986 resultados para Alcoholism -- Genetic aspects.


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The present work aimed to estimate heritability and genetic correlations of reproductive features of Nellore bulls, offspring of mothers classified as superprecocious (M1), precocious (M2) and normal (M3). Twenty one thousand hundred and eighty-six animals with average age of 21.29 months were used, evaluated through the breeding soundness evaluation from 1999 to 2008. The breeding soundness features included physical semen evaluation (progressive sperm motility and sperm vigour), semen morphology (major, minor and total sperm defects), scrotal circumference (SC), testicular volume (TV) and SC at 18 months of age (SC18). The components of variance, heritability and genetic correlations for and between the features were estimated simultaneously by restricted maximum likelihood, with the use of the vce software system vs 6. The heritability estimates were high for SC18, SC and TV (0.43, 0.63 and 0.54; 0.45, 0.45 and 0.44; 0.42, 0.45 and 0.41, respectively for the categories of mothers M1, M2 and M3) and low for physical and morphological semen aspects. The genetic correlations between SC18 and SC were high, as well as between these variables with TV. High and positive genetic correlations were recorded among SC18, SC and TV with the physical aspects of the semen, although no favourable association was verified with the morphological aspects, for the three categories of mothers. It can be concluded that the mothers sexual precocity did not affect the heritability of their offspring reproduction features.


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Background: Vaccination of neonates is generally difficult due to the immaturity of the immune system and consequent higher susceptibility to tolerance induction. Genetic immunization has been described as an alternative to trigger a stronger immune response in neonates, including significant Th1 polarization. In this investigation we analysed the potential use of a genetic vaccine containing the heat shock protein (hsp65) from Mycobacterium leprae (pVAXhsp65) against tuberculosis (TB) in neonate mice. Aspects as antigen production, genomic integration and immunogenicity were evaluated. Methods: Hsp65 message and genomic integration were evaluated by RT-PCR and Southern blot, respectively. Immunogenicity of pVAXhsp65 alone or combined with BCG was analysed by specific induction of antibodies and cytokines, both quantified by ELISA. Results: This DNA vaccine was transcribed by muscular cells of neonate mice without integration into the cellular genome. Even though this vaccine was not strongly immunogenic when entirely administered (three doses) during early animal's life, it was not tolerogenic. In addition, pVAXhsp65 and BCG were equally able to prime newborn mice for a strong and mixed immune response (Th1 + Th2) to pVAXhsp65 boosters administered later, at the adult life. Conclusion: These results suggest that pVAXhsp65 can be safely used as a priming stimulus in neonate animals in prime-boost similar strategies to control TB. However, priming with BCG or pVAXhsp65, directed the ensuing immune response triggered by an heterologous or homologous booster, to a mixed Th1/Th2 pattern of response. Measures as introduction of IL-12 or GM-CSF genes in the vaccine construct or even IL-4 neutralization, are probably required to increase the priming towards Th1 polarization to ensure control of tuberculosis infection. © 2007 Pelizon et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Some modifying factors may determine the risk of brain tumors. Until now, it could not be attempted to identify people at risk and also to improve significantly disease progression. Current therapy consists of surgical resection, followed by radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Despite of these treatments, the prognosis for patients is poor. In this review, we highlight general aspects concerning genetic alterations in brain tumors, namely astrocytomas, glioblastomas, oligodendrogliomas, medulloblastomas and ependymomas. The influence of these genetic alterations in patients' prognosis is discussed. Mutagen sensivity is associated with cancer risk. The convincing studies that linked DNA damages and DNA repair alterations with brain tumors are also described. Another important modifying factor is immunity. General immune response against cancer, tumor microenvironment and immune response, mechanisms of tumor escape, CNS tumor immunology, immune defects that impair anti-tumor systemic immunity in brain tumor patients and local immunosuppressive factors within CNS are also reviewed. New hope to treatment perspectives, as dendritic-cell-based vaccines is summarized too. Concluding, it seems well established that there is association between brain tumor risk and mutagen sensivity, which is highly heritable. Primary brain tumors cause depression in systemic host immunity; local immunosuppressive factors and immunological characteristics of tumor cells may explain the poor prognosis and DNA damages responses can alert immune system. However, it is necessary to clarify if individuals with both constitutional defects in immune functions and genetic instability have higher risk of developing brain tumors. Cytogenetic prospective studies and gene copy number variations analysis also must be performed in peripheral lymphocytes from brain tumor patients. © 2011 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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The etiologic agent of Chagas Disease is the Trypanosoma cruzi, transmitted through blood-sucking insect vectors of the Triatominae subfamily, representing one of the most serious public health concerns in Latin America. There are geographic variations in the prevalence of clinical forms and morbidity of Chagas disease, likely due to genetic variation of the T. cruzi and the host genetic and environmental features. Increasing evidence has supported that inflammatory cytokines and chemokines are responsible for the generation of the inflammatory infiltrate and tissue damage. Moreover, genetic polymorphisms, protein expression levels, and genomic imbalances are associated with disease progression. This paper discusses these key aspects. Large surveys were carried out in Brazil and served as baseline for definition of the control measures adopted. However, Chagas disease is still active, and aspects such as host-parasite interactions, genetic mechanisms of cellular interaction, genetic variability, and tropism need further investigations in the attempt to eradicate the disease. Copyright 2012 Marilanda Ferreira Bellini et al.


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The construction of synthetic cells is one of the major goals of bioengineering. The most successful approach consists in the encapsulation of biochemical materials (DNA, RNA, enzymes, etc.) inside lipid vesicles (liposomes), mimicking a cell structure. In this contribution, that also aims at introducing the reader to 'chemical synthetic biology,' we describe the current state of the art of 'semi-synthetic minimal cells' (SSMCs), namely, cell-like structures containing the minimal number of biological compounds that are required to reconstruct a function of interest. We will first describe how the concept of the minimal cell was originated and its relation with the theory of autopoiesis, then we review the most advanced results focused on genetic/metabolic networks inside liposomes. Next, we emphasize that relevance of physical aspects (too often neglected) that impact on the solute entrapment process, and finally we discuss new technological trends in SSMC research that will probably allow their future use in biotechnology. © 2013 Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The ecotoxicology of nano-TiO2 has been extensively studied in recent years; however, few toxicological investigations have considered the photocatalytic properties of the substance, which can increase its toxicity to aquatic biota. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects on fish exposed to different nano-TiO2 concentrations and illumination conditions. The interaction of these variables was investigated by observing the survival of the organisms, together with biomarkers of biochemical and genetic alterations. Fish (Piaractus mesopotamicus) were exposed for 96h to 0, 1, 10, and 100mg/L of nano-TiO2, under visible light, and visible light with ultraviolet (UV) light (22.47J/cm2/h). The following biomarkers of oxidative stress were monitored in the liver: concentrations of lipid hydroperoxide and carbonylated protein, and specific activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione S-transferase. Other biomarkers of physiological function were also studied: the specific activities of acid phosphatase and Na,K-ATPase were analyzed in the liver and brain, respectively, and the concentration of metallothionein was measured in the gills. In addition, micronucleus and comet assays were performed with blood as genotoxic biomarkers. Nano-TiO2 caused no mortality under any of the conditions tested, but induced sublethal effects that were influenced by illumination condition. Under both illumination conditions tested, exposure to 100mg/L showed an inhibition of acid phosphatase activity. Under visible light, there was an increase in metallothionein level in fish exposed to 1mg/L of nano-TiO2. Under UV light, protein carbonylation was reduced in groups exposed to 1 and 10mg/L, while nucleus alterations in erythrocytes were higher in fish exposed to 10mg/L. As well as improving the understanding of nano-TiO2 toxicity, the findings demonstrated the importance of considering the experimental conditions in nanoecotoxicological tests. This work provides information for the development of protocols to study substances whose toxicity is affected by illumination conditions. © 2013 Elsevier B.V..


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Uma importante etapa na biologia da invasão é acessar variáveis biológicas que podem predizer o sucesso de invasão. O estudo da genética, evolução e interações entre invasores e espécies nativas no ambiente invadido pode prover uma oportunidade única para o estudo dos processos em genética de populações e a capacidade de uma espécie ampliar seu habitat. Nesse trabalho, nos utilizamos dados de marcadores de DNA microssatélites para testar se a variação genética é relacionada a pressão de propágulo na invasão bem sucedida do predador de topo (o ciclídeo Amazônico Cichla) nos rios do Sudeste Brasileiro. Populações invasoras de Cichla vem impactando negativamente diversas comunidades de água doce no Sudeste brasileiro deste 1960. A redução da variação genética foi observada em todas populações invasoras, tanto para Cichla kelberi (CK) como Cichla piquiti (CP). Por exemplo, a heterozigose foi menor no ambiente invadido quando comparada com as populações nativas da bacia Amazônica (CP HE = 0.179/0.44; CK HE = 0.258/0.536 respectivamente). Assim, apesar do sucesso da invasão de Cichla no sudoeste do Brasil, baixa diversidade genética foi observada nas populações introduzidas. Nós sugerimos que uma combinação de fatores, como as estratégias reprodutivas de Cichla, o efeito de "armadilha evolutiva" e a hipótese de resistências biótica superam o efeito que a diversidade genética depauperada exerce, sendo aspectos-chave na invasão desse predador de topo de cadeia.


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Leprosy is caused by Mycobacterium leprae and has been known since biblical times. It is still endemic in many regions of the world and a public health problem in Brazil. The prevalence rate in 2011 reached 1.54 cases per 10,000 inhabitants in Brazil. The mechanism of transmission of leprosy consists of prolonged close contact between susceptible and genetically predisposed individuals and untreated multibacillary patients. Transmission occurs through inhalation of bacilli present in upper airway secretion. The nasal mucosa is the main entry or exit route of M. leprae. The deeper understanding of the structural and biological characteristics of M. leprae, the sequencing of its genome, along with the advances in understanding the mechanisms of host immune response against the bacilli, dependent on genetic susceptibility, have contributed to the understanding of the pathogenesis, variations in the clinical characteristics, and progression of the disease. This article aims to update dermatologist on epidemiological, clinical, and etiopathogenic leprosy aspects.


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Infections caused by the genus Staphylococcus are of great importance for human health. Staphylococcus species are divided into coagulase-positive staphylococci, represented by S. aureus, a pathogen that can cause infections of the skin and other organs in immunocompetent patients, and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) which comprise different species normally involved in infectious processes in immunocompromised patients or patients using catheters. Oxacillin has been one of the main drugs used for the treatment of staphylococcal infections; however, a large number of S. aureus and CNS isolates of nosocomial origin are resistant to this drug. Methicillin resistance is encoded by the mecA gene which is inserted in the SCCmec cassette. This cassette is a mobile genetic element consisting of five different types and several subtypes. Oxacillin-resistant strains are detected by phenotypic and genotypic methods. Epidemiologically, methicillin-resistant S. aureus strains can be divided into five large pandemic clones, called Brazilian, Hungarian, Iberian, New York/Japan and Pediatric. The objective of the present review was to discuss aspects of resistance, epidemiology, genetics and detection of oxacillin resistance in Staphylococcus spp., since these microorganisms are increasingly more frequent in Brazil.


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The present work aimed to estimate heritability and genetic correlations of reproductive features of Nellore bulls, offspring of mothers classified as superprecocious (M1), precocious (M2) and normal (M3). Twenty one thousand hundred and eighty-six animals with average age of 21.29 months were used, evaluated through the breeding soundness evaluation from 1999 to 2008. The breeding soundness features included physical semen evaluation (progressive sperm motility and sperm vigour), semen morphology (major, minor and total sperm defects), scrotal circumference (SC), testicular volume (TV) and SC at 18 months of age (SC18). The components of variance, heritability and genetic correlations for and between the features were estimated simultaneously by restricted maximum likelihood, with the use of the vce software system vs 6. The heritability estimates were high for SC18, SC and TV (0.43, 0.63 and 0.54; 0.45, 0.45 and 0.44; 0.42, 0.45 and 0.41, respectively for the categories of mothers M1, M2 and M3) and low for physical and morphological semen aspects. The genetic correlations between SC18 and SC were high, as well as between these variables with TV. High and positive genetic correlations were recorded among SC18, SC and TV with the physical aspects of the semen, although no favourable association was verified with the morphological aspects, for the three categories of mothers. It can be concluded that the mothers sexual precocity did not affect the heritability of their offspring reproduction features.


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Introduction: Vitamin D is responsible for the regulation of certain genes at the transcription level, via interaction with the vitamin D receptor, and influences host immune responses and aspects of bone development, growth, and homeostasis. Our aim was to investigate the association of TaqI vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism with external apical root resorption during orthodontic treatment. Methods: Our subjects were 377 patients with Class II Division 1 malocclusion, divided into 3 groups: (1) 160 with external apical root resorption <= 1.43 mm, (2) 179 with external apical root resorption >1.43 mm), and (3) 38 untreated subjects. External apical root resorption of the maxillary incisors was evaluated on periapical radiographs taken before and after 6 months of treatment. After DNA collection and purification, vitamin D receptor TaqI polymorphism analysis was performed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to verify the association of clinical and genetic variables with external apical root resorption (P <0.05). Results: There was a higher proportion of external apical root resorption in orthodontically treated patients compared with the untreated subjects. In patients orthodontically treated, age higher than 14 years old, initial size of the maxillary incisor root superior to 30 mm, and premolar extraction were associated with increased external apical root resorption. Genotypes containing the C allele were weakly associated with protection against external apical root resorption (CC + CT x TT [odds ratio, 0.29; 95% confidence interval, 0.07-1.23; P = 0.091]) when treated orthodontic patients were compared to untreated individuals. Conclusions: Clinical factors and vitamin D receptor TaqI polymorphism were associated with external apical root resorption in orthodontic patients. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012; 142: 339-47)


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Abstract Background Vaccination of neonates is generally difficult due to the immaturity of the immune system and consequent higher susceptibility to tolerance induction. Genetic immunization has been described as an alternative to trigger a stronger immune response in neonates, including significant Th1 polarization. In this investigation we analysed the potential use of a genetic vaccine containing the heat shock protein (hsp65) from Mycobacterium leprae (pVAXhsp65) against tuberculosis (TB) in neonate mice. Aspects as antigen production, genomic integration and immunogenicity were evaluated. Methods Hsp65 message and genomic integration were evaluated by RT-PCR and Southern blot, respectively. Immunogenicity of pVAXhsp65 alone or combined with BCG was analysed by specific induction of antibodies and cytokines, both quantified by ELISA. Results This DNA vaccine was transcribed by muscular cells of neonate mice without integration into the cellular genome. Even though this vaccine was not strongly immunogenic when entirely administered (three doses) during early animal's life, it was not tolerogenic. In addition, pVAXhsp65 and BCG were equally able to prime newborn mice for a strong and mixed immune response (Th1 + Th2) to pVAXhsp65 boosters administered later, at the adult life. Conclusion These results suggest that pVAXhsp65 can be safely used as a priming stimulus in neonate animals in prime-boost similar strategies to control TB. However, priming with BCG or pVAXhsp65, directed the ensuing immune response triggered by an heterologous or homologous booster, to a mixed Th1/Th2 pattern of response. Measures as introduction of IL-12 or GM-CSF genes in the vaccine construct or even IL-4 neutralization, are probably required to increase the priming towards Th1 polarization to ensure control of tuberculosis infection.


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Despite the nomenclature suggested to be a tumor, torus palatinus (TP) is an overgrowth of the bone in the palatal region and represents an anatomic variation. Its prevalence varies among the population studied and its etiology is still unclear; however, it seems to be a multifactorial disorder with genetics and environmental involvement. Surgical removal of the TP is indicated in the following circumstances: (1) deglutition and speech impairment, (2) cancer phobia, (3) traumatized mucosa over the torus, and (4) prosthetic reasons. The aim of this case report is describe cases that occurred in two sisters, emphasizing the genetic etiology of this anatomic variation. In addition, intra-oral exam and computed tomography scan (axial, coronal and sagittal view) provided a detailed assessment of the TP and elimination of other possible diagnoses, furthermore allowed a better analyzes of the anatomic relation with adjacentes structures. No surgical removal was indicated for both cases.


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Abstract Background Recent medical and biological technology advances have stimulated the development of new testing systems that have been providing huge, varied amounts of molecular and clinical data. Growing data volumes pose significant challenges for information processing systems in research centers. Additionally, the routines of genomics laboratory are typically characterized by high parallelism in testing and constant procedure changes. Results This paper describes a formal approach to address this challenge through the implementation of a genetic testing management system applied to human genome laboratory. We introduced the Human Genome Research Center Information System (CEGH) in Brazil, a system that is able to support constant changes in human genome testing and can provide patients updated results based on the most recent and validated genetic knowledge. Our approach uses a common repository for process planning to ensure reusability, specification, instantiation, monitoring, and execution of processes, which are defined using a relational database and rigorous control flow specifications based on process algebra (ACP). The main difference between our approach and related works is that we were able to join two important aspects: 1) process scalability achieved through relational database implementation, and 2) correctness of processes using process algebra. Furthermore, the software allows end users to define genetic testing without requiring any knowledge about business process notation or process algebra. Conclusions This paper presents the CEGH information system that is a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) based on a formal framework to support genetic testing management for Mendelian disorder studies. We have proved the feasibility and showed usability benefits of a rigorous approach that is able to specify, validate, and perform genetic testing using easy end user interfaces.