997 resultados para Bible. A.T.. Apocryphes. Oracles sibyllins


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A single page from the Deaths section of the Bell Family Bible listing the names and dates of death for various members of the family.The handwritten entries appear to read as follows: "John William Taylor, died April 30th Anne Domini 1862; aged 52 years. Jess J Bell died April 11th 1872 O Mary Franices Bell died August 20th 1872. Mrs. Susan Hall. Died May, 24th, 1898 Born January 1st 1829 age. 69 William B Bell died March 19th 1897 Richard Jones died June 6th 1912 Mastam Jone died Charles H. Hall died November 11th 1916."


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The Family Record page from the Bell Family Bible providing information on the births of Bell ancestors. Relatives of the Bell family include former American slaves who later settled in Canada. This Bible was in the possession of the Rick Bell Family of St. Catharines, Ontario.


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The Marriages page from the Bell Family Bible listing the marriage of Lewis Tyrell to Jane Gains on Aug. 31, 1849 at Culpepper Court House, Virginia. This Bible was in the possession of the Richard Bell Family of St. Catharines, Ontario. Ancestors of the Bell family include former American slaves who settled in Canada.


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The Deaths page from the Bell Family Bible listing the deaths of Jane Tyrrell in 1886, William C. Tyrrell in 1898, and Lewis Tyrrell in 1908. This Bible was in the possession of the Rick Bell family of St. Catharines, Ontario. Relatives of the Bell family were former Black slaves from the United States who settled in Canada.The handwritten entry appears to read as follows: "Jane Tyrrell, died March 1st 1886 age 64 yrs. William C. Tyrrell died January 15th 1898 by accident in Albany N.Y. age 33 yrs 3 months Lewis Tyrrell died September 25th 1908 at his late residence Vine and Welland Ave. St. Catharines age 81 yrs 5 months." There are various spellings of the Tyrrell name within the Bell family archive. Other forms of the name include Tyrell, Tyrrill, and Terrell.


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A page from the Bell Family Bible entitled "Miscellaneous" recording the dates and places of birth of the children of Charles and Mary Bell. The birth dates for the eight children listed range from 1895 to 1918. There is also a single entry under the heading "Age of Children of Delbert Bell". This Bible was in the possession of the Rick Bell of St. Catharines. The Bell family is descended from former Black slaves from the United States who settled in Canada.The handwritten entries appear to be as follows: "Ages of the children of Charles and Mary Bell are Wilbert Otto Bell born November 7th 1895 Erie Pa. Edna Beatrice Bell born May 25th 1897 Erie Pa. Lewis Terrell Bell born April 8th 1899 St. Catharines Ont. Gertrude Bell born November 26th 1902 St. Catharines Ont. Charles Henry Bell born June 6th 1906 St. Catharines Ont. Richard Wilson Bell born March 19th 1911 William Willoughby Bell born May 2nd 1912 both in St. Catharines Ontario Age of Children of Delbert Bell March 12th 1918 Delbert Charlie Bell"


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Même si je suis loin de croire qu’aborder la Bible comme à l’école soit le meilleur moyen de la rendre plus attirante ou plus sexy, je pense pourtant que le catéchète peut trouver un avantage à faire "lire la Bible comme à l’école". Dans cet article, je le démontre à l'aide des programmes de français du collège en France.


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Dans ses entretiens, George Steiner considère la musique rock et le heavy metal comme l’espéranto international des jeunes de notre époque (Steiner, Entretiens, p. 91). Or, cet espéranto porte une dimension religieuse manifeste, entre autres à travers l’usage fréquent d’images et de textes bibliques souvent passés au broyeur des guitares et des voix vociférantes. On peut se demander quelles figures construisent les fragments qui en résultent, souvent irrévérencieux voire scandaleux pour plusieurs. À travers les violences que le rock et surtout le métal infligent au texte biblique, faut-il voir des attaques contre la Bible et contre Dieu, comme le croient plusieurs chrétiens, ou, au contraire, un respect profond de la dynamique de ce texte et un usage légitime de celui-ci ? Davantage portée par la seconde hypothèse, ce texte vise à identifier les usages et les fonctions religieuses de la Bible dans la musique rock.