233 resultados para Artillery (Weaponry)


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This PhD thesis discusses the impact of Cloud Computing infrastructures on Digital Forensics in the twofold role of target of investigations and as a helping hand to investigators. The Cloud offers a cheap and almost limitless computing power and storage space for data which can be leveraged to commit either new or old crimes and host related traces. Conversely, the Cloud can help forensic examiners to find clues better and earlier than traditional analysis applications, thanks to its dramatically improved evidence processing capabilities. In both cases, a new arsenal of software tools needs to be made available. The development of this novel weaponry and its technical and legal implications from the point of view of repeatability of technical assessments is discussed throughout the following pages and constitutes the unprecedented contribution of this work


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We report a case of an outbreak of inflammatory dermatophytoses caused by Arthroderma vanbreuseghemii (formally Trichophyton mentagrophytes pro parte) that involved an infected horse, the owner and at least 20 students, staff and stablemen at a veterinary school in Bern (Switzerland) that presented highly inflammatory dermatitis of the body and the face. Transmission from human to human was also recorded as one patient was the partner of an infected person. Both the phenotypic characteristics and ITS sequence of the dermatophytes isolated from the horse and patients were identical, consistent with the conclusion that the fungus originated from the horse. Three infected persons had not been in direct contact with the horse. Although direct transmission from human to human cannot be ruled out, fomites were most likely the source of infection for these three patients. Inspection of the literature at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century revealed that this dermatophyte was frequently transmitted from horses to humans in contact with horses (stablemen, coachmen, carters and artillery soldiers). The rarity of the present case report at the present time is likely related to the transformation of civilisation from the nineteenth century to nowadays in Europe with the change of horse husbandry. In addition, the inadequate immune response of the horse and the high number of people in contact with it at the equine clinic may explain the exceptional aspect of this case report.


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Hearing is extremely important for cetaceans because it is their “principal sense” (Weilgart, 2007) thus the harbor porpoise and other marine animals are highly dependent on sound for survival. This is why we should care about the impact of noise on animals like the harbor porpoise. Since sound travels so well in water, an explosion, sonar, boat noise, etc. can affect a very large area and thus many different species of marine mammals. Although military actions such as low frequency sonar have made recent news, noise has been affecting cetaceans, especially beaked whales, since at least 1991 (Weilgart, 2007). This study is an investigation of the possible impacts of artillery detonated on land on harbor porpoise hearing and covers some of the history of Fort Richardson, the legal and historical aspects and history of this type of concern, the science and physics of sound, marine mammal hearing and general biology of the harbor porpoise. Data were collected at the Fort Richardson Army base during June of 2007 by researchers from the University of Connecticut and the University of Rhode Island and will be used to determine the possible impacts that these detonations could have on the harbor porpoise.


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A primera vista, Quevedo no parece muy amigo de las máquinas de su tiempo. En una pieza de artillería, por ejemplo, ve una invención típica de la ingeniería moderna que amenaza no solamente a la creación divina, sino también a la sociedad estamental. En el caso de la pirotecnia, sin embargo, su actitud hacia la técnica parece más matizada, como se puede ver en su soneto moral sobre el cohete. Si por un lado este artificio se opone a la naturaleza y engaña al hombre, se presenta por otra parte como un equivalente asombroso del texto poético.


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A primera vista, Quevedo no parece muy amigo de las máquinas de su tiempo. En una pieza de artillería, por ejemplo, ve una invención típica de la ingeniería moderna que amenaza no solamente a la creación divina, sino también a la sociedad estamental. En el caso de la pirotecnia, sin embargo, su actitud hacia la técnica parece más matizada, como se puede ver en su soneto moral sobre el cohete. Si por un lado este artificio se opone a la naturaleza y engaña al hombre, se presenta por otra parte como un equivalente asombroso del texto poético.


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A primera vista, Quevedo no parece muy amigo de las máquinas de su tiempo. En una pieza de artillería, por ejemplo, ve una invención típica de la ingeniería moderna que amenaza no solamente a la creación divina, sino también a la sociedad estamental. En el caso de la pirotecnia, sin embargo, su actitud hacia la técnica parece más matizada, como se puede ver en su soneto moral sobre el cohete. Si por un lado este artificio se opone a la naturaleza y engaña al hombre, se presenta por otra parte como un equivalente asombroso del texto poético.


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On September 3, 1954, Chinese artillery began shelling Quemoy (Jinmen), one of the Kuomintang-held offshore islands, setting off the first Taiwan Strait Crisis. This paper focuses on the crisis and analyzes the following three questions: (1) What was the policy the U.S. took towards the Republic of China (R.O.C), especially towards the offshore islands, to try to end the Taiwan Strait Crisis? (2) What were the intentions of the U.S. government in trying to end the Taiwan Strait Crisis? And (3) how should U.S. policy towards the R.O.C. which led to solving the Taiwan Strait Crisis be positioned in the history of Sino-American relations? Through analysis of these questions, this study concludes that the position the U.S. took to bring an end to crisis, one which prevented China from “liberating Taiwan” and the Kuomintang from “attacking the mainland,” brought about the existence of a de facto “two-China” situation.


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From ≈11,200 to 8,000 years ago, the Great Plains of North America were populated by small Paleoindian hunting groups with well developed weaponry and the expertise to successfully hunt large mammals, especially mammoths and bison. Mammoths became extinct on the Plains by 11,000 years ago, and, although paleoecological conditions were worsening, their demise may have been hastened by human predation. After this, the main target of the Plains Paleoindian hunters consisted of subspecies of bison, Bison antiquus and Bison occidentalis. As bison populations gradually diminished, apparently because of worsening ecological conditions, by ≈8,000 years ago, human subsistence was forced into a greater dependence on small animal and plant foods. Human paleoecology studies of the Paleoindian time period rely heavily on multidisciplinary efforts. Geomorphologists, botanists, soil scientists, palynologists, biologists, and other specialists aid archaeologists in data recovery and analysis, although, with few exceptions, their contributions are derived from the fringes rather than the mainstream of their disciplines.


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O uso de veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANTs) tem se tornado cada vez mais comum, principalmente em aplicações de uso civil. No cenário militar, o uso de VANTs tem focado o cumprimento de missões específicas que podem ser divididas em duas grandes categorias: sensoriamento remoto e transporte de material de emprego militar. Este trabalho se concentra na categoria do sensoriamento remoto. O trabalho foca a definição de um modelo e uma arquitetura de referência para o desenvolvimento de sensores inteligentes orientados a missões específicas. O principal objetivo destas missões é a geração de mapas temáticos. Neste trabalho são investigados processos e mecanismos que possibilitem a geração desta categoria de mapas. Neste sentido, o conceito de MOSA (Mission Oriented Sensor Array) é proposto e modelado. Como estudos de caso dos conceitos apresentados são propostos dois sistemas de mapeamento automático de fontes sonoras, um para o caso civil e outro para o caso militar. Essas fontes podem ter origem no ruído gerado por grandes animais (inclusive humanos), por motores de combustão interna de veículos ou por atividade de artilharia (incluindo caçadores). Os MOSAs modelados para esta aplicação são baseados na integração de dados provenientes de um sensor de imageamento termal e uma rede de sensores acústicos em solo. A integração das informações de posicionamento providas pelos sensores utilizados, em uma base cartográfica única, é um dos aspectos importantes tratados neste trabalho. As principais contribuições do trabalho são a proposta de sistemas MOSA, incluindo conceitos, modelos, arquitetura e a implementação de referência representada pelo sistema de mapeamento automático de fontes sonoras.


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Fuenterrabía (Hondarribia) is a town located on the Franco-Spanish border. Between the 16th and 19th centuries it was considered to be one of the most outstanding strongholds in the Basque Country due to its strategic position. The bastion system of fortification was extremely prevalent in this stronghold. It was one of the first Spanish towns to adopt the incipient Renaissance designs of the bastion. The military engineers subsequently carried out continuous fortification projects that enabled the structure to withstand the advances being made in artillery and siege tactics. After the construction of the citadel of Pamplona had begun in 1571, following the design of the prestigious military engineer, Jacobo Palear Fratín and being revised by Viceroy Vespasiano Gonzaga, the aforementioned engineer undertook an ambitious project commissioned by Felipe II to modernise the fortifications of Fuenterrabía. Neither the plans nor the report of this project have been conserved, but in the year 2000, César Fernández Antuña published the report written by Spannocchi on the state of the fortifications of Fuenterrabía when he arrived to the Spanish peninsula, discovered in the Archivo Histórico Provincial de Zaragoza. This document conducts an in-depth analysis of Spannocchi’s project and how it was related to Fratín’s previous project. It concludes that this project encountered problems in updating the new bastions at the end of the 16th century, and identifies the factors which prevented the stronghold from being extended as was the case in Pamplona after Fratín’s project.


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Small paper notebook of John Ballantine with the handwritten Latin quaestiones performed by Ballantine, Eliphalet Adams, Adam Winthrop, and Jabez Fitch as candidates for the Master’s degree during the July 7, 1697 Harvard Commencement ceremony. The Quaestiones begin with Ballantine’s “Dominum temporal non fundatur in gratia,” and follow with “An Jesuitae possint esse boni subditi? Neg Resp. Dom. Winthrop,” "An Ethnicae virtutes sint verae virtutes?" Neg. Resp. Dom. Adams,” and “An detur omnibus an sufficiens ad salutem? Neg. Resp. Dom. Fitch.” The title page bears the inscription: “Jno Ballantine’s Book” and the first page has been torn out.


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Notes for a chapter that included the history of two pieces of artillery, the "Adams" and the "Hancock," used in Revolutionary War; epitaph in Latin on William Bollan, and agent for the province of Massachusetts, and Governor William Shirley; clippings regarding the death of General James Warren.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map: Map of the battlefield of Antietam, prepared by Wm. H. Willcox, Top. Off. & A.A.D.C. on Brig. Genl. Doubleday's staff from actual surveys ; J.G. Shoemaker, engr. 4th ed. It was published ca. 1862 by Lith. of P.S. Duval & Son. Scale [ca. 1:13,300]. Covers area in Washington County, Maryland including the Sharpsburg region and the Antietam National Battlefield. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Maryland State Plane Coordinate System (in Meters) (Fipszone 1900). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads and streets, houses, fences, vegetation, drainage, and artillery and Union and Confederate troop positions, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Includes inset: [Map of the environs of Sharpsburg]. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps of the Civil War from the Harvard Map Collection. Many items from this selection are from a collection of maps deposited by the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Commandery of the State of Massachusetts (MOLLUS) in the Harvard Map Collection in 1938. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features, in particular showing places of military importance. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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On 29 July a deal was signed in Paris concerning a merger between Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW), Germany’s largest manufacturer of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and artillery systems, and its French counterpart Nexter. The new holding formed as a result of the merger will be Europe’s largest producer of arms systems for land forces, comparable to the Airbus Group in the aerospace industry. While work on finalising the merger was underway, the German government was developing a new strategy for Germany’s arms industry, which was published on 9 June 2015. The strategy’s provisions show that German politicians, despite holding negative opinions on previous mergers between German arms companies and foreign businesses, have concluded that consolidation at the European level is nonetheless the only way to go. However, the strategy also states that the German government should exercise more influence than previously on the terms and conditions of any such consolidation. To this end, it identified key national technologies which will be supported and protected through various instruments, including also the conclusion of intergovernmental agreements on strategic defence co-operation. Such agreements may regulate questions such as the ownership structures of the new companies, the locations for developing technologies and for manufacturing products, subcontractors and exports of jointly developed arms and military equipment. In relation to the KMW–Nexter merger, such a deal between France and Germany is expected to be signed this autumn.


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Although the Minsk process brought about a de-escalation of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, not all of its 13 points have been implemented, including a ceasefire and withdrawal of heavy weaponry. In the absence of a military option, economic sanctions have become the core instrument of the EU and the US, to respond to Russia’s aggression. At the end of June 2016, when EU Heads of State and Government meet to discuss the extension of sanctions against Russia, they should bear in mind that Russia did not implement the commitments it took upon itself in the framework of the Minsk agreements. Given the persistent deadlock in the Ukraine crisis, the leaders of the EU ought to agree to prolong the sanctions against Russia, push for the renegotiation of the Minsk II agreement and widen the ‘Normandy format’ to include the US and bolster reforms in Ukraine.