928 resultados para Android, Java, mobile, database, PHP, App, Json, design pattern, compatibilità, UML


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Antigens of pathogenic microbes that mimic autoantigens are thought to be responsible for the activation of autoreactive T cells. Viral infections have been associated with the development of the neuroendocrine autoimmune diseases type 1 diabetes and stiff-man syndrome, but the mechanism is unknown. These diseases share glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) as a major autoantigen. We screened synthetic peptide libraries dedicated to bind to HLA-DR3, which predisposes to both diseases, using clonal CD4+ T cells reactive to GAD65 isolated from a prediabetic stiff-man syndrome patient. Here we show that these GAD65-specific T cells crossreact with a peptide of the human cytomegalovirus (hCMV) major DNA-binding protein. This peptide was identified after database searching with a recognition pattern that had been deduced from the library studies. Furthermore, we showed that hCMV-derived epitope can be naturally processed by dendritic cells and recognized by GAD65 reactive T cells. Thus, hCMV may be involved in the loss of T cell tolerance to autoantigen GAD65 by a mechanism of molecular mimicry leading to autoimmunity.


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This paper presents a formal but practical approach for defining and using design patterns. Initially we formalize the concepts commonly used in defining design patterns using Object-Z. We also formalize consistency constraints that must be satisfied when a pattern is deployed in a design model. Then we implement the pattern modeling language and its consistency constraints using an existing modeling framework, EMF, and incorporate the implementation as plug-ins to the Eclipse modeling environment. While the language is defined formally in terms of Object-Z definitions, the language is implemented in a practical environment. Using the plug-ins, users can develop precise pattern descriptions without knowing the underlying formalism, and can use the tool to check the validity of the pattern descriptions and pattern usage in design models. In this work, formalism brings precision to the pattern language definition and its implementation brings practicability to our pattern-based modeling approach.


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Automated negotiation is widely applied in various domains. However, the development of such systems is a complex knowledge and software engineering task. So, a methodology there will be helpful. Unfortunately, none of existing methodologies can offer sufficient, detailed support for such system development. To remove this limitation, this paper develops a new methodology made up of: (1) a generic framework (architectural pattern) for the main task, and (2) a library of modular and reusable design pattern (templates) of subtasks. Thus, it is much easier to build a negotiating agent by assembling these standardised components rather than reinventing the wheel each time. Moreover, since these patterns are identified from a wide variety of existing negotiating agents (especially high impact ones), they can also improve the quality of the final systems developed. In addition, our methodology reveals what types of domain knowledge need to be input into the negotiating agents. This in turn provides a basis for developing techniques to acquire the domain knowledge from human users. This is important because negotiation agents act faithfully on the behalf of their human users and thus the relevant domain knowledge must be acquired from the human users. Finally, our methodology is validated with one high impact system.


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The sharing of product and process information plays a central role in coordinating supply chains operations and is a key driver for their success. "Linked pedigrees" - linked datasets, that encapsulate event based traceability information of artifacts as they move along the supply chain, provide a scalable mechanism to record and facilitate the sharing of track and trace knowledge among supply chain partners. In this paper we present "OntoPedigree" a content ontology design pattern for the representation of linked pedigrees, that can be specialised and extended to define domain specific traceability ontologies. Events captured within the pedigrees are specified using EPCIS - a GS1 standard for the specification of traceability information within and across enterprises, while certification information is described using PROV - a vocabulary for modelling provenance of resources. We exemplify the utility of OntoPedigree in linked pedigrees generated for supply chains within the perishable goods and pharmaceuticals sectors.


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Structured parallel programming, and in particular programming models using the algorithmic skeleton or parallel design pattern concepts, are increasingly considered to be the only viable means of supporting effective development of scalable and efficient parallel programs. Structured parallel programming models have been assessed in a number of works in the context of performance. In this paper we consider how the use of structured parallel programming models allows knowledge of the parallel patterns present to be harnessed to address both performance and energy consumption. We consider different features of structured parallel programming that may be leveraged to impact the performance/energy trade-off and we discuss a preliminary set of experiments validating our claims.


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In this paper we propose Incremental Sequential PAttern Discovery using Equivalence classes (IncSPADE) algorithm to mine the dynamic database without the requirement of re-scanning the database again. In order to evaluate this algorithm, we conducted the experiments against three different artificial datasets. The result shows that IncSPADE outperformed the benchmarked algorithm called SPADE up to 20%.


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Questa tesi esamina la progettazione e lo sviluppo di un'applicazione mobile Android che è in grado di gestire l'attività sportiva di un utente. L'applicazione offre numerose funzionalità, che permettono all'utente di eseguire allenamenti per il fitness e allenamenti per la corsa, tenendo sempre sotto controllo i risultati ottenuti e tutte le informazioni necessarie. Oltre ad eseguire allenamenti l'utente può crearne di propri e modificarli a suo piacimento, in più nell'App è inserito lo shop dove l'utilizzatore può comprare allenamenti messi a disposizione direttamente da FitBody. Gli aspetti visti sopra saranno descritti attraverso un'analisi del problema e un'analisi sulla progettazione architetturale. In particolare verranno sottolineati aspetti riguardanti l'interazione tra utenti e l'utilizzo di API che permetteranno all'utilizzatore di condividere le proprie esperienze sul social network Facebook e di avere un'esperienza completa con l'app. In questo scritto si parlerà anche della comunicazione tra applicazione e server, che avviene grazie a chiamate HTTP con metodo POST. Attraverso queste chiamate l'applicazione leggerà e scriverà informazioni sul database online, 'hostato' sulla piattaforma Altervista. L'applicazione web, di cui sarà data solamente un'infarinatura, è stata sviluppata utilizzando il linguaggio di programmazione PHP. Ogni 'response' inviata dal server al client è composta da uno o più oggetti JSON.


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Mental health of young people may be improved through the use of mental health mobile applications,because young people engage with this technology freely. Mental health of young people is improved through the application of positive psychology, studies of which show that regular practice of one’s signature strength increases happiness and wellbeing, while decreasing depression. The issue is how to develop a mobile application intervention so that regular practice of one’s signature strength in novel ways occurs. This research project seeks to develop design guidelines discovered through the application of design thinking, actively working with emerging adults. In addition, this research is framed by the Design Science Research methodology to ensure that the resultant application is relevant and tested rigorously. This paper discusses the theory behind the application and discusses the research methods and research design, and will share the preliminary findings of the discovered design principles.


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This work project aims to demonstrate how to design and develop an innovative concept of video streaming app. The project combines technology push and market pull theories into developing a product that is more suitable for the customer needs, with the particularity that there is no other way of seeing any place in the world, live and ondemand. An analysis on the bigger influencers in terms of design-thinking and new product development, as Tim Brown or Paul Trott, lead to a better understanding on how There App should evolve, keeping in mind the customer desires and technical features.


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Slide to go with Panopto recording for MA Communication Design on best practice for mobile ui design and some basic JQuery Mobile Customisation. Big thanks to Jonathan Stark Luke Wroblewski Jared Spool Without whom this would not have been made


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BACKGROUND: Low iron intake can lead to iron deficiency, which can result in impaired health and iron-deficiency anemia. A mobile phone app, combining successful dietary strategies to increase bioavailable iron with strategies for behavior change, such as goal setting, monitoring, feedback, and resources for knowledge acquisition, was developed with the aim to increase bioavailable iron intake in premenopausal women.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the content, usability, and acceptability of a mobile phone app designed to improve intake of bioavailable dietary iron.

METHODS: Women aged 18-50 years with an Android mobile phone were invited to participate. Over a 2-week period women were asked to interact with the app. Following this period, semistructured focus groups with participants were conducted. Focus groups were audio recorded and analyzed via an inductive open-coding method using the qualitative analysis software NVivo 10. Themes were identified and frequency of code occurrence was calculated.

RESULTS: Four focus groups (n=26) were conducted (age range 19-36 years, mean 24.7, SD 5.2). Two themes about the app's functionality were identified (frequency of occurrence in brackets): interface and design (134) and usability (86). Four themes about the app's components were identified: goal tracker (121), facts (78), photo diary (40), and games (46). A number of suggestions to improve the interface and design of the app were provided and will inform the ongoing development of the app.

CONCLUSIONS: This research indicates that participants are interested in iron and their health and are willing to use an app utilizing behavior change strategies to increase intake of bioavailable iron. The inclusion of information about the link between diet and health, monitoring and tracking of the achievement of dietary goals, and weekly reviews of goals were also seen as valuable components of the app and should be considered in mobile health apps aimed at adult women.


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In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo ideato e implementato un nuovo social network combinando in una sola applicazione per dispositivi mobili alcune nuove idee con altre già esistenti, ma ancora poco sviluppate. Dopo aver analizzato le app attualmente esistenti, si sono definite le caratteristiche dell'applicazione che si vuole creare, traendo ispirazione da Snapchat, Foursquare e Whisper. L'obiettivo è un'applicazione che permette agli utenti di inviare messaggi con testo e immagini geotaggati sulla loro posizione. Essi saranno anonimi, dato che gli utenti avranno la possibilità di creare e utilizzare facilmente più identità. I messaggi potranno essere votati e commentati e avranno una durata definita dall'autore, dopo di che si autodistruggeranno. Tutti i messaggi saranno visibili su una mappa che li mostrerà nel punto in cui l'autore si trovava quando li ha inviati. Gli utenti riceveranno una notifica per i nuovi messaggi inviati nelle loro vicinanze. I primi mesi di lavoro sul progetto sono stati dedicati al perfezionamento dell'idea originale e alla realizzazione della parte server. In questa fase è stato acquisito e configurato un Virtual Private Server, è stato progettato e creato il database MySql, ed è stata implementata la logica applicativa lato server in PHP. Successivamente, ci si è concentrati sulla progettazione e realizzazione dell'applicazione stessa, scegliendo la piattaforma Android e programmando in linguaggio Java. In questa fase si è definita e implementata l'interfaccia utente e la logica applicativa lato client. Giunti ad un buon livello di sviluppo, si è cominciato a distribuire limitatamente una versione alpha dell'applicazione per ottenere feedback dagli utenti, soprattutto riguardanti l'usabilità. La seguente tesi descrive in dettaglio l'idea di partenza, l'architettura del progetto e le funzionalità realizzate, per concludersi con una previsione degli sviluppi futuri. Vi è inoltre in allegato il codice sorgente dell'applicazione Android realizzata.


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L'avvento delle nuove tecnologie e dei nuovi terminali Smartphone, ha portato ad una sempre più ampia implementazioni di applicazioni mobile. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di illustrare il processo di progettazione ed implementazione di una mobile App per la Web Radio degli studenti universitari di Cesena: Uniradio Cesena.


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DeepBlue is much more than just an orchestra. Their innovative approach to audience engagement led it to develop ESP, their Electronic Show Programme web app which allows for real-time (synchronous) and delayed (asynchronous) audience interaction, customer feedback and research. The show itself is driven invisibly by a music technology operating system (currently QUT's Yodel) that allows them to adapt to a wide range of performance venues and varied types of presentation. DeepBlue's community engagement program has enabled over 5,500 young musicians and community choristers to participate in professional productions, it is also a cornerstone of DeepBlue's successful business model. You can view the ESP mobile web app at m.deepblue.net.au if you view this and only the landing page is active, there is not a show taking place or imminent. ESP prototype has already been used for 18 months. Imagine knowing what your audience really thinks – in real time so you can track their feelings and thoughts through the show. This tool has been developed and used by the performing group DeepBlue since late 2012 in Australia and Asia (even translated into Vietnamese). It has mostly superseded DeepBlue's SMS realtime communication during a show. It enables an event presenter or performance group to take the pulse of an audience through a series of targeted questions that can be anonymous or attributed. This will help build better, long-lasting, and more meaningful relationships with groups and individuals in the community. This can take place on a tablet, mobile phone or future platforms. There are three organisations trialling it so far.


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The physical, emotional, educational and social developmental challenges of adolescence can be associated with high levels of emotional vulnerability. Thus, the development of effective emotion-regulation strategies is crucial during this time period. Young people commonly use music to identify, express and regulate their emotions. Modern mobile technology provides an engaging, easily accessible means of assisting young people through music. A systematic contextual review identified 20 iPhone applications addressing emotions through music and two independent raters, using the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS), evaluated the quality of the apps. Their characteristics, key features and overall quality will be presented. Three participatory design workshops (N=13, 6 males, 7 females; age 15-25) were conducted to explore young people’s use of music to enhance wellbeing. Young people were also asked to trial existing mood and music apps and to conceptualise their ultimate mood targeting music application. A thematic analysis of the participatory design workshops content identified the following music affect-regulation strategies: relationship building, modifying cognitions, modifying emotions, and immersing in emotions. The application of the key learnings from the mobile app review and participatory design workshops and the design and development of the music eScape app were presented and implications for future research was discussed.