902 resultados para Audio input
Machine tool chatter is an unfavorable phenomenon during metal cutting, which results in heavy vibration of cutting tool. With increase in depth of cut, the cutting regime changes from chatter-free cutting to one with chatter. In this paper, we propose the use of permutation entropy (PE), a conceptually simple and computationally fast measurement to detect the onset of chatter from the time series using sound signal recorded with a unidirectional microphone. PE can efficiently distinguish the regular and complex nature of any signal and extract information about the dynamics of the process by indicating sudden change in its value. Under situations where the data sets are huge and there is no time for preprocessing and fine-tuning, PE can effectively detect dynamical changes of the system. This makes PE an ideal choice for online detection of chatter, which is not possible with other conventional nonlinear methods. In the present study, the variation of PE under two cutting conditions is analyzed. Abrupt variation in the value of PE with increase in depth of cut indicates the onset of chatter vibrations. The results are verified using frequency spectra of the signals and the nonlinear measure, normalized coarse-grained information rate (NCIR).
Rice is the most extensively cultivated crop in the world, particularly concentrated in Asia and the Far East. Asian countries together make up for as much as 91.80 per cent of the world production of rice in 1986. The main objective of the present study is to analyse the rice economy of Kerala over time and space at the State, district and taluk level. The thesis analyses the trends in area, yield and total production of rice during the three seasons in the state, districts and taluks and studies the trends in input and output prices of rice and coconut in the state, districts and taluks. The researcher estimates the impact of input and output prices on area, yield and total output of rice in the state, districts and selected taluks and examines the conversion of paddy field into coconut garden and rubber plantation.
Any automatically measurable, robust and distinctive physical characteristic or personal trait that can be used to identify an individual or verify the claimed identity of an individual, referred to as biometrics, has gained significant interest in the wake of heightened concerns about security and rapid advancements in networking, communication and mobility. Multimodal biometrics is expected to be ultra-secure and reliable, due to the presence of multiple and independent—verification clues. In this study, a multimodal biometric system utilising audio and facial signatures has been implemented and error analysis has been carried out. A total of one thousand face images and 250 sound tracks of 50 users are used for training the proposed system. To account for the attempts of the unregistered signatures data of 25 new users are tested. The short term spectral features were extracted from the sound data and Vector Quantization was done using K-means algorithm. Face images are identified based on Eigen face approach using Principal Component Analysis. The success rate of multimodal system using speech and face is higher when compared to individual unimodal recognition systems
Infolge der durch die internationalen Schulvergleichstests eingeleiteten empirischen Wende in der Erziehungswissenschaft hat sich die Aufmerksamkeit vom Input schulischen Lehrens und Lernens zunehmend auf die Ergebnisse (Output) bzw. Wirkungen (Outcomes) verlagert. Die Kernfrage lautet nun: Was kommt am Ende in der Schule bzw. im Unterricht eigentlich heraus? Grundlegende Voraussetzung ergebnisorienterter Steuerung schulischen Unterrichts ist die Formulierung von Bildungsstandards. Wie Bildungsstandards mit Kompetenzmodellen und konkreten Aufgabenstellungen im Unterricht des Faches "Politik & Wirtschaft" verknüpft werden können, wird in diesem Beitrag einer genaueren Analyse unterzogen. Vor dem Hintergrund bildungstheoretischer Vorstellungen im Anschluss an Immanuel Kant kommen dabei das Literacy-Konzept der Pisa-Studie sowie die "Dokumentarische Methode" nach Karl Mannheim zur Anwendung.
We present MikeTalk, a text-to-audiovisual speech synthesizer which converts input text into an audiovisual speech stream. MikeTalk is built using visemes, which are a small set of images spanning a large range of mouth shapes. The visemes are acquired from a recorded visual corpus of a human subject which is specifically designed to elicit one instantiation of each viseme. Using optical flow methods, correspondence from every viseme to every other viseme is computed automatically. By morphing along this correspondence, a smooth transition between viseme images may be generated. A complete visual utterance is constructed by concatenating viseme transitions. Finally, phoneme and timing information extracted from a text-to-speech synthesizer is exploited to determine which viseme transitions to use, and the rate at which the morphing process should occur. In this manner, we are able to synchronize the visual speech stream with the audio speech stream, and hence give the impression of a photorealistic talking face.
Aquest llibre és el producte d'anys de cooperació entre equips de recerca de cinc països diferents, tot ells Key Institutions de la xarxa Childwatch International, en el marc d'un projecte plurinacional sobre adolescents i mitjans
Estudiar los modelos descriptivos del lenguaje más apropiado para la elaboración del currículum y que determinan la calidad del input. Tomar en consideración los rasgos y estrategias propios del proceso de aprendizaje. Efectuar un estudio psicolingüístico específico del aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera en el aula a partir de una propuesta curricular concreta. Un aula de quinto de EGB: 26 niños y 7 niñas grupo experimental/dos cursos de BUP: 57 alumnas y alumnos. Alumnado de sexto, séptimo y octavo de EGB: 418. El estudio se centra en un aula de quinto de EGB que es donde se realiza de forma completa. Para comprobar las pruebas de comprensión auditiva se utilizan dos grupos de alumnos, uno de EGB y otro de BUP. A partir de ellas se sacan las conclusiones. Diario de clase, grabación en vídeos, pruebas de comprensión auditiva: Almadén 20I: listening, Almadén 25I: listening, Almadén 20PR: listening y un gráfico. Análisis de contenido de los diarios de clase. Porcentajes individuales y acumulados de frecuencias y porcentajes de medias en pruebas de comprensión, correlación de porcentajes entre las tres pruebas de comprensión. Conveniencia de establecer el código comunicativo básico de forma que aglutine nociones y destrezas dentro de un ámbito de clase y de subsistencia para la inicial competencia comunicativa. Efectos positivos de la hipótesis del input. Se constatan diferencias individuales considerables en cuanto a la participación verbal activa. Los criterios de secuenciación se confirman como válidos. Consecuencia de un planteamiento de objetivos en términos operativos sobre comprensión y expresión orales.
This project is a Web Geographic Information System built on an Open Source geographic structure like MapServer (Minnesota University) and PostgreSQL/PostGIS (object relational database management system). The study case is a web site for expeditions in a specific Brazilian region
Resumen tomado de la publicación
There is a wealth of open educational content in audio and video formats available via iTunes U, one of the services offered especially for education via iTunes. There are details of how to get started as well as an informative video to help you. Details of how to get started with sharing content can be found for developers.
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Artículo seleccionado de RIBIE (Rede Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa) 2004, extendido y revisado para su publicación en IE Comunicaciones
Audio of What is the consumer? What is the reader? lecture delivered by Dr Cui Su and Paul Caplan as part of #WSAmacd and #WSAadm remix course