1000 resultados para Atividades de Investigação
Studies and reflections about the current trends on teaching Science show us the importance of include in the teaching practice, activities with a investigative and problematic approach, that allow to the learners to understand and to apply concepts and phenomena scientifics. On this perspective, the teacher continuing education is essential to effect the practice of this approach in the classroom. Therefore, this research has as an objective to contribute with Science teacher continuing formation in the basic education, in the use of the investigative approach, with a view to overcoming obstacles and making change in pedagogical practice using this research elements. For this, a qualitative research with science teachers of basic schools in the city of Natal/ RN/ Brazil was held, who attended the training course on teaching by investigation in 2012, through the project entitled "Em Busca de Novos Talentos para a Cincia: uma interveno no ensino pblico" (Searching New Talents for Science: an intervention in public education).The research was conducted in four stages: Diagnosis of the conceptions of education for research and incorporation into practice after the New Talents course; projection of the intervention, intervention and evaluation. To obtain the data it was made a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, group studies, written records and participant observation. It was analyzed that the course had significant contributions to the participating teachers to promote the approach and the motivation for incorporation of the investigative approach in practice. The permanence of weaknesses related to the theoretical basis was found, the wear resistance, difficulty in planning activities and the change in practice, diagnosed the previous course of this research. It was also noticed certain lack of domain of teaching principles of investigation by the teachers, who despite being well understood in theory, reveal gaps in practice. Despite not having been exploited the full potential of investigative activity is apparent that the inclusion of activities with an investigative approach to science and biology classes is essential for an active, critical and reflective posture of the students as well as the interest in learning about science. It was demonstrated that intervention with moments of reflection, engagement, knowledge exchange, it was effective in overcoming difficulties identified at baseline as well as providing greater motivation to face the innovations and changes in education, suggesting an important format to considered in the course of continuing education. This is because the planning and replanning allow teachers to reflect and evaluate their practice, contributing to overcoming difficulties of teachers on a daily basis.
Studies and reflections about the current trends on teaching Science show us the importance of include in the teaching practice, activities with a investigative and problematic approach, that allow to the learners to understand and to apply concepts and phenomena scientifics. On this perspective, the teacher continuing education is essential to effect the practice of this approach in the classroom. Therefore, this research has as an objective to contribute with Science teacher continuing formation in the basic education, in the use of the investigative approach, with a view to overcoming obstacles and making change in pedagogical practice using this research elements. For this, a qualitative research with science teachers of basic schools in the city of Natal/ RN/ Brazil was held, who attended the training course on teaching by investigation in 2012, through the project entitled "Em Busca de Novos Talentos para a Cincia: uma interveno no ensino pblico" (Searching New Talents for Science: an intervention in public education).The research was conducted in four stages: Diagnosis of the conceptions of education for research and incorporation into practice after the New Talents course; projection of the intervention, intervention and evaluation. To obtain the data it was made a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, group studies, written records and participant observation. It was analyzed that the course had significant contributions to the participating teachers to promote the approach and the motivation for incorporation of the investigative approach in practice. The permanence of weaknesses related to the theoretical basis was found, the wear resistance, difficulty in planning activities and the change in practice, diagnosed the previous course of this research. It was also noticed certain lack of domain of teaching principles of investigation by the teachers, who despite being well understood in theory, reveal gaps in practice. Despite not having been exploited the full potential of investigative activity is apparent that the inclusion of activities with an investigative approach to science and biology classes is essential for an active, critical and reflective posture of the students as well as the interest in learning about science. It was demonstrated that intervention with moments of reflection, engagement, knowledge exchange, it was effective in overcoming difficulties identified at baseline as well as providing greater motivation to face the innovations and changes in education, suggesting an important format to considered in the course of continuing education. This is because the planning and replanning allow teachers to reflect and evaluate their practice, contributing to overcoming difficulties of teachers on a daily basis.
O presente relatrio, elaborado para fins de concluso do Mestrado em Ensino do 1. e do 2. Ciclo do Ensino Bsico, encontra-se organizado em duas dimenses: a dimenso reflexiva e a dimenso investigativa. A primeira composta por uma reflexo crtica relativas a aspetos mais significativos da Prtica Pedaggica, ao longo de quatro semestres, e que me permitiram evoluir enquanto professora. A segunda dimenso, a investigativa, centra-se num estudo realizado em 1. Ciclo do Ensino Bsico, tendo como participantes trs alunos do 3. ano de escolaridade. A presente investigação, de carter qualitativo, procurou dar resposta questo: Qual o contributo da implementao de atividades prticas e experimentais sobre sombras no desenvolvimento: a) dos conhecimentos cientficos de alunos do 3. ano de escolaridade; e b) dos processos da cincia em alunos do 3. ano de escolaridade? Os dados recolhidos mostram que a implementao de atividades prticas e experimentais podero ter influenciado positivamente o desenvolvimento das aprendizagens dos alunos sobre sombras e a mobilizao de processos da cincia.
O presente relatrio integra o Mestrado em Educao Pr-Escolar e Ensino do 1. Ciclo do Ensino Bsico e apresenta-se constitudo por duas dimenses: a reflexiva e a investigativa. A dimenso reflexiva a primeira dimenso do relatrio que se estrutura em trs partes fundamentais. A primeira e a segunda partes incluem uma reflexo crtica sobre as prticas pedaggicas desenvolvidas em contexto de Educao de Infncia e em 1. Ciclo do Ensino Bsico. A terceira refere-se aos papis reflexivo e investigativo do educador e do professor, transversais aos dois contextos. A dimenso investigativa a segunda dimenso do relatrio, na qual se apresenta um estudo de caso realizado com cinco crianas do 3. ano de escolaridade de uma escola dos arredores da cidade de Leiria. A investigação procurou resposta para a seguinte questo Quais as percees das crianas do 3. ano de escolaridade sobre o seu desempenho nas atividades de interpretao musical, realizadas em contextos de sala de aula?. Numa primeira fase, realizou-se a caracterizao das experincias de participao musical da turma atravs de um inqurito por questionrio. Foram utilizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, de carter individual, antes e aps a concretizao de duas sequncias de atividades para todos os alunos da turma. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que existem algumas alteraes nas percees dos aluno e que as propostas educativas implementadas com as crianas influenciaram positivamente as suas percees relativamente interpretao de canes.
A dissertao que aqui se apresenta, de cariz qualitativo, procura perceber quais os contributos que as atividades de animao sociocultural desempenham para os idosos de Servio de Apoio Domicilirio (SAD) da Santa Casa da Misericrdia de Pombal (SCMP), uma resposta social que oferece, apenas, servios de higiene habitacional e pessoal, alimentao, tratamento de roupas e cuidados de sade aos seus utentes. Animao Sociocultural na terceira idade surge como resposta diminuio da sua atividade e das suas relaes sociais. considerada um fator determinante para a qualidade de vida das pessoas preservando a sua autonomia e podendo contribuir para um envelhecimento mais ativo e participativo. O mtodo usado foi a investigação ao, com 13 utentes do servio de apoio domicilirio, desenvolvendo-se um conjunto de atividades, previamente escolhidas por eles, como a expresso plstica, tertlias, ginstica, caminhadas, manicure, jogos de cartas, leitura de jornais e a comemorao do aniversrio. As tcnicas que nos permitiram proceder recolha de dados foram a pesquisa documental, a entrevista estruturada e a observao direta com recurso ao dirio de campo. A pesquisa desenvolvida evidenciou que os utentes mostram maior interesse em desenvolver atividades que envolvam o dilogo, sobre assuntos do quotidiano pessoal e da atualidade portuguesa, e a atividade fsica. Percebeu-se que as atividades de animao socioculturais desenvolvidas trouxeram contributos a nvel da mobilidade, das relaes pessoais, da auto estima, da motricidade fina, entre outras. De futuro consideramos que as atividades de animao sociocultural devem ser um servio a incluir na resposta social do servio de apoio domicilirio.
As organizaes de alta confiabilidade so caracterizadas pelo alto nvel de complexidade e de exposio contnua a riscos. Sob esse ambiente, observa-se o surgimento de estresse e de conflitos interpessoais que, para adequada gesto, demandam habilidades de comunicao. Esta pesquisa tem por objeto de estudo a comunicao documentada nos casos de incidentes e acidentes ocorridos na Aviao Civil, investigados pela Federal Aviation Administration e pelo Centro de Investigação e Preveno de Acidentes Aeronuticos. De acordo com dados das agncias, deficincias na comunicao respondem por aproximadamente 80% das ocorrncias. Contudo, os resultados da pesquisa, confirmam no haver carga horria suficiente de treinamento de habilidades de comunicao para atendimento especfico de situaes de extremo risco e de contnua presso. O treinamento mais focado em habilidades tcnicas do que em habilidades sociais.
Este estudo teve como principal objetivo a anlise dos fatores determinantes que levaram os bombeiros voluntrios de uma corporao para a prtica de voluntariado. Nesta investigação, comeamos por fazer um enquadramento terico sobre as perspetivas e tipos de motivao do voluntariado, focando-nos depois em alguns aspetos da sua prtica em Portugal. A componente emprica deste estudo apoiou-se numa anlise quantitativa a 92 questionrios realizados a bombeiros voluntrios, adaptados de um estudo realizado por Ward e Mckillop (2011) com uma escala do tipo Likert de 1 a 7 pontos. A anlise da distribuio por sexo apontou uma proporo de homens superior das mulheres (63 = 68,5% vs. 29 = 31,5%), com idades compreendidas entre os 17 e os 71 anos, sendo a mdia das mesmas de 37,77 anos (dp = 12,1). No que concerne ao estado civil, dos inquiridos (35 = 38%) so casados. Quanto escolaridade, a moda estatstica situou-se no secundrio (52 = 56,5%). Os itens que compuseram a escala de motivao para o voluntariado apresentaram pontuaes superiores a 4 pontos numa escala do tipo Likert de 7 pontos. A escala constituda por 17 itens relaciona os diferentes tipos de motivao, designadamente, social, interesse, prazer, material-egosta, egosta, altrusta, necessidade e dever moral. Estes itens foram avaliados nas seguintes variveis: sexo, classe etria, escolaridade e antiguidade. As concluses retiradas deste estudo revelaram, dominantemente, motivaes do tipo altrusta e social, para a prtica do voluntariado. Estes resultados basearam-se nos valores das significncias estatsticas (p). Quanto motivao dos elementos do sexo masculino e do sexo feminino, verificaram-se em ambas maiores percentagens no tipo de motivao altrusta. Na anlise realizada consoante a classe etria, as respostas que obtiveram maior percentagem foram relativamente ao item altrusta. No que concerne escolaridade, os inquiridos com ensino bsico e secundrio apresentaram um maior nmero de respostas nos itens altrusta e social. Nos licenciados o item com maior percentagem foi o dever moral. Na anlise feita relativamente interseo entre a motivao e os anos de voluntariado, obtiveram-se ndices de motivao muito diferenciados, entre os quais interesse, prazer, social, egosta, material-egosta e necessidade. / This study aimed to the analysis of the determining factors that led the volunteer firefighters of a corporation to practice voluntary. In this investigation, we begin by making a theoretical framework on the perspectives and types of volunteer motivation, focusing us then in some aspects of their practice in Portugal. The empirical component of the study was supported on a quantitative analysis of 92 questionnaires by volunteer firefighters, adapted from a study by Ward & McKillop (2011) with a Likert scale from 1 to 7 points. The gender distribution, of the analysis indicated a ratio of greater than men to women (63 = 68.5% vs. 29 = 31.5%), aged between 17 and 71 years, and the average of 37 to 77 years (SD = 12.1). With regard to marital status (35 = 38%) are married. As for education, the statistical mode stood in the secondary on (52 = 56.5%). The items comprising the motivation scale for volunteering had scores greater than 4 points on a Likert scale of 7 points. The scale consists of 17 items lists the different types of motivation, namely social, interest, pleasure, material-selfish, selfish, selfless, necessity and moral duty. These items were evaluated in the following variables: gender, age group, education level and years of service. Conclusions from this study revealed mainly motivations of altruistic and social type for volunteering. These results were based on the values of statistical significance (p). Both male and female elements replied with the highest percentage for the type of altruistic motivation. In the analysis carried out according to age group, the answers with the greatest percentage were relative to the altruistic item. With regard to education respondents with elementary and high school education had a higher number of responses in altruistic and social items. At University graduate level the item with the highest percentage was the moral duty. In the analysis regarding the intersection between motivation and years of volunteering very different motivation indices were obtained including interest, pleasure, social, selfish, material-selfish and need.
This study aimed to measure the perception of maturity project management of state boards of Rio Grande do Norte by the perception of its managers. Argues that project management has been highlighted as a critical factor for the success of any organization, because the projects are directly related to the set of activities that result in organizational innovation as products, services and processes and the improvement of project management is directly aligned with the main pillars of the New Public Management. Methodologically, this is a quantitative research of a descriptive nature in which 161 forms were applied with coordinators and subcoordinators of state departments of Rio Grande do Norte, culminating in a sampling error of less than 6% to 95% confidence according to the procedures finite sampling. The process of tabulation and analysis was done using the package Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS 18.0 and worked with techniques such as mean, standard deviation, frequency distributions, cluster analysis and factor analysis. The results indicate that the levels of maturity in project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte is below the national average and that behavioral skills are the main problem for improving management in these departments. It was possible to detect the existence of two groups of different perceptions about the management of projects, indicating, according to the managers, there are islands of excellence in project management in some sectors of the state departments. It was also observed that there are eight factors that affect maturity in project management: Planning and Control , Development of Management Skills , Project Management Environment , Acceptance of the Subject Project Management , Stimulus to Performance , Project Evaluation and Learning , Project Management Office and Visibility of Project Managers . It concludes that the project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte has no satisfactory levels of maturity in project management, affecting the levels of efficiency and effectiveness of the state apparatus, which shows that some of the assumptions that guide the New Public Management are not getting the levels of excellence nailed by this management model
Acompanha: Material de apoio para os professores das escolas municipais de Curitiba: propostas de prticas de ensino por investigação nas aulas de cincias dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental.
Acompanha: Sequncia didtica interativa para o ensino de doenas epidmicas
Relatrio de atividades do INSA relativo ao ano de 2015. Este instrumento tem dois grandes objetivos: 1) Averiguar a concretizao do Plano de Ao de 2015. Nomeadamente, avalia a estratgia assumida atravs dos seus objetivos estratgicos, isto , verificar o grau de realizao dos programas e dos objetivos operacionais atingidos que foram propostos no QUAR e no Plano de Ao; 2) Prestar informao institucional relativamente execuo do oramento, alocao de recursos humanos, financeiros e tcnicos, para alm de demonstrar quantitativa e qualitativamente os dados das funes essenciais inerentes ao Departamentos Tcnicos e Cientficos.
Abstract Background The software effort estimation research area aims to improve the accuracy of this estimation in software projects and activities. Aims This study describes the development and usage of a web application tocollect data generated from the Planning Poker estimation process and the analysis of the collected data to investigate the impact of revising previous estimates when conducting similar estimates in a Planning Poker context. Method Software activities were estimated by Universidade Tecnolgica Federal do Paran (UTFPR) computer students, using Planning Poker, with and without revising previous similar activities, storing data regarding the decision-making process. And the collected data was used to investigate the impact that revising similar executed activities have in the software effort estimates' accuracy.Obtained Results The UTFPR computer students were divided into 14 groups. Eight of them showed accuracy increase in more than half of their estimates. Three of them had almost the same accuracy in more than half of their estimates. And only three of them had loss of accuracy in more than half of their estimates. Conclusion Reviewing the similar executed software activities, when using Planning Poker, led to more accurate software estimates in most cases, and, because of that, can improve the software development process.
Plano de atividades do INSA, I.P. para o ano de 2016. Este instrumento constitui um referencial para a atividade a desenvolver pelo Instituto durante este ano, baseado nas estratgias objetivos e metas institucionalmente consensualizados.
A educao em cincias com orientao Cincia-Tecnologia-Sociedade (CTS) centra-se no reconhecimento da capacidade da cincia para o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade assente nos valores da democracia. Esta orientao implica mais do que ensino de contedos estritamente disciplinares. O patrimnio artstico construdo pode ser fonte inspiradora para o enriquecimento curricular proporcionando aprendizagens ativas e integradas. Foi nesta linha que definimos como objetivo desenvolver, implementar e validar atividades e recursos que articulam as aprendizagens na escola e no Museu Cargaleiro (Castelo Branco), na educao em cincias no 1 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico (1 CEB). A investigação, com uma metodologia qualitativa, desenvolveu-se no mbito do Estgio, numa turma de 4.ano, inserindo-se na problemtica da interao entre contextos de educao formal e no formal para a promoo da aprendizagem atravs da explorao de conexes das cincias com a arte. Para tal, planificmos uma visita de estudo ao Museu que contemplou a construo de recursos mediante o planeamento das trs fases articuladas antes, durante e aps a visita. Da sequncia didtica, evidenciamos uma atividade de trabalho experimental que decorreu na fase aps a visita, a fim de articular os conhecimentos adquiridos nas duas fases anteriores reforando a compreenso dos fenmenos da luz e da cor, atravs da arte, envolvendo conhecimento da realidade prxima. Os resultados evidenciam que a aprendizagem dos alunos a nvel de atitudes e capacidades e a nvel cognitivo, avaliadas atravs de mltiplos registos, foi muito positiva.
Relatrio de Estgio apresentado Escola Superior de Educao do Instituto Politcnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Educao Pr-Escolar e Ensino do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico.