963 resultados para Aluminium Alloy


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The relevance of the effective stress intensity range to crack growth is considered for constant and for variable amplitude loading. The accelerated and retarded growth associated with simple programmed loadings is reported for two steels and an aluminium alloy. The load interaction effects are due to several competing mechanisms, and not due to the single, popular mechanism of crack closure.


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This paper describes an experimental investigation into the surface heat transfer coefficient of finned metal cylinders in a free air stream. Eight cast aluminium alloy cylinders were tested with four different fin pitches and five different fin lengths. The cylinders and their fins were designed to be representative of those found on a motorcycle engine. Each electrically heated cylinder was mounted in a wind tunnel and subjected to a range of air speeds between 2 and 20 m/s. The surface heat transfer coefficient, h, was found primarily to be a function of the air speed and the fin separation, with fin length having a lesser effect. The coefficient increases with airspeed and as the fins are separated or shortened. It was also noted that a limiting value of coefficient exists, influenced only by airspeed. Above the limiting value the surface heat transfer could not be increased by further separation of the fins or reduction in their length.


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To increase the structural efficiency of integrally machined aluminium alloy stiffened panels, it is plausible to introduce plate sub-stiffening to increase the local stability and thus panel static strength performance. Reported herein is the experimental validation of prismatic sub-stiffening, and the computational verification of such concepts within larger recurring structure. The experimental work demonstrates the potential to 'control' plate buckling modes. For the tested sub-stiffening design, an initial plate buckling performance gain of +89% over an equivalent mass design was measured. The numerical simulations, modelling the tested sub-stiffening design, demonstrate equivalent behaviour and performance gains (+66%) within larger structures consisting of recurring panels. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Previous work has demonstrated the potential to introduce plate element sub-stiffening to increase the local stability and thus static strength performance of integrally machined aluminium alloy stiffened panels. The introduction of plate element prismatic sub-stiffening modifies local plate buckling behaviour and within realistic design constraints, may produce sizable performance gains with equivalent mass designs. This article examines through experimental and computational analysis the potential of non-prismatic sub-stiffening for tailoring local plate stability performance. Using non-prismatic sub-stiffening, the experimental work demonstrates potential initial buckling performance gains with equivalent mass designs (+185%), and computationally, potential mass savings with equivalent static strength performance designs (-9.4%). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To increase structural efficiency of stiffened panels in an aircraft, it is plausible to introduce skin buckling containment features to increase the local skin stability and thus static strength performance. Introducing buckling containment features may also significantly influence the fatigue crack growth performance of the stiffened panel. This study focuses on the experimental demonstration of panel durability with skin bay buckling containment features. Through a series of fatigue crack growth tests on integrally machined aluminium alloy stiffened panels, the potential to simultaneously improve static strength performance and crack propagation behaviour is demonstrated. The introduction of prismatic buckling containment features which have yielded significant static strength performance gains have herein demonstrated potential fatigue life gains of up to + 63 per cent.


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Ultrasonic welding process is a rapid manufacturing process used to weld thin layers of metal at low temperatures and low energy consumption. Experimental results have shown that ultrasonic welding is a combination of both surface (friction) and volume (plasticity) softening effects. In the presented work, a very first attempt has been made to simulate the ultrasonic welding of metals by taking into account both of these effects (surface and volume). A phenomenological material model has been proposed which incorporates these two effects (i.e. surface and volume). The thermal softening due to friction and ultrasonic (acoustic) softening has been included in the proposed material model. For surface effects a friction law with variable coefficient of friction dependent upon contact pressure, slip, temperature and number of cycles has been derived from experimental friction tests. Thermomechanical analyses of ultrasonic welding of aluminium alloy have been performed. The effects of ultrasonic welding process parameters, such as applied load, amplitude of ultrasonic vibration, and velocity of welding sonotrode on the friction work at the weld interface are being analyzed. The change in the friction work at the weld interface has been explained on the basis of softening (thermal and acoustic) of the specimen during the ultrasonic welding process. In the end, a comparison between experimental and simulated results has been presented showing a good agreement. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Finite Element simulations and mechanical tests are undertaken to assess the impact of weld joint location on stiffened panel static strength. An upper wing cover panel, with a manufacturing process of welding multiple near-net-shape multi-stiffener extrusions with a final net-shape machining phase is investigated. The 7000 series aluminium alloy extrusions and skin bay longitudinal friction stir butt welds are examined. Geometric imperfections exhibit the greatest influence on panel collapse, thus for static strength design the selection of weld joint location should minimise imperfection generation. Moreover the analysis demonstrates limited impact on panel collapse strength when an optimised welding process is employed. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ultrasonic consolidation (UC) uses high frequency (20-40KHz) mechanical vibrations to produce a solid-state metallurgical bond (weld) between metal foils. UC as a novel layered manufacturing technique is used in this research to embed reinforcing members such as silicon carbide fibers into the aluminium alloy 6061's matrices. It is known that UC induce volume and surface effect in the material it is acting on. Both effects are employed in embedding active/passive elements in the metal matrix. Whilst the process and the two effects are used and identified at macro level, what is happening at micro level is unknown and hardly studied. In this research we are investigating the phenomena occurring in the microstructure of the parts during UC process to obtain better understanding about how and why the process works. In this research, high-resolution electron backscatter diffraction is used to study the effects of the UC process on the evolution of microstructure in AA6061 with and without fibre elements. The inverse pole figures (IPF), pole figures (PF) and the correlated misorientation angle distribution of the mentioned samples are obtained. The characteristics of the crystallographic orientation, the grain structure and the grain boundary are analysed to find the effect of ultrasonic vibration and embedding fibre on the microstructure and texture of the bond. The ultrasonic vibration will lead to exceptional refinement of grains to a micron level along the bond area and affect the crystallographic orientation. Additional plastic flow occurs around the fibre which leads to the fibre embedding. © 2008 Materials Research Society.


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The electroless nickel composite (ENC) with various silicon carbide contents was deposited onto aluminium alloy (LM24) substrate. The wear behaviour and the microhardness of the composite coating samples were investigated and compared with particles free and aluminium substrate samples using micro-scale abrasion tester and microhardness tester respectively. The wear scar marks and wear volume were analysed by optical microscope. The wear tracks were further studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The embedded particles were found to get pressed into the matrix which helps resisting further wearing process for composite samples. However, random orientation of microcuts and microfallow were seen for ENC sample but more uniform wearing was observed for EN sample. The composite coating with low content of SiC was worn minimum. Early penetration into the substrate was seen for samples with higher SiC content. Microhardness was improved after heat treatment for all the samples containing various SiC content. Under dry sliding condition, inclusion of particles in the matrix did not improve the wearing resistance performance in as-deposited state. The wearing worsened as the content of the particles increased generally. However, on heat treatment, the composite coatings exhibited improved wear resistance and the best result was obtained from the one with low particle contents.


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Os revestimentos híbridos nanoestruturados apresentam um elevado potencial no âmbito da protecção anticorrosiva dos metais, prevendo-se que no futuro estes revestimentos possam, não só substituir os tratamentos à base de crómio usados na indústria do tratamento de superfícies metálicas para protecção anticorrosiva, como também evoluir para sistemas integrados multifuncionais que dispensem o pré-tratamento e sejam mais “amigos” do ambiente. O processo sol-gel usado para a obtenção destes revestimentos permite, através da combinação de diferentes precursores e da manipulação das condições de síntese “desenhar” e optimizar a estrutura química e a funcionalidade dos revestimentos nanoestruturados com o objectivo de obter as propriedades desejadas para uma determinada aplicação. O estudo apresentado no presente trabalho teve como objectivo principal a optimização de revestimentos híbridos nanoestruturados obtidos pelo processo sol-gel para a protecção anticorrosiva de uma liga de alumínio frequentemente utilizada na construção civil. Para alcançar este objectivo foram preparados diversos revestimentos híbridos nanoestruturados e aplicados na liga de alumínio EN AW-6063, cujo processo de síntese foi optimizado variando parâmetros como a composição, processo de cura e condições reaccionais sol-gel, visando a obtenção de revestimentos com propriedades anticorrosivas melhoradas. Posteriormente, foi feita uma avaliação do comportamento à corrosão dos revestimentos optimizados em diferentes condições corrosivas, individualmente e como parte integrante de um sistema de protecção anticorrosiva usualmente aplicado em ligas de alumínio para fins arquitecturais. No presente documento é apresentada uma revisão bibliográfica da aplicação deste tipo de revestimentos na protecção anticorrosiva, seguindo-se a descrição detalhada dos procedimentos experimentais do estudo, nomeadamente, os materiais e os procedimentos para obtenção e caracterização dos revestimentos estudados, a apresentação dos resultados obtidos no decurso do desenvolvimento experimental realizado, sua interpretação, discussão e as conclusões parciais mais relevantes. No final, resumem-se as principais conclusões obtidas no estudo e faz-se uma avaliação global da aplicabilidade dos revestimentos optimizados na protecção anticorrosiva de ligas de alumínio no âmbito da construção civil, e indicam-se necessidades de desenvolvimentos futuros.


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A incorporação de materiais absorsores de energia (AE) em sistemas de protecção é uma clara possibilidade de melhoraria do seu desempenho, devido à elevada relação entre a sua resistência e o seu peso, e a excelente capacidade para absorverem energia quando solicitados dinamicamente. As propriedades mecânicas da cortiça (e.g. a baixa densidade e a elevada rigidez e resistência específicas) sugerem que este material — assim como os seus derivados — podem apresentar propriedades excelentes quando aplicados como núcleos em sistemas AE do tipo estrutura sanduíche. Esta dissertação engloba trabalho experimental e numérico. O primeiro conjunto de testes experimentais consistiu na caracterização experimental dinâmica (ondas de choque de explosivos) do comportamento de dois micra aglomerados de cortiça (MAC), NL20 e TB40. Um pendulo balístico de 4 cabos foi usado para a medição do impulso transmitido a uma amostra de MAC impactada por uma onda de choque com origem na detonação de um explosivo energético. Foi registado o movimento do pêndulo e os valores de força resultantes. Um modelo numérico do problema recorrendo ao método dos elementos finitos (MEF) foi também desenvolvido, apresentando uma elevada correlação com a análise experimental, permitindo assim o desenvolvimento de um modelo constitutivo adequado à modelação do comportamento dinâmico dos MAC neste tipo de solicitações. Na segunda fase de testes experimentais, os MAC testados anteriormente são incorporados como núcleos em estruturas sanduíche com faces de alumínio (liga 5754-H22). Foram medidos os valores de defleção e o impulso transmitido ao pêndulo através do movimento oscilatório. São determinados os efeitos da densidade e da espessura dos núcleos na resposta estrutural do sistema. Também neste caso foi desenvolvido um modelo recorrendo ao MEF e posteriormente validado com resultados experimentais.


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As espumas de alumínio são materiais ultraleves, o que as torna atractivas para um largo espectro de aplicações comerciais na área da defesa, na indústria automóvel e aeroespacial, entre outras. Actualmente, há um grande interesse na utilização de espumas de alumínio em componentes estruturais ultraleves, incorporados em sistemas de absorção de energia para protecção contra o impacto. O recurso à simulação numérica para resolver problemas de engenharia em várias áreas é cada vez mais comum. A modelação numérica dos materiais assume vital importância quando o problema envolve a análise de processos tecnológicos como, por exemplo, a conformação plástica de materiais, ou a análise de estruturas. Deste modo, torna-se imprescindível garantir que a modelação dos materiais é de tal forma rigorosa que permite simular o melhor possível o seu comportamento real nas condições concretas da análise a realizar. A forma mais comum de garantir o rigor dos modelos utilizados é a validação dos modelos numéricos tendo por base resultados experimentais. Neste trabalho, fez-se a caracterização do comportamento mecânico das espumas de alumínio com nome comercial ALPORAS!, obtidas pelo processo de fabrico denominado expansão directa do metal fundido por adição de um agente expansor. Esta caracterização consistiu num conjunto de ensaios experimentais quer no regime quasi-estático, quer no regime dinâmico. No regime quasi-estático realizaram-se ensaios de compressão uniaxial e de compressão multiaxial. Para a caracterização no regime dinâmico foram realizados ensaios em barras de Hopkinson de polimetil-metacrilato (PMMA). Com base nos resultados experimentais obtidos determinaram-se os parâmetros dos dois modelos constitutivos para espumas metálicas implementados no programa comercial Abaqus™/Explicit. Estes modelos, e os respectivos parâmetros determinados, foram validados reproduzindo numericamente alguns ensaios experimentais quasi-estáticos e dinâmicos. Assim, verificou-se a adequabilidade dos modelos em diversas condições quer em termos de esforços quer em termos de regime de taxa de deformação Por último, desenvolveu-se uma estrutura inovadora para absorção de energia durante um impacto, constituída por componentes perfilados em liga de alumínio e por componentes em espumas de alumínio. Esta estrutura foi testada exclusivamente com recurso à simulação numérica, utilizando os modelos constitutivos validados anteriormente.


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This work reports one possible way to develop new functional coatings used to increase the life time of metallic structures. The functionalities selected and attributed to model coatings in the frame of this work were corrosion protection, self-sensing and prevention of fouling (antifouling). The way used to confer those functionalities to coatings was based on the encapsulation of active compounds (corrosion inhibitors, pH indicators and biocides) in micro and nanocontainers followed by their incorporation into the coating matrices. To confer active corrosion protection, one corrosion inhibitor (2-mercaptobenzothiazole, MBT) was encapsulated in two different containers, firstly in silica nanocapsules (SiNC) and in polyurea microcapsules (PU-MC). The incorporation of both containers in different models coatings shows a significant improvement in the corrosion protection of aluminum alloy 2024 (AA2024). Following the same approach, SiNC and PU-MC were also used for the encapsulation of phenolphthalein (one well known pH indicator) to introduce sensing properties in polymeric coatings. SiNC and PU-MC containing phenolphthalein acted as corrosion sensor, showing a pink coloration due to the beginning of cathodic reaction, resulting in a pH increase identified by those capsules. Their sensing performance was proved in suspension and when integrated in coatings for aluminium alloy 2024 and magnesium alloy AZ31. In a similar way, the biocide activity (antifouling) was assigned to two polymeric matrices using SiNC for encapsulation of one biocide (Dichloro-2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one, DCOIT) and also SiNC-MBT was tested as biocide. The antifouling activity of those two encapsulated compounds was assessed through inhibition and consequent decrease in the bioluminescence of modified E. coli. That effect was verified in suspension and when incorporated in coatings for AISI 1008 carbon steel. The developed micro and nanocontainers presented the desired performance, allowing the introduction of new functionalities to model coatings, showing potential to be used as functional additives in the next generation of multifunctional coatings.


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The complete fracture behaviour of ductile double edge notched tension (DENT) specimen is analysed with an approximate model, which is then used to discuss the essential work of fracture (EWF) concept. The model results are compared with the experimental results for an aluminium alloy 6082-O. The restrictions on the ligament size for valid application of the EWF method are discussed with the aid of the model. The model is used to suggest an improved method of obtaining the cohesive stress-displacement relationship for the fracture process zone (FPZ).