984 resultados para Auger Electron Spectroscopy
Spectroscopic studies of laser -induced plasma from a high-temperature superconducting material, viz., YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO), have been carried out. Electron temperature and electron density measurements were made from spectral data. The Stark broad ening of emission lines was used to determine the electron density, and the ratio of line in tensities was exploited for the determination of electron temperature. An initial electron temperature of 2.35 eV and electron density of 2.5 3 1017 cm2 3 were observed. The dependence on electron temperature and density on different experimental parameters such as distance from the target, delay time after the in itiation of the plasm a, and laser irradiance is also discussed in detail. Index Headings: Laser -plasma spectroscopy; Plasma diagnostics; Emission spectroscop y; YBa2Cu3O7.
A silver target kept under partial vacuum conditions was irradiated with focused nanosecond pulses at 1:06 mm from a Nd:YAG laser. The electron emission monitored with a Langmuir probe shows a clear twin-peak distribution. The first peak which is very sharp has only a small delay and it indicates prompt electron emission with energy as much as 60 5 eV. Also the prompt electron emission shows a temporal profile with a width that is same as that for the laser pulse whereas the second peak is broader, covers several microseconds, and represents the low-energy electrons (2 0:5 eV) associated with the laser-induced silver plasma as revealed by time-of-flight measurements. It has been found that prompt electrons ejected from the target collisionally excite and ionize ambient gas molecules. Clearly resolved rotational structure is observed in the emission spectra of ambient nitrogen molecules. Combined with time-resolved spectroscopy, the prompt electrons can be used as excitation sources for various collisional excitation–relaxation experiments. The electron density corresponding to the first peak is estimated to be of the order of 1017 cm?--3 and it is found that the density increases as a function of distance away from the target. Dependence of probe current on laser intensity shows plasma shielding at high laser intensities.
The main objective of the present study is to understand different mechanisms involved in the production and evolution of plasma by the pulsed laser ablation and radio frequency magnetron sputtering. These two methods are of particular interest, as these are well accomplished methods used for surface coatings, nanostructure fabrications and other thin film devices fabrications. Material science researchers all over the world are involved in the development of devices based on transparent conducting oxide (TCO) thin films. Our laboratory has been involved in the development of TCO devices like thin film diodes using zinc oxide (ZnO) and zinc magnesium oxide (ZnMgO), thin film transistors (TFT's) using zinc indium oxide and zinc indium tin oxide, and some electroluminescent (EL) devices by pulsed laser ablation and RF magnetron sputtering.In contrast to the extensive literature relating to pure ZnO and other thin films produced by various deposition techniques, there appears to have been relatively little effort directed towards the characterization of plasmas from which such films are produced. The knowledge of plasma dynamics corresponding to the variations in the input parameters of ablation and sputtering, with the kind of laser/magnetron used for the generation of plasma, is limited. To improve the quality of the deposited films for desired application, a sound understanding of the plume dynamics, physical and chemical properties of the species in the plume is required. Generally, there is a correlation between the plume dynamics and the structural properties of the films deposited. Thus the study of the characteristics of the plume contributes to a better understanding and control of the deposition process itself. The hydrodynamic expansion of the plume, the composition, and SIze distribution of clusters depend not only on initial conditions of plasma production but also on the ambient gas composition and pressure. The growth and deposition of the films are detennined by the thermodynamic parameters of the target material and initial conditions such as electron temperature and density of the plasma.For optimizing the deposition parameters of various films (stoichiometric or otherwise), in-situ or ex-situ monitoring of plasma plume dynamics become necessary for the purpose of repeatability and reliability. With this in mind, the plume dynamics and compositions of laser ablated and RF magnetron sputtered zinc oxide plasmas have been investigated. The plasmas studied were produced at conditions employed typically for the deposition of ZnO films by both methods. Apart from this two component ZnO plasma, a multi-component material (lead zirconium titanate) was ablated and plasma was characterized.
In this article we present size dependent spectroscopic observations of nanocolloids of ZnO. ZnO is reported to show two emission bands, an ultraviolet (UV) emission band and another in the green region. Apart from the known band gap 380 nm and impurity 530 nm emissions, we have found some peculiar features in the fluorescence spectra that are consistent with the nanoparticle size distribution. Results show that additional emissions at 420 and 490 nm are developed with particle size. The origin of the visible band emission is discussed. The mechanism of the luminescence suggests that UV luminescence of ZnO colloid is related to the transition from conduction band edge to valence band, and visible luminescence is caused by the transition from deep donor level to valence band due to oxygen vacancies and by the transition from conduction band to deep acceptor level due to impurities and defect states. A correlation analysis between the particle size and spectroscopic observations is also discussed.
We have employed time-dependent local-spin-density theory to analyze the far-infrared transmission spectrum of InAs self-assembled nanoscopic rings recently reported [A. Lorke et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (to be published)]. The overall agreement between theory and experiment is fairly good, which on the one hand confirms that the experimental peaks indeed reflect the ringlike structure of the sample, and on the other hand, asseses the suitability of the theoretical method to describe such nanostructures. The addition energies of one- and two-electron rings are also reported and compared with the corresponding capacitance spectra
High-sensitivity electron paramagnetic resonance experiments have been carried out in fresh and stressed Mn12 acetate single crystals for frequencies ranging from 40 GHz up to 110 GHz. The high number of crystal dislocations formed in the stressing process introduces a E(Sx2-Sy2) transverse anisotropy term in the spin Hamiltonian. From the behavior of the resonant absorptions on the applied transverse magnetic field we have obtained an average value for E=22 mK, corresponding to a concentration of dislocations per unit cell of c=10-3.
Absolute Kr 4s-electron photoionization cross sections as a function of the exciting-photon energy were measured by photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (PIFS) at improved primary-energy resolution. The cross sections were determined from threshold to 33.5 eV and to 90 eV with primary-photon bandwidths of 25 meV and 50 meV, respectively. The measurements were compared with experimental data and selected theoretical calculations for the direct Kr 4s-electron photoionization cross sections.
The photoionization of the Ne 2s-electrons was studied from threshold to 1 eV above threshold. The technique of photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy was applied. Pronounced structures were observed resulting from autoionization of doubly excited atomic states. A threshold cross section of 0.17 Mb was determined.
A new type of many-electron radiative transitions involving three electrons is predicted. The results of their investigation by many-body perturbation theory are presented. New spectral lines observed in the wavelength range of 37.5 to 54.0 nm by means of photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (PIFS) following the excitation of the Kr I 3d{^-1}np resonances are reported and compared with the predictions.
In continuation of our previous work on the quintet transitions 1s2s2p^2 ^5 P-1s2s2p3d ^5 P^0, ^5 D^0, results on other n = 2 - n' = 3 quintet transitions for elements N, 0 and F are presented. Assignments have been established by comparison with Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock calculations. High spectral resolution on beam-foil spectroscopy was essential for the identification of most of the lines. For some of the quintet lines decay curves were measured, and the lifetimes extracted were found to be in reasonable agreement with MCDF calculations.
Energy spectra of electrons ejected from collisions between a carbon foil and Ne projectiles with energies between 1.4 and 20 MeV have been measured. Continuous and discrete electron energy distributions are observed. Auger transitions of foil-excited Ne have been studied. Using relativistic Dirac-Fock multiconfiguration calculations, most of the measured Auger transitions have been identified.
Using Doppler-free two-photon absorption spectroscopy, we have measured hyperfine splitting constants as well as isotopic level shifts of the 6s^2 np ^2 P_l/2,3/2 states in (n=7-10) in ^203 TI and ^205 TI. Calculations for hyperfine constants and electron density at the nucleus have been performed by the Dirac-Fock method. The experimental results are compared with these calculations as well as with the predictions of the semiempirical theory.
KLL-Auger transitions of the three electron system in Ne have been recorded in a coincidence experiment frec of contaminants from other systems. Energies as well as intensities are compared with calculated values.
The time dependent Dirac equation which describes a heavy ion-atom collision system is solved via a set of coupled channel equations with energy eigenvalues and matrix elements which are given by a selfconsistent field many electron calculation. After a brief discussion of the theoretical approximations and the connection of the many particle with the one particle interpretation we discuss first results for the systems F{^8+} - Ne and F{^6+} - Ne. The resulting P(b) curves for the creation of a Ne K-hole are in good agreement with the experimental results.
Point defects in metal oxides such as TiO2 are key to their applications in numerous technologies. The investigation of thermally induced nonstoichiometry in TiO2 is complicated by the difficulties in preparing and determining a desired degree of nonstoichiometry. We study controlled self-doping of TiO2 by adsorption of 1/8 and 1/16 monolayer Ti at the (110) surface using a combination of experimental and computational approaches to unravel the details of the adsorption process and the oxidation state of Ti. Upon adsorption of Ti, x-ray and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (XPS and UPS) show formation of reduced Ti. Comparison of pure density functional theory (DFT) with experiment shows that pure DFT provides an inconsistent description of the electronic structure. To surmount this difficulty, we apply DFT corrected for on-site Coulomb interaction (DFT+U) to describe reduced Ti ions. The optimal value of U is 3 eV, determined from comparison of the computed Ti 3d electronic density of states with the UPS data. DFT+U and UPS show the appearance of a Ti 3d adsorbate-induced state at 1.3 eV above the valence band and 1.0 eV below the conduction band. The computations show that the adsorbed Ti atom is oxidized to Ti2+ and a fivefold coordinated surface Ti atom is reduced to Ti3+, while the remaining electron is distributed among other surface Ti atoms. The UPS data are best fitted with reduced Ti2+ and Ti3+ ions. These results demonstrate that the complexity of doped metal oxides is best understood with a combination of experiment and appropriate computations.