980 resultados para Agricultural engineering
The rotary tiller slot planter of the present invention comprises a subsoiler shank positioned to engage the soil and make a trench therein. A pair of rotary tiller blades are rotatably mounted on the opposite sides of the sub-soil shank in planes parallel thereto. The center-lines of the rotary tiller wheels are located behind the subsoil shank. Each of the wheels have a plurality of blades extending radially outwardly from the rotational axis thereof and terminating in outer radial ends which engage the soil slightly ahead of the subsoiler shank and adjacent the lateral edges of the trench. A seed tube shank is positioned behind the subsoiler shank and between the tiller wheels. The seed tube shank has a lower end positioned to extend below the soil surface. A seed tube is positioned behind the seed tube shank for depositing seed in the soil. The rotation of the blades on opposite sides of the subsoil shank causes the soil to be mechanically aggregated and aerated and helps prepare a seed bed for the seeds. Also, the rotating tiller blades chop the debris which may be along the trench and throw soil backwards so as to cover the planted seed. Shorter rotary blades on the tiller wheels are shaped to throw debris and the upper one-half inch of soil sideways away from the row.
Run overs caused by falls from tractors and trailing equipment are one of the more serious unintentional injuries on farms. These types of falls are particularly common for older farmers and children, but everyone can be at risk, given the right conditions. Do your part to prevent falls from machinery by adopting safe practices.
During the past five years we have developed three emission calorimeters (EC) that can be used to evaluate mass generation and utilization of gasses. We have tested various treatments that significantly reduced ammonia generation by laying hen manure (Harrison and Koelkebeck, 2002; 2003).
Swine manure and fertilizer can be used to supply the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) needs of crops. Excess P application sometimes applied with N-based manure for corn increases the risk of P loss and water quality impairment. Poor water quality in Iowa streams and lakes due to excess P has prompted questions about the impact of cropping and nutrient management systems on P loss from fields.
Denitrification bioreactors, also known as woodchip bioreactors, are a new strategy for improving drainage water quality before these flows arrive at local streams, rivers, and lakes. A bioreactor is an excavated, woodchip-filled pit that is capable of supporting native microbes that convert nitrate in the drainage water to nitrogen gas. The idea of these edgeof-field treatment systems is still relatively new, meaning it is important for investigations to be made into how to design these “pits” and to determine how drainage water moves through the woodchips. Because the bioreactor at the ISU Northeast Research Farm (NERF) is one of the best monitored bioreactor sites in the state, it provided an ideal location to not only monitor bioreactor nitrate-reduction performance, but also to investigate design hydraulics.
The University Compost Facility, 52274 260th St., Ames, Iowa has completed three full years of operation. The facility is managed by the ISU Research Farms and has a separate revolving account that receives fees and sales, and pays expenses. The facility is designed to be self-supporting, i.e. not receive allocations for its operations. The facility consists of seven, 80 × 140 ft hoop barns and a new 55 × 120 ft hoop barn, all with paved floors. The facility also has a Mettler-Toledo electronic scale with a 10 ft × 70 ft platform to weigh all materials. Key machinery is 1) compost turner, a used pull-type Aeromaster PT-170, 14 ft wide made by Midwest Biosystems, Tampico, IL; 2) a converted dump truck trailer used to construct windrows and haul material; 3) telehandler, Caterpillar TH407 with cab and 2.75 cubic yard bucket; and 4) tractor, John Deere 7520 (125 hp) with IVT (Infinite Variable Transmission) and front-wheel assist used to pull the turner and dump trailer.
The primary objective of this project was to determine the impact of appropriate rates of swine manure applications to corn and soybeans based on nitrogen and phosphorus requirements of crops, soil phosphorus accumulation, and the potential of nitrate and phosphorus leaching to groundwater. Another purpose of this long-term experimental study was to develop and recommend appropriate manure and nutrient management practices to producers to minimize the water contamination potential and enhance the use of swine manure as inorganic fertilizer. A third component of this study was to determine the potential effects of rye as a cover crop to reduce nitrate loss to shallow ground water.
High tunnels are simple, plastic-covered, passive solar-heated structures in which crops are grown in the ground. They are used by fruit and vegetable growers to extend the growing season and intensify production in cold climates. The covered growing area creates a desert-like environment requiring carefully monitored irrigation practices. In contrast, the exterior expanse of a high tunnel generates a large volume of water with every measurable rainfall. Each 1,000 ft of high tunnel roof will generate approximately 300 gallons from a half inch of rain. Unless the high tunnel site is elevated from the surrounding area or drainage tiles installed, or other drainage accommodations are made around the perimeter, the soil along the inside edge of the high tunnel is nearly continuously saturated. High volumes of water can also create an erosion problem. The objective of this project was to design and construct a system that enables growers using high tunnels in their production operation to reduce drainage problems, erosion, and crop loss due to excess moisture in and around their high tunnel(s) without permanent environmental and soil mediations.
In this work we propose an image acquisition and processing methodology (framework) developed for performance in-field grapes and leaves detection and quantification, based on a six step methodology: 1) image segmentation through Fuzzy C-Means with Gustafson Kessel (FCM-GK) clustering; 2) obtaining of FCM-GK outputs (centroids) for acting as seeding for K-Means clustering; 3) Identification of the clusters generated by K-Means using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. 4) Performance of morphological operations over the grapes and leaves clusters in order to fill holes and to eliminate small pixels clusters; 5)Creation of a mosaic image by Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) in order to avoid overlapping between images; 6) Calculation of the areas of leaves and grapes and finding of the centroids in the grape bunches. Image data are collected using a colour camera fixed to a mobile platform. This platform was developed to give a stabilized surface to guarantee that the images were acquired parallel to de vineyard rows. In this way, the platform avoids the distortion of the images that lead to poor estimation of the areas. Our preliminary results are promissory, although they still have shown that it is necessary to implement a camera stabilization system to avoid undesired camera movements, and also a parallel processing procedure in order to speed up the mosaicking process.
Young trees transplanted from nursery into open field require a minimum amount of soil moisture to successfully root in their new location, especially in dry-climate areas. One possibility is to obtain the required water from air moisture. This can be achieved by reducing the temperature of a surface below the air dew point temperature, inducing water vapor condensation on the surface. The temperature of a surface can be reduced by applying the thermoelectric effect, with Peltier modules powered by electricity. Here, we present a system that generates electricity with a solar photovoltaic module, stores it in a battery, and finally, it uses the electricity at the moment in which air humidity and temperature are optima to maximize water condensation while minimizing energy consumption. Also, a method to reduce the evaporation of the condensed water is proposed. The objective of the system, rather than irrigating young plants in such a degree as to boost their growth, is to maintain them alive in the dryer periods.
The crop diseases sometimes are related to the irradiance that the crop receives. When an experiment requires the measurement of the irradiance, usually it results in an expensive data acquisition system. If it is necessary to check many test points, the use of traditional sensors will increase the cost of the experiment. By using low cost sensors based in the photovoltaic effect, it is possible to perform a precise test of irradiance with a reduced price. This work presents an experiment performed in Ademuz (Valencia, Spain) during September of 2011 to check the validity of low cost sensors based on solar cells.
Characteristics of the impacts su!ered by the fruit on a transfer point of an experimental fruit packing line were analysed. The transfer is made up by two transporting belts at di!erent heights forming an angle of 903. These transfer points are very common in fruit packing lines, in which fruits receive two impacts: the "rst onto the belt base and the second into the lateral plate. Diferent tests were carried out to study the e!ect of transfer height, velocity, belt structure and padding on the acceleration values recorded by an instrumental sphere (IS 100). Results showed that transfer height and belt structure a!ect mainly impact values on the belt base, and padding a!ects mainly impact values registered for lateral contact. The elect of belt velocity in both impacts is less important when compared to the rest of the variables. Additionally, two powered transfer decelerators were tested at the same point with the aim of decreasing impacts su!ered by the fruit. Comparing impacts registered using these decelerators to those analysed in the first part of the study without decelerators, a high reduction of the impact values was observed.
A pesar los graves condicionamientos socio-económicos y energéticos, se observa una demanda creciente de medios mecánicos y de sofisticación de los mismos, a nivel mundial. Los años 60 suponen un importante empuje en el desarrollo de medios mecánicos, siendo el momento de despegue de la U.C. Davis con el Dept. of Agricultural Engineering. En este momento se establece la llegada de Ingenieros y Científicos agrarios españoles a California. Los programas de colaboración desde aquel momento hasta hoy impulsan varios de los avances desde nuestro punto de vista más importantes en la mecanización de la agricultura española, recolección de frutos con vibradores; sistema mecanizado integrado de producción de lechugas, siembra y recolección mecánica del tomate para industria y producción y utilización de biogás a partir de residuos agrícolas. Otros temas más recientes tratan de dar respuesta a nuevos problemas como: sistemas más económicos y apropiados de laboreo del suelo, evaluación de la calidad de frutas y hortalizas, recolección y manejo no destructivos de frutos. Se incorpora cada vez más una visión sistemática e integrada de la mecanización agraria. La interacción entre los materiales biológicos, los medios mecánicos y el hombre es apreciada como un todo, el cual tiende a desarrollarse de forma unificada.