1000 resultados para Ball games


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Combat games are studied as bicriterion differential games with qualitative outcomes determined by threshold values on the criterion functions. Survival and capture strategies of the players are defined using the notion of security levels. Closest approach survival strategies (CASS) and minimum risk capture strategies (MRCS) are important strategies for the players identified as solutions to four optimization problems involving security levels. These are used, in combination with the preference orderings of the qualitative outcomes by the players, to delineate the win regions and the secured draw and mutual kill regions for the players. It is shown that the secured draw regions and the secured mutual kill regions for the two players are not necessarily the same. Simple illustrative examples are given.


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This paper considers nonzero-sum multicriteria games with continuous kernels. Solution concepts based on the notions of Pareto optimality, equilibrium, and security are extended to these games. Separate necessary and sufficient conditions and existence results are presented for equilibrium, Pareto-optimal response, and Pareto-optimal security strategies of the players.


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The most prominent objective of the thesis is the development of the generalized descriptive set theory, as we call it. There, we study the space of all functions from a fixed uncountable cardinal to itself, or to a finite set of size two. These correspond to generalized notions of the universal Baire space (functions from natural numbers to themselves with the product topology) and the Cantor space (functions from natural numbers to the {0,1}-set) respectively. We generalize the notion of Borel sets in three different ways and study the corresponding Borel structures with the aims of generalizing classical theorems of descriptive set theory or providing counter examples. In particular we are interested in equivalence relations on these spaces and their Borel reducibility to each other. The last chapter shows, using game-theoretic techniques, that the order of Borel equivalence relations under Borel reduciblity has very high complexity. The techniques in the above described set theoretical side of the thesis include forcing, general topological notions such as meager sets and combinatorial games of infinite length. By coding uncountable models to functions, we are able to apply the understanding of the generalized descriptive set theory to the model theory of uncountable models. The links between the theorems of model theory (including Shelah's classification theory) and the theorems in pure set theory are provided using game theoretic techniques from Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé games in model theory to cub-games in set theory. The bottom line of the research declairs that the descriptive (set theoretic) complexity of an isomorphism relation of a first-order definable model class goes in synch with the stability theoretical complexity of the corresponding first-order theory. The first chapter of the thesis has slightly different focus and is purely concerned with a certain modification of the well known Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé games. There we (me and my supervisor Tapani Hyttinen) answer some natural questions about that game mainly concerning determinacy and its relation to the standard EF-game


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Marked-ball grinding tests were carried out under different grinding conditions and environments. Three types of balls were used, namely, cast hyper steel, high chrome cast iron and EN-31 (forged), which cover a wide range of chemical composition, microstructure and media hardness. The effect of pulp density on ball wear and grinding efficiency was also studied. Relative pulp viscosities at different percent solids for the ore slurry were also determined. As the Kudremukh ore contained about 0.2% pyrite, the effect of addition of pyrite on ball wear was studied separately. Results of marked-ball grinding tests indicated that ball wear increased with time and showed a sharp increase for wet grinding over dry grinding. Ball wear under wet grinding conditions was also influenced by the gaseous atmosphere in the mill. At 70% solids, the best results in terms of reduced ball wear coupled with satisfactory grinding efficiency were obtained. The influence of oxygen on the corrosive wear of grinding balls was increasingly felt only if sulphide minerals such as pyrite were also present in the ore. The various ball materials could be arranged in the following order with respect to their overall wear resistance: high chrome cast iron > EN-31 (forged) > cast hyper steel.Possible ball wear mechanisms involved in the grinding of Kudremukh ore are discussed.


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The rate of breakage of feed in ball milling is usually represented in the form of a first-order rate equation. The equation was developed by treating a simple batch test mill as a well mixed reactor. Several case of deviation from the rule have been reported in the literature. This is attributed to the fact that accumulated fines interfere with the feed material and breaking events are masked by these fines. In the present paper, a new rate equation is proposed which takes into account the retarding effect of fines during milling. For this purpose the analogy of diffusion of ions through permeable membranes is adopted, with suitable modifications. The validity of the model is cross checked with the data obtained in batch grinding of ?850/+600 ?m size quartz. The proposed equation enables calculation of the rate of breakage of the feed at any instant of time.


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Marked ball grinding tests were carried out in the laboratory with a lead-zinc sulphide ore under different experimental conditions using high carbon low alloy steel (cast and forged) and high chrome cast iron balls. Relative ball wear as a function of grinding period and milling conditions was evaluated for the different types of ball materials. The role of corrosion and abrasion-erosion in the wear of grinding media is brought out. Methods to minimise ball wear through control of mill atmosphere and addition of reagents are discussed.


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We study stochastic games with countable state space, compact action spaces, and limiting average payoff. ForN-person games, the existence of an equilibrium in stationary strategies is established under a certain Liapunov stability condition. For two-person zero-sum games, the existence of a value and optimal strategies for both players are established under the same stability condition.


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This paper addresses some of the basic issues involved in the determination of rational strategies for players in two-target games. We show that unlike single-target games where the task of role assignment and selection of strategies is conceptually straightforward, in two-target games, many factors like the preference ordering of outcomes by players, the relative configuration of the target sets and secured outcome regions, the uncertainty about the parameters of the game, etc., also influence the rational selection of strategies by players. The importance of these issues is illustrated through appropriate examples.


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Grinding media wear appears to be non-linear with the time of grinding in a laboratory-scale ball mill. The kinetics of wear can be expressed as a power law of the type w=atb, where the numerical constant a represents wear of a particular microstructure at time t = 1 min and b is the wear exponent which is independent of the particle size prevailing inside a ball mill at any instant of time of grinding. The wear exponent appears to be an indicator of the cutting wear mechanism in dry grinding: a plot of the inverse of the normalised wear exponent (Image ) versusHs (where Hs is the worn surface hardness of the media) yields a curve similar to that of a wear resistance plot obtained in the case of two-body sliding abrasive wear. This method of evaluating the cutting wear resistance of media is demonstrated by employing 15 different microstructures of AISI-SAE 52100 steel balls in dry grinding of quartz in a laboratory-scale ball mill.


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Marked ball grinding tests were carried out in the laboratory using high carbon low alloy steel (cast and forged) and high chrome cast iron balls. Relative ball wear as a function of grinding period and milling conditions was evaluated for the different type of ball materials in the grinding of lead-zinc sulphide and phosphate ores. Results indicated that ball wear increased with time and showed a sharp increase for wet grinding over dry grinding. Ball wear under wet grinding conditions was also influenced by the gaseous atmosphere in the mill. The influence of oxygen on the corrosive wear of grinding balls was increasingly felt in case of sulphide ore grinding. The grinding ball materials could be arranged in the following order with respect to their overall wear resistance:


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The combined milling at cryogenic temperature as well as room temperature (RT) has been carried out to prepare ultrafine NaCl crystallites. The milling has been done in evacuated tungsten carbide vials backfilled with high-purity Ar. The results indicate the effect duration of cryomilling prior to RT milling has a strong effect on the final crystallite size. The deformation aided sintering of NaCl crystallites during RT milling and leads to the formation of bimodal distribution of crystallites. The cuboidal-shaped NaCl crystallite undergoes a roughening transition due to plastic deformation. The experimental results are explained using the temperature-dependent mechanical properties of NaCl single crystals and plastic-deformation-induced roughening.


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Wear of high carbon low alloy (HCLA) cast steel balls during the grinding of a chalcopyrite ore was evaluated under different experimental conditions. The role of oxygen in enhancing ball wear during wet finding is brought out. The influence of pH on ball wear was also examined from the view point of acid production during grinding and reactivity of sulphides. Contributions from corrosion and abrasion towards ball wear are quantified in terms of ball wear rates as a function of time, particle size and gaseous atmosphere in the mill.


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A new approach based on occupation measures is introduced for studying stochastic differential games. For two-person zero-sum games, the existence of values and optimal strategies for both players is established for various payoff criteria. ForN-person games, the existence of equilibria in Markov strategies is established for various cases.