The throw of the fault forms the barrier of the permeable formations situated in the extreme north (right bank of the River Duero). In turn, the fault plane facilitates the upflow of groundwater from the aquifer system and creates hydraulic connection between the two aquifers. In addition, the study estimated the hydraulic parameters of the aquifer around the fault. The close correlation between piezometric levels and the groundwater discharges to the River Duero has enabled the reconstruction of the hydrogram of Gormaz springs over the period 1992-2006. By this means, it is calculated that the groundwater contribution to the River Duero is 135.9 hm3/year, or 18.9% of the total river inflow.


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Mining of groundwater, or extracting a larger quantity of water than what is naturally returned to the aquifer through recharge, has been occurring for more than fifty years. The minimal natural recharge to the Ogallala Aquifer makes sustainable use of this resource a daunting task for states across the High Plains that rely on it to support their well-established ways of life. This task is compounded when considering the different combinations of federal, state and local governance, as well as regional economic and social frameworks that each state overlaying the aquifer experiences. This project critically examines factors contributing to groundwater management successes and failures of three states that overlay the majority (87%) of this resource: Nebraska, Kansas and Texas.


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This study was partially financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and EU FEDER under project TEC2005-06863, by the Valencia Regional Government under projects GV006/179 and ACOMP07/087, and by the University of Alicante under projects VIGROB2004102, VIGROB-053, and VIGROB-114.


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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the quasi-elastic deformational behavior that has been induced by groundwater withdrawal of the Tertiary detrital aquifer of Madrid (Spain). The spatial and temporal evolution of ground surface displacement was estimated by processing two datasets of radar satellite images (SAR) using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI). The first SAR dataset was acquired between April 1992 and November 2000 by ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellites, and the second one by the ENVISAT satellite between August 2002 and September 2010. The spatial distribution of PSI measurements reveals that the magnitude of the displacement increases gradually towards the center of the well field area, where approximately 80 mm of maximum cumulated displacement is registered. The correlation analysis made between displacement and piezometric time series provides a correlation coefficient greater than 85% for all the wells. The elastic and inelastic components of measured displacements were separated, observing that the elastic component is, on average, more than 4 times the inelastic component for the studied period. Moreover, the hysteresis loops on the stress–strain plots indicate that the response is in the elastic range. These results demonstrate the quasi-elastic behavior of the aquifer. During the aquifer recovery phase ground surface uplift almost recovers from the subsidence experienced during the preceding extraction phase. Taking into account this unique aquifer system, a one dimensional elastic model was calibrated in the period 1997–2000. Subsequently, the model was used to predict the ground surface movements during the period 1992–2010. Modeled displacements were validated with PSI displacement measurements, exhibiting an error of 13% on average, related with the inelastic component of deformation occurring as a long-term trend in low permeability fine-grained units. This result further demonstrates the quasi-elastic deformational behavior of this unique aquifer system.


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Desalinated brackish groundwater is becoming a new source of water supply to comply with growing water demands, especially in (semi-) arid countries. Recent publications show that some chemical compounds may persist in an unaltered form after the desalination processes and that there is an associated risk of mixing waters with different salinity for irrigation. At the university of Alicante campus (Spain), a mix of desalinated brackish groundwater and water from the existing aquifer is currently applied for landscape irrigation. The presence of 209 emerging compounds, surfactants, priority substances according to the 2008/105/EC Directive, 11 heavy metals and microbiological organisms in blended water and aquifer samples was investigated. Thirty-five compounds were detected (pesticides, pharmaceuticals and surfactants) among them two priority substances α-endosulfan and Ni were found above the permitted maximum concentration. Blended water used for landscape irrigation during the summer period is supersaturated with respect to carbonates, which may ultimately lead to mineral precipitation in the soil-aquifer media and changes in hydraulic parameters.


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Naproxen-C14H14O3 is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug which has been found at detectable concentrations in wastewater, surface water, and groundwater. Naproxen is relatively hydrophilic and is in anionic form at pH between 6 and 8. In this study, column experiments were performed using an unconsolidated aquifer material from an area near Barcelona (Spain) to assess transport and reaction mechanisms of Naproxen in the aquifer matrix under different pore water fluxes. Results were evaluated using HYDRUS-1D, which was used to estimate transport parameters. Batch sorption isotherms for Naproxen conformed with the linear model with a sorption coefficient of 0.42 (cm3 g−1), suggesting a low sorption affinity. Naproxen breakthrough curves (BTCs) measured in soil columns under steady-state, saturated water flow conditions displayed similar behavior, with no apparent hysteresis in sorption or dependence of retardation (R, 3.85-4.24) on pore water velocities. Soil sorption did not show any significant decrease for increasing flow rates, as observed from Naproxen recovery in the effluent. Sorption parameters estimated by the model suggest that Naproxen has a low sorption affinity to aquifer matrix. Most sorption of Naproxen occurred on the instantaneous sorption sites, with the kinetic sorption sites representing only about 10 to 40% of total sorption.