554 resultados para Bdelloidea (mites)


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Population dynamics of the water mite Unionicola arcuata were investigated in the freshwater bivalve Cristaria plicata during the period from January to December 2002 in Poyang Lake, East China. A pattern of seasonal variation was observed, with prevalence and abundance peaking in early spring and autumn. The number of mites in individual hosts was significantly correlated with the size, but not with the sex, of bivalves. The change in infection level of mites on different infection sites in C. plicata was significant, with > 58% of the mites found on the outer and inner gills, indicating that U. arcuata shows site preference.


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Wydział Biologii i Hodowli Zwierząt Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu


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Plant galls constitute a branch of study and research which has been to me a subject of much interest for some time. At the start of this work, it was intended to include Plant galls in general, but after some months this was found to be too comprehensive a field and would in fact take a great many years to study fully. Even leaf galls alone, both of herbs and trees provide so large a field of investigation that ultimately I decided to confine my attention to those or our native trees and shrubs. Upon looking up the literature on this subject, it will be found that in nearly all cases, either the gall is described fully and mere mention made or the agent concerned in its production, or vice versa. This state of things is most unsatisfactory, as in studying galls, both the gall-maker and the gall formation must be examined in detail before it is safe to apply nomenclature. This work, therefore, sets out to give accurate and scientific descriptions of both galls and gall-makers. The difficulties encountered are manifold; firstly, our trees are all deciduous, hence, the collecting period is necessarily restricted to that time of the year between the appearance of the buds and the fall of the leaf. Secondly, the rearing of imagines is always difficult, especially in the case or the autumn gall; more will be said on this matter later. Lastly, due to war-time conditions much trouble was experienced in obtaining suitable literature and many invaluable books on this subject were unprocurable. The Plates at the back have all been copied from original material except in the case or the Phytoptid mites which have been sketched with the help of illustrations, the reason for this being the difficulty of making suitable mounts of these minute creatures, Where possible all stages or at least larva and imago have been sketched, together with the host plant and the type of gall-formation produced. Slides have also been made of most larvae and the imagines attached to cards and pinned on to pith or cork in the usual manner.


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Despite a multitude of environmental stressors, the Varroa mite is still regarded as the greatest cause of honey bee mortality in its invaded range. Breeding honey bees that are resistant to the mite is an important area of research. This thesis aimed to gain a better understanding of the grooming and hygienic behaviours of Russian honey bees (RHB). The effect of a break in the synchrony of a mite’s life cycle on reproductive success was tested through brood inoculation experiments. Mites released by hygienic behaviour and forced to enter a new cell are less likely to lay male offspring. Through laboratory cage assays it was found that daughter mites are more susceptible to grooming behaviour. A new method of marking Varroa mites was developed which would enable a single cohort of mites to be followed after inoculation. A strong brood removal trait was noticed in RHB colonies, therefore they were tested for Varroa sensitive hygienic (VSH) behaviour. RHB demonstrated levels of VSH as high as the USDA line bred specifically for this behaviour. In addition the same QTL found to be responsible for the trait in VSH bees, was associated with VSH in RHB stock. Previous work showed that the ratio of older mites to total trapped mites (O/T) in the debris of honey bee colonies demonstrated the strongest association with colony infestation. This research showed that O/T is associated with VSH and brood removal behaviour. In addition, bees that displayed high levels of VSH in this study were also more likely to spend a longer amount of time grooming in laboratory assays. This indicates that both grooming and hygienic behaviours play important roles in the resistance of RHB stock. Their likelihood to be expressed by other stocks is discussed and recommendations for further research are provided.


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The Irish stoat, Mustela erminea hibernica (Thomas and Barrett-Hamilton), has been regarded as an intermediate between the British stoat and the weasel. In this study Irish stoats, mainly from road casualties, were collected and studied. A small number were also live-trapped and radio-tracked. Thus information was gathered on the stoat’s ecology, in particular its form (size and coat colours), reproduction, food habits, parasites, habitat utilisation mortality and predation. The Irish stoats studied were clearly not intermediate in size between British stoats and weasels. They showed considerable size overlap with British stoats, and marked size variation within Ireland. It is argued that size of stoats is determined by food supply early in life. The ventral coat pattern of Irish stoats is apparently unique in the Palaearctic, being similar to that of some stoats found on the west coast of North America. It is argued that this is an example of parallel evolution resulting from adaptation to similar climatic conditions. The stoats were reproductively active in spring and summer. Food consisted mainly of rabbits, but rats, birds, shrews mice and voles were also consumed. Mites were the most numerous ectoparasites, followed by lice, ticks and fleas. Damage by the parasitic nematode Skrjabingylus nasicola was found more frequently in female stoat skulls. Stoats were frequently found in a variety of habitats, both open and wooded. Some of the radio-tracked stoats climbed trees. Dens used were often rat holes. Only one home range, that of a breeding female, was considered to have been accurately measured. It was 22 ha. in size. Mortality is known to have been caused by road accidents and domestic carnivores. It is argued that predation by raptorial birds is important to stoat populations. Results of this study are compared with information available from elsewhere.


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Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of amino acids (δ13CAA and δ15NAA) have been recently used to unravel trophic relationships in aquatic and terrestrial environments. However, none have studied the specific case of a symbiotic relationship. Here we use the stable isotope ratios of amino acids (AAs) to investigate the link between a scarab larva (Pericoptustruncatus) and its mite guest (Mumulaelaps, Mesostigmata: Laelapidae: Hypoaspidini). Five scenarios for the relationship between larva and mite were proposed and δ13CAA and δ15NAA respective data and patterns helped eliminate those that were inconsistent. The calculated gap of two trophic levels ruled out a parasitic trophic relationship scenario. The trophic relationship between P. truncatus was shown to most likely be commensalistic with the mites feeding on the larva's castings. Alongside this study, a comparison with the stable isotope bulk analysis method was made and demonstrated that the AA method brings a significant refinement to the results by providing a means of determining absolute tropic level without the need for prior knowledge of the isotopic composition of primary source material.


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The relationship between fertility and haplotype was studied in Varroa destructor mites sampled from colonies of A. mellifera carnica and Africanized Honeybees ( Apis mellifera) in Germany and Brazil respectively. Both in Germany and in Brazil, only the V. destructor Korea haplotype was found, though the Japan-Thailand haplotype was formerly thought to have been more abundant in Brazil. The fertility of Varroa mites in Brazil has increased since 1998 and is currently ( 2001) at European levels. Temporal changes in mite fertility and haplotype are not fully congruent.


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Understanding the fundaments of colony losses and improving the status of colony health will require cross-cutting research initiatives including honeybee pathology, chemistry, genetics and apicultural extension. The 7th framework of the European Union requested research to empirically and experimentally fill knowledge gaps on honeybee pests and diseases, including 'Colony Collapse Disorder' and the impact of parasites, pathogens and pesticides on honeybee mortality. The interactions among these drivers of colony loss will be studied in different European regions, using experimental model systems including selected parasites (e. g. Nosema and Varroa mites), viruses (Deformed Wing Virus, Black Queen Cell Virus, Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus) and model pesticides (thiacloprid, tau-fluvalinate). Transcriptome analyses will be used to explore host-pathogen-pesticide interactions and identify novel genes for disease resistance. Special attention will be given to sublethal and chronic exposure to pesticides and will screen how apicultural practices affect colony health. Novel diagnostic screening methods and sustainable concepts for disease prevention will be developed resulting in new treatments and selection tools for resistant stock. Research initiatives will be linked to various national and international ongoing European, North-and South-American colony health monitoring and research programs, to ensure a global transfer of results to apicultural practice in the world community of beekeepers.


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It has long been recognised that dispersal abilities and environmental factors are important in shaping invertebrate communities, but their relative importance for primary soil community assembly has not yet been disentangled. By studying soil communities along chronosequences on four recently emerged nunataks (ice-free land in glacial areas) in Iceland, we replicated environmental conditions spatially at various geographical distances. This allowed us to determine the underlying factors of primary community assembly with the help of metacommunity theories that predict different levels of dispersal constraints and effects of the local environment. Comparing community assembly of the nunataks with that of non-isolated deglaciated areas indicated that isolation of a few kilometres did not affect the colonisation of the soil invertebrates. When accounting for effects of geographical distances, soil age and plant richness explained a significant part of the variance observed in the distribution of the oribatid mites and collembola communities, respectively. Furthermore, null model analyses revealed less co-occurrence than expected by chance and also convergence in the body size ratio of co-occurring oribatids, which is consistent with species sorting. Geographical distances influenced species composition, indicating that the community is also assembled by dispersal, e.g. mass effect. When all the results are linked together, they demonstrate that local environmental factors are important in structuring the soil community assembly, but are accompanied with effects of dispersal that may "override" the visible effect of the local environment.


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Biotic communities in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems are relatively simple and often lack higher trophic levels (e. g. predators); thus, it is often assumed that species' distributions are mainly affected by abiotic factors such as climatic conditions, which change with increasing latitude, altitude and/or distance from the coast. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that factors other than geographical gradients affect the distribution of organisms with low dispersal capability such as the terrestrial arthropods. In Victoria Land (East Antarctica) the distribution of springtail (Collembola) and mite (Acari) species vary at scales that range from a few square centimetres to regional and continental. Different species show different scales of variation that relate to factors such as local geological and glaciological history, and biotic interactions, but only weakly with latitudinal/altitudinal gradients. Here, we review the relevant literature and outline more appropriate sampling designs as well as suitable modelling techniques (e. g. linear mixed models and eigenvector mapping), that will more adequately address and identify the range of factors responsible for the distribution of terrestrial arthropods in Antarctica.


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This study aimed to: (1) assess differences between two quantitative sampling methods of soil microarthropods (visual census vs. stone washing) in ice-free areas located along a latitudinal gradient (from 72 degrees 37'S to 74 degrees 42'S) in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica); (2) furnish preliminary results on the abundance and diversity of mites and springtails in the studied areas. Visual census yielded reliable density estimates for adult collembolans and larger prostigmatic mites but did not detect small species. The study updates the distribution of several mites, including the southernmost record of an Oribatida species at global scale. Species composition was correlated with latitude but the uneven abundance distribution and local high beta-diversity probably reflect habitat fragmentation and population isolation. Under this circumstance nested sampling design should be usefully employed. Priorities and suitable methods for studying terrestrial microarthropod communities in continental Antarctica are discussed.


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Animal communities are sensitive to environmental disturbance, and several multivariate methods have recently been developed to detect changes in community structure. The complex taxonomy of soil invertebrates constrains the use of the community level in monitoring environmental changes, since species identification requires expertise and time. However, recent literature data on marine communities indicate that little multivariate information is lost in the taxonomic aggregation of species data to high rank taxa. In the present paper, this hypothesis was tested on two oribatid mite (oribatida, Acari) assemblages under two different kinds of disturbance: metal pollution and fires. Results indicate that data sets built at the genus and family systematic rank can detect the effects of disturbance with little loss of information. This is an encouraging result in view of the use of the community level as a preliminary tool for describing patterns of human-disturbed soil ecosystems. (c) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the soil arthropod communities of urban and suburban holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) stands in a small (Siena) and a large Italian city (Naples) and tested whether the abundance and diversity of higher arthropod taxa are affected by the biotic and abiotic conditions of urban forest soils, including pollution. Acarina and Collembola were the dominant taxa in both cities. In Siena the total number of arthropod individuals collected in the samples was over 1/3 greater than in Naples, but all diversity indices scored higher in Naples than in Siena, probably in response to the higher heterogeneity of microclimatic and pedological conditions found in Naples study area. Oribatids resulted twice more abundant in Siena and so were the total mites with respect to Collembola. While “taxonomic richness” per site increased with distance from road traffic, entropy and evenness indices scored higher at the two ends of the impact gradient in both cities. The overall variation in basic pedological and microbiological soil parameters positively correlated with the total abundance of arthropods, and negatively correlated with their taxonomic richness. At the resolution employed, no significant relation emerged between anthropogenic factors, such as traffic load and soil pollution, and the arthropod fauna density and variety. These results are consistent with conclusions drawn from a previous study on the enchytraeid fauna examined at species level, which is remarkable considering the different taxonomic resolutions of the two studies. CCA results suggest that the higher abundance of Oribatid mites, Protura and Thysanura and the lower abundance of Diplopoda and Symphyla in Siena could depend on a higher fungi/bacteria ratio. This observation can be interpreted in terms of differences in fungi and bacteria between the two cities: Siena is shifted towards the fungal decomposition channel, which supports taxa such as oribatid mites, while Naples is shifted towards the bacterial channel, which supports chiefly detritivorous groups, such as diplopods.


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Beta diversity describes how local communities within an area or region differ in species composition/abundance. There have been attempts to use changes in beta diversity as a biotic indicator of disturbance, but lack of theory and methodological caveats have hampered progress. We here propose that the neutral theory of biodiversity plus the definition of beta diversity as the total variance of a community matrix provide a suitable, novel, starting point for ecological applications. Observed levels of beta diversity (BD) can be compared to neutral predictions with three possible outcomes: Observed BD equals neutral prediction or is larger (divergence) or smaller (convergence) than the neutral prediction. Disturbance might lead to either divergence or convergence, depending on type and strength. We here apply these ideas to datasets collected on oribatid mites (a key, very diverse soil taxon) under several regimes of disturbances. When disturbance is expected to increase the heterogeneity of soil spatial properties or the sampling strategy encompassed a range of diverging environmental conditions, we observed diverging assemblages. On the contrary, we observed patterns consistent with neutrality when disturbance could determine homogenization of soil properties in space or the sampling strategy encompassed fairly homogeneous areas. With our method, spatial and temporal changes in beta diversity can be directly and easily monitored to detect significant changes in community dynamics, although the method itself cannot inform on underlying mechanisms. However, human-driven disturbances and the spatial scales at which they operate are usually known. In this case, our approach allows the formulation of testable predictions in terms of expected changes in beta diversity, thereby offering a promising monitoring tool.