981 resultados para Anticancer drugs


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Chemotherapy in the last century was characterized by cytotoxic drugs that did not discriminate between cancerous and normal cell types and were consequently accompanied by toxic side effects that were often dose limiting. The ability of differentiating agents to selectively kill cancer cells or transform them to a nonproliferating or normal phenotype could lead to cell- and tissue-specific drugs without the side effects of current cancer chemotherapeutics. This may be possible for a new generation of histone deacetylase inhibitors derived from amino acids. Structure-activity relationships are now reported for 43 compounds derived from 2-aminosuberic acid that kill a range of cancer cells, 26 being potent cytotoxins against MM96L melanoma cells (IC50 20 nM-1 mu M), while 17 were between 5- and 60-fold more selective in killing MM96L melanoma cells versus normal (neonatal foreskin fibroblasts, NFF) cells. This represents a 10- to 100-fold increase in potency and up to a 10-fold higher selectivity over previously reported compounds derived from cysteine (J. Med. Chem. 2004, 47, 2984). Selectivity is also an underestimate, because the normal cells, NFF, are rarely all killed by the drugs that also induce selective blockade of the cell cycle for normal but not cancer cells. Selected compounds were tested against a panel of human cancer cell lines (melanomas, prostate, breast, ovarian, cervical, lung, and colon) and found to be both selective and potent cytotoxins (IC50 20 nM-1 mu M). Compounds in this class typically inhibit human histone deacetylases, as evidenced by hyperacetylation of histones in both normal and cancer cells, induce expression of p21, and differentiate surviving cancer cells to a nonproliferating phenotype. These compounds may be valuable leads for the development of new chemotherapeutic agents.


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Les anthracyclines tels que la doxorubicin et la daunorubicin sont une famille de médicaments anticancéreux hydrophiles qui doivent être transportés dans les cellules afin d’exercer leur action par intercalation à l’ADN dans le noyau cellulaire. Ceci mène à la perturbation du métabolisme de l’ADN et entraine la mort cellulaire. Les anthracyclines sont utilisés pour le traitement d’une variété de cancers incluant la leucémie, les lymphomes, le cancer du sein, le cancer des poumons et le cancer des ovaires. Étant donné que le transport actif des anthracyclines dans les cellules a partiellement été démontré, le transporteur spécifique impliqué dans ce processus n’est pas encore connu. En utilisant un modèle de cancer des ovaires, la lignée cellulaire TOV2223G, nous avons démontré que des substrats spécifiques au transporteur de cations organiques 1 (OCT1), notamment la ergothionéine, la thiamine et la phenformin, ont partiellement inhibé l’absorption de la daunorubicin en différence de la carnitine qui est un substrat de haute affinité des transporteurs CT2 et OCTN2. Ces résultats suggèrent que les transporteurs organiques spécifiques au transport de la carnitine ne sont pas impliqués dans le transport des anthracyclines. Ainsi, nos résultats ont démontré que l’absorption de la daunorubicin est orchestrée par le transporteur OCT1 dans les cellules TOV2223G (Km ~ 5 μM) et des concentrations micromolaires de choline ont complètement abolies l’absorption de la drogue. De plus, un ARN sh dirigé contre OCT1 a réprimé son expression protéique, ce qui a été confirmé par la technique d’immuno-buvardage en utilisant un anti-OCT1 anticorps. Les cellules déficientes en OCT1 n’ont pas été capables d’absorber la daunorubicin et ont été plus résistantes à l’action de la drogue par rapport aux cellules contrôle. La transfection des cellules HEK293T avec un plasmide construit de façon à faire exprimer OCT1 comme protéine de fusion avec la protéine fluorescente EYFP a montré que celle-ci est localisée dans la membrane plasmique. Les cellules transfectées ont été capables d’absorber cinq fois plus de daunorubicin comparé aux cellules contrôles. Cette étude est, selon nous, la première à démontrer que OCT1 est un transporteur de haute affinité des anthracyclines. Ainsi, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que des défauts de OCT1 peuvent contribuer à l’efficacité de la réponse des cellules cancéreuses à la chimiothérapie avec les anthracyclines.


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Les anthracyclines tels que la doxorubicin et la daunorubicin sont une famille de médicaments anticancéreux hydrophiles qui doivent être transportés dans les cellules afin d’exercer leur action par intercalation à l’ADN dans le noyau cellulaire. Ceci mène à la perturbation du métabolisme de l’ADN et entraine la mort cellulaire. Les anthracyclines sont utilisés pour le traitement d’une variété de cancers incluant la leucémie, les lymphomes, le cancer du sein, le cancer des poumons et le cancer des ovaires. Étant donné que le transport actif des anthracyclines dans les cellules a partiellement été démontré, le transporteur spécifique impliqué dans ce processus n’est pas encore connu. En utilisant un modèle de cancer des ovaires, la lignée cellulaire TOV2223G, nous avons démontré que des substrats spécifiques au transporteur de cations organiques 1 (OCT1), notamment la ergothionéine, la thiamine et la phenformin, ont partiellement inhibé l’absorption de la daunorubicin en différence de la carnitine qui est un substrat de haute affinité des transporteurs CT2 et OCTN2. Ces résultats suggèrent que les transporteurs organiques spécifiques au transport de la carnitine ne sont pas impliqués dans le transport des anthracyclines. Ainsi, nos résultats ont démontré que l’absorption de la daunorubicin est orchestrée par le transporteur OCT1 dans les cellules TOV2223G (Km ~ 5 μM) et des concentrations micromolaires de choline ont complètement abolies l’absorption de la drogue. De plus, un ARN sh dirigé contre OCT1 a réprimé son expression protéique, ce qui a été confirmé par la technique d’immuno-buvardage en utilisant un anti-OCT1 anticorps. Les cellules déficientes en OCT1 n’ont pas été capables d’absorber la daunorubicin et ont été plus résistantes à l’action de la drogue par rapport aux cellules contrôle. La transfection des cellules HEK293T avec un plasmide construit de façon à faire exprimer OCT1 comme protéine de fusion avec la protéine fluorescente EYFP a montré que celle-ci est localisée dans la membrane plasmique. Les cellules transfectées ont été capables d’absorber cinq fois plus de daunorubicin comparé aux cellules contrôles. Cette étude est, selon nous, la première à démontrer que OCT1 est un transporteur de haute affinité des anthracyclines. Ainsi, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que des défauts de OCT1 peuvent contribuer à l’efficacité de la réponse des cellules cancéreuses à la chimiothérapie avec les anthracyclines.


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The present letter concerns anti-cancer natural products inducing cross-talk between apoptosis and autophagy mutual proteins to regulate cancer cell death for future cancer green therapeutic approaches. The course of cancer advancement has always been attributed to the defectiveness in cell death mechanisms (Du et al., 2013; Hematulin et al., 2014). These defects act as a shield in protecting tumor cells from drugs and therapies, all at the same time, maintaining a longer life span and prompting their dispersion procedures. Autophagy and apoptosis safeguards cells from cellular damages and maintains proliferation and homeostasis by deporting outgrowth and controlling differentiation of pernicious cells. The autophagic proteins are conventionally found in hindering apoptosis whereas vice versa accounts had been reported for apoptotic-intermediates in preventing autophagic responses.


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Police services in a number of Australian states and overseas jurisdictions have begun to implement or consider random road-side drug testing of drivers. This paper outlines research conducted to provide an estimate of the extent of drug driving in a sample of Queensland drivers in regional, rural and metropolitan areas. Oral fluid samples were collected from 2657 Queensland motorists and screened for illicit substances including cannabis (delta 9 tetrahydrocannibinol [THC]), amphetamines, ecstasy, and cocaine. Overall, 3.8% of the sample (n = 101) screened positive for at least one illicit substance, although multiple drugs were identified in a sample of 23 respondents. The most common drugs detected in oral fluid were ecstasy (n = 53), and cannabis (n = 46) followed by amphetamines (n = 23). A key finding was that cannabis was confirmed as the most common self-reported drug combined with driving and that individuals who tested positive to any drug through oral fluid analysis were also more likely to report the highest frequency of drug driving. Furthermore, a comparison between drug vs. drink driving detection rates for one region of the study, revealed a higher detection rate for drug driving (3.8%) vs. drink driving (0.8%). This research provides evidence that drug driving is relatively prevalent on Queensland roads, and may in fact be more common than drink driving. This paper will further outline the study findings’ and present possible directions for future drug driving research.


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Anecdotal evidence highlights issues of alcohol and other drugs (AODs) and its association with safety risk on construction sites. Information is limited however regarding the prevalence of AODs in the workplace and there is limited evidential guidance regarding how to effectively address it. This research aimed to scientifically evaluate the use of AODs within the Australian construction industry in order to reduce the potential resulting safety and performance impacts and engender a cultural change in the workforce. A national qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the use of AODs was conducted with approximately 500 employees. Results indicate that as in the general population, a proportion of those sampled in the construction sector may be at risk of hazardous alcohol consumption and support the need for evidence-based, tailored responses. This is the first known study to scientifically evaluate the use of AODs and potential workplace safety impacts in the construction sector.


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Background : Postmenopausal osteoporosis is common and is associated with stooped posture, loss of height, back pain and fractures. Objectives/methods : This evaluation is of clinical outcome trials with tibolone (Long-Term Intervention of Fractures with Tibolone) and strontium ranelate (Spinal Osteoporosis Therapeutic Intervention) in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Results : Although the Long-Term Intervention of Fractures with Tibolone trial established that tibolone decreased the incidence of vertebral and non-vertebral fractures in postmenopausal osteoporosis, it also showed that tibolone caused a small increase in the incidence of stoke. The Spinal Osteoporosis Therapeutic Intervention trial established that strontium ranelate decreased the incidence of vertebral fractures, but had little effect on the incidence of non-vertebral fractures. Conclusions : As some of the bisphosphonates (alendronate, risedronate, zoledronic acid) have been shown to prevent hip fractures without increasing the incidence of stroke, they should be preferred to tibolone and strontium in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.


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This report focuses on our examination of extant data which have been sourced with respect to personally and socially risky behaviour associated with males living in regional and remote Australia . The AIHW (2008: PHE 97:89) defines personally risky behaviour, on the one hand, as working, swimming, boating, driving or operating hazardous machinery while intoxicated with alcohol or an illicit drug. Socially risky behaviour, on the other hand, is defined as creating a public disturbance, damaging property, stealing or verbally or physically abusing someone while intoxicated with alcohol or an illicit drug. Additional commentary resulting from exploration, examination and analyses of secondary data is published online in complementary reports in this series.


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Dentists have the privilege of possessing, administering and prescribing drugs, including highly addictive medications, to their patients. But because drugs are often vulnerable to being abused by all members of society, including dentists and their patients, and because drugs can be dangerous, they are tightly regulated in Canada by the federal and provincial/territorial governments. Regulatory and professional dental bodies also provide guidance for their members about how to best administer and prescribe drugs. This chapter outlines the regulation by federal and provincial/territorial governments in this area, examines the professional practice requirements set out by regulatory/professional bodies and the issue of drug abuse by dental professional and patients. It is important to note from the outset that governmental and professional regulations, policies and practices differ from province to province and territory to territory. This chapter aims to alert dentists to possible legal and professional issues surrounding the possession, administration and prescription of drugs. For detailed specific information about regulation, policies, ethical standards and professional practice standards in Canada or their province/ territory, dentists should contact their insurer or professional association.


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Anecdotal evidence from the infrastructure and building sectors highlights issues of drugs and alcohol and its association with safety risk on construction sites. Operating machinery and mobile equipment, proximity to live traffic together with congested sites, electrical equipment and operating at heights conspire to accentuate the potential adverse impact of drugs and alcohol in the workplace. While most Australian jurisdictions have identified this as a critical safety issue, information is limited regarding the prevalence of alcohol and other drugs in the workplace and there is limited evidential guidance regarding how to effectively and efficiently address such an issue. No known study has scientifically evaluated the relationship between the use of drugs and alcohol and safety impacts in construction, and there has been only limited adoption of nationally coordinated strategies, supported by employers and employees to render it socially unacceptable to arrive at a construction workplace with impaired judgement from drugs and alcohol. A nationally consistent collaborative approach across the construction workforce - involving employers and employees; clients; unions; contractors and sub-contractors is required to engender a cultural change in the construction workforce – in a similar manner to the on-going initiative in securing a cultural change to drink-driving in our society where peer intervention and support is encouraged. This study has four key objectives. Firstly, using the standard World Health Organisation AUDIT, a national qualitative and quantitative assessment of the use of drugs and alcohol will be carried out. This will build upon similar studies carried out in the Australian energy and mining sectors. Secondly, the development of an appropriate industry policy will adopt a non-punitive and rehabilitative approach developed in consultation with employers and employees across the infrastructure and building sectors, with the aim it be adopted nationally for adoption at the construction workplace. Thirdly, an industry-specific cultural change management program will be developed through a nationally collaborative approach to reducing the risk of impaired performance on construction sites and increasing workers’ commitment to drugs and alcohol safety. Finally, an implementation plan will be developed from data gathered from both managers and construction employees. Such an approach stands to benefit not only occupational health and safety, through a greater understanding of the safety impacts of alcohol and other drugs at work, but also alcohol and drug use as a wider community health issue. This paper will provide an overview of the background and significance of the study as well as outlining the proposed methodology that will be used to evaluate the safety impacts of alcohol and other drugs in the construction industry.