989 resultados para Alkalinity, dissolved organic matter
Oxygen minimum zones are expanding globally, and at present account for around 20-40% of oceanic nitrogen loss. Heterotrophic denitrification and anammox-anaerobic ammonium oxidation with nitrite-are responsible for most nitrogen loss in these low-oxygen waters. Anammox is particularly significant in the eastern tropical South Pacific, one of the largest oxygen minimum zones globally. However, the factors that regulate anammox-driven nitrogen loss have remained unclear. Here, we present a comprehensive nitrogen budget for the eastern tropical South Pacific oxygen minimum zone, using measurements of nutrient concentrations, experimentally determined rates of nitrogen transformation and a numerical model of export production. Anammox was the dominant mode of nitrogen loss at the time of sampling. Rates of anammox, and related nitrogen transformations, were greatest in the productive shelf waters, and tailed off with distance from the coast. Within the shelf region, anammox activity peaked in both upper and bottom waters. Overall, rates of nitrogen transformation, including anammox, were strongly correlated with the export of organic matter. We suggest that the sinking of organic matter, and thus the release of ammonium into the water column, together with benthic ammonium release, fuel nitrogen loss from oxygen minimum zones.
CaCO3 and total organic carbon concentrations, organic matter C/N and carbon isotope ratios, and sediment accumulation rates in late Quaternary sediments from DSDP Site 594 provide information about glacial-interglacial variations in the delivery of organic matter to the Chatham Rise offshore of southeastern New Zealand. Low C/N ratios and nearly constant organic delta13C values of ?23? indicate that marine production dominates organic matter supply in both glacial and interglacial times during oxygen isotope stages 1 through 6 (0-140 ka) and 17 through 19 (660-790 ka). Increased organic carbon mass accumulation rates in isotope stages 2, 4, 6, and 18 record enhanced marine productivity during glacial maxima. Excursions of organic delta13C values to ca. ?29? in portions of isotope stage 2 suggest that the local concentration of dissolved CO2 was occasionally elevated during the last glacial maximum, probably as a result of short periods of lowered sea-surface temperature. Dilution of carbonates by clastic continental sediment generally increases at this location during glacial maxima, but enhanced delivery of land-derived organic matter does not accompany the increased accumulation of clastic sediments.
Many studies have shown a reduction in P sorption in highly weathered soils when organic matter (OM) is applied, suggesting competition between OM decomposition products and P for sorption sites. However, such studies seldom consider the P released from the added OM. To delineate the effects of OM addition on P availability through sorption competition and P addition, water leachate from incubated soybean (SB) [Glycine mar (L.) Merr.] and Rhodes grass (RG) (Chloris gayana Knuth cv. Callide) was used in competitive P sorption studies both undiluted and after acidification (i.e., the fulvic acid [FA] component). Addition of two rates (0.2 and 2 mL) of SB leachate to an Oxisol significantly increased P sorption at the higher rate, while a similar trend was observed following RG leachate addition at the same rates. Extending the range of highly weathered soils examined (two Oxisols, an Ultisol, and an acidic Vertisol) resulted in no observed decrease in P sorption following addition of OM leachate. Surprisingly, SB leachate transiently increased P sorption in the two Oxisol soils. Addition of the FA component of the leachates resulted in a transient (< 6 d) decrease in P sorption in three of the four soils examined and constituted the only evidence in this study that decomposing OM residues reduced P sorption. This research provides further evidence contradicting the long held assumption that inhibition of P sorption by dissolved organic compounds, derived from decomposing OM, is responsible for increased P phytoavailability when P fertilizer and OM are applied together.
The incorporation of organic matter ( OM) in soils that are able to rapidly sorb applied phosphorus ( P) fertiliser reportedly increases P availability to plants. This effect has commonly been ascribed to competition between the decomposition products of OM and P for soil sorption sites resulting in increased soil solution P concentrations. The evidence for competitive inhibition of P sorption by dissolved organic carbon compounds, derived from the breakdown of OM, includes studies on the competition between P and (i) low molecular weight organic acids (LOAs), (ii) humic and fulvic acids, and (iii) OM leachates in soils with a high P sorption capacity. These studies, however, have often used LOAs at 1 - 100 mM, concentrations much higher than those in soils ( generally < 0.05 mM). The transience of LOAs in biologically active soils further suggests that neither their concentration nor their persistence would have a practical benefit in increasing P phytoavailability. Higher molecular weight compounds such as humic and fulvic acids also competitively inhibit P sorption; however, little consideration has been given to the potential of these compounds to increase the amount of P sorbed through metal - chelate linkages. We suggest that the magnitude of the inhibition of P sorption by the decomposition products of OM leachate is negligible at rates equivalent to those of OM applied in the field. Incubation of OM in soil has also commonly been reported as reducing P sorption in soil. However, we consider that the reported decreases in P sorption ( as measured by P in the soil solution) are not related to competition from the decomposition products of OM breakdown, but are the result of P release from the OM that was not accounted for when calculating the reduction in P sorption.
Freshwater ecosystems have been recognized as important components of the global carbon cycle, and the flux of organic matter (OM) from freshwater to marine environments can significantly affect estuarine and coastal productivity. The focus of this study was the assessment of carbon dynamics in two aquatic environments, namely the Florida Everglades and small prairie streams in Kansas, with the aim of characterizing the biogeochemistry of OM. In the Everglades, particulate OM (POM) is mostly found as a layer of flocculent material (floc). While floc is believed to be the main energy source driving trophic dynamics in this oligotrophic wetland, not much is known about its biogeochemistry. The objective of this study was to determine the origin/sources of OM in floc using biomarkers and pigment-based chemotaxonomy to assess specific biomass contributions to this material, on a spatial (freshwater marshes vs. mangrove fringe) and seasonal (wet vs. dry) scales. It was found that floc OM is derived from the local vegetation (mainly algal components and macrophyte litter) and its composition is controlled by seasonal drivers of hydrology and local biomass productivity. Photo-reactivity experiments showed that light exposure on floc resulted in photo-dissolution of POC with the generation of significant amounts of both dissolved OM (DOM) and nutrients (N & P), potentially influencing nutrient dynamics in this ecosystem. The bio-reactivity experiments determined as the amount and rate of CO2 evolution during incubation were found to vary on seasonal and spatial scales and were highly influenced by phosphorus limitation. Not much is known on OM dynamics in small headwater streams. The objective of this study was to determine carbon dynamics in sediments from intermittent prairie streams, characterized by different vegetation cover for their watershed (C4 grasses) vs. riparian zone (C3 plants). In this study sedimentary OM was characterized using a biomarker and compound specific carbon stable isotope approach. It was found that the biomarker composition of these sediments is dominated by higher plant inputs from the riparian zone, although inputs from adjacent prairie grasses were also apparent. Conflicting to some extent with the River Continuum Concept, sediments of the upper reaches contained more degraded OM, while the lower reaches were enriched in fresh material deriving from higher plants and plankton sources as a result of hydrological regimes and particle sorting.
Long-term management plans for restoration of natural flow conditions through the Everglades increase the importance of understanding potential nutrient impacts of increased freshwater delivery on Florida Bay biogeochemistry. Planktonic communities respond quickly to changes in water quality, thus spatial variability in community composition and relationships to nutrient parameters must be understood in order to evaluate future downstream impacts of modifications to Everglades hydrology. Here we present initial results combining flow cytometry analyses of phytoplankton and bacterial populations (0.1–50 μm size fraction) with measurements of δ13C and δ15N composition and dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations to explore proxies for planktonic species assemblage compositions and nutrient cycling. Particulate organic material in the 0.1–50 μm size fraction was collected from five stations in Northeastern and Western Florida Bay to characterize spatial variability in species assemblage and stable isotopic composition. A dense bloom of the picocyanobacterium, Synechococcus elongatus, was observed at Western Florida Bay sites. Smaller Synechococcus sp. were present at Northeast sites in much lower abundance. Bacteria and detrital particles were also more abundant at Western Florida Bay stations than in the northeast region. The highest abundance of detritus occurred at Trout Creek, which receives freshwater discharge from the Everglades through Taylor Slough. In terms of nutrient availability and stable isotopic values, the S. elongatus population in the Western bay corresponded to low DIN (0.5 μM NH 4 + ; 0.2 μM NO 3 − ) concentrations and depleted δ15N signatures ranging from +0.3 to +0.8‰, suggesting that the bloom supported high productivity levels through N2-fixation. δ15N values from the Northeast bay were more enriched (+2.0 to +3.0‰), characteristic of N-recycling. δ13C values were similar for all marine Florida Bay stations, ranging from −17.6 to −14.4‰, however were more depleted at the mangrove ecotone station (−25.5 to −22.3‰). The difference in the isotopic values reflects differences in carbon sources. These findings imply that variations in resource availability and nutrient sources exert significant control over planktonic community composition, which is reflected by stable isotopic signatures.
We describe the fate of mangrove leaf tannins in aquatic ecosystems and their possible influence on dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) cycling. Tannins were extracted and purified from senescent yellow leaves of the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) and used for a series of model experiments to investigate their physical and chemical reactivity in natural environments. Physical processes investigated included aggregation, adsorption to organic matter-rich sediments, and co-aggregation with DON in natural waters. Chemical reactions included structural change, which was determined by excitation–emission matrix fluorescence spectra, and the release of proteins from tannin–protein complexes under solar-simulated light exposure. A large portion of tannins can be physically eliminated from aquatic environments by precipitation in saline water and also by binding to sediments. A portion of DON in natural water can coprecipitate with tannins, indicating that mangrove swamps can influence DON cycling in estuarine environments. The chemical reactivity of tannins in natural waters was also very high, with a half-life of less than 1 d. Proteins were released gradually from tannin–protein complexes incubated under light conditions but not under dark conditions, indicating a potentially buffering role of tannin– protein complexes on DON recycling in mangrove estuaries. Although tannins are not detected at a significant level in natural waters, they play an important ecological role by preserving nitrogen and buffering its cycling in estuarine ecosystems through the prevention of rapid DON export/loss from mangrove fringe areas and/or from rapid microbial mineralization.
The Everglades is a sub-tropical coastal wetland characterized among others by its hydrological features and deposits of peat. Formation and preservation of organic matter in soils and sediments in this wetland ecosystem is critical for its sustainability and hydrological processes are important divers in the origin, transport and fate of organic matter. With this in mind, organic matter dynamics in the greater Florida Everglades was studied though various organic geochemistry techniques, especially biomarkers, bulk and compound specific δ13C and δD isotope analysis. The main objectives were focused on how different hydrological regimes in this ecosystem control organic matter dynamics, such as the mobilization of particulate organic matter (POM) in freshwater marshes and estuaries, and how organic geochemistry techniques can be applied to reconstruct Everglades paleo-hydrology. For this purpose organic matter in typical vegetation, floc, surface soils, soil cores, and estuarine suspended particulates were characterized in samples selected along hydrological gradients in the Water Conservation Area 3, Shark River Slough and Taylor Slough. ^ This research focused on three general themes: (1) Assessment of the environmental dynamics and source-specific particulate organic carbon export in a mangrove-dominated estuary. (2) Assessment of the origin, transport and fate of organic matter in freshwater marsh. (3) Assessment of historical changes in hydrological conditions in the Everglades (paleo-hydrology) though biomarkes and compound specific isotope analyses. This study reports the first estimate of particulate organic carbon loss from mangrove ecosystems in the Everglades, provides evidence for particulate organic matter transport with regards to the formation of ridge and slough landscapes in the Everglades, and demonstrates the applicability of the combined biomarker and compound-specific stable isotope approach as a means to generate paleohydrological data in wetlands. The data suggests that: (1) Carbon loss from mangrove estuaries is roughly split 50/50 between dissolved and particulate carbon; (2) hydrological remobilization of particulate organic matter from slough to ridge environments may play an important role in the maintenance of the Everglades freshwater landscape; and (3) Historical changes in hydrology have resulted in significant vegetation shifts from historical slough type vegetation to present ridge type vegetation. ^