963 resultados para Bens simbólicos


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In 1954, it was celebrated the centenary of railways in Brazil. The date refers to the first section of 14.5 km of railway in Brazil (30/04/1854), in Rio de Janeiro, between Mauá and Fragoso, of the Petropolis Railway Company (Estrada de Ferro Petrópolis). Some of the texts and commemorative events indicated the symbolic values that the railroad took in the Brazilian history. Firstly, on 30.04.1954, the railway section Mauá-Fragoso and steam locomotive “Baroness” (the first used on the track) were declared national monuments(Decree No. 35,447-A, April 30, 1954). Secondly, some entities (Clube de Engenharia, Conselho Nacional de Geografia, Ministério da Viação e Obras Públicas) highlighted the importance of celebrating the Brazilian railway history and its historical significance, economic and geographical. For this, some events was occurred (the commemoration of one hundred years in Rio de Janeiro and Recife on 30.04.1954). Among the texts wrought produced, we highlight the text I Centenary of Brazilian Railroad (1954), released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística), and the National Council of Geography (Conselho Nacional de Geografia). The emphasis given to the railway refersto the geographical perspective (territorial expansion), but also makes mention of the Barãode Mauá, the founder of Petropolis Railway Company. We aim to understand the celebration from evocations about the Brazilian railroad history and some ideas that is assigned to the railway (and the Barãode Mauá), and railway heritage (the track and the locomotive “Baroneza”). On basis of this review will seek to understand how it was reconceived the railroad memory in view of these values and material elements.


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In the article discusses the use of the distress a source of research for the study of Inconfidência Mineira.


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This paper has as an objetive to present the survey outcomes on the railroad heritage listed by CONDEPHAAT (identification, state of conservation and public politics of use). In one hand, since the 1960s has been formulated the concept of industrial heritage, it would consider the relevance of this concept for the railroad heritage. In the other hand, it is also necessary to understand the concepts that have guided the tipping process of this organ for decades. Anyway, this is to assess the extent to these new concepts of heritage has guided the actions of the São Paulo State Council


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is gaining prominence in the academy and business, as an approach that aims to promote economic and environmental gains. The GSCM is operated through the Environmental Management System Tools and treated as an Environmental Management System (EMS), involving Reverse Logistics, Green Purchasing, Green Sourcing, Green Design, Green Packaging, Green Operation, Green Manufacturing, Green Innovation and Customer Awareness. The objective of this study is to map the GSCM tools and identify their practice in a consumer goods industry in the Vale do Paraiba. The approach and data collection were made in the company's database chosen as the object of study, as well as through on site visits and interviews. The results showed that the tools Green Operation, Green Manufacturing, Green Innovation and Green Sourcing are applied in the company and just Costumer Awareness tool showed no practice at all. To other tools was identified ideology or interest of the company in applying them


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Actually the energy efficiency is making more space in the industry, due to the search for the sustainability, the electrical energy costs reduction, the goals achievement or the efficiency of production processes. In consumer goods industries, such a beverage industry, as the work is based, the productivity is directly related to the electrical energy consumption. The development of methodologies and/or routines, in addition to some tools which allow to align more efficiently these two aspects (production and consumption of electrical energy), in the viewpoint of the Energy Conservation, is very important. In this case, the study will show the Plant Modulation concepts, a production management methodology, based in some factors related to the productive process, installed equipment, production supplies and energy cost. The proposed methodology was implanted in a plant along 2015 and show the results, in face to confirm its efficiency. Finally, in this study, it was shown the capacity of Plant Modulation to positively impact in the energy efficiency inside a big industry


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The Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is gaining prominence in the academy and business, as an approach that aims to promote economic and environmental gains. The GSCM is operated through the Environmental Management System Tools and treated as an Environmental Management System (EMS), involving Reverse Logistics, Green Purchasing, Green Sourcing, Green Design, Green Packaging, Green Operation, Green Manufacturing, Green Innovation and Customer Awareness. The objective of this study is to map the GSCM tools and identify their practice in a consumer goods industry in the Vale do Paraiba. The approach and data collection were made in the company's database chosen as the object of study, as well as through on site visits and interviews. The results showed that the tools Green Operation, Green Manufacturing, Green Innovation and Green Sourcing are applied in the company and just Costumer Awareness tool showed no practice at all. To other tools was identified ideology or interest of the company in applying them


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Actually the energy efficiency is making more space in the industry, due to the search for the sustainability, the electrical energy costs reduction, the goals achievement or the efficiency of production processes. In consumer goods industries, such a beverage industry, as the work is based, the productivity is directly related to the electrical energy consumption. The development of methodologies and/or routines, in addition to some tools which allow to align more efficiently these two aspects (production and consumption of electrical energy), in the viewpoint of the Energy Conservation, is very important. In this case, the study will show the Plant Modulation concepts, a production management methodology, based in some factors related to the productive process, installed equipment, production supplies and energy cost. The proposed methodology was implanted in a plant along 2015 and show the results, in face to confirm its efficiency. Finally, in this study, it was shown the capacity of Plant Modulation to positively impact in the energy efficiency inside a big industry


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O estudo objetivou compreender o risco ocupacional como um processo simbólico que estrutura as atividades diárias dos profissionais da área de saúde que manipulam instrumentos perfurocortantes. Pesquisa descritiva realizada em um hospital universitário com dados coletados por meio do levantamento dos acidentes de trabalho no Centro de Tratamento Intensivo adulto e na Lavanderia, pela aplicação de um questionário a 105 profissionais de saúde. Os dados foram analisados por meio de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar para conciliar a análise quantitativa e qualitativa dos dados. Os resultados revelaram que, embora os dados indiquem baixo índice de acidentes, ainda é preciso aprimorar instrumentos como o mapa de riscos e o uso de equipamentos de segurança, bem como investir na capacitação das equipes.


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Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um levantamento sobre o desempenho logístico das PMEs da indústria de bens de capital. O desempenho logístico foi avaliado com base no grau de concordância das empresas frente às afirmações acerca das dimensões do desempenho logístico identificadas na literatura. Os resultados indicaram uma concordância maior das empresas frente a essas afirmações. Nas análises comparativas, foi observado que as médias de desempenho das PMEs pesquisadas distanciaram-se significativamente do padrão de excelência em logística. Adicionalmente, foram constatadas diferenças entre as médias de desempenho logístico nas comparações por segmento, porte e origem de capital das PMEs. Entre as implicações práticas e teóricas, destacam-se a necessidade de criação de parcerias entre as PMEs nacionais e estrangeiras e a oportunidade de se sistematizar as práticas de excelência em logística do setor, visando a sua transferência para as empresas de menor desempenho logístico.


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Fil: Ferrer, Elisa.


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Como consecuencia de la III Conferencia Internacional de la Mujer (Nairobi, 1985) los Estados asistentes se comprometieron a crear espacios institucionales encargados de implementar políticas públicas tendientes a la eliminación de la discriminación contra las Mujeres. Mendoza no fue una excepción. En este artículo se realiza un recorrido histórico analizando los avatares del principal organismo provincial encargado de formular e implementar políticas públicas para hacia mujeres, y evidenciar cómo los diferentes condicionantes institucionales, simbólicos y políticos han ido poniendo obstáculos y límites a su desarrollo, dificultando su institucionalización, legitimación y continuidad a través del tiempo.