863 resultados para Apo, Satu: Viinan voima


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Immunity induced by the 19-kDa fragment of merozoite surface protein 1 is dependent on CD4(+) Th cells. However, we found that adoptively transferred CFSE-labeled Th cells specific for an epitope on Plasmodium yoelii 19-kDa fragment of merozoite surface protein 1 (peptide (p)24), but not OVA-specific T cells, were deleted as a result of P. yoelii infection. As a result of infection, spleen cells recovered from infected p24-specific T cell-transfused mice demonstrated reduced response to specific Ag. A higher percentage of CFSE-labeled p24-specific T cells stained positive with annexin and anti-active caspase-3 in infected compared with uninfected mice, suggesting that apoptosis contributed to deletion of p24-specific T cells during infection. Apoptosis correlated with increased percentages of p24-specific T cells that stained positive for Fas from infected mice, suggesting that P. yoelii-induced apoptosis is, at least in part, mediated by Fas. However, bystander cells of other specificities also showed increased Fas expression during infection, suggesting that Fas expression alone is not sufficient for apoptosis. These data have implications for the development of immunity in the face of endemic parasite exposure.


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PrrC from Rhodobacter sphaeroides provides the signal input to a two-component signal transduction system that senses changes in oxygen tension and regulates expression of genes involved in photosynthesis (Eraso, J.M. and Kaplan, S. (2000) Biochemistry, 39, 2052-2062; Oh, J.-I. and Kaplan, S. (2000) EMBO J. 19, 42374247). It is also a homologue of eukaryotic Sco proteins and each has a C-x-x-x-C-P sequence. In mitochondrial Sco proteins these cysteines appear to be essential for the biogenesis Of the Cu-A centre of respiratory cytochrome oxidase. Overexpression and purification of a water-soluble and monomeric form of PrrC has provided sufficient material for a chemical and spectroscopic study of the properties of the four cysteine residues of PrrC, and its ability to bind divalent cations, including copper. PrrC expressed in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli binds Ni2+ tightly and the data are consistent with a mononuclear metal site. Following removal of Ni2+ and formation of renatured metal-free rPrrC (apo-PrrC), Cu2+ could be loaded into the reduced form of PrrC to generate a protein with a distinctive UV-visible spectrum, having absorbance with a lambda(max) of 360 nm. The copper:PrrC ratio is consistent with the presence of a mononuclear metal centre. The cysteines of metal-free PrrC oxidise in the presence of air to form two intramolecular disulfide bonds, with one pair being extremely reactive. The cysteine thiols with extreme O-2 sensitivity are involved in copper binding in reduced PrrC since the same copper-loaded protein could not be generated using oxidised PrrC. Thus, it appears that PrrC, and probably Sco proteins in general, could have both a thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase function and a copper-binding role. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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O evento teve como tema ???Grandes eventos esportivos no Brasil: desafios de organiza????o e legados???. A conversa foi marcada por reflex??es sobre a prepara????o do Pa??s para receber a Copa do Mundo 2014 e os Jogos Ol??mpicos e Paraol??mpicos 2016, bem como os benef??cios que estes eventos deixar??o para o Brasil. Os debatedores do evento foram o Presidente da Autoridade P??blica Ol??mpica (APO), General Fernando Azevedo e Silva, e o Secret??rio-Executivo do Minist??rio do Esporte, Luis Manuel Rebelo Fernandes. A modera????o do debate ficou por conta do Presidente da ENAP, Paulo Carvalho


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Background: Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is a neurological disorder that directly affects cortical areas responsible for auditory processing. The resulting abnormalities can be assessed using event-related potentials (ERP), which have high temporal resolution. However, little is known about TLE in terms of dysfunction of early sensory memory encoding or possible correlations between EEGs, linguistic deficits, and seizures. Mismatch negativity (MMN) is an ERP component – elicited by introducing a deviant stimulus while the subject is attending to a repetitive behavioural task – which reflects pre-attentive sensory memory function and reflects neuronal auditory discrimination and perceptional accuracy. Hypothesis: We propose an MMN protocol for future clinical application and research based on the hypothesis that children with TLE may have abnormal MMN for speech and non-speech stimuli. The MMN can be elicited with a passive auditory oddball paradigm, and the abnormalities might be associated with the location and frequency of epileptic seizures. Significance: The suggested protocol might contribute to a better understanding of the neuropsychophysiological basis of MMN. We suggest that in TLE central sound representation may be decreased for speech and non-speech stimuli. Discussion: MMN arises from a difference to speech and non-speech stimuli across electrode sites. TLE in childhood might be a good model for studying topographic and functional auditory processing and its neurodevelopment, pointing to MMN as a possible clinical tool for prognosis, evaluation, follow-up, and rehabilitation for TLE.


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Biophysical Chemistry 110 (2004) 83–92


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Background: Obesity is associated with increased atherogenesis through alterations in lipids, among other potential factors. Some of those abnormalities might be mediated by insulin resistance (IR). Aims: To compare lipid and apolipoprotein profile between lean and obese women; to evaluate the influence of IR on lipid and apolipoprotein profile, in obese women. Methods: We studied 112 obese and 100 normal-weight premenopausal women without known cardiovascular disease. Both groups were characterized for anthropometrics and a fasting blood sample was collected for assessment of glucose, insulin, triglycerides, cholesterol (total, LDL and HDL), and apolipoproteins A-I, A-II, B, C-II, C-III, and E; IR was assessed by the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA-IR). We compared lipids between obese and lean women; we looked for correlation of those levels with anthropometrics and IR (independently from anthropometrics) in obese women. Results: Obese women were characterized by mean age=34.6±8.3 years, BMI=43.6±7.9 kg/m2, waist circumference (Wc)=117.5±15.1 cm, and HOMA-IR=4.28±3.5. Lean women (age=34.2±8.3 years, BMI=21.4±1.7 kg/m2, Wc=71.7±5.8 cm, and HOMA-IR=1.21±0.76) presented with significantly lower levels of total cholesterol (P=0.001), LDL-cholesterol (P<0.001), and triglycerides (P<0.001); they presented higher levels of HDL-cholesterol (P<0.001), Apo A-I (P<0.001) and Apo A-II (P=0.037). HOMA-IR showed no significant association with apolipoproteins. HOMA-IR was inversely associated with HDL-cholesterol (P=0.048; r=−0.187) but that association disappeared when we adjusted for waist circumference. Only triglycerides were directly associated with HOMA-IR (P<0.001; r=0.343) independently from anthropometrics. Conclusion: We confirm that obese women present worst lipid and apolipoprotein profile. However, with the exception for triglycerides, insulin resistance per se does not play a major role in lipid and apolipoprotein abnormalities observed in obese women.


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Febs Journal (2009)276:1776-1786


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Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies,6,IET, pp.53-73


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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Os distúrbios dos lípidos e das lipoproteínas plasmáticas, frequentes em doentes diabéticos insulinodependentes, contribuem significativamente para o risco cardiovascular elevado que estes indivíduos apresentam. Estudos efectuados em crianças e jovens insulinodependentes, demonstram o aparecimento precoce de alterações no metabolismo lipídico, habitualmente associa das e agravadas por um deficiente controle glicémico. Algumas outras alterações mantém-se presentes em crianças diabéticas, mesmo em condições de bom controle glicémico. Aparentemente, as medidas habituais de optimização do controle metabólico não corrigem todas as alterações do perfil lipídico, induzidas pela Diabetes Mellitus. A hiperglicémia induz a maioria das perturbações verificadas, através da estimulação da síntese hepática de triglicéridos, e pela glicolização e oxidação das lipoproteinas e respectivas apolipoproteinas. A carência em insulina, é responsá vel por alterações adicionais, ao interferir na actividade da lipoproteina lipase. O perfil lipídico, em crianças e jovens insulinodependentes, com deficiente controlo metabólico, tende a ser sobre ponível ao descrito para os diabéticos adultos: elevação significativa de triglicéridos, VLDL-Tg, LDL-Tg, VLDL-Col, Apo B e CIII e diminuição do HDL-Col e da Apo AI. Dada a forte corre lação do controle glicémico com a maioria das alterações lipidicas, mesmo em presença de va lores de colesterol e triglicéridos normais, os doseamentos das apolipoproteinas Apo AI, Apo B 100 e de Apo CIII, parecem ser fieis indicadores do controle glicémico, na criança diabética, e factores de elevado valor predictivo de risco cardiovascular, na idade adulta.


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RESUMO: A doença de Alzheimer (AD) é a forma mais comum de demência em todo o mundo e sua prevalência deverá duplicar até 2050. Os mecanismos precisos responsáveis pela AD são desconhecidas mas as características histopatológicas estão bem caracterizadas. A hipótese mais importante para a perda neuronal e declínio cognitivo na AD é a cascata amilóide que indica que AD é o resultado da sobreprodução de beta amilóide (Aβ) e / ou remoção ineficaz; a acumulação do BA no cérebro seria o passo crítico na patogénese da AD. Actualmente, a identificação de proteínas que se ligam ao Aβ e modulam a sua agregação e neurotoxicidade pode proporcionar a base para novas abordagens terapêuticas. A apolipoproteína AI (ApoA-I), o principal componente das HDL humanas, interage com o domínio extracelular da proteína precursora de amilóide (APP), bem como com o Aβ. Estudos epidemiológicos têm mostrado uma diminuição acentuada da ApoA-I plasmática em doentes com AD, com uma correlação inversa entre o nível de ApoA-I e o risco de AD. Este trabalho pretende apresentar um projecto que tem como objectivo investigar se os anticorpos anti-apo AI podem impedir a formação de complexos Aβ / ApoA-I, bloqueando o efeito protector da ApoA-I. A hipótese baseia-se na possibilidade dos doentes com AD terem anticorpos anti-ApoA-I plasmáticos e de estes poderem interferir com a formação do complexo no LCR.------- ABSTRACT:Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia world-wide and its prevalence is expected to double by the year 2050. The precise mechanisms responsible for AD are unknown but the histopathologic features are well-characterised. The most compelling hypothesis for neuronal loss and cognitive decline in AD is the amyloid cascade hypothesis which states that AD is the result of amyloid beta (Aβ) overproduction and/or ineffective clearance and its accumulation in the brain would be the critical step in AD pathogenesis. Currently, identification of proteins that bind Aβ and modulate its aggregation and neurotoxicity could provide the basis for novel treatment approaches. Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I), the main constituent of human HDL, ApoA-I interacts with the extracellular domain of amyloid precursor protein (APP), as well as with Aβ itself. Epidemiological studies have shown a marked decrease of plasma ApoA-I levels in AD patients, with an inverse correlation between the ApoA-I level and the risk of AD. This work intends to present a project that aims to investigate if anti-ApoA-I antibodies may prevent the formation of the Aβ /ApoA-I complex and by doing so blocking the protective effect of ApoA-I in AD. We base the hypothesis on the possibility that patients with AD might have anti-ApoA-I antibodies in plasma and that these can interfere with the complex formation in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Bioquímica


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Do cerne de Guarea carinata foi isolado como principal constituinte um triterpeno di-acetilado (I). do grupo dos protolimonóides, derivado do apo-tirucalol e que mostrou atividade no controle biológico das larvas de Urbanus acawoioa(WILLIAMS, R. C, 1926) (Lepidoptera Hesperiidac).


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether apolipoproteins A-I (Apo A-I) and B (Apo B) have, higher ensitivity (SN), specificity (SP) and positive predictive value (PPV) than lipoproteins (LP), total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), and triglycerides (TGL) in assessing the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). METHODS: This is a transversal case-control study of 241 patients, who were divided into two groups: 1) 145 patients with CHD, and 2) 96 patients without coronary disease. A model of logistic regression to evaluate the relation between the LPs and CHD was developed in which variables with a p-alpha <0.1 were included. RESULTS: Apo A-I levels were higher in the patients without CHD, (OR 2.08, CI 1.20-3.57). There were no statistical differences between the values of Apo A-I and the remaining lipid fractions (Apo A-I: 67%; Apo B: 100%; PPV: TC= 71%; TGC=71%; HDL=71%; LDL=71%). The costs of the tests in Reais were as follows: Apo A-I: R$ 56.60; Apo B-100: R$ 56.60; TC: R$ 9.94; HDL: R$ 21.30; LDL: R$ 28.40; TGL: R$ 14.20. CONCLUSION: Levels of Apo A-I and Apo B have no advantage over conventional lipoproteins in predicting the risk of CHD, despite the statistical association between Apo A-I and CHD; in addition, their costs are higher than those of the conventional lipoproteins.


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OBJETIVO - Avaliar o efeito dos ésteres de fitoesteróis (FE) da dieta, em função dos diferentes genótipos de apo E, sobre os lípides plasmáticos em indivíduos moderadamente hipercolesterolêmicos. MÉTODOS - Pacientes moderadamente hipercolesterolêmicos (20 a 60 anos de idade; 50 mulheres e 10 homens), mantidos em dieta habitual, receberam margarina (20g/dia) enriquecida com fitoesteróis (2,8g/dia=1,68g de FE), ou margarina normal (placebo), por dois períodos de quatro semanas cada, em estudo duplo cego e cruzado. RESULTADOS - Fitoesteróis reduziram significativamente o colesterol total e o LDL-colesterol, respectivamente, em 10% e 12% quando comparado à fase basal de admissão ao programa, e 6% e 8% quando comparado à fase placebo. O HDL-colesterol e a trigliceridemia não se modificaram. CONCLUSÃO - Ésteres de fitoesteróis da dieta reduziram a colesterolemia e a redução do LDL-colesterol foi mais pronunciada nos indivíduos que apresentavam valores maiores de LDL-colesterol, quando admitidos no estudo. Em relação ao sinótipo de apo E não houve diferença significativa entre apo E 3/3 e apo E 3/4.