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One-page printed notification of a meeting on October 20, 1835 of the Committee appointed by the Board of Overseers for the purpose of visiting the University, signed by President Josiah Quincy.
One-page printed notification of a meeting of the Overseers of Harvard College on July 16, 1835 signed by Secretary John Pierce.
Single page notification addressed to the selectmen of Cambridge, Massachusetts, dated 25 April 1758, in which William Cutler writes that he took into his father’s Cambridge house as tenants Dr. George Philip Brukowitz and his wife, from Woburn, Massachusetts. After the Boston smallpox epidemic of 1721, the town of Cambridge enacted a requirement in 1723 that no resident would receive or admit any non-resident family into their homes for the space of a month without informing the town selectmen. The penalty for failing to do so was twenty shillings.
In the last years masses of ice, about 5 km long, have been protruding from the lowest part of an advancing glacier margin of the Kötlujökull in Southern Iceland. In the summer of 1983, they appeared as sediment-covered lobes, 10-60 m long, bordering the glacier rnargin like agarland. 1 to 3 push-rnoraines without ice core, rnostly sickle-shaped, occured first in the frontal parts of the lobes: behind thern came several ice-cored moraines with heights of up to several metres. The active ice in front of the precipice of the glacier is called the "glacier-foot" in this paper. The digging out of 9 lobes and the measuring of the advance of 19 lobes showed that in most cases this glacierfoot had split up at its distal end into several plate- or stem-shaped pieces of ice which were situated one upon the other, separated by moraine deposits and proceeding irregularly into the foreland at the rate of several mm/h, The sometimes different rate of advance in the same lobe and different rates of advanee in adjoining lobes (some being entirely inactive) point to a type of rnovement which is independent of the general advance of the glacier. Research in the winter of 1983/84 showed less activity in 3 examined lobes, but the activity had not ceased. The advancement of the lower parts of the glacier-foot into and across the sands of the foreland implies the following genesis of pushmoraines: Shoving off a plate of sand, folding it and pushing it over the foreland at average rates of up to 7,2 mm/h, according to the investigations in thc summer of 1983. At a certain stage of the folding process, new folds begin to develop in front of the old, and the old folds are shifted onto the backslope of thc folds in front of them until they are completely unired. In this way, "püe-moraines" arise, which become higher and higher. They include two or more folds declining towards the glacier. Systems of small moraines presumably of the same genesis occur on old moraine areas in front of the Kötlujökull. The possible cause of formation of a glacier-foot is discussed, and the moraines of the Kötlujökull are compared with certain pleistocene push-moraines.