938 resultados para Auditory-evoked-potentials


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Using transcranial magnetic stimulation and skin conductance responses, we sought to clarify if, and to what extent, emotional experiences of different valences and intensity activate the hand-motor system and the associated corticospinal tract. For that purpose, we applied a newly developed method to evoke strong emotional experiences by the simultaneous presentation of musical and pictorial stimuli of congruent emotional valence. We uncovered enhanced motor-evoked potentials, irrespective of valence, during the simultaneous presentation of emotional music and picture stimuli (Combined conditions) compared with the single presentation of the two modalities (Picture/Music conditions). In contrast, vegetative arousal was enhanced during both the Combined and Music conditions, compared with the Picture conditions, again irrespective of emotional valence. These findings strongly indicate that arousal is a necessary, but not sufficient, prerequisite for triggering the motor system of the brain. We offer a potential explanation for this discrepant, but intriguing, finding in the paper.


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Steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs) were recorded from the scalp of human subjects who were cued to attend to a rapid sequence of alphanumeric characters presented to one visual half-field while ignoring a concurrent sequence of characters in the opposite half-field. These two-character sequences were each superimposed upon a small square background that was flickered at a rate of 8.6 Hz in one half-field and 12 Hz in the other half-field. The amplitude of the frequency-coded SSVEP elicited by either of the task-irrelevant flickering backgrounds was significantly enlarged when attention was focused upon the character sequence at the same location. This amplitude enhancement with attention was most prominent over occipital-temporal scalp areas of the right cerebral hemisphere regardless of the visual field of stimulation. These findings indicate that the SSVEP reflects an enhancement of neural responses to all stimuli that fall within the "spotlight" of spatial attention, whether or not the stimuli are task-relevant. Recordings of the SSVEP provide a new approach for studying the neural mechanisms and functional properties of selective attention to multi-element visual displays.


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Introdução: O implante coclear (IC) amplamente aceito como forma de intervenção e (re) habilitação nas perdas auditivas severas e profundas nas diversas faixas etárias. Contudo observa-se no usuário do IC unilateral queixas como localização e compreensão sonora em meio ao ruído, gerado pelo padrão anormal de estimulação sensorial. A fim de fornecer os benefícios da audição binaural, é preconizado a estimulação bilateral, seja por meio do IC bilateral ou com a adaptação de um aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI) contralateralmente ao IC. Esta última condição é referida como estimulação bimodal, quando temos, concomitantemente dois modos de estimulação: Elétrica (IC) e acústica (AASI). Não há dados suficientes na literatura voltados à população infantil que esclareça ou demonstre o desenvolvimento do córtex auditivo na audição bimodal. Ressalta-se que não foram encontrados estudos em crianças. Objetivo: Caracterizar o PEAC complexo P1, N1 P2 em usuários da estimulação bimodal e verificar se há correlação com testes de percepção de fala. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo de séries de casos, com a realização do PEAC em cinco crianças usuárias da estimulação bimodal, a partir da metodologia proposta por Ventura (2008) utilizando o sistema Smart EP USB Jr da Intelligent Hearing Systems. Foi utilizado o som de fala /da/, apresentado em campo livre. O exame será realizado em três situações: Somente IC, IC e AASI e somente AASI. A análise dos dados dos potenciais corticais foi realizada após a marcação da presença ou ausência dos componentes do complexo P1-N1-P2 por dois juízes com experiência em potenciais evocados. Resultados: Foi obtida a captação do PEAC em todas as crianças em todas as situações de teste, além do que foi possível observar a correlação destes com os testes de percepção auditiva da fala. Foi possível verificar que o registro dos PEAC é um procedimento viável para a avaliação da criança com estimulação bimodal, porém, ainda não há dados suficientes quanto a utilização deste para a avaliação e indicação do IC bilateral.


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Introdução: Crianças com transtorno fonológico (TF) apresentam dificuldade na percepção de fala, em processar estímulos acústicos quando apresentados de forma rápida e em sequência. A percepção dos sons complexos da fala, dependem da integridade no processo de codificação analisado pelo Sistema Nervoso Auditivo. Por meio do Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico com estímulo complexo (PEATEc) é possível investigar a representação neural dos sons em níveis corticais e obter informações diretas sobre como a estrutura do som da sílaba falada é codificada no sistema auditivo. Porém, acredita-se que esse potencial sofre interferências tanto de processos bottom-up quanto top-down, o que não se sabe é quanto e como cada um desses processos modifica as respostas do PEATEc. Uma das formas de investigar a real influência dos aspectos top-down e bottom-up nos resultados do PEATEc é estimulando separadamente esses dois processos por meio do treinamento auditivo e da terapia fonoaudiológica. Objetivo: Verificar o impacto da estimulação sensorial (processamento bottom-up) e cognitiva (processamento top-down), separadamente, nos diferentes domínios da resposta eletrofisiológica do PEATEc. Método: Participaram deste estudo 11 crianças diagnosticadas com TF, com idades entre 7 e 10:11, submetidas a avaliação comportamental e eletrofisiológica e então dividas nos grupos Bottom-up (B-U) (N=6) e Top-down T-D (N=5). A estimulação bottom-up foi voltada ao treinamento das habilidades sensoriais, através de softwares de computador. A estimulação top-down foi realizada por meio de tarefas para estimular as habilidades cognitiva por meio do Programa de Estimulação Fonoaudiológica (PEF). Ambas as estimulações foram aplicadas uma vez por semana, num período de aproximadamente 45 minutos por 12 semanas. Resultados: O grupo B-U apresentou melhoras em relação aos domínios onset e harmônicos e no valor da pontuação do escore após ser submetido à estimulação bottom-up. Por sua vez, após serem submetidos à estimulação top-down, o grupo T-D apresentou melhoras em relação aos domínios onset, espectro-temporal, fronteiras do envelope e harmônicos e para os valores da pontuação do escore. Conclusão: Diante dos resultados obtidos neste estudo, foi possível observar que a estimulação sensorial (processamento bottom-up) e a estimulação cognitiva (processamento top-down) mostraram impactar de forma diferente a resposta eletrofisiológica do PEATEc


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L’objectif de cette thèse est l’étude du développement de l’attention auditive et des capacités de discrimination langagière chez l’enfant né prématurément ou à terme. Les derniers mois de grossesse sont particulièrement importants pour le développement cérébral de l’enfant et les conséquences d’une naissance prématurée sur le développement peuvent être considérables. Les enfants nés prématurément sont plus à risque de développer une variété de troubles neurodéveloppementaux que les enfants nés à terme. Même en l’absence de dommages cérébraux visibles, de nombreux enfants nés avant terme sont à risque de présenter des troubles tels que des retards langagiers ou des difficultés attentionnelles. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons donc une méthode d’investigation des processus préattentionnels auditifs et de discrimination langagière, à l’aide de l’électrophysiologie à haute densité et des potentiels évoqués auditifs (PEAs). Deux études ont été réalisées. La première visait à mettre sur pied un protocole d’évaluation de l’attention auditive et de la discrimination langagière chez l’enfant en santé, couvrant différents stades de développement (3 à 7 ans, 8 à 13 ans, adultes ; N = 40). Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé la composante de Mismatch Negativity (MMN) évoquée par la présentation de sons verbaux (syllabes /Ba/ et /Da/) et non verbaux (tons synthétisés, Ba : 1578 Hz/2800 Hz ; Da : 1788 Hz/2932 Hz). Les résultats ont révélé des patrons d’activation distincts en fonction de l’âge et du type de stimulus présenté. Chez tous les groupes d’âge, la présentation des stimuli non verbaux a évoqué une MMN de plus grande amplitude et de latence plus rapide que la présentation des stimuli verbaux. De plus, en réponse aux stimuli verbaux, les deux groupes d’enfants (3 à 7 ans, 8 à 13 ans) ont démontré une MMN de latence plus tardive que celle mesurée dans le groupe d’adultes. En revanche, en réponse aux stimuli non verbaux, seulement le groupe d’enfants de 3 à 7 ans a démontré une MMN de latence plus tardive que le groupe d’adulte. Les processus de discrimination verbaux semblent donc se développer plus tardivement dans l’enfance que les processus de discrimination non verbaux. Dans la deuxième étude, nous visions à d’identifier les marqueurs prédictifs de déficits attentionnels et langagiers pouvant découler d’une naissance prématurée à l’aide des PEAs et de la MMN. Nous avons utilisé le même protocole auprès de 74 enfants âgés de 3, 12 et 36 mois, nés prématurément (avant 34 semaines de gestation) ou nés à terme (au moins 37 semaines de gestation). Les résultats ont révélé que les enfants nés prématurément de tous les âges démontraient un délai significatif dans la latence de la réponse MMN et de la P150 par rapport aux enfants nés à terme lors de la présentation des sons verbaux. De plus, les latences plus tardives de la MMN et de la P150 étaient également corrélées à des performances langagières plus faibles lors d’une évaluation neurodéveloppementale. Toutefois, aucune différence n’a été observée entre les enfants nés à terme ou prématurément lors de la discrimination des stimuli non verbaux, suggérant des capacités préattentionnelles auditives préservées chez les enfants prématurés. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats de cette thèse indiquent que les processus préattentionnels auditifs se développent plus tôt dans l'enfance que ceux associés à la discrimination langagière. Les réseaux neuronaux impliqués dans la discrimination verbale sont encore immatures à la fin de l'enfance. De plus, ceux-ci semblent être particulièrement vulnérables aux impacts physiologiques liés à la prématurité. L’utilisation des PEAs et de la MMN en réponse aux stimuli verbaux en bas âge peut fournir des marqueurs prédictifs des difficultés langagières fréquemment observées chez l’enfant prématuré.


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L’objectif de cette thèse est l’étude du développement de l’attention auditive et des capacités de discrimination langagière chez l’enfant né prématurément ou à terme. Les derniers mois de grossesse sont particulièrement importants pour le développement cérébral de l’enfant et les conséquences d’une naissance prématurée sur le développement peuvent être considérables. Les enfants nés prématurément sont plus à risque de développer une variété de troubles neurodéveloppementaux que les enfants nés à terme. Même en l’absence de dommages cérébraux visibles, de nombreux enfants nés avant terme sont à risque de présenter des troubles tels que des retards langagiers ou des difficultés attentionnelles. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons donc une méthode d’investigation des processus préattentionnels auditifs et de discrimination langagière, à l’aide de l’électrophysiologie à haute densité et des potentiels évoqués auditifs (PEAs). Deux études ont été réalisées. La première visait à mettre sur pied un protocole d’évaluation de l’attention auditive et de la discrimination langagière chez l’enfant en santé, couvrant différents stades de développement (3 à 7 ans, 8 à 13 ans, adultes ; N = 40). Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé la composante de Mismatch Negativity (MMN) évoquée par la présentation de sons verbaux (syllabes /Ba/ et /Da/) et non verbaux (tons synthétisés, Ba : 1578 Hz/2800 Hz ; Da : 1788 Hz/2932 Hz). Les résultats ont révélé des patrons d’activation distincts en fonction de l’âge et du type de stimulus présenté. Chez tous les groupes d’âge, la présentation des stimuli non verbaux a évoqué une MMN de plus grande amplitude et de latence plus rapide que la présentation des stimuli verbaux. De plus, en réponse aux stimuli verbaux, les deux groupes d’enfants (3 à 7 ans, 8 à 13 ans) ont démontré une MMN de latence plus tardive que celle mesurée dans le groupe d’adultes. En revanche, en réponse aux stimuli non verbaux, seulement le groupe d’enfants de 3 à 7 ans a démontré une MMN de latence plus tardive que le groupe d’adulte. Les processus de discrimination verbaux semblent donc se développer plus tardivement dans l’enfance que les processus de discrimination non verbaux. Dans la deuxième étude, nous visions à d’identifier les marqueurs prédictifs de déficits attentionnels et langagiers pouvant découler d’une naissance prématurée à l’aide des PEAs et de la MMN. Nous avons utilisé le même protocole auprès de 74 enfants âgés de 3, 12 et 36 mois, nés prématurément (avant 34 semaines de gestation) ou nés à terme (au moins 37 semaines de gestation). Les résultats ont révélé que les enfants nés prématurément de tous les âges démontraient un délai significatif dans la latence de la réponse MMN et de la P150 par rapport aux enfants nés à terme lors de la présentation des sons verbaux. De plus, les latences plus tardives de la MMN et de la P150 étaient également corrélées à des performances langagières plus faibles lors d’une évaluation neurodéveloppementale. Toutefois, aucune différence n’a été observée entre les enfants nés à terme ou prématurément lors de la discrimination des stimuli non verbaux, suggérant des capacités préattentionnelles auditives préservées chez les enfants prématurés. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats de cette thèse indiquent que les processus préattentionnels auditifs se développent plus tôt dans l'enfance que ceux associés à la discrimination langagière. Les réseaux neuronaux impliqués dans la discrimination verbale sont encore immatures à la fin de l'enfance. De plus, ceux-ci semblent être particulièrement vulnérables aux impacts physiologiques liés à la prématurité. L’utilisation des PEAs et de la MMN en réponse aux stimuli verbaux en bas âge peut fournir des marqueurs prédictifs des difficultés langagières fréquemment observées chez l’enfant prématuré.


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Clinically healthy mixed breed dogs (n = 20) were used to determine if a Tris (tromethamine)-buffered test solution, Otinide((R)) (Trademark of Dermcare-Vet Pty-Ltd, Australia), containing disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA; 1.21 g/L) and polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB; 0.22 g/L) caused ototoxicity or vestibular dysfunction. The dogs were randomly assigned to either a control group (group A, n = 10) receiving saline, or a treatment group (group B, n = 10) receiving the test solution. Phase 1 of the study consisted of applying 5.0 mL of saline to both ears of the control group (group A) and 5 mL of test solution to both ears of the test group (group B), for 21 days. A bilateral myringotomy was then performed on each dog under deep sedation. Phase 2 of the study then consisted of applying 2.0 mL of the saline to both ears of the control group (group A) and 2.0 mL of the test solution to both ears of the test group (group B), for 14 days. Throughout the study, dogs were examined for clinical health, and underwent otoscopic, vestibular and auditory examinations. The auditory examinations included brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) threshold and supra-threshold assessments using both click and 8 kHz tone burst stimuli. The absence of vestibular signs and effects on the BAEP attributable to the test solution suggested the test solution could be applied safely to dogs, including those with a damaged tympanic membrane.


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Background & Aims: Current models of visceral pain processing derived from metabolic brain imaging techniques fail to differentiate between exogenous (stimulus-dependent) and endogenous (non-stimulus-specific) neural activity. The aim of this study was to determine the spatiotemporal correlates of exogenous neural activity evoked by painful esophageal stimulation. Methods: In 16 healthy subjects (8 men; mean age, 30.2 ± 2.2 years), we recorded magnetoencephalographic responses to 2 runs of 50 painful esophageal electrical stimuli originating from 8 brain subregions. Subsequently, 11 subjects (6 men; mean age, 31.2 ± 1.8 years) had esophageal cortical evoked potentials recorded on a separate occasion by using similar experimental parameters. Results: Earliest cortical activity (P1) was recorded in parallel in the primary/secondary somatosensory cortex and posterior insula (∼85 ms). Significantly later activity was seen in the anterior insula (∼103 ms) and cingulate cortex (∼106 ms; P = .0001). There was no difference between the P1 latency for magnetoencephalography and cortical evoked potential (P = .16); however, neural activity recorded with cortical evoked potential was longer than with magnetoencephalography (P = .001). No sex differences were seen for psychophysical or neurophysiological measures. Conclusions: This study shows that exogenous cortical neural activity evoked by experimental esophageal pain is processed simultaneously in somatosensory and posterior insula regions. Activity in the anterior insula and cingulate - brain regions that process the affective aspects of esophageal pain - occurs significantly later than in the somatosensory regions, and no sex differences were observed with this experimental paradigm. Cortical evoked potential reflects the summation of cortical activity from these brain regions and has sufficient temporal resolution to separate exogenous and endogenous neural activity. © 2005 by the American Gastroenterological Association.


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The rectum has a unique physiological role as a sensory organ and differs in its afferent innervation from other gut organs that do not normally mediate conscious sensation. We compared the central processing of human esophageal, duodenal, and rectal sensation using cortical evoked potentials (CEP) in 10 healthy volunteers (age range 21-34 yr). Esophageal and duodenal CEP had similar morphology in all subjects, whereas rectal CEP had two different but reproducible morphologies. The rectal CEP latency to the first component P1 (69 ms) was shorter than both duodenal (123 ms; P = 0.008) and esophageal CEP latencies (106 ms; P = 0.004). The duodenal CEP amplitude of the P1-N1 component (5.0 µV) was smaller than that of the corresponding esophageal component (5.7 µV; P = 0.04) but similar to that of the corresponding rectal component (6.5 µV; P = 0.25). This suggests that rectal sensation is either mediated by faster-conducting afferent pathways or that there is a difference in the orientation or volume of cortical neurons representing the different gut organs. In conclusion, the physiological and anatomic differences between gut organs are reflected in differences in the characteristics of their afferent pathways and cortical processing.


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The practicality of recording visual evoked magnetic fields in 100 subjects 15-87 yr of age using a single channel d.c. SQUID second order gradiometer in an unshielded environment was investigated. The pattern reversal response showed a major positive component between 90 and 120 msec (P100M) while the response to flash produced a major positive component between 90 and 140 msec (P2M). Latency norms of the P100M were more variable than the corresponding P100 and P2 visual evoked potentials. The latency of the P100M may show a steep increase with age in most subjects after about 55 yr whereas only a small trend of latency with age was detected for the flash P2M.


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Subjects with Alzheimer's disease (AD) exhibit normal visually evoked potentials (VEP) to pattern reversal stimuli but a delayed P2 flash response. The pattern response may originate in the primary visual cortex via the geniculo-calcarine pathway while the flash P2 may originate in the association areas via the cholinergic-tectal pathway. We now show: a) that the pathology of AD is more prominent in the visual association areas B18/19 than in B17 and b) that the magnetic signal to flash and pattern may originate from B18/19 and B17 respectively.


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The practicality or recording normative data for two components of the visually evoked magnetic response (VEMR) (P100M and P2M) using a single channel dc-SQUID second order gradiometer in an unshielded environment was investigated. Latency norms of the P100M and P2M were more variable than the corresponding electrical P100 and P2 visual evoked potentials. Methods of improving the normative data for clinical use were discussed.


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In an endeavour to provide further insight into the maturation of the cortical visual system in human infants, chromatic transient pattern reversal visual evoked potentials to red/green stimuli, were studied in a group of normal full term infants between the ages of 1 and 14 weeks post term in both cross sectional and longitudinal studies. In order to produce stimuli in which luminance cues had been eliminated with an aim to eliciting a chromatic response, preliminary studies of isoluminance determination in adults and infants were undertaken using behavioural and electrophysiological techniques. The results showed close similarity between the isoluminant ratio for adults and infants and all values were close to photometric isoluminance. Pattern reversal VEPs were recorded to stimuli of a range of red/green luminance ratios and an achromatic checkerboard. No transient VEP could be elicited with an isoluminant chromatic pattern reversal stimulus from any infant less than 7 weeks post term and similarly, all infants more than 7 weeks post term showed clear chromatic VEPs. The chromatic response first appeared at that age as a major positive component (P1) of long latency. This was delayed and reduced in comparison to the achromatic response. As the infant grew older, the latency of the P1 component decreased with the appearance of N1 and N by the 10th week post term. This finding was consistent throughout all infants assessed. In a behavioural study, no infant less than 7 weeks post term demonstrated clear discrimination of the chromatic stimulus, while those infants older than 7 weeks could do so. These findings are reviewed with respect to current neural models of visual development.


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The problems of using a single channel magnetometer (BTi, Model 601) in an unshielded clinical environment to measure visual evoked magnetic responses (VEMR) were studied. VEMR to flash and pattern reversal stimuli were measured in 100 normal subjects. Two components, the P100M to pattern reversal and P2M to flash, were measured successfully in the majority of patients. The mean latencies of these components in different decades of life were more variable than the visual evoked potentials (VEP) that have been recorded to these stimuli. The latency of the P100M appeared to increase significantly after about 55 years of age whereas little change occurred for the flash P2M. The effects of blur, check size, stimulus size and luminance intensity on the latency and amplitude of the VEMR were studied. Blurring a small (32') check significantly increased latency whereas blurring a large (70') check had little effect on latency. Increasing check size significantly reduced latency of the P100M but had little effect on amplitude. Increasing the field size decreases the latency and increases the amplitude of the P100M. Within a normal subject, most of the temporal variability of the P100M appeared to be associated with run to run variation rather than between recording sessions on the same day or between days. Reproducibility of the P100M was improved to a degree by employing a magnetically shielded room. Increasing flash intensity decreases the latency and increases the amplitude of the P2M component. The magnitude of the effects of varying stimulus parameters on the VEMR were frequently greater than is normally seen in the VEP. The topography of the P100M and P2M varied over the scalp in normal subjects. Full field responses to a large check could be explained as approximately the sum of the half field responses and were consistent with the cruciform model of the visual cortex. Preliminary source localisation data suggested a shallower source in the visual cortex for the flash P2M compared with the P100M. The data suggest that suitable protocols could be devised to obtain normative data of sufficient quality to use the VEMR to flash and pattern clinically.


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Auditory sensory gating (ASG) is the ability in individuals to suppress incoming irrelevant sensory input, indexed by evoked response to paired auditory stimuli. ASG is impaired in psychopathology such as schizophrenia, in which it has been proposed as putative endophenotype. This study aims to characterise electrophysiological properties of the phenomenon using MEG in time and frequency domains as well as to localise putative networks involved in the process at both sensor and source level. We also investigated the relationship between ASG measures and personality profiles in healthy participants in the light of its candidate endophenotype role in psychiatric disorders. Auditory evoked magnetic fields were recorded in twenty seven healthy participants by P50 ‘paired-click’ paradigm presented in pairs (conditioning stimulus S1- testing stimulus S2) at 80dB, separated by 250msec with inter trial interval of 7-10 seconds. Gating ratio in healthy adults ranged from 0.5 to 0.8 suggesting dimensional nature of P50 ASG. The brain regions active during this process were bilateral superior temporal gyrus (STG) and bilateral inferior frontal gyrus (IFG); activation was significantly stronger in IFG during S2 as compared to S1 (at p<0.05). Measures of effective connectivity between these regions using DCM modelling revealed the role of frontal cortex in modulating ASG as suggested by intracranial studies, indicating major role of inhibitory interneuron connections. Findings from this study identified a unique event-related oscillatory pattern for P50 ASG with alpha (STG)-beta (IFG) desynchronization and increase in cortical oscillatory gamma power (IFG) during S2 condition as compared to S1. These findings show that the main generator for P50 response is within temporal lobe and that inhibitory interneurons and gamma oscillations in the frontal cortex contributes substantially towards sensory gating. Our findings also show that ASG is a predictor of personality profiles (introvert vs extrovert dimension).