865 resultados para Associative Classifiers


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Kallmann syndrome (KS), characterized by the association of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia, may present many other phenotypic abnormalities, including neurologic features as involuntary movements, called mirror movements (MM). MM etiology probably involves a complex mechanism comprising corticospinal tract abnormal development associated with deficient contralateral motor cortex inhibitory system. In this study, in order to address previous hypotheses concerning MM etiology, we identified and quantified white matter (WM) alterations in 21 KS patients, comparing subjects with and without MM and 16 control subjects, using magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) and T2 relaxometry (R2). Magnetization transfer and 12 double-echo images were acquired in a 1.5 T system. MTR and R2 were calculated pixel by pixel to initially create individual maps, and then, group average maps, co-registered with MNI305 stereotaxic coordinate system. After analysis of selected regions of interest, we demonstrated areas with higher 12 relaxation time and lower MTR values in KS patients, with and without MM, differently involving corticospinal tract projection, frontal lobes and corpus callosum. Higher MTR was observed only in pyramidal decussation when compared in both groups of patients with controls. In conclusion, we demonstrated that patients with KS have altered WM areas, presenting in a different manner in patients with and without MM. These data suggest axonal loss or disorganization involving abnormal pyramidal tracts and other associative/connective areas, relating to the presence or absence of MM. We also found a different pattern of alteration in pyramidal decussation, which can represent the primary area of neuronal disarrangement. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A sedimentation equilibrium study of a-chymotrypsin self-association in acetate-chloride buffer, pH 4.1 I 0.05, has been used to illustrate determination of a dimerization constant under conditions where thermodynamic non-ideality is manifested beyond the consequences of nearest-neighbor interactions. Because the expressions for the experimentally determinable interaction parameters comprise a mixture of equilibrium constant and excluded volume terms, the assignment of reasonable magnitudes to the relevant virial coefficients describing non-associative cluster formation is essential for the evaluation of a reliable estimate of the dimerization constant. Determination of these excluded volume parameters by numerical integration over the potential-of-mean-force is shown to be preferable to their calculation by approximate analytical solutions of the integral for this relatively small enzyme monomer with high net charge (+ 10) under conditions of low ionic strength (0.05 M). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The measurement of natural N-15 abundance is a well-established technique for the identification and quantification of biological N-2 fixation in plants. Associative N-2 fixing bacteria have been isolated from sugarcane and reported to contribute potentially significant amounts of N to plant growth and development. It has not been established whether Australian commercial sugarcane receives significant input from biological N-2 fixation, even though high populations of N-2 fixing bacteria have been isolated from Australian commercial sugarcane fields and plants. In this study, delta(15)N measurements were used as a primary measure to identify whether Australian commercial sugarcane was obtaining significant inputs of N via biological N-2 fixation. Quantification of N input, via biological N-2 fixation, was not possible since suitable non-N-2 fixing reference plants were not present in commercial cane fields. The survey of Australian commercially grown sugarcane crops showed the majority had positive leaf delta(15)N values (73% >3.00parts per thousand, 63% of which were


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Background: Thalamotomy has been reported to be successful in ameliorating the motor symptoms of tremor and/or rigidity in people with Parkinson's disease (PD), emphasising the bona fide contribution of this subcortical nucleus to the neural circuitry subserving motor function. Despite evidence of parallel yet segregated associative and motor cortico-subcortical-cortical circuits, comparatively few studies have investigated the effects of this procedure on cognitive functions. In particular, research pertaining to the impact of thalamotomy on linguistic processes is fundamentally lacking. Aims: The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of thalamotomy in the language dominant and non-dominant hemispheres on linguistic functioning, relative to operative theoretical models of subcortical participation in language. This paper compares the linguistic profiles of two males with PD, aged 75 years (10 years of formal education) and 62 years (22 years of formal education), subsequent to unilateral thalamotomy procedures within the language dominant and non-dominant hemispheres, respectively. Methods & Procedures: Comprehensive linguistic profiles comprising general and high-level linguistic abilities in addition to on-line semantic processing skills were compiled up to 1 month prior to surgery and 3 months post-operatively, within perceived on'' periods (i.e., when optimally medicated). Pre- and post-operative language performances were compared within-subjects to a group of 16 non-surgical Parkinson's controls (NSPD) and a group of 16 non-neurologically impaired adults (NC). Outcomes & Results: The findings of this research suggest a laterality effect with regard to the contribution of the thalamus to high-level linguistic abilities and, potentially, the temporal processing of semantic information. This outcome supports the application of high-level linguistic assessments and measures of semantic processing proficiency to the clinical management of individuals with dominant thalamic lesions. Conclusions: The results reported lend support to contemporary theories of dominant thalamic participation in language, serving to further elucidate our current understanding of the role of subcortical structures in mediating linguistic processes, relevant to cortical hemispheric dominance.


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A central problem in visual perception concerns how humans perceive stable and uniform object colors despite variable lighting conditions (i.e. color constancy). One solution is to 'discount' variations in lighting across object surfaces by encoding color contrasts, and utilize this information to 'fill in' properties of the entire object surface. Implicit in this solution is the caveat that the color contrasts defining object boundaries must be distinguished from the spurious color fringes that occur naturally along luminance-defined edges in the retinal image (i.e. optical chromatic aberration). In the present paper, we propose that the neural machinery underlying color constancy is complemented by an 'error-correction' procedure which compensates for chromatic aberration, and suggest that error-correction may be linked functionally to the experimentally induced illusory colored aftereffects known as McCollough effects (MEs). To test these proposals, we develop a neural network model which incorporates many of the receptive-field (RF) profiles of neurons in primate color vision. The model is composed of two parallel processing streams which encode complementary sets of stimulus features: one stream encodes color contrasts to facilitate filling-in and color constancy; the other stream selectively encodes (spurious) color fringes at luminance boundaries, and learns to inhibit the filling-in of these colors within the first stream. Computer simulations of the model illustrate how complementary color-spatial interactions between error-correction and filling-in operations (a) facilitate color constancy, (b) reveal functional links between color constancy and the ME, and (c) reconcile previously reported anomalies in the local (edge) and global (spreading) properties of the ME. We discuss the broader implications of these findings by considering the complementary functional roles performed by RFs mediating color-spatial interactions in the primate visual system. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have isolated a cDNA clone from the honeybee brain encoding a dopamine receptor, AmDop2, which is positively coupled to adenylyl cyclase. The transmembrane domains of this receptor are 88% identical to the orthologous Drosophila D2 dopamine receptor, DmDop2, though phylogenetic analysis and sequence homology both indicate that invertebrate and vertebrate D2 receptors are quite distinct. In situ hybridization to mRNA in whole-mount preparations of honeybee brains reveals gene expression in the mushroom bodies, a primary site of associative learning. Furthermore, two anatomically distinct cell types in the mushroom bodies exhibit differential regulation of AmDop2 expression. In all nonreproductive females (worker caste) and reproductive males (drones) the receptor gene is strongly and constitutively expressed in all mushroom body interneurons with small cell bodies. In contrast, the large cell-bodied interneurons exhibit dramatic plasticity of AmDop2 gene expression. In newly emerged worker bees (cell-cleaning specialists) and newly emerged drones, no AmDop2 transcript is observed in the large interneurons whereas this transcript is abundant in these cells in the oldest worker bees (resource foragers) and older drones. Differentiation of the mushroom body interneurons into two distinct classes (i.e., plastic or nonplastic with respect to AmDop2 gene expression) indicates that this receptor contributes to the differential regulation of distinct neural circuits. Moreover, the plasticity of expression observed in the large cells implicates this receptor in the behavioral maturation of the bee.


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Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma multimodal de aquisição e processamento de sinais. O projeto proposto insere-se no contexto do desenvolvimento de interfaces multimodais para aplicação em dispositivos robóticos cujo propósito é a reabilitação motora adaptando o controle destes dispositivos de acordo com a intenção do usuário. A interface desenvolvida adquire, sincroniza e processa sinais eletroencefalográficos (EEG), eletromiográficos (EMG) e sinais provenientes de sensores inerciais (IMUs). A aquisição dos dados é feita em experimentos realizados com sujeitos saudáveis que executam tarefas motoras de membros inferiores. O objetivo é analisar a intenção de movimento, a ativação muscular e o início efetivo dos movimentos realizados, respectivamente, através dos sinais de EEG, EMG e IMUs. Para este fim, uma análise offline foi realizada. Nessa análise, são utilizadas técnicas de processamento dos sinais biológicos e técnicas para processar sinais provenientes de sensores inerciais. A partir destes, os ângulos da articulação do joelho também são aferidos ao longo dos movimentos. Um protocolo experimental de testes foi proposto para as tarefas realizadas. Os resultados demonstraram que o sistema proposto foi capaz de adquirir, sincronizar, processar e classificar os sinais combinadamente. Análises acerca da acurácia dos classificadores utilizados mostraram que a interface foi capaz de identificar intenção de movimento em 76, 0 ± 18, 2% dos movimentos. A maior média de tempo de antecipação ao movimento foi obtida através da análise do sinal de EEG e foi de 716, 0±546, 1 milisegundos. A partir da análise apenas do sinal de EMG, este valor foi de 88, 34 ± 67, 28 milisegundos. Os resultados das etapas de processamento dos sinais biológicos, a medição dos ângulos da articulação, bem como os valores de acurácia e tempo de antecipação ao movimento se mostraram em conformidade com a literatura atual relacionada.


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The HCI community is actively seeking novel methodologies to gain insight into the user’s experience during interaction with both the application and the content. We propose an emotional recognition engine capable of automatically recognizing a set of human emotional states using psychophysiological measures of the autonomous nervous system, including galvanic skin response, respiration, and heart rate. A novel pattern recognition system, based on discriminant analysis and support vector machine classifiers is trained using movies’ scenes selected to induce emotions ranging from the positive to the negative valence dimension, including happiness, anger, disgust, sadness, and fear. In this paper we introduce an emotion recognition system and evaluate its accuracy by presenting the results of an experiment conducted with three physiologic sensors.


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RESUMO: Nos últimos trinta anos, em Portugal, ocorreram processos de democratização política e de modernização da sociedade e das instituições, tendo como impulso as vontades nacionais e as mudanças ocorridas no Mundo em globalização, lideradas, no campo da educação, por agentes como a OCDE ou o Banco Mundial, e pela integração de Portugal na União Europeia. À implementação da(s) reforma(s), correspondeu uma mudança de paradigma educativo e organizacional, a criação de uma escola para todos, a emergência de novos alunos e de novos mandatos à Escola, a contingência de novas respostas educativas. Tais reformas constituiram instrumentos de mudança das organizações escolares e do sistema educativo, mas também do que significa ser professor, reformulando o desempenho e a “performatividade” docente (Ball, 2002), induzindo uma nova “identidade social” (Bernstein, 1996 e Dubar, 2006), produzindo novos modos de “fabricação da alma dos professores” (Foucault, 1996). Neste sentido, a autora procurou analisar, numa perspectiva crítica, as representações de professores do Ensino Básico, sobre os mecanismos de (re)configuração das suas identidades/perfis profissionais, recorrendo a uma investigação qualitativa descritiva, que privilegia a análise de conteúdo dos seus discursos sobre o tema, recolhidos segundo a técnica focus group. O estudo indiciou que os alunos são factor de realização, de risco e de mudança do perfil docente, actuando como uma quinta dimensão da (re)construção identitária dos Professores, a par da formação, do associativismo, do Estado e do Mercado, constituindo factor importante a ter em conta nos estudos sobre identidade docente. ABSTRACT: In the past thirty years, in Portugal, radical changes on politics and policies have been occurring, to achive the society and its institutions democratization and modernization, led by national wills and the changes occured in the World, stimulated, in the Education area, by global agencies like OECD, or the World Bank, and the integration of Portugal in the European Union. These reforms are connected to a new educational and organizational paradigm, the creation of a school for all, the emergence of new pupils, new demands to School and teachers, the imperative of new pedagogical solutions for educational problems, and are not only changing instruments in schools and in the educational system, but are also a powerful way to change “what to be a teacher” means, to re-formulate the teaching performance and “performativity” (Ball, 2002), to recompose his/her “social identity” (Bernstein, 1996; Dubar, 2006), or, in Michel Foucault (1996) words, to produce “new ways to manufacture teachers soul”. In this sense, the author intended to analyze, on a critical perspective, the representations of portuguese teachers of basic education (K12), on the mechanisms of (re)configuration of their professional identities/profiles, appealing to a qualitative descriptive research, which privileges the analysis of content of their speeches on the subject, collected according to the focus group technique, what, in its development, was brought near a circle of culture (in the sense of Paulo Freire‟s pedagogy). At least, pupils are the most important references and motivation to teachers changes, reflecting professional satisfaction and well done, but also risk, acting like a fifth dimension of teachers identity (re)construction, together with training, associative involvement, State and Market, and they must be considered on teatching identity studies.


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RESUMO: O objectivo desta investigação foi analisar as diferenças relativas à produção de recordações falsas, de acordo com o paradigma de associados convergentes. Foram realizadas experiências, nas quais participaram crianças entre os 4 e os 5 anos e adultos. Como metodologia adoptámos a apresentação de dez listas de palavras associadas a uma palavra não incluída na lista (palavra crítica). A ordem das palavras de cada lista foi manipulada de forma a ser apresentada em sentido decrescente de força associativa (ordem standard) ou em sentido crescente (ordem invertida). A instrução fornecida antes da apresentação das listas foi também manipulada nas crianças de forma a incluir uma condição em que se pedia para as crianças repetirem os primeiros três itens de cada lista com o intuito de aumentar a recordação desses itens (instrução de primazia). A predição inicial foi de que este tipo de manipulação ao aumentar a recordação dos itens mais fortemente associados ao item crítico poderia também levar a um aumento das recordações falsas relativas ao item crítico. Os resultados mostraram que a instrução de primazia não teve efeito na produção de memórias falsas e que, nas crianças o uso de listas invertidas diminuiu o número evocações falsas, não tendo qualquer efeito nos adultos. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as crianças e os adultos relativamente à produção de memórias falsas. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this investigation was to analyze the differences in the production of false memories, according to the paradigm of converging associates. Experiments were carried out, which involved children between 4 and 5 and adults. The methodology adopted was the presentation of ten lists of words associated with a word not included in the list (critical word). The word order of each list was manipulated so as to be presented in descending order of associative strength (standard order) or an increasing trend (inverted order). The instruction given prior to the presentation of lists was also manipulated, in children, to include a condition in which it was asked children to repeat the first three items in each list in order to increase the recall of these items (primacy' instruction). The initial prediction was that this kind of manipulation witch increase the recall of the items most strongly associated with the critical item could also lead to an increase in false memories relative to the critical item. The results showed that the primacy instruction had no effect on production of false memories and that, in children the use of inverted lists reduced the number of false evocations and has no effect in adults. There were no statistically significant differences between children and adults for the production of false memories.


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Tuberculosis (TB) is a worldwide infectious disease that has shown over time extremely high mortality levels. The urgent need to develop new antitubercular drugs is due to the increasing rate of appearance of multi-drug resistant strains to the commonly used drugs, and the longer durations of therapy and recovery, particularly in immuno-compromised patients. The major goal of the present study is the exploration of data from different families of compounds through the use of a variety of machine learning techniques so that robust QSAR-based models can be developed to further guide in the quest for new potent anti-TB compounds. Eight QSAR models were built using various types of descriptors (from ADRIANA.Code and Dragon software) with two publicly available structurally diverse data sets, including recent data deposited in PubChem. QSAR methodologies used Random Forests and Associative Neural Networks. Predictions for the external evaluation sets obtained accuracies in the range of 0.76-0.88 (for active/inactive classifications) and Q(2)=0.66-0.89 for regressions. Models developed in this study can be used to estimate the anti-TB activity of drug candidates at early stages of drug development (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In music genre classification, most approaches rely on statistical characteristics of low-level features computed on short audio frames. In these methods, it is implicitly considered that frames carry equally relevant information loads and that either individual frames, or distributions thereof, somehow capture the specificities of each genre. In this paper we study the representation space defined by short-term audio features with respect to class boundaries, and compare different processing techniques to partition this space. These partitions are evaluated in terms of accuracy on two genre classification tasks, with several types of classifiers. Experiments show that a randomized and unsupervised partition of the space, used in conjunction with a Markov Model classifier lead to accuracies comparable to the state of the art. We also show that unsupervised partitions of the space tend to create less hubs.


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Many current e-commerce systems provide personalization when their content is shown to users. In this sense, recommender systems make personalized suggestions and provide information of items available in the system. Nowadays, there is a vast amount of methods, including data mining techniques that can be employed for personalization in recommender systems. However, these methods are still quite vulnerable to some limitations and shortcomings related to recommender environment. In order to deal with some of them, in this work we implement a recommendation methodology in a recommender system for tourism, where classification based on association is applied. Classification based on association methods, also named associative classification methods, consist of an alternative data mining technique, which combines concepts from classification and association in order to allow association rules to be employed in a prediction context. The proposed methodology was evaluated in some case studies, where we could verify that it is able to shorten limitations presented in recommender systems and to enhance recommendation quality.


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Área de especialização: Imagem Digital por Radiação X.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Informática