915 resultados para Atomic Medicine
People customarily use the extracts of plants known to have antidiarrhoeal effects without any scientific base to explain the action of the extract. For this reason, an investigation was undertaken with a view to determining the efficacy of the effects of the brute aqueous extract (BAE) of the leaves of Psidium guajava (guava), Stachytarpheta cayenensis (bastard vervain), Polygonum punctatum (water. smartweed), Eugenia uniflora (Brazil or Surinam cherry) and Aster squamatus (zé-da-silva) on the intestinal transport of water in rats and on the gastrointestinal propulsion in mice. With the exception of the BAE of S. cayenensis, all other BAE's have increased the absorption of water in one or more intestinal portion in relation to the control group. All tested BAE, except that of P. punctatum, reduced the gastrointestinal propulsion in relation to that of the control group. The results indicate that the BAE of the leaves of P. guajava, S. cayenensis, P. punctatum, E. uniflora and A. squamatus have a potential antidiarrhoeic effect to be confirmed by additional investigations in animals infected with enteropathogenic agents.
Introduction/Aims: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the perception of the organization, the development and the evaluation of the initial stage in the internship of students, in order to improve these activities and to establish the adequate objectives in accordance with the changes concerning the concept of modern pharmacy. Materials and methods: An online survey was made using Google Docs ® -Create Form extension. All results were accumulated and computed using Microsoft Excel ®. The questionnaire consisted of 11 questions, structured on several levels: the objectives and how they can be achieved, internship organization, the internship training (effective participation in specific activities and integration in the pharmaceutical activity), the assessment, the profile of tutor / pharmacy. The questionnaire was completed by students from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Haţieganu" Cluj Napoca, Romania. Results and discussions. The study was conducted on 308 students (60% of all students from the study years II-IV. 90% of the respondents had actually participated in the internship, whilst 10% only formally participated in this activity. The main responsibilities of the students were: storage and reception of pharmaceutical products (94%, respectively 79%) and working with the receipts (57%). Most of the students appreciate that they were integrated into the work in the pharmacy, this being due largely pharmacist tutor, who expressed interest and ability in mentoring activities. They appreciated that the role of tutor requires 3-5 years of professional experience. In terms of the internship objectives, these should aim at applying the knowledge gained until the graduation year, but also familiarization with activities which might turn into applications for the coming years. 43% of students believe that only 25% of the theoretical knowledge was useful during the internship. 90 % of the total questioned considered useful to develop a practice guideline adapted to the year of study. Conclusions. The professional training of the future pharmacist’s students depends largely on experience gained by students during the internship activity. Feed-back from the students’ shows that they are aware of the usefulness of the internship, but believe the objectives must be updated and a better correlation between work in pharmacy and theoretical knowledge has to be made. A first step is to develop a practical guide adapted to each year of study. The involvement of the tutor pharmacist is also essential to the success of this activity
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Área de especialização: Proteção Contra as Radiações.
Aims: This paper aims to address some of the main possible applications of actual Nuclear Medicine Imaging techniques and methodologies in the specific context of Sports Medicine, namely in two critical systems: musculoskeletal and cardiovascular. Discussion: At the musculoskeletal level, bone scintigraphy techniques proved to be a mean of diagnosis of functional orientation and high sensibility compared with other morphological imaging techniques in the detection and temporal evaluation of pathological situations, for instance allowing the acquisition of information of great relevance in athletes with stress fractures. On the other hand, infection/inflammation studies might be of an important added value to characterize specific situations, early diagnose of potential critical issues – so giving opportunity to precise, complete and fast solutions – while allowing the evaluation and eventual optimization of training programs. At cardiovascular system level, Nuclear Medicine had proved to be crucial in differential diagnosis between cardiac hypertrophy secondary to physical activity (the so called "athlete's heart") and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, in the diagnosis and prognosis of changes in cardiac function in athletes, as well as in direct - and non-invasive - in vivo visualization of sympathetic cardiac innervation, something that seems to take more and more importance nowadays, namely in order to try to avoid sudden death episodes at intense physical effort. Also the clinical application of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) has becoming more and more widely recognized as promising. Conclusions: It has been concluded that Nuclear Medicine can become an important application in Sports Medicine. Its well established capabilities to early detection of processes involving functional properties allied to its high sensibility and the actual technical possibilities (namely those related with hybrid imaging, that allows to add information provided by high resolution morphological imaging techniques, such as CT and/or MRI) make it a powerful diagnostic tool, claiming to be used on an each day higher range of clinical applications related with all levels of sport activities. Since the improvements at equipment characteristics and detection levels allows the use of smaller and smaller doses, so minimizing radiation exposure it is believed by the authors that the increase of the use of NM tools in the Sports Medicine area should be considered.
Introduction: Image resizing is a normal feature incorporated into the Nuclear Medicine digital imaging. Upsampling is done by manufacturers to adequately fit more the acquired images on the display screen and it is applied when there is a need to increase - or decrease - the total number of pixels. This paper pretends to compare the “hqnx” and the “nxSaI” magnification algorithms with two interpolation algorithms – “nearest neighbor” and “bicubic interpolation” – in the image upsampling operations. Material and Methods: Three distinct Nuclear Medicine images were enlarged 2 and 4 times with the different digital image resizing algorithms (nearest neighbor, bicubic interpolation nxSaI and hqnx). To evaluate the pixel’s changes between the different output images, 3D whole image plot profiles and surface plots were used as an addition to the visual approach in the 4x upsampled images. Results: In the 2x enlarged images the visual differences were not so noteworthy. Although, it was clearly noticed that bicubic interpolation presented the best results. In the 4x enlarged images the differences were significant, with the bicubic interpolated images presenting the best results. Hqnx resized images presented better quality than 4xSaI and nearest neighbor interpolated images, however, its intense “halo effect” affects greatly the definition and boundaries of the image contents. Conclusion: The hqnx and the nxSaI algorithms were designed for images with clear edges and so its use in Nuclear Medicine images is obviously inadequate. Bicubic interpolation seems, from the algorithms studied, the most suitable and its each day wider applications seem to show it, being assumed as a multi-image type efficient algorithm.
Chromium copper arsenate(CCA)was used for the protection of wood building material suntil the restriction by EPA in2002. During a short period of time 14–24h,a comparative nephrotoxicity study was performed regarding the effects of CCA and its compounds per se. Histopathological and histochemical features were correlated with the concentration of the total arsenic and chromium in mice kidney. Animals were subcutaneously injected with CCA(7.2mg/kg arsenic and 10.2mg/kg chromium per body weight), CrO3 (10.2 mg/kg),As2O5 (7.2 mg/kg)andNaCl(0.9%) per se. The histopathological examination of the renal sections evidenced acute tubular necrosis in the groups of animals exposed to CCA(in both periods of time). Although the same contents of pentavalent arsenic and hexavalent chromium were injected in treated animals with CCA and with the prepared solutions of As2O5 and CrO3, the arsenic concentration on kidneys of CCA-exposed animals was much higher than those in animals exposed to As2O5 (32- and28-fold higher at 14 and 24h,respectively). However,the elimination of chromium seems to occur similarly in the kidneys of animals treated with CCA and CrO3 per se. Interactions among the components of CCA result in a marked decrease of the ability of kidney to eliminate simultaneously both analytes.The nephrotoxicity of CCA was higher than its components per se, evidencing a possible synergetic effect.
Introduction - European nuclear medicine technologist’s education is delivered by Higher Education Institutions and students obtain a grade of Bachelor of Sciences (BSc), during which they are initiated to research during their studies. Once BSc nuclear medicine technologists are in professional practice, they have very few opportunities to develop a real research experience and they rather become passive users than active contributors the growth of scientific knowledge in nuclear medicine. Aim - To describe and discuss an innovative educational and professional experience aimed in strengthen research knowledge, skills and competencies of former nuclear medicine technologists student in the context of an international mobility stay.
OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated to medicine use among children from the 2004 Pelotas Birth Cohort, Brazil. METHODS: Prospective study to evaluate medicine use in children aged 3, 12 and 24 months regardless of the reasons, therapeutic indication or class. The study included 3,985 children followed up at three months of age, 3,907 at 12 months, and 3,868 at the last follow-up time of 24 months. Mothers were interviewed to collect information on medicine use during the recall period of 15 days prior to the interview. The outcome was studied according to sociodemographic and perinatal variables, mother's perception of child's health and breastfeeding status. Crude and adjusted analyses were performed by Poisson regression following a hierarchical model. RESULTS: The prevalence of medicine use ranged from 55% to 65% in the three follow-ups. After controlling for confounders, some variables remained associated to medicine use only at the three-month follow-up with greatest use among children of younger mothers, those children who had intrapartum complications, low birthweight, were never breastfed and were admitted to a hospital. Greatest medicine use was also associated with being a firstborn child at 3 and 12 months; mother's perception of their child health as fair or poor and children whose mothers have private health insurance at 12 and 24 months; highest maternal education level at all follow-up times. CONCLUSIONS: Different variables influence medicine use among children during the first two years of life and they change as the child ages especially maternal factors and those associated to the child's health problems.
In Distributed Computer-Controlled Systems (DCCS), a special emphasis must be given to the communication infrastructure, which must provide timely and reliable communication services. CAN networks are usually suitable to support small-scale DCCS. However, they are known to present some reliability problems, which can lead to an unreliable behaviour of the supported applications. In this paper, an atomic multicast protocol for CAN networks is proposed. This protocol explores the CAN synchronous properties, providing a timely and reliable service to the supported applications. The implementation of such protocol in Ada, on top of the Ada version of Real-Time Linux is presented, which is used to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of the platform to support reliable communications in DCCS.
Purpose - The education and training of a nuclear medicine technologist (NMT) is not homogeneous among European countries, which leads to different scope of practices and, therefore, different technical skills are assigned. The goal of this research was to characterize the education and training of NMT in Europe. Materials and methods - This study was based on a literature research to characterize the education and training of NMT and support the historical evolution of this profession. It was divided into two different phases: the first phase included analysis of scientific articles and the second phase included research of curricula that allow health professionals to work as NMT in Europe. Results - The majority of the countries [N=31 (89%)] offer the NMT curriculum integrated into the high education system and only in four (11%) countries the education is provided by professional schools. The duration in each education system is not equal, varying in professional schools (2-3 years) and high education level system (2-4 years), which means that different European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, such as 240, 230, 222, 210 or 180 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, are attributed to the graduates. The professional title and scope of the practice of NMT are different in different countries in Europe. In most countries of Europe, nuclear medicine training is not specific and curriculum does not demonstrate the Nuclear Medicine competencies performed in clinical practice. Conclusion - The heterogeneity in education and training for NMT is an issue prevalent among European countries. For NMT professional development, there is a huge need to formalize and unify educational and training programmes in Europe.