393 resultados para BMP antagoniste


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Z. Topeliuksen kokoelman kuva


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G. A. Wallinista ei ole olemassa elinaikana tehtyä kuvaa, Johanna Ramstedtin kuva on tehty Wallinin hautajaisissa. - Z. Topeliuksen kokoelman kuva


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Kuvan alle kirjoitettu musteella: " Allt ting föråldras, sjelf livet med alla dess fröjder och sorger ... Fr. Tengström." - Z. Topeliuksen kokoelma n kuva.


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Z. Topeliuksen kokoelman kuva


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Surface runoff and sediment production from different timber yarding practices, some using Best Management Practices (BMPs) recommended for Honduras, were monitored in experimental plots during the rainy seasons of two consecutive years in pine forest highlands of central Honduras. Different timber yarding systems were applied to pseudo-replicated plots during the rainy seasons of 1999 and 2000. In 1999, two treatments were studied: tractor yarding and skyline cable (a recommended BMP). In 2000, four treatments were evaluated: tractor skidding, skyline cable, animal skidding (another recommended BMP), and undisturbed forest (reference). During the rainy seasons of these years, surface runoff volumes and sediment yield were measured at five 1.5m x 10m erosion plots in each treated area. The results showed significant differences between traditional tractor yarding and the recommended skyline cable and animal skidding methods. Tractor yarding produced six to ten times more erosion during the rainy seasons than cable and animal yarding. The improved soil retention of cable and animal yarding was especially important during September when the highest rainfall occurred in this climate.


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Sabe-se que Bone morphogenic proteins (BMP) são promotores de osteogênese, mas pesquisas ainda estão sendo feitas no intuito de descobrir sua atuação clínica na reparação de fraturas. As dificuldades inerentes da reparação de fraturas de rádio-ulna de cães abaixo de 6 quilos são conhecidas, principalmente, com a ocorrência freqüente de não-união óssea devido a pouca vascularização da porção distal do radio. Tendo em vista esta realidade objetivou-se a comparação da velocidade de formação de calo ósseo entre o tratamento com placas e parafusos e tratamento com placas e parafusos associados a BMP. Foram realizadas 33 osteossinteses de regiões distais de rádio-ulna de cães, sendo 17 animais do grupo controle (tratamento com placas e parafusos) e 16 animais do grupo BMP (tratamento com placas e parafusos com adição de proteína morfogenética óssea BMP). Avaliou-se, comparativa-mente, o tempo de formação de calo ósseo, por exames radiográficos, aos 30, 60, 90,120, 180 e 210 dias de pós-operatório. Foi encontrada a média de tempo de cicatrização de 127,5 +/- 34,15 dias no grupo controle e, no grupo tratado com a proteína morfogenética óssea, a média foi de 32 +/- 15 dias. Com isto pode-se concluir que as fraturas distais de rádio e ulna, em cães menos de 6 kg, tratadas com proteína morfogenética óssea sofreram redução significativa do tempo de formação de calo ósseo.


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Resumo O desenvolvimento embrionário dos peixes é de grande importância para a piscicultura e na reintrodução de espécies ameaçadas de extinção em seus ambientes, e seu conhecimento constitui uma importante maneira para minimizar doenças e mortalidades dessas espécies. Com o auxílio de técnicas como a Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e a imuno-histoquimica para identificar proteínas ósseas, foi possível avaliar as fases de desenvolvimento com mais riqueza de detalhes, facilitando a compreensão de hábitos e da biologia da espécie. Neste trabalho pudemos observar a ontogenia e osteogênese da Piapara (Leporinus elongatus), desde a fecundação até a fase juvenil, sendo evidenciadas estruturas importantes como o tamanho do vitelo, essencial para a nutrição do embrião; o fechamento do blastóporo, evento principal da embriogênese, que indica as taxas de fertilização; a metamorfose, que indica a formação dos primeiros e principais órgãos do animal e a formação de sua estrutura óssea. As Proteínas Ósseas Morfogenéticas (BMP-2 e BMP-4), moléculas essenciais reguladoras no desenvolvimento embrionário e na formação óssea, foram observadas apenas no estádio larval até o período juvenil, não sendo evidenciadas nos estágios anteriores. Os resultados desse trabalho trouxeram novas informações quanto à biologia do desenvolvimento dessa espécie, que certamente poderão auxiliar no aprimoramento de técnicas reprodutivas visando uma melhora na sua produção seja para fins comerciais ou de repovoamento.


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Kokemukset viimeaikaisista konflikteista ovat johtaneet siihen, että eri valtioiden asevoimat ovat kehittäneet aikaisempaa raskaampia taisteluajoneuvoja. Pääasiallinen valmistusmenetelmä on ollut käyttää jo olemassa olevia taistelupanssarivaunun runkoja uuden vaunun rakentamiseen. Resurssien rajallisuus, vaikutuskeskeisyyden korostuminen sotataidossa ja taistelukentän muutos asettaa nykyisille taisteluajoneuvoille vaatimuksia, joihin ne eivät täysin kykene vastaamaan. Ajoneuvoille asetettuihin vaatimuksiin voitaisiin etsiä vastausta myös Leopard 2A4 -alustaisella raskaalla jalkaväen taisteluajoneuvolla. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä etuja Leopard 2A4 -vaunujen hyödyntämisellä raskaan jalkaväen taisteluajoneuvon valmistukseen voitaisiin saavuttaa. Tavoitteeseen päästäkseen tutkimuksessa vastataan seuraaviin kysymyksiin: mitä ovat raskaat jalkaväen taisteluajoneuvot? Mitä haasteita raskaiden jalkaväen taisteluajoneuvojen valmistus aiheuttaa? Miten raskaat jalkaväen taisteluajoneuvot soveltuvat 2000-luvun taistelukentän toimintaympäristöön? Tutkielman pääasiallinen tutkimusmenetelmä on kirjallisuusanalyysi. Näkökulma on pääosin tekninen. Tärkeimpinä lähteinä ovat toimineet Serbian yliopiston tutkijoiden tutkimus raskaista jalkaväen taisteluajoneuvoista, Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun Taktiikan laitoksen julkaisema Liikkuvuus 2030 -tutkimus, sekä Puolustusvoimien Teknillisen tutkimuslaitoksen Sotatekninen arvio ja ennuste 2025. Maailmalla näytetyt esimerkit osoittavat, että taistelupanssarivaunuista on mahdollista tuottaa toimiva raskas jalkaväen taisteluajoneuvo. Ajoneuvojen vahvuuksia ovat hyvä taistelutekninen ja taktinen liikkuvuus, ylivertainen suojaus ja yhdistettyjen alustaratkaisuiden tuomat logistiset säästöt. Heikkouksina ovat strateginen liikkuvuus ja uuden kaluston tutkimus- ja kehityskustannukset. Leopard 2A4 -rungolle rakennetulla ajoneuvolla olisi aikanaan mahdollista korvata vanhentuvaa BMP-2 rynnäkköpanssarivaunukalustoa.


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Prostate cancer is a heterogeneous disease affecting an increasing number of men all over the world, but particularly in the countries with the Western lifestyle. The best biomarker assay currently available for the diagnosis of the disease, the measurement of prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels from blood, lacks specificity, and even when combined with invasive tests such as digital rectal exam and prostate tissue biopsies, these methods can both miss cancers, and lead to overdiagnosis and subsequent overtreatment of cancers. Moreover, they cannot provide an accurate prognosis for the disease. Due to the high prevalence of indolent prostate cancers, the majority of men affected by prostate cancer would be able to live without any medical intervention. Their latent prostate tumors would not cause any clinical symptoms during their lifetime, but few are willing to take the risk, as currently there are no methods or biomarkers to reliably differentiate the indolent cancers from the aggressive, lethal cases that really are in need of immediate medical treatment. This doctoral work concentrated on validating 12 novel candidate genes for use as biomarkers for prostate cancer by measuring their mRNA expression levels in prostate tissue and peripheral blood of men with cancer as well as unaffected individuals. The panel of genes included the most prominent markers in the current literature: PCA3 and the fusion gene TMPRSS2-ERG, in addition to BMP-6, FGF-8b, MSMB, PSCA, SPINK1, and TRPM8; and the kallikrein-related peptidase genes 2, 3, 4, and 15. Truly quantitative reverse-transcription PCR assays were developed for each of the genes for the purpose, time-resolved fluorometry was applied in the real-time detection of the amplification products, and the gene expression data were normalized by using artificial internal RNA standards. Cancer-related, statistically significant differences in gene transcript levels were found for TMPRSS2-ERG, PCA3, and in a more modest scale, for KLK15, PSCA, and SPINK1. PCA3 RNA was found in the blood of men with metastatic prostate cancer, but not in localized cases of cancer, suggesting limitations for using this method for early cancer detection in blood. TMPRSS2-ERG mRNA transcripts were found more frequently in cancerous than in benign prostate tissues, but they were present also in 51% of the histologically benign prostate tissues of men with prostate cancer, while being absent in specimens from men without any signs of prostate cancer. PCA3 was shown to be 5.8 times overexpressed in cancerous tissue, but similarly to the fusion gene mRNA, its levels were upregulated also in the histologically benign regions of the tissue if the corresponding prostate was harboring carcinoma. These results indicate a possibility to utilize these molecular assays to assist in prostate cancer risk evaluation especially in men with initially histologically negative biopsies.


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Activation of NFkappaB plays a pivotal role in many cellular processes such as inflammation, proliferation and apoptosis. In Drosophila, nuclear translocation of the NFkappaB-related transcription factor Dorsal is spatially regulated in order to subdivide the embryo into three primary dorsal-ventral (DV) domains: the ventral presumptive mesoderm, the lateral neuroectoderm and the dorsal ectoderm. Ventral activation of the Toll receptor induces degradation of the IkappaB-related inhibitor Cactus, liberating Dorsal for nuclear translocation. In addition, other pathways have been suggested to regulate Dorsal. Signaling through the maternal BMP member Decapentaplegic (Dpp) inhibits Dorsal translocation along a pathway parallel to and independent of Toll. In the present study, we show for the first time that the maternal JAK/STAT pathway also regulates embryonic DV patterning. Null alleles of loci coding for elements of the JAK/STAT pathway, hopscotch (hop), marelle (mrl) and zimp (zimp), modify zygotic expression along the DV axis. Genetic analysis suggests that the JAK kinase Hop, most similar to vertebrate JAK2, may modify signals downstream of Dpp. In addition, an activated form of Hop results in increased levels of Cactus and Dorsal proteins, modifying the Dorsal/Cactus ratio and consequently DV patterning. These results indicate that different maternal signals mediated by the Toll, BMP and JAK/STAT pathways may converge to regulate NFkappaB activity in Drosophila.


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are multi-functional growth factors belonging to the transforming growth factor ß superfamily. Family members are expressed during limb development, endochondral ossification, early fracture, and cartilage repair. The activity of BMPs was first identified in the 1960s but the proteins responsible for bone induction were unknown until the purification and cloning of human BMPs in the 1980s. To date, about 15 BMP family members have been identified and characterized. The signal triggered by BMPs is transduced through serine/threonine kinase receptors, type I and II subtypes. Three type I receptors have been shown to bind BMP ligands, namely: type IA and IB BMP receptors and type IA activin receptors. BMPs seem to be involved in the regulation of cell proliferation, survival, differentiation and apoptosis, but their hallmark is their ability to induce bone, cartilage, ligament, and tendon formation at both heterotopic and orthotopic sites. This suggests that, in the future, they may play a major role in the treatment of bone diseases. Several animal studies have illustrated the potential of BMPs to enhance spinal fusion, repair critical-size defects, accelerate union, and heal articular cartilage lesions. Difficulties in producing and purifying BMPs from bone tissue have prompted the attempts made by several laboratories, including ours, to express these proteins in the recombinant form in heterologous systems. This review focuses on BMP structure, molecular mechanisms of action and significance and potential applications in medical, dental and veterinary practice for the treatment of cartilage and bone-related diseases.


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Tissue transglutaminase (type II, TG2) has long been postulated to directly promote skeletal matrix calcification and play an important role in ossification. However, limited information is available on the expression, function and modulating mechanism of TG2 during osteoblast differentiation and mineralization. To address these issues, we cultured the well-established human osteosarcoma cell line SAOS-2 with osteo-inductive conditioned medium and set up three time points (culture days 4, 7, and 14) to represent different stages of SAOS-2 differentiation. Osteoblast markers, mineralization, as well as TG2 expression and activity, were then assayed in each stage. Furthermore, we inhibited TG activity with cystamine and then checked SAOS-2 differentiation and mineralization in each stage. The results showed that during the progression of osteoblast differentiation SAOS-2 cells presented significantly high levels of osteocalcin (OC) mRNA, bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) and collagen I, significantly high alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, and the increased formation of calcified matrix. With the same tendency, TG2 expression and activity were up-regulated. Furthermore, inhibition of TG activity resulted in a significant decrease of OC, collagen I, and BMP-2 mRNA and of ALP activity and mineralization. This study demonstrated that TG2 is involved in osteoblast differentiation and may play a role in the initiation and regulation of the mineralization processes. Moreover, the modulating effects of TG2 on osteoblasts may be related to BMP-2.


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Wear particles are phagocytosed by macrophages and other inflammatory cells, resulting in cellular activation and release of proinflammatory factors, which cause periprosthetic osteolysis and subsequent aseptic loosening, the most common causes of total joint arthroplasty failure. During this pathological process, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) plays an important role in wear-particle-induced osteolysis. In this study, recombination adenovirus (Ad) vectors carrying both target genes [TNF-α small interfering RNA (TNF-α-siRNA) and bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2)] were synthesized and transfected into RAW264.7 macrophages and pro-osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells, respectively. The target gene BMP-2, expressed on pro-osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells and silenced by the TNF-α gene on cells, was treated with titanium (Ti) particles that were assessed by real-time PCR and Western blot. We showed that recombinant adenovirus (Ad-siTNFα-BMP-2) can induce osteoblast differentiation when treated with conditioned medium (CM) containing RAW264.7 macrophages challenged with a combination of Ti particles and Ad-siTNFα-BMP-2 (Ti-ad CM) assessed by alkaline phosphatase activity. The receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand was downregulated in pro-osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells treated with Ti-ad CM in comparison with conditioned medium of RAW264.7 macrophages challenged with Ti particles (Ti CM). We suggest that Ad-siTNFα-BMP-2 induced osteoblast differentiation and inhibited osteoclastogenesis on a cell model of a Ti particle-induced inflammatory response, which may provide a novel approach for the treatment of periprosthetic osteolysis.


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Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1) and bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) are important regulators of bone repair and regeneration. In this study, we examined whether TGF-β1 and BMP-2 expressions were delayed during bone healing in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Tibial fractures were created in 95 diabetic and 95 control adult male Wistar rats of 10 weeks of age. At 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks after fracture induction, five rats were sacrificed from each group. The expressions of TGF-β1 and BMP2 in the fractured tibias were measured by immunohistochemistry and quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction, weekly for the first 5 weeks post-fracture. Mechanical parameters (bending rigidity, torsional rigidity, destruction torque) of the healing bones were also assessed at 3, 4, and 5 weeks post-fracture, after the rats were sacrificed. The bending rigidity, torsional rigidity and destruction torque of the two groups increased continuously during the healing process. The diabetes group had lower mean values for bending rigidity, torsional rigidity and destruction torque compared with the control group (P<0.05). TGF-β1 and BMP-2 expression were significantly lower (P<0.05) in the control group than in the diabetes group at postoperative weeks 1, 2, and 3. Peak levels of TGF-β1 and BMP-2 expression were delayed by 1 week in the diabetes group compared with the control group. Our results demonstrate that there was a delayed recovery in the biomechanical function of the fractured bones in diabetic rats. This delay may be associated with a delayed expression of the growth factors TGF-β1 and BMP-2.


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Les décès attribués à un choc septique à la suite d’une infection sévère augmentent chez les diabétiques et surviennent assez fréquemment dans les unités de soins intensifs. Le diabète sucré et le choc septique augmentent la production d’espèces réactives oxygénées et de cytokines pro-inflammatoires, lesquelles activent le facteur de transcription nucléaire Kappa B conduisant à l’induction du récepteur B1 (RB1) des kinines. Le diabète induit par la streptozotocine (STZ) augmente l’expression du RB1 dans divers tissus périphériques, le cerveau et la moelle épinière. Les lipopolysaccharides bactériens (LPS), souvent utilisés pour induire le choc septique, induisent aussi le RB1. L’objectif de ce travail vise à démontrer la contribution du RB1 des kinines dans l’exacerbation du choc septique pendant le diabète. Des rats Sprague-Dawley (225-250 gr) traités à la STZ (65 mg/kg, i.p.) ou le véhicule ont reçu quatre jours plus tard les LPS (2 mg/kg, i.v.) ou le véhicule en présence ou pas d’un antagoniste du RB1 (SSR240612, 10 mg/kg) administré par gavage. La température corporelle a été mesurée pendant 24h après le traitement. Le SSR240612 a aussi été administré à 9h AM et 9h PM et les rats sacrifiés à 9h AM le jour suivant après un jeûne de 16 h. Les effets de ces traitements ont été mesurés sur les taux plasmatiques d’insuline et de glucose, l’œdème et la perméabilité vasculaire (dans divers tissus avec la technique du Bleu d’Evans) ainsi que sur l’expression du RB1 (PCR en temps réel) dans le cœur et le rein. L’augmentation de la température corporelle après traitement au LPS chez les rats traités ou pas à la STZ a été bloquée par le SSR240612. L’antagoniste a normalisé l’hyperglycémie et amélioré la déficience en insuline chez les rats STZ. Le SSR240612 a inhibé l’œdème et réduit la perméabilité vasculaire dans les tissus des rats diabétiques traités ou pas avec les LPS. La surexpression du RB1 chez les rats traités au STZ et/ou LPS était renversée par le SSR240612. Cet antagoniste a prévenu la mortalité causée par les LPS et LPS plus STZ. Les effets anti-pyrétique, anti-inflammatoire et anti-diabétique du SSR240612 suggèrent que le RB1 puisse représenter une cible thérapeutique valable pour le traitement de la co-morbidité associée au choc septique dans le diabète.