276 resultados para Autoreferential judgements


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Studies show cross-linguistic differences in motion event encoding, such that English speakers preferentially encode manner of motion more than Spanish speakers, who preferentially encode path of motion. Focusing on native Spanish speaking children (aged 5;00-9;00) learning L2 English, we studied path and manner verb preferences during descriptions of motion stimuli, and tested the linguistic relativity hypothesis by investigating categorization preferences in a non-verbal similarity judgement task of motion clip triads. Results revealed L2 influence on L1 motion event encoding, such that bilinguals used more manner verbs and fewer path verbs in their L1, under the influence of English. We found no effects of linguistic structure on non-verbal similarity judgements, and demonstrate for the first time effects of L2 on L1 lexicalization in child L2 learners in the domain of motion events. This pattern of verbal behaviour supports theories of bilingual semantic representation that postulate a merged lexico-semantic system in early bilinguals.


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Comprehension deficits are common in stroke aphasia, including in cases with (i) semantic aphasia (SA), characterised by poor executive control of semantic processing across verbal and nonverbal modalities, and (ii) Wernicke’s aphasia (WA), associated with poor auditory-verbal comprehension and repetition, plus fluent speech with jargon. However, the varieties of these comprehension problems, and their underlying causes, are not well-understood. Both patient groups exhibit some type of semantic ‘access’ deficit, as opposed to the ‘storage’ deficits observed in semantic dementia. Nevertheless, existing descriptions suggest these patients might have different varieties of ‘access’ impairment – related to difficulty resolving competition (in SA) vs. initial activation of concepts from sensory inputs (in WA). We used a case-series design to compare WA and SA patients on Warrington’s paradigmatic assessment of semantic ‘access’ deficits. In these verbal and non-verbal matching tasks, a small set of semantically-related items are repeatedly presented over several cycles so that the target on one trial becomes a distractor on another (building up interference and eliciting semantic ‘blocking’ effects). WA and SA patients were distinguished according to lesion location in the temporal cortex, but in each group, some individuals had additional prefrontal damage. Both of these aspects of lesion variability – one that mapped onto classical ‘syndromes’ and one that did not – predicted aspects of the semantic ‘access’ deficit. Both SA and WA cases showed multimodal semantic impairment, although as expected the WA group showed greater deficits on auditory-verbal than picture judgements. Distribution of damage in the temporal lobe was crucial for predicting the initially beneficial effects of stimulus repetition: WA cases showed initial improvement with repetition of words and pictures, while in SA, semantic access was initially good but declined in the face of competition from previous targets. Prefrontal damage predicted the harmful effects of repetition: the ability to re-select both word and picture targets in the face of mounting competition was linked to left prefrontal damage in both groups. Therefore, SA and WA patients have partially distinct impairment of semantic ‘access’ but, across these syndromes, prefrontal lesions produce declining comprehension with repetition in both verbal and non-verbal tasks.


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While several privacy protection techniques are pre- sented in the literature, they are not complemented with an established objective evaluation method for their assess- ment and comparison. This paper proposes an annotation- free evaluation method that assesses the two key aspects of privacy protection that are privacy and utility. Unlike some existing methods, the proposed method does not rely on the use of subjective judgements and does not assume a spe- cific target type in the image data. The privacy aspect is quantified as an appearance similarity and the utility aspect is measured as a structural similarity between the original raw image data and the privacy-protected image data. We performed an extensive experimentation using six challeng- ing datasets (including two new ones) to demonstrate the effectiveness of the evaluation method by providing a per- formance comparison of four state-of-the-art privacy pro- tection techniques.


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Att medarbetare är av existentiell betydelse för en organisations överlevnad är sedan länge känt. Därmed är rekrytering en av de viktigaste funktionerna inom HR för att attrahera rätt kompetens till organisationen då en misslyckad rekrytering vanligen leder till bortkastad tid och dyra rekryteringsprocesser. Något som kommit att få allt större betydelse vid urvalet och bedömningen av nya medarbetare är kandidaters personlighet. Forskning visar att personlighetsdrag spelar en stor roll när det kommer till framtida arbetsprestationer och förmågan att göra rätt bedömningar av människor är därför central. Teorier om synen på personlighet, kompetens, kompetensbaserad rekrytering och urval samt bedömningsmetoder och personlighetsbedömning används för att analysera studiens resultat. Denna kvalitativa studies övergripande syfte var att öka förståelsen för hur rekryterare bedömer en kandidats personlighet vid en rekryteringsprocess inom bemanningsföretag. Bemanningsföretag är företag som ständigt arbetar med rekrytering och uthyrning av personal, varför ett proaktivt bemanningsarbete krävs för att skapa en konkurrensfördel på marknaden. Inför denna fallstudie kontaktades tre av den svenska bemanningsbranschens största aktörer varav två rekryterare på vardera företag deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Personlighet ansågs generellt som något viktigt som samtliga rekryterare lade stor vikt vid under hela processens gång, från utformandet av kravprofilen till avslutande bedömning. Bedömningen skedde genom såväl test som intervju och referenstagning. Samtliga poängterade vikten av att alltid göra en helhetsbedömning av kandidaten och att det därmed var svårt att vikta exempelvis formella kompetenser mot personliga egenskaper. Resultatet visar att bemanningsbranschens arbete med personlighetsbedömning vid rekrytering utgår ifrån strukturerade bedömningsmetoder. Deras gedigna och proaktiva arbete med rekrytering lever upp till påståendet om att personalen är en organisations viktigaste resurs och vikten av att förstå innebörden av personlighetens betydelse i uttrycket ”rätt person på rätt plats”.


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In this dissertation, an educational perspective called the moral dimension of teaching is developed. The work includes a theoretically informed discussion from a pragmatist point of view in which the concept of pedagogical rhythm is introduced. The concept captures the need for teachers to regularly shift their intentions and occasionally act in contradictory ways as a consequence of the moral which emerges from interaction in pedagogical situations. Using this perspective, criteria are developed for the characteristics of discussions of the work of teachers, which are desirable in order for students in pre-service teacher education to have opportunities to develop their teachership. Secondly, the educational perspective as it is conceptualised serves as a theoretical framework for a study of discussions taking place in net-based seminars among students in teacher education. The study consists of 14 recorded seminars in which discussions of the work of teachers are analysed in terms of content and direction for reflection. The result of the analysis is a construction of four different focal points for processes of making judgements: existential, performative, critical and professional. Mainly the performative, and to some extent the critical, focal points appear to be supported by the net-based environment, although potential for the professional focal point is found when available tools in net-based settings are used in deliberate ways. Finally, based on these four focal points, possible future predispositions among student teachers are deliberated. Student teachers’ future opportunities to develop a moral and epistemological authority are discussed, as well as teachers’ general opportunities to exercise professional responsibility. The conclusion emphasises that a perspective such as the one developed in the dissertation is important, as it creates an understanding for the need to educate student teachers to exercise a form of responsibility that goes beyond being accountable to society.


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Esta pesquisa tem por objeto a análise sistemática da jurisprudência brasileira sobre os contratos de distribuição entre os anos de 1.980 e 2.000, procurando identificar qual a posição dos nossos Tribunais face a esses contratos. Nessa linha, constatou-se que os casos (acórdãos) abrem-se em cinco grandes blocos, quais sejam: (1) atribuição/divisão territorial; (2) questões possessórias; (3) renovatória de locação; (4) rescisão dos contratos de distribuição. Este grupo divide-se (i) naqueles contratos sujeitos à Lei Ferrari, (ii) naqueles referentes ao setor de combustíveis e derivados e (iii) naqueles não subsumíveis a tal diploma; (5) questões processuais relevantes, dividido em (i) litisconsórcio necessário e (ii) título executivo extrajudicial. Além disso, por se tratar de uma avenca atípica na maioria dos casos, a pesquisa procurou extrair de cada um dos casos qual o conceito de contrato de distribuição adotado.


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Esta dissertação pretende demonstrar que os Juizados Especiais Cíveis Estaduais, regulados pela Lei n° 9.099/95, orientados pelos princípios da oralidade, simplicidade, informalidade, economia processual e celeridade, que foram criados em decorrência da necessidade de viabilizar um maior acesso à justiça, principalmente da população mais carente, com redução de custos e simplificação de procedimentos que possibilitassem os julgamentos dentro de um prazo razoável, na realidade da práxis forense, estão sendo desvirtuado dos seus objetivos. Neste sentido, o estudo apresenta números comprovando que os Juizados Especiais cumpriram seu desiderato de proporcionar o acesso ao judiciário, mas que passaram a padecer do mesmo problema da justiça comum: a morosidade na entrega da prestação jurisdicional. Além da incompatibilidade de estrutura com a atual demanda que obviamente vai ensejar lentidão nos Juizados, o estudo apresenta como motivo para esse quadro a conduta dos juizes, responsáveis pela administração do processo, que reproduzem nos Juizados o fomlalismo e a burocracia inerente ao processo civil comum, ao instituir, em evidente descompasso com a lei e seus princípios, um procedimento com duas audiências, sendo uma para conciliação e outra, nos casos em que não é obtido acordo, para instrução e julgamento, em dias distintos, aumentando o tempo de duração dos processos. O estudo conclui que a utilização de audiência única, além de ser uma detenninação legal e estar em sintonia com seus princípios, proporciona celeridade nos julgamentos. diminuindo o custo e o tempo de espera dos litigantes, obstáculos do acesso à justiça que a Lei n° 9.099/95 procurou remover.


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Aim: Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are regularly confronted with physical constraints during locomotion. Because abnormalities in motor control are often related to perceptual deficits, the aim of this study was to find out whether children with CP were able to walk across a road as safely as their non-handicapped peers. Method: Ten children with CP and 10 non-handicapped children aged 4-14 y were asked to cross a simulated road if they felt the situation was safe. Results: With respect to safety and accuracy of crossings, the behaviour of children with CP was comparable with that of non-handicapped children. However, a closer examination of children's individual crossing behaviour showed considerable differences within the CP group. In contrast to children with damage to the left hemisphere, children with damage to the right hemisphere made unsafe decisions and did not compensate for them by increasing walking speed.Conclusion: the differences in unsafe behaviour and in the ability to compensate for it within the group of children with CP might be related to damage to specific regions of the brain that are involved in the processing of spatial or temporal information.


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The field of affective neuroscience has emerged from the efforts of Jaak Panksepp in the 1990s and reinforced by the work of, among others, Joseph LeDoux in the 2000s. It is based on the ideas that affective processes are supported by brain structures that appeared earlier in the phylogenetic scale (as the periaqueductal gray area), they run in parallel with cognitive processes, and can influence behaviour independently of cognitive judgements. This kind of approach contrasts with the hegemonic concept of conscious processing in cognitive neurosciences, which is based on the identification of brain circuits responsible for the processing of (cognitive) representations. Within cognitive neurosciences, the frontal lobes are assigned the role of coordinators in maintaining affective states and their emotional expressions under cognitive control. An intermediary view is the Damasio-Bechara Somatic Marker model, which puts cognition under partial somatic-affective control. We present here our efforts to make a synthesis of these views, by proposing the existence of two interacting brain circuits; the first one in charge of cognitive processes and the second mediating feelings about cognitive contents. The coupling of the two circuits promotes an endogenous feedback that supports conscious processes. Within this framework, we present the defence that detailed study of both affective and cognitive processes, their interactions, as well of their respective brain networks, is necessary for a science of consciousness.© MSM 2013.


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São raros os estudos envolvendo o uso múltiplo de recursos naturais por populações amazônicas. Este trabalho apresenta um panorama de como os índios Deni, habitantes da região de interflúvio entre dois dos maiores afluentes de água branca da bacia amazônica, os rios Juruá e Purus, utilizam dos recursos disponíveis em seu território. Os Deni são, atualmente, índios que vivem da exploração de recursos da terra firme e de regiões alagadas. São um misto de horticultores e caçadores/coletores, que utilizam toda a sua área para a obtenção de recursos para subsistência. Como regra, deslocam periodicamente seus assentamentos, evitando o esgotamento local de recursos, e provocando a modificação local do ambiente. Esta alteração aumenta temporariamente a disponibilidade de alimento. Áreas com aldeias, pomares e roçados abandonados, por sua vez, tornam-se locais onde se concentram inúmeros recursos da flora e da fauna, posteriormente explorados. O impacto provocado por este sistema é aparentemente mínimo. Os Deni estão contextualizados na periferia de um sistema capitalista, onde a única fonte de renda para adquirir bens que são hoje considerados pelos índios como indispensáveis para sua sobrevivência são os recursos naturais. Estes são e continuarão sendo explorados de maneira a produzir um excedente a ser comercializado para a obtenção de uma série de produtos industrializados, independentemente das opiniões externas. É sobre este patamar que devemos avaliar a sustentabilidade do atual manejo da área.


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Este trabalho pretende, com base em alguns textos de Theodor Adorno e de Walter Benjamin, discutir o significado dos conceitos de “resistência” e de “conformismo” para tais autores. Esses conceitos não são elaborados de modo explícito ou sistemático por ambos; ao contrário, são sutilmente relacionados a alguns aspectos da vida social contemporânea, como o desaparecimento da experiência, o declínio da narração, a perda do sentido da história e a conseqüente supressão da memória, e o surgimento da indústria cultural. Dessa maneira, explicitar esses conceitos, especialmente quando referidos a essas questões, ajuda-nos não só a entender a concepção de Benjamin e de Adorno, mas também seus juízos sobre a cena cultural do início do século XX - sem, todavia, pretender estabelecer um modelo do que possa ser a resistência ou o conformismo.


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The article presents the studies of a current investigation among 75 adolescents from 12 to 15 years old, students of private schools of Campinas city, that have as main objective to notice a possible correspondence among the moral judgements and the representation that individuals have about themselves. From the feeling of admiration the studies bring out the representations of these individuals and answer a questioning if they would have an ethics character or not and if these would correspond to their moral judgements. The results point out to a correspondence among those whose representations of themselves are characterized by more evolved ethics contents and judgements as for sensitivity to the feelings of the characters involved in the situations described. Such studies validate the intention of this article to discuss the correspondences between ethics (how the individual sees himself/herself) and moral (how he/she judges the moral of the situations).


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Customer satisfaction has been traditionally studied and measured regardless of the time elapsed since the purchase. Some studies have recently reopened the debate about the temporal pattern of satisfaction. This research aims to explain why “how you evaluate a service depends on when you evaluate it” on the basis of the theoretical framework proposed by Construal-Level Theory (CLT). Although an empirical investigation is still lacking, the literature does not deny that CLT can be applied also with regard to past events. Moreover, some studies support the idea that satisfaction is a good predictor of future intentions, while others do not. On the basis of CLT, we argue that these inconsistent results are due to the different construal levels of the information pertaining to retrospective and prospective evaluations. Building on the Two-Factor Theory, we explain the persistence of certain attributes’ representations over time according to their relationship with overall performance. We present and discuss three experiments and one field study that were conducted a) to test the extensibility of CLT to past events, b) to disentangle memory and construal effects, c) to study the effect of different temporal perspective on overall satisfaction judgements, and d) to investigate the temporal shift of the determinants of customer satisfaction as a function of temporal distance.


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La tesi affronta le questioni processuali connesse alla verifica dei reati di guida in stato di ebbrezza e di alterazione da droghe. La ricerca si sviluppa in tre direzioni. La prima parte studia la disciplina tedesca. L’analisi parte dalle norme sostanziali che definiscono le fattispecie incriminatrici contemplate dall’ordinamento osservato; s’interessa, poi, degli equilibri tra gli strumenti di captazione della prova utili ai reati in discorso ed il principio nemo tenetur se detegere (l’ estensione del diritto di difesa tedesco copre anche le prove reali e non prevede obblighi di collaborazione all’alcoltest). Prosegue, infine, con l’esame delle metodologie di acquisizione della prova, dall’etilometro agli screening per le droghe, sino al prelievo ematico coattivo, indispensabile per l’accertamento penale. La seconda sezione esamina gli artt. 186 e 187 del codice della strada italiano, alla luce del principio di libertà personale e del diritto a non autoincriminarsi. Particolarmente delicati gli equilibri rispetto a quest’ultimo: l’obbligatorietà di un atto potenzialmente autoaccusatorio è evitabile solo a pena di una severa sanzione. Occorre definire se il diritto di difesa copra anche il mero facere o garantisca il solo silenzio. Se si ammette, infatti, che il nemo tenetur sia applicabile anche alle prove reali, la collaborazione obbligatoria imposta al conducente è scelta incompatibile con il diritto di difesa: la disciplina italiana presenta, dunque, profili d’illegittimità costituzionale. La terza parte riguarda le problematiche processuali poste dai controlli stradali che emergono dall’analisi della giurisprudenza. Si affrontano, così, le diverse vicende della formazione della prova: ci si interroga sull’istituto processuale cui ricondurre gli accertamenti, sulle garanzie di cui goda il guidatore durante e dopo l’espletamento dell’atto, sulle eventuali sanzioni processuali derivanti da una violazione delle predette garanzie. Si esaminano, infine, le regole di apprezzamento della prova che guidano il giudice nella delicata fase valutativa.