980 resultados para Beckman Coulter Laser diffraction particle size analyzer LS 230
O sucesso de uma boa aplicação de produtos fitossanitários depende da sinergia entre fatores como tamanho de gota, tipo de ponta, pressão, volume e composição da calda e características do alvo. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o espectro de gotas produzidas por pontas de jato plano defletor (TT 11002) e jato plano defletor com indução de ar (TTI 11002), com diferentes adjuvantes adicionados à calda de pulverização, pela técnica de difração de raio laser. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial 2 x 5, ou seja, duas pontas de aplicação (jato plano defletor e jato plano defletor com indução de ar) e cinco composições de calda (água e água mais quatro adjuvantes: fosfatidilcoline+ácido propiônico, éter poliglicólico de monilfenol, ésteres de ácidos graxos e nonil-fenol etoxilado+óxido de etileno). em ambiente controlado, avaliou-se o espectro de gotas, por meio de um analisador a laser de gotas em tempo real, na pressão de 276 kPa. O efeito dos adjuvantes no espectro de gotas mostrou-se dependente da ponta de pulverização empregada. A adição dos adjuvantes à calda não alterou o risco potencial de deriva, expresso pela porcentagem do volume em gotas com diâmetro inferior a 100 µm, porém o adjuvante fosfatidilcoline+ácido propiônico reduziu o diâmetro da mediana volumétrica das gotas produzidas pela ponta de jato plano defletor com indução de ar, em relação à avaliação feita somente com água.
O experimento foi realizado para avaliar o efeito dos níveis de cálcio (Ca) e da granulometria do calcário (GC) para poedeiras comerciais. Foram utilizadas 216 poedeiras da linhagem Dekalb White de 25 a 49 semanas de idade em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 × 2, composto de três níveis de cálcio (3,92; 4,02 e 4,12%) e duas granulometrias do calcário (fina - 0,60 mm; e grossa - 1,00 mm), que resultaram em seis tratamentos, com seis repetições de seis aves. Não houve efeito significativo dos níveis de cálcio e da granulometria do calcário nem da interação nível de cálcio × granulometria do calcário para o consumo de ração, o peso dos ovos, a gravidade específica, a espessura da casca, a porcentagem de casca, a unidade Haugh, a digestibilidade de cálcio e fósforo e a porcentagem do trato digestório. A produção, massa, conversão por massa e conversão por dúzia de ovos tiveram seus melhores resultados com 4,12% de cálcio na dieta. A porcentagem de moela e o consumo de ração observado às 15 h melhoraram com o aumento na granulometria do calcário de 0,60 para 1,00 mm. Houve efeito da interação entre nível de cálcio e granulometria do calcário para a resistência à quebra da tíbia, a densidade óssea, o comprimento do intestino delgado e o consumo de ração às 6, 9, 12, 18 e 21 h, respectivamente. Recomenda-se a adição de 4,12% de cálcio e calcário na granulometria grossa (1,00 mm) para melhor desempenho de poedeiras comerciais. Mais estudos são necessários para elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos na alteração do comportamento alimentar das poedeiras em resposta às mudanças nos níveis de cálcio e na granulometria do calcário das rações.
Non-crystalline silica was obtained with different particle sizes. Samples were prepared from soluble sodium silicate (water glass) and sulfuric acid solutions. Dialysis was performed for sodium sulfate elimination. Products were dried in a microwave oven, milled and characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, infrared spectrum and sedigraphic analysis. Products milled for more than 120 minutes showed uniform particle size distribution with average silica particle size of 4.5 mu m.
Multifractal analysis is now increasingly used to characterize soil properties as it may provide more information than a single fractal model. During the building of a large reservoir on the Parana River (Brazil), a highly weathered soil profile was excavated to a depth between 5 and 8 m. Excavation resulted in an abandoned area with saprolite materials and, in this area, an experimental field was established to assess the effectiveness of different soil rehabilitation treatments. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks. The aim of this work was to characterize particle-size distributions of the saprolite material and use the information obtained to assess between-block variability. Particle-size distributions of the experimental plots were characterized by multifractal techniques. Ninety-six soil samples were analyzed routinely for particle-size distribution by laser diffractometry in a range of scales, varying from 0.390 to 2000 mu m. Six different textural classes (USDA) were identified with a clay content ranging from 16.9% to 58.4%. Multifractal models described reasonably well the scaling properties of particle-size distributions of the saprolite material. This material exhibits a high entropy dimension, D-1. Parameters derived from the left side (q > 0) of the f(alpha) spectra, D-1, the correlation dimension (D-2) and the range (alpha(0)-alpha(q+)), as well as the total width of the spectra (alpha(max) - alpha(min)) all showed dependence on the clay content. Sand, silt and clay contents were significantly different among treatments as a consequence of soil intrinsic variability. The D, and the Holder exponent of order zero, alpha(0), were not significantly different between treatments; in contrast, D-2 and several fractal attributes describing the width of the f(alpha) spectra were significantly different between treatments. The only parameter showing significant differences between sampling depths was (alpha(0) - alpha(q+)). Scale independent fractal attributes may be useful for characterizing intrinsic particle-size distribution variability. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study aimed to evaluate the droplet spectrum of hydraulic nozzles, under different pressures and spray liquid compositions, using a laser particle size analyzer. In a completely randomized design, two air induction twin flat-fan nozzles (AD-IA/D 11002 and AD-IA/D11004) and two hollow-cone nozzles (MAG - 2 and MAG - 4) were evaluated, in factorial design 3 x 2: tree spray pressures (207, 276 and 345 kPa for twin flat-fan nozzles, and 414, 483 and 552 kPa for cone nozzles); and two spray liquid compositions (water and water plus phosphatydilcoline + propionic acid adjuvant). The addition of adjuvant reduced the volume median diameter for the AD-IA/D 11002 and 11004 nozzles; however it had an opposite effect with the MAG - 4 nozzles and not changed with the MAG - 2 nozzles. In adverse weather conditions, it is not recommended the use of hollow cone spray nozzle, even with the addition of adjuvant tested because of the high risk potential of drift.
Statement of problem Because airborne-particle abrasion is an efficient method of improving the bond at the zirconia-cement interface, understanding its effect on the strength of yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal is important. Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the particle size used for airborne-particle abrasion on the flexural strength and phase transformation of a commercially available yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal ceramic. Material and Methods For both flexural strength (20.0 × 4.0 × 1.2 mm) (n=14) and phase transformation (14.0-mm diameter × 1.3-mm thickness) (n=4), the zirconia specimens were made from Lava, and their surfaces were treated in the following ways: as-sintered (control); with 50-μm aluminum oxide (Al2O3) particles; with 120-μm Al2O3 particles; with 250-μm Al2O3 particles; with 30-μm silica-modified Al2O3 particles (Cojet Sand); with 120-μm Al2O3 particles, followed by 110-μm silica-modified Al2O3 particles (Rocatec Plus); and with Rocatec Plus. The phase transformation (%) was assessed by x-ray diffraction analysis. The 3-point flexural strength test was conducted in artificial saliva at 37°C in a mechanical testing machine. The data were analyzed by 1-way ANOVA and the Tukey honestly significant difference post hoc test (α=.05). Results Except for the Cojet Sand group, which exhibited statistically similar flexural strength to that of the as-sintered group and for the group abraded with 250-μm Al2O3 particles, which presented the lowest strength, airborne-particle abrasion with the other particle sizes provided the highest values, with no significant difference among them. The as-sintered specimens presented no monoclinic phase. The groups abraded with smaller particles (30 μm and 50 μm) and those treated with the larger ones (110 μm and/or 120 μm particles and 250 μm) exhibited percentages of monoclinic phase that varied from 4% to 5% and from 8.7% to 10%. Conclusions Except for abrasion with Cojet Sand, depending on the particle size, zirconia exhibited an increase or a decrease in its flexural strength. Airborne-particle abrasion promoted phase transformation (tetragonal to monoclinic), and the percentage of monoclinic phase varied according to the particle size.
This study aimed to verify the influence of adjuvants on the droplet spectrum of an air induction nozzle. The experiment used nine spray solutions, one including only water and eight containing adjuvants: Nimbus® (mineral oil), Óleo vegetal Nortox (vegetal oil), Li-700® (a mixture of lecithin and propionic acid), Agral® (nonyl phenoxy poly ethanol), In-Tec® (nonyl phenol ethoxylate), Antideriva (nonyl phenol ethoxylate), Silwet® L-77 Ag (copolymer polyester and silicon) and TA 35 (sodium lauryl ether sulfate). A flat fan air induction nozzle Hypro® Guardian Air 110 03 was used for the droplet spectrum evaluation. The study was conducted at the Laboratory for Particle Size Analysis (Lapar), at FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal/SP - Brazil. The determination of the droplet spectrum characteristics (Volume Median Diameter/VMD, percentage of droplets smaller than 100 micrometers and span) was carried out by a particle size analyzer by laser diffraction Mastersizer S (Malvern Instruments). For statistical analysis the mean values were compared using Confidence Interval at 95% (CI 95%). The results showed that for the Hypro® GA air induction nozzle the oil based adjuvants (Óleo Vegetal Nortox e Nimbus®) increased the VMD. The percentage of droplets smaller than 100 micrometers was lower for the Agral®, Antideriva, In-Tec® e TA 35, in comparison with the Óleo Vegetal Nortox and Li-700®. The span was higher for the oil based adjuvants (Óleo Vegetal Nortox e Nimbus®) and lower for the TA 35 (sodium lauryl ether sulfate), showing that the TA 35 adjuvant has a potential to improve the quality of the droplet spectrum of the Hypro® GA 11003 nozzle.
Silver/alanine nanocomposites with varying mass percentage of silver have been produced. The size of the silver nanoparticles seems to drive the formation of the nanocomposite, yielding a homogeneous dispersion of the silver nanoparticles in the alanine matrix or flocs of silver nanoparticles segregated from the alanine crystals. The alanine crystalline orientation is modified according to the particle size of the silver nanoparticles. Concerning a mass percentage of silver below 0.1%, the nanocomposites are homogeneous, and there is no particle aggregation. As the mass percentage of silver is increased, the system becomes unstable, and there is particle flocculation with subsequent segregation of the alanine crystals. The nanocomposites have been analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and they have been tested as radiation detectors by means of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy in order to detect the paramagnetic centers created by the radiation. In fact, the sensitivity of the radiation detectors is optimized in the case of systems containing small particles (30 nm) that are well dispersed in the alanine matrix. As the agglomeration increases, particle growth (up to 1.5 mu m) and segregation diminish the sensitivity. In conclusion, nanostructured materials can be used for optimization of alanine sensitivity, by taking into account the influence of the particles size of the silver nanoparticles on the detection properties of the alanine radiation detectors, thus contributing to the construction of small-sized detectors.
One of the goals of EU BASIN is to understand variability in production across the Atlantic and the impact of this variability on higher trophic levels. One aspect of these investigations is to examine the biomes defined by Longhurst (2007). These biomes are largely based on productivity measured with remote sensing. During MSM 26, mesopelagic fish and size-spectrum data were collected to test the biome classifications of the north Atlantic. In most marine systems, the size-spectrum is a decay function with more, smaller organisms and fewer larger organisms. The intercept of the size-spectrum has been linked to overall productivity while the slope represents the "rate of decay" of this productivity (Zhou 2006, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbi119). A Laser In-Situ Scattering Transmissometer was used to collect size-spectrum data and net collections were made to capture mesopelagic fish. The relationship among the mesopelagic fish size and abundance distributions will be compared to the estimates of production from the size-spectrum data to evaluate the biomes of the stations occupied during MSM 26.
A Laser In-Situ Scattering Transmissometer (LISST) was used to collect vertical distribution data of particles from 2.5 to 500 µm in size. The LISST uses a multi-ring detector to measure scattering light of particles from a laser diode. Particles are classified into 32 log-spaced bins and the concentration of each bin is calculated as micro-liters per liter (µl/l). The instrument is rated to a depth of 300 m, and also records temperature and pressure. The sample interval was set to record every second. The LISST was attached to the LOPC frame to conduct casts and allow for particle-size comparisons between the two instruments. The LOPC is rated to a depth of 2000 m, thus a short deployment to a depth of 300 m was first conducted with both instruments. The instruments were then returned to the deck and the LISST removed via a quick release bracket so deep LOPC casts could be continued at a station. Raw LISST size-spectrum data is presented as concentrations for each of the 32 size bins for every second of the cast.
Current data indicate that the size of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) may be considered an important marker for cardiovascular disease risk. We established reference values of mean HDL size and volume in an asymptomatic representative Brazilian population sample (n=590) and their associations with metabolic parameters by gender. Size and volume were determined in HDL isolated from plasma by polyethyleneglycol precipitation of apoB-containing lipoproteins and measured using the dynamic light scattering (DLS) technique. Although the gender and age distributions agreed with other studies, the mean HDL size reference value was slightly lower than in some other populations. Both HDL size and volume were influenced by gender and varied according to age. HDL size was associated with age and HDL-C (total population); non- white ethnicity and CETP inversely (females); HDL-C and PLTP mass (males). On the other hand, HDL volume was determined only by HDL-C (total population and in both genders) and by PLTP mass (males). The reference values for mean HDL size and volume using the DLS technique were established in an asymptomatic and representative Brazilian population sample, as well as their related metabolic factors. HDL-C was a major determinant of HDL size and volume, which were differently modulated in females and in males.
Fluid dynamic analysis is an important branch of several chemical engineering related areas, such as drying processes and chemical reactors. However, aspects concerning fluid dynamics in wastewater treatment bioreactors still require further investigation, as they highly influence process efficiency. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the influence of biofilm on the reactor fluid dynamic behavior, through the analysis of a few important parameters, such as minimum fluidization velocity, bed expansion and porosity, and particle terminal velocity. The main objective of the present work was to investigate the fluid dynamics of an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor, having activated carbon particles as support media for biomass immobilization. Reactor performance was tested using synthetic residual water, which was prepared using the solution employed in BOD determination. The results showed that the presence of immobilized biomass increased particle density and altered the main fluid dynamic parameters investigated.
The aim of this work is to study MnO reduction by solid carbon. The influence of size of carbon particles, slag basicity, and bath temperature on MnO reduction was investigated. Fine Manganese ore particles were used as a source of MnO. Three sizes of carbon particles were used; 0.230 mm, 0.162 mm and 0.057 mm, binary basicity of 1 and 1.5 and temperatures of 1550, 1550 and 1600 degrees C. Curves were drawn for Mn content in the bath as a function of time and temperature for the several studied parameters. The MnO reduction rates were determined using these data. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.M2011007]
In the present work, the sensitivity of NIR spectroscopy toward the evolution of particle size was studied during emulsion homopolymerization of styrene (Sty) and emulsion copolymerization of vinyl acetate-butyl acrylate conducted in a semibatch stirred tank and a tubular pulsed sieve plate reactor, respectively. All NIR spectra were collected online with a transflectance probe immersed into the reaction medium. The spectral range used for the NIR monitoring was from 9 500 to 13 000 cm(-1), where the absorbance of the chemical components present is minimal and the changes in the NIR spectrum can be ascribed to the effects of light scattering by the polymer particles. Off-line measurements of the average diameter of the polymer particles by DLS were used as reference values for the development of the multi-variate NIR calibration models based on partial least squares. Results indicated that, in the spectral range studied, it is possible to monitor the evolution of the average size of the polymer particles during emulsion polymerization reactions. The inclusion of an additional spectral range, from 5 701 to 6 447 cm(-1), containing information on absorbances (""chemical information"") in the calibration models was also evaluated.