990 resultados para Ares


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O Reduto é uma área contígua ao centro da cidade de Belém surgida na segunda metade do século XVIII com a construção de uma fortificação militar. Foi efetivamente ocupado durante o século XIX, quando viveu um período de intensa atividade comercial resultante da economia da borracha. Na primeira década do século XX com a implantação de um projeto modernizador surgiram obras na cidade que forçaram uma reestruturação do espaço urbano. Enquanto o restante da cidade era embelezado, a área do Reduto, para atender aos interesses capitalistas da economia exportadora, sofria uma descaracterização no seu espaço original: o aterramento da sua doca e a quebra do seu movimentado comércio. Entretanto, novas formas espaciais foram surgindo no bairro. Ocupando uma posição conveniente, a margem imediata da baía, o Reduto tornou-se uma área atrativa para a instalação de fábricas e foi pouco a pouco assumindo ares de bairro industrial. Funcionários, comerciantes e empresários de várias nacionalidades, ou simplesmente operários em busca de trabalho deram ao Reduto até meados do século XX características bem particulares que ficaram marcadas no imaginário coletivo da cidade e ainda hoje são presentes na memória dos seus antigos moradores.


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A expansão do mercado turístico nacional representa um importante papel no desenvolvimento socioeconômico do país. Mais especificamente, a hotelaria representa um vetor fundamental de expansão e consolidação deste setor, correspondido à demanda dos novos segmentos de mercado paralelamente à sua atuação na criação de novas modalidades de turismo, diversificando o portfólio de serviços. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o desenvolvimento de um projeto hoteleiro voltado ao lazer e eventos na zona rural do município de Bauru. Pretende-se que este projeto seja uma referência para o setor de hotelaria rural, por buscar associar elementos arquitetônicos, funcionais e conforto tanto aos funcionários quanto aos hóspedes. Para tanto, foram realizadas pesquisas de campo e bibliográfica pertinente ao assunto que culminaram no desenvolvimento do projeto do hotel fazenda “Verdes Ares


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As a hybrid genre, the narrative of Carlo Levi is an objective account and subjective elaboration that are equalized in a literary form. Written between 1943 and 1944, the book evokes with an atmosphere of memoir the period of 1935 and 1936, the writer’s exile. The film based on the narration fragmentizes the daily life of the problematic region and highlights the truth aimed by the discourses composed in times of crises, reinforced by action and expression without provincialism and also without a compensating aristocratic pose. It is possible to see some incapacity of the film by Rosi, natural to a certain degree, to translate the synthesis of literary treatment and socio-historical reflection. For this reason it is necessary to read the adaptation as an attitude about the literary matter and the result of historical experience. The memoir character relies on the artifice that makes good use of the book’s opening, the author’s short monologue, its narrative frame. The presence of paintings materializes the questions about the absurd contained in them


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This text is the result of a larger study into the role of the mother tongue in the construction of school knowledge, with a view to promoting gains in the performance of teenagers. The three objectives in this particular paper are: (1) to address Feuerstein's ideas, how the mother tongue interrelates with specific content, and the management of pedagogical interaction; (2) to illustrate enriched interaction during interventions by the researcher; and (3) to point out that supervised internship actions may help underachieving students. This is done in light of an interpretive analysis of the specialized literature, course books, reports and notes concerning interventions with students, and video and audio recordings. The analysis of interactions and student output following the researcher's interventions reveals increased awareness and change regarding school knowledge and how speaking/writing about specific content may enhance their performance in the completion of pedagogical tasks.


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Die FT-Rheologie wird zur Unterscheidung verschiedener Kamm-Topologien in Polystyrollösungen und –schmelzen angewendet. Die Polystyrole werden in Abhängigkeit der Deborahzahl De unter LAOS-Bedingungen vermessen. Die Meßergebnisse zeigen, daß der Schritt von wohldefinierten Systemen (lineare Ketten, Sterne) zu solchen mit statistischer Verteilung wie in Kämmen zu großen Veränderungen sowohl im linearen als auch im nichtlinearen Bereich der rheologischen Messungen führt. Sowohl die Masterkurven als auch die Intenstiäten I3/1 und Phasen Phi3 der Nichtlinearitäten der einzelnen Proben weisen jeweils deutliche Unterschiede untereinander auf. Diese sind durch die bisherigen Ergebnisse noch nicht vollständig mit topologischen Merkmalen in Verbindung zu bringen. Die Messungen wurden mit dem von McLeish eingeführten Pom-pom Modell und daraus weiterentwickelten double convected-Pom-pom Modell (DCPP) simuliert und lieferten gute Übereinstimmung sowie auch Vorhersagen über den experimentell nicht mehr zugänglichen Bereich. Zur Untersuchung des Einflusses von mechanischer Scherung auf die lokale, molekulare Dynamik wird das LAOS-Experiment in situ mit dielektrischer Spektroskopie kombiniert. Dazu wurde eine Apparatur entwickelt, die das hochsensitive ARES-Rheometer mit dem hochauflösenden dielektrischen ALPHA-Analyzer verbindet. Mit dieser Apparatur wurde das Typ-A Polymer 1,4-cis-Polyisopren, mit einem Dipolmoment entlang des Rückgrats, bei oszillatorischer Scherung unter gleichzeitiger Aufnahme eines dielektrischen Spektrums vermessen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die oszillatorische Verscherung weder die charakteristische Relaxationszeit noch die Form des Normal Mode Peaks beeinflußt, wohl aber die dielektrische Stärke Delta epsilon. Diese entspricht der Fläche unter dem e“-Peak und kann mit einer Debye- und einer Cole/Davidson-Funktion angepasst werden. Die Abnahme der dielektrischen Stärke mit zunehmender Scheramplitude kann mit der Orientierungsverteilung der End-zu-End-Vektoren in der Probe erklärt werden.


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In ambiente astrofsico i principali meccanismi di produzione di energia sono associati a cariche elettriche in moto non uniforme. In generale è noto che cariche libere emettono radiazione elettromagnetica solamente se accelerate:una carica stazionaria ha campo elettrico costante e campo magnetico nullo, quindi non irradia, e lo stesso si ha per una carica in moto uniforme (difatti basta porsi nel sistema di riferimento solidale ad essa perchè si ricada nel caso precedente). In questo contesto si inserisce la radiazione di Bremsstrahlung, caratteristica dei plasmi astrofsici molto caldi e dovuta all'interazione coulombiana tra gli ioni e gli elettroni liberi del gas ionizzato. Data la piccola massa dell'elettrone, durante l'interazione lo ione non viene accelerato in maniera apprezzabile, quindi è possibile trattare il problema come quello di cariche elettriche negative decelerate dal campo coulombiano stazionario di un mare di cariche positive. Non a caso in tedesco la parola Bremsstrahlung signifca radiazione di frenamento". L'emissione di Bremsstrahlung è detta anche free-free emission poichè l'elettrone perde energia passando da uno stato non legato a un altro stato non legato. Questo processo di radiazione avviene nel continuo, su un intervallo di frequenze che va dal radio ai raggi gamma. In astrofsica è il principale meccanismo di raffreddamento per i plasmi a temperature elevate: si osserva nelle regioni HII, sottoforma di emissione radio, ma anche nelle galactic hot-coronae, nelle stelle binarie X, nei dischi di accrescimento intorno alle stelle evolute e ai buchi neri, nel gas intergalattico degli ammassi di galassie e nelle atmosfere di gas caldo in cui sono immerse le galassie ellittiche, perlopiù sottoforma di emissione X. La trattazione del fenomeno sarà estesa anche al caso relativistico che, per esempio, trova applicazione nell'emissione dei ares solari e della componente elettronica dei raggi cosmici. Infine la radiazione di Bremsstrahlung, oltre a permettere, solamente mediante misure spettroscopiche, di ricavare la temperatura e la misura di emissione di una nube di plasma, consente di effettuare una vera e propria "mappatura" del campo gravitazionale dei sistemi che hanno gas caldo.


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The ever increasing popularity of apps stems from their ability to provide highly customized services to the user. The flip side is that in order to provide such services, apps need access to very sensitive private information about the user. This leads to malicious apps that collect personal user information in the background and exploit it in various ways. Studies have shown that current app vetting processes which are mainly restricted to install time verification mechanisms are incapable of detecting and preventing such attacks. We argue that the missing fundamental aspect here is a comprehensive and usable mobile privacy solution, one that not only protects the user's location information, but also other equally sensitive user data such as the user's contacts and documents. A solution that is usable by the average user who does not understand or care about the low level technical details. To bridge this gap, we propose privacy metrics that quantify low-level app accesses in terms of privacy impact and transforms them to high-level user understandable ratings. We also provide the design and architecture of our Privacy Panel app that represents the computed ratings in a graphical user-friendly format and allows the user to define policies based on them. Finally, experimental results are given to validate the scalability of the proposed solution.


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To investigate the effect of metal implants in proton radiotherapy, dose distributions of different, clinically relevant treatment plans have been measured in an anthropomorphic phantom and compared to treatment planning predictions. The anthropomorphic phantom, which is sliced into four segments in the cranio-caudal direction, is composed of tissue equivalent materials and contains a titanium implant in a vertebral body in the cervical region. GafChromic® films were laid between the different segments to measure the 2D delivered dose. Three different four-field plans have then been applied: a Single-Field-Uniform-Dose (SFUD) plan, both with and without artifact correction implemented, and an Intensity-Modulated-Proton-Therapy (IMPT) plan with the artifacts corrected. For corrections, the artifacts were manually outlined and the Hounsfield Units manually set to an average value for soft tissue. Results show a surprisingly good agreement between prescribed and delivered dose distributions when artifacts have been corrected, with > 97% and 98% of points fulfilling the gamma criterion of 3%/3 mm for both SFUD and the IMPT plans, respectively. In contrast, without artifact corrections, up to 18% of measured points fail the gamma criterion of 3%/3 mm for the SFUD plan. These measurements indicate that correcting manually for the reconstruction artifacts resulting from metal implants substantially improves the accuracy of the calculated dose distribution.


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Zisḳind Lieṿ


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BACKGROUND Parameningeal rhabdomyosarcomas (PM-RMSs) represent approximately 25% of all rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) cases. These tumors are associated with early recurrence and poor prognosis. This study assessed the clinical outcome and late toxicity of pencil beam scanning (PBS) proton therapy (PT) in the treatment of children with PM-RMS. PROCEDURES Thirty-nine children with PM-RMS received neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by PBS-PT at the Paul Scherrer Institute, with concomitant chemotherapy. The median age was 5.8 years (range, 1.2-16.1). Due to young age, 25 patients (64%) required general anesthesia during PT. The median time from the start of chemotherapy to PT was 13 weeks (range, 3-23 weeks). Median prescription dose was 54 Gy (relative biologic effectiveness, RBE). RESULTS With a mean follow-up of 41 months (range, 9-106 months), 10 patients failed. The actuarial 5-year progression-free survival (PFS) was 72% (95% CI, 67-94%) and the 5-year overall survival was 73% (95% CI, 69-96%). On univariate analysis, a delay in the initiation of PT (>13 weeks) was a significant detrimental factor for PFS. Three (8%) patients presented with grade 3 radiation-induced toxicity. The estimated actuarial 5-year toxicity ≥grade 3 free survival was 95% (95% CI, 94-96%). CONCLUSIONS Our data contribute to the growing body of evidence demonstrating the safety and effectiveness of PT for pediatric patients with PM-RMS. These preliminary results are encouraging and in line with other combined proton-photon and photons series; observed toxicity was acceptable.


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Regulation of cytoplasmic deadenylation, the first step in mRNA turnover, has direct impact on the fate of gene expression. AU-rich elements (AREs) found in the 3′ untranslated regions of many labile mRNAs are the most common RNA-destabilizing elements known in mammalian cells. Based on their sequence features and functional properties, AREs can be divided into three classes. Class I or class III ARE directs synchronous deadenylation, whereas class II ARE directs asynchronous deadenylation with the formation of poly(A)-intermediates. Through systematic mutagenesis study, we found that a cluster of five or six copies of AUUUA motifs forming various degrees of reiteration is the key feature dictating the choice between asynchronous versus synchronous deadenylation. A 20–30 nt AU-rich sequence immediately 5 ′ to this cluster of AUUUA motifs can greatly enhance its destabilizing ability and is an integral part of the AREs. These two features are the defining characteristics of class II AREs. ^ To better understand the decay mechanism of AREs, current methods have several limitations. Taking the advantage of tetracycline-regulated promoter, we developed a new transcriptional pulse strategy, Tet-system. By controlling the time and the amount of Tet addition, a pulse of RNA could be generated. Using this new system, we showed that AREs function in both growth- and density-arrested cells. The new strategy offers for the first time an opportunity to investigate control of mRNA deadenylation and decay kinetics in mammalian cells that exhibit physiologically relevant conditions. ^ As a member of heterogeneous nuclear RNA-binding protein, hnRNP D 0/AUF1 displays specific affinities for ARE sequences in vitro . But its in vivo function in ARE-mediated mRNA decay is unclear. AUF1/hnRNP D0 is composed of at least four isoforms derived by alternative RNA splicing. Each isoform exhibits different affinity for ARE sequence in vitro. Here, we examined in vivo effect of AUF1s/hnRNP D0s on degradation of ARE-containing mRNA. Our results showed that all four isoforms exhibit various RNA stabilizing effects in NIH3T3 cells, which are positively correlated with their binding affinities for ARE sequences. Further experiments indicated that AUF1/hnRNP D0 has a general role in modulating the stability of cytoplasmic mRNAs in mammalian cells. ^