419 resultados para BITTER MELON
The following case study depicts the bitter transfiguration of Portugal Telecom, SGPS (PT), a multinational telecommunications company that was once an honourable flag of innovation, corporate governance standards in Portugal and overseas. It scrutinises the controversial episodes that paved the way for the pitiful condition in which PT is nowadays: a company that carries the weight of a ruinous €897 million investment in a defaulted company and no more than a 25.6% stake in a heavily indebted Brazilian carrier. The free-fall is made, ironically, of a complete disregard for best corporate governance practices, allowing for PT’s major shareholders to take over the helm of the company, using it selfishly as a cash cow.
Através da comparação das ideias de três grandes teóricos da política no conturbado contexto da República de Weimar, esta dissertação pretende reconsiderar a crise da legitimidade política na modernidade tardia. Tal crise é concebida tanto em sentido estrito, enquanto crise das democracias liberais perante os efeitos de rápidas mudanças sociais e a emergência da política de massas, como em sentido lato, ou seja, enquanto crise dos alicerces político-intelectuais da era moderna. Nessa medida, veremos como os juízos de Weber, Kelsen e Schmitt não se limitam a veicular veredictos contrastantes sobre a democracia de massas, o parlamentarismo e os partidos políticos, remetendo também para narrativas distintas sobre o destino do homem moderno – narrativas que oscilam entre o optimismo moderado, a ambivalência e a reacção hostil.
This paper deals with some Millipedes (Diplopoda), which have been verified associated with or attacking on cultivated plants. The following forms are reported: 1) Orthomorpha (Orthomorpha) coarctata (Saussure, 1860) - Enormous numbers of individuals belonging to this species, whose synanthropic habits are frequentely emphasized, were collected around coffee-plants kept in a nursery. Young plants (with 10 cm) are mentioned as damaged by the species, which gnaws the stem, just above the roots. The dusting with benzene hexachloride (BHC) was successfully employed to prevent the invasions. Other occurrences of O. coarctata are reported, ecological and biological informations being also added. 2) Orthomorpha (Kalorthomorpha) gracilis (C. L. Koch, 1847) - Observed frequentely associated with the former species, being however less numerous. Both forms are very active, seemming to be widely distributed throughout the State of S. Paulo. 3) Cylindroiulus (Aneuloboiulus) britannicus (Verhoeff, 1891) - This species represents the first european Millipede verified in Brazil, by O. SCHUBART (1942a). The Author obtained a few specimens associated with O. gracilis, from the roots of lettuce plants. The lesions shown by the stem just above the roots seem to be due to both species. 4) Alloporus setiger Broelemann, 1902; Gymnostreptus olivaceus Schubart, 1944 and Pseudonannolene tricolor Broelemann, 1902 - Total damages determined by these species (mainly G. olivaceus) were observed in cultures of sugar-beet and melon. Actually, the Millipedes destroyed entirely the roots of the former plant and the fruits of the latter, representing a serious pest, here reported by the first time. Ecological and bionomical data are also included. 5) Pseudonannolene sp. (possibly P. paulista Broelemann, 1902) - Verified gnawing sweet-potatoes, about the crackings exhibited by the tubers. The crackings in sweet-potatoes appear to result in certain instances from a root-knot nematodes infection (Meloidogyne sp). P. paulista was recentely observed attacking potatoes, destroying from 6 to 30% of the tubers, according to the variety (BOOCK & LORDELLO, 1952).
There is in the literature a noteworthy lack of sampling methods to be employed in the selection of papaya fruits for genetical improvement purposes. In the present experiment methods applied to melon and watermelon were extended to papaya with good results. The authors tried to correlate the solids content-as determined by a hand refractometer-with total sugars in the fruit. The correlation does exist being significant and positive. A regression equation was worked out; it permits to calculate the total sugar content provided the Brix value determined by the hand refractometer is known. The equation is as follows: a = 0.57 s where a = total amount of sugar as glucose, and s = total solids.
Sir Robert Moray (1608/9-1673) fue un soldado, cortesano y "hombre de ciencia" escocés, que estuvo en el exilio durante el período de Oliver Cromwell. Poco después de su regreso a Inglaterra en 1660 y gracias en gran medida a su amistad con Carlos II, aparece vinculado al grupo que formará la Royal Society de Londres y será nombrado el primer presidente de la institución durante los primeros meses. Moray ha sido reconocido como una figura imprescindible para entender la consolidación de la Royal Society. Establece, además, una correspondencia muy importante con Christiaan Huygens, en donde aparecen tratados temas de gran relevancia en la década de 1660, tales como la determinación de la longitud en el mar mediante el uso del reloj de péndulo y la construcción y experimentación con la máquina neumática (emblema del proyecto experimental de Robert Boyle). En esta correspondencia aparecen reflejadas, así mismo, las tensiones sobre los problemas de prioridad en diferentes áreas de conocimiento. Una de estas agrias polémicas es la que enfrenta a James Gregory y a Huygens, que acabará con la relación epistolar entre Moray y el sabio holandés.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Originale, insolite, renaissante, l'action religieuse émergente bouscule les habitudes, ébranle les certitudes, construit ici, maintenant, l'autre monde. Peut-on courir le risque? Voilà que la question se pose et se résout en rumeurs publiques, poursuites judiciaires et tensions scolaires, lesquelles mettent à nu des mécanismes inédits d'institutionnalisation de l'expérience religieuse en modernité. As new religious movements seek to carve out their own niche in society, public controversy and opposing beliefs can spark bitter debates, and can even lead to calls for state intervention. How then do new or borderline religious groups negotiate or mediate the building of public space?
Natural genetic variation can have a pronounced influence on human taste perception, which in turn may influence food preference and dietary choice. Genome-wide association studies represent a powerful tool to understand this influence. To help optimize the design of future genome-wide-association studies on human taste perception we have used the well-known TAS2R38-PROP association as a tool to determine the relative power and efficiency of different phenotyping and data-analysis strategies. The results show that the choice of both data collection and data processing schemes can have a very substantial impact on the power to detect genotypic variation that affects chemosensory perception. Based on these results we provide practical guidelines for the design of future GWAS studies on chemosensory phenotypes. Moreover, in addition to the TAS2R38 gene past studies have implicated a number of other genetic loci to affect taste sensitivity to PROP and the related bitter compound PTC. None of these other locations showed genome-wide significant associations in our study. To facilitate further, target-gene driven, studies on PROP taste perception we provide the genome-wide list of p-values for all SNPs genotyped in the current study.
Gene expression data from microarrays are being applied to predict preclinical and clinical endpoints, but the reliability of these predictions has not been established. In the MAQC-II project, 36 independent teams analyzed six microarray data sets to generate predictive models for classifying a sample with respect to one of 13 endpoints indicative of lung or liver toxicity in rodents, or of breast cancer, multiple myeloma or neuroblastoma in humans. In total, >30,000 models were built using many combinations of analytical methods. The teams generated predictive models without knowing the biological meaning of some of the endpoints and, to mimic clinical reality, tested the models on data that had not been used for training. We found that model performance depended largely on the endpoint and team proficiency and that different approaches generated models of similar performance. The conclusions and recommendations from MAQC-II should be useful for regulatory agencies, study committees and independent investigators that evaluate methods for global gene expression analysis.
The first decade of the twenty-first century may be remembered for the rebirth of consensus on labour market policy. After three decades of bitter political and ideological controversy between a neo-liberal and a traditional social democratic approach, a new model, often labelled flexicurity, has emerged. This model is promoted by numerous political organisations since it promises to put an end to the old trade-off between equality and efficiency. Several countries are embracing the flexicurity model as a blueprint for labour market reform, but others, mostly belonging to the 'Mediterranean Rim', are clearly lagging behind. Why is it so difficult for these countries to implement the flexicurity model? This paper argues that the application of a flexicurity strategy in these countries is complicated by the lack of social trust between social partners and the state as well as political economy traditions that highlight the role of labour market regulation as a source of social protection.
Este estudo analítico descritivo objetivou detectar conceitos que traduzem mitos e verdades relativos à infecção hospitalar entre auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem no centro cirúrgico de três hospitais. O instrumento para coleta de dados possui 28 afirmações (15 verdadeiras e 13 falsas) contemplando fatores relacionados ao paciente, equipe cirúrgica, ambiente, procedimentos. As afirmações contêm escala em três pontos (concordo, tenho dúvida, discordo). Obtivemos respostas adequadas em 72% e não adequadas em 28%, indicando o satisfatório conhecimento da enfermagem perioperatória relacionadas ao controle infecção hospitalar . Nos itens uso de pro-pé, alianças e outros objetos, pêlo como patógeno, escovação das mãos, uso de avental e campo cirúrgico umedecidos, cirurgia infectada e rotina de limpeza, doenças ocupacionais, infecção hospitalar, infecção sítio cirúrgico e tempo operatório, pudemos detectar mitos e rituais referentes ao controle de infecção, que estão relacionados sobretudo à cultura de quem os praticam, perpetuando resistência a mudanças.
The benzothiazinone lead compound, BTZ043, kills Mycobacterium tuberculosis by inhibiting the essential flavo-enzyme DprE1, decaprenylphosphoryl-beta-D-ribose 2-epimerase. Here, we synthesized a new series of piperazine-containing benzothiazinones (PBTZ) and show that, like BTZ043, the preclinical candidate PBTZ169 binds covalently to DprE1. The crystal structure of the DprE1-PBTZ169 complex reveals formation of a semimercaptal adduct with Cys387 in the active site and explains the irreversible inactivation of the enzyme. Compared to BTZ043, PBTZ169 has improved potency, safety and efficacy in zebrafish and mouse models of tuberculosis (TB). When combined with other TB drugs, PBTZ169 showed additive activity against M. tuberculosis in vitro except with bedaquiline (BDQ) where synergy was observed. A new regimen comprising PBTZ169, BDQ and pyrazinamide was found to be more efficacious than the standard three drug treatment in a murine model of chronic disease. PBTZ169 is thus an attractive drug candidate to treat TB in humans.
Contient : Pièces relatives au procès soutenu par Jean Melon, syndic du clergé du diocèse de Tulle, demandeur en crime de faux, contre Joseph de Lespinasse, conseiller au siège présidial de ladite ville, relativement au testament de François de La Garde, élu de Tulle ; Testament, dudit F. de La Garde (7 février 1681) ; imprimé (Corda, Catal. des Factums, t. II, p. 337) ; Copie manuscrite du même testament et de pièces relatives à l'instance introduite par Jean Melon (avril 1684) ; Mémoire manuscrit adressé au Parlement par le même (s. d.) ; Pièces imprimées relatives à la même affaire ; Factum du procez par ledit J. Melon contre J.-J. de Lespinasse ; Observations sommaires sur le factum de M. de Lespinasse ; Procez verbal et raport des experts commis en cette affaire par le Parlement de Guyenne ; Factum pour M. J.-J. de Lespinasse contre M. R. Gaye, directeur du séminaire de Tulle, J. Melon et les héritiers ab intestat de Fr. de La Garde (30 août 1688) (Corda, Catal. des factums, t. III, p. 324) ; Réflexions de J. Melon sur le factum de J.-J. de Lespinasse (ibid.) ; Mémoire pour J. Melon et R. Gaye contre les héritiers de Fr. de La Garde ; Factum... servant de contredits pour M. R. Gaye contre Fr. de Saint-Priest (Corda, Cat. des Factums, t. II, p. 336) ; Mémoire particulier touchant la dépense de l'état du même (ibid.) ; Mémoire pour les maire et consuls de Tulle contre les héritiers de M. de La Garde et M. Melon (Corda, op. cit., t. VI, p. 193) ; Salvations pour Fr. de Saint-Priest et consorts contre Me Raymond Gaye ; Pièces manuscrites relatives au séminaire de Tulle : ; Arrêts de Parlement concernant les droits dudit séminaire dans l'affaire précédente (23 janvier-4 septembre 1692) ; Pièces concernant l'union du séminaire de Tulle à celui de Saint-Sulpice à Paris (28 mars 1697-19 juillet 1698) ; Mémoire sur les différends entre l'évêque de Tulle et l'hôpital général de ladite ville ; Procès-verbal de la réunion tenue audit hôpital le 11 juin 1696 ; Recueil de pièces imprimées concernant l'hôpital général de Tulle : ; Établissement d'un hôpital général dans la ville de Tulle par lettres patentes du mois de décembre 1670 (Tulle, 1687) ; Mémoire pour les administrateurs de l'hôpital de Tulle, contre M. Ancelin, évêque de cette ville (Corda, op. cit., t. VI, p. 193) ; Mémoire sur le même sujet, signé Melon (ibid.) ; Autre Mémoire sur le même sujet, signé Delarue (ibid.) ; Factum pour les doyen et chapitre de la cathédrale de Tulle, contre Gaspard Daudebert, curé de Salgues
Salt taste in mammals can trigger two divergent behavioural responses. In general, concentrated saline solutions elicit robust behavioural aversion, whereas low concentrations of NaCl are typically attractive, particularly after sodium depletion. Notably, the attractive salt pathway is selectively responsive to sodium and inhibited by amiloride, whereas the aversive one functions as a non-selective detector for a wide range of salts. Because amiloride is a potent inhibitor of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), ENaC has been proposed to function as a component of the salt-taste-receptor system. Previously, we showed that four of the five basic taste qualities-sweet, sour, bitter and umami-are mediated by separate taste-receptor cells (TRCs) each tuned to a single taste modality, and wired to elicit stereotypical behavioural responses. Here we show that sodium sensing is also mediated by a dedicated population of TRCs. These taste cells express the epithelial sodium channel ENaC, and mediate behavioural attraction to NaCl. We genetically engineered mice lacking ENaCalpha in TRCs, and produced animals exhibiting a complete loss of salt attraction and sodium taste responses. Together, these studies substantiate independent cellular substrates for all five basic taste qualities, and validate the essential role of ENaC for sodium taste in mice.
Introduction: Intoxications with colchicine usually occur by ingestion of meadow saffron leaves (Colchicum autumnale) which are mistakenly collected for alimentary purposes instead of the leaves of crow garlic (Allium ursinum). Colchicine, the main alkaloid of Colchicum autumnale, is present in all parts of the plant. We report a rarer source of mistake, i.e. between the flowers of Colchicum autumnale and Crocus sativus. The similarity in this case is limited to the appearance of the flowers, but Colchicum autumnale, which is also flowering in autumn, lacks the crimson stigma from which the saffron spice is derived from Crocus sativus. Case report: A 47-year-old woman collected the stamens of a flower resembling Crocus sativus for use as saffron. Her knowledge about Crocus sativus was limited to having seen this plant previously at a museum of saffron (Mund, Switzerland). She prepared a meal with rice using three pinches of ''saffron'' for ten tablespoons of rice. She and her 8-year-old child, both ate the usual amount of rice (6 and 2 tablespoons, respectively). The 2 brothers (4- and 9-years-old) only ate 3 teaspoons of rice each. A slightly bitter taste and the absence of a yellow colouration were peculiar. Three to four hours after the meal, the mother developed nausea and contacted the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre, suspecting a plant misidentification. All family members were referred to the regional university hospital for administration of oral activated charcoal. No other symptoms were reported, notably no symptoms in the 8-year-old boy and his brothers. Colchicine serum concentration (blood sample obtained 15 hours after ingestion) measured by HPLC-mass spectrometry was 0.36 mg/L for the mother, and 0.13 mg/L for the 8-year-old child, respectively (therapeutic levels: 0.30-2.5 mg/L). Conclusion: This report demonstrates that a significant amount of colchicine may be absorbed even after ingestion of very small quantities of Colchicum autumnale, which in this case was confused with Crocus sativus. Serum colchicine concentrations in the sub-/therapeutic range can be quantified by HPLC-mass spectrometry, which allows a very sensitive and specific detection of this alkaloid in blood and urine.
Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained. April 15, 2009 THIS WEEK: “The Bitter Years”