1000 resultados para Berthelot, Marcellin Pierre Eugène, 1827-1907


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A presente pesquisa mostra a teoria de Pierre George, geógrafo francês que viveu e analisou o século XX. O autor produziu uma leitura crítica da realidade, a partir de um contexto com várias transformações espaciais, guerras, expansão da industrialização, desenvolvimento das políticas do meio ambiente, questões sociais, entre outros pontos. Pierre George analisa o meio ambiente relacionando com o sistema econômico e os fatores políticos, indicando a função importante do espaço o conceito geográfico central. A partir das décadas de 1960 e 1970, há no capitalismo o novo sistema verde, que promete cuidar da degradação ambiental, mas estrategicamente pretende continuar o modelo de desenvolvimento. Esta realidade será incorporada por várias cidades em países desenvolvidos e em países subdesenvolvidos, que usarão o meio ambiente como uma mercadoria. Nesta pesquisa veremos o exemplo de Cabo Frio, Rj, uma cidade turística desde a década de 1950, que utiliza o meio ambiente como uma mercadoria, explorando a praia, os espaços verdes e a lagoa. Então a cidade será um exemplo excelente para confirmar a análise de George


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Pierre Gillet was the rare sort of clergyman who escaped classification—but fishers around the world will remember him as a godsend.


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Two species of aspidogastreans, namely Aspidogaster ijimai and A. conchicola, were studied by scanning electron microscopy. In nine lakes and an old river course, the Tian'ezhou oxbow, investigated in the flood plain of the Yangtze River, A. ijimai was obtained from the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in three lakes, and A. conchicola from the black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus in three lakes and the oxbow. In none of the localities, however, were the two species found together. It is suggested that A. ijimai may be considered as a specialist parasite for the common carp, at least in the flood-plain lakes of the Yangtze River. The two parasites were similar in many aspects of their morphology. Their bodies can both be separated into a dorsal part and a ventral disc, with the body surface of the dorsal part elevated by transverse folds, and the disc subdivided into alveoli by transverse and longitudinal septa, although the number of alveoli was different in the two species. The depression on the ventral surface of the neck region was prominent for both species, and their ventral disc was covered densely with non-ciliated bulbous papillae. The position of mouth, osmo-regulatory pore and marginal organ was also similar for A. ijimai and A. conchicola. However, microridges in the trough of the folds in the neck region and numerous small pits on the upper part of the septa were found exclusively in A. ijimai, but uniciliated sensory papillae in A. conchicola.


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My thesis presents an examination of Ce que c'est que la France toute Catholique (1686) by Pierre Bayle, a prominent figure in the Republic of Letters and the Huguenot Refuge in the seventeenth century. This pamphlet was the first occasional text that Bayle published following the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in which the religious toleration afforded to the Huguenot minority in France was repealed, a pivotal moment in the history of early modern France. In my thesis, I analyse the specific context within which Bayle wrote this pamphlet as a means of addressing a number of issues, including the legitimacy of forced conversions, the impact of the religious controversy upon exchanges in the Republic of Letters, the nature of religious zeal and finally the alliance of Church and state discourses in the early modern period. An examination of this context provides a basis from which to re-interpret the rhetorical strategies at work within the pamphlet, and also to come to an increased understanding of how, why and to what end he wrote it. In turn this allowed me to examine the relationship between this often overlooked pamphlet and the more extensively studied Commentaire Philosophique, in which Bayle argued in favour of religious toleration. Ultimately, understanding the relationship between these two texts proves essential in order to characterise his response to the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes and to understand the place of the pamphlet within his oeuvre. Furthermore, an analysis of the pamphlet and the Commentaire Philosophique provide a lens through which to elucidate both Bayle's intellectual development at this early stage in his career, and also the wider context of the rise of toleration theory and the evolution of modes of civility within the Republic of Letters on the eve of the Enlightenment.


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The topic of this dissertation is the concours pieces for flute at the Paris Conservatory covering two decades. The works are used for exit examination pieces for graduating students at the conservatory. The music is chosen by the director, the professors in the performance area, and a committee of other professors. These pieces still seem to be among the more important pieces known by flutists in the twenty-first century, and they are also frequently used as required audition pieces by conservatories, orchestras, and competitions. I have performed the works used for examination in two decades separated by almost half a century: The pieces from 1900 to 1909 and from 1940-1949, This performance dissertation contains three recital programs, and the recordings of the recitals are filed electronicaIly. I have grouped them according to contrasting styles in three recitals. Works performed are Agrestide (1942) by Eugene Bozza, Andante et Scherzo (1945) by Francois J. Brun, Preude et Scherzo (1908) by Henri Busser, Concertino (1902) by Cecile Chaminade, sixth Solo (1855) by Jules Demersseman (it was on the concours of 1896, dates which are outside the scope of this dissertation), Sonatine (1943) by Henri Dutilleux, Cantabile et Presto (1904) by Georges Enesco, Andante et Scheno (1901) by Louis Ganne, Fantaisie (1920) by Philippe Gaubert, Nocturne et Allegro Scherzando (1906) by Philippe Gaubert, Chant de Linos (1944) by Andre Jolivet, Fantasiestuck (1947) by Henri Martelli, Eglogue (1909) by Jules Mouquet, Concerto in A (1945-1949) by mile Passani, Ballade (1903) by Albert Perhilou, Sonatine (1946) by Pierre Sancan, Andante Pastorale et Scherzettim (1907) by Paul Taffanel, and Concertino in E Major (1945) by Henri Tornasi. Cantabile et Presto was required in both 1904 and 1940, and Andante et Scherzo was required in both 1901 and 1905.


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During Franz Schubert’s penultimate year of 1827, he produced two profoundly important and mature works that are the focus of this recording project. The works are, in chronological order: • Winterreise (cycle of 24 songs on the poetry of Wilhelm Müller, 1794-1827) • Piano Trio in Eb Major, Op. 100, D. 929 A unique feature of the project is to present Winterreise in two poetic orders: as traditionally performed and published by Schubert, and in the final ordering published by the poet. The program notes accompanying the dissertation’s three compact discs have extensive information as well as comparative tables of Müller’s and Schubert’s final ordering of the cycle. There are significant differences in ordering, and ultimately the listener will determine which is more dramatically satisfying. Dark melancholy is the central emotion in Winterreise, which Schubert composed at various times throughout 1827 in a mood of corresponding gloom and distress. By contrast, the summer and fall of that year produced, in quick succession, the two glowing and remarkable Piano Trios in Bb and Eb, the second of which is included on these compact discs. The contrast between the trios and Winterreise follows the outward circumstances of Schubert’s life and health, a pattern of sorrow and later consolation and elation. The sound recordings for this dissertation recording project are available on three compact discs that can be found in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM). Winterreise was recorded in August 2009, at the University of Baltimore recital hall in Baltimore, Maryland with University of Maryland Professor François Loup. The trio, recorded in live performance in Baltimore in the spring of 2010, features two members of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra: Qing Li, B.S.O. principal second violin, and Bo Li, B.S.O. section cellist.


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