168 resultados para Agaricus blazei Murril
Considering the high number of new cancer cases in Brazil (approximately 470 000 cases in 2005) and the remarkable differences in the incidence of this disease around the world, the development of chemopreventive strategies using foods widely consumed would have a huge impact, both medically and economically. This review summarizes some of our studies conducted to verify the anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic potential of some Brazilian natural dietary constituents (annatto, mushrooms, and propolis). Overall data have shown a clear role for these compounds in preventing mutation and specific preneoplastic lesions. Taken together, these agents indicate a favorable side-effect profile and may prove to be a promising alternative for cancer prevention strategies, although more investigation is needed to fully explore this issue.
The aim of the present study was to carry out the physical, chemical and nutritional analyses of the alternative substrates formulated from wood and agroindustrial residues of the Amazon for Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.:Fr.) Kummer cultivation. The determination of C, N, pH, humidity, soluble solids, protein, fat, total fiber ash, carbohydrates (total and available) and energy were carried out. The substrates were formulated from sawdust of Simarouba amara Aubl. (marupa), Ochroma piramidale Cav. ex. Lam. (pau de balsa) and from the stein of Bactris gasipaes Kunth (pupunheira palm tree), and from Saccharum officinarum L. (sugar cane bagasse). The results demonstrated that the nutritional composition of the substrate is variable and the improvement of the quality of the spent substrate (energy and protein increment) promoted by the metabolism of the fungus during the cultivation, contributed for a more nutritive substrate than the initial one, which could be used as a compost for Agaricus sp. cultivation, as organic fertilizer and for bioremediation for contaminated soils.
Aqueous extracts of the sporophores of eight mushroom species were assessed for their ability to prevent H2O2-induced oxidative damage to cellular DNA using the single-cell gel electrophoresis (Comet) assay. The highest genoprotective effects were obtained with cold (20°C) and hot (100°C) water extracts of Agaricus bisporus and Ganoderma lucidum fruit bodies, respectively. No protective effects were observed with Mushroom Derived Preparations (MDPs) from Flammulina velutipes, Auricularia auricula, Hypsizygus marmoreus, Lentinula edodes, Pleurotus sajor-caju, and Volvariella volvacea. These findings indicate that some edible mushrooms represent a valuable source of biologically active compounds with potential for protecting cellular DNA from oxidative damage. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Spent Agaricus and Pleurotus substrates are mainly used as components of amendments and growing substrates, but not in sufficient quantities to solve the problem of their accumulation in mushroom producing areas, where they represent a potential pollution risk. The mushroom growing sector in Spain generates about 5105 t of spent compost, while the EU, as a whole, produces more than 3.5106 t. Among alternative management applications, it is possible to reuse these wastes in the cultivation of mushrooms, as a casing material for growing Agaricus spp. and as substrate for growing other species. In this work, the application of commercial nutritional supplements (Calprozime, Champfood and Promycel), widely used in Agaricus cultivation, is evaluated for its possible use as additive to substrates, based on spent oyster mushroom substrate (SMS), for the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus. Using a mixture of straw and SMS (1:1, w/w) as base material, the addition of CaSO4 (50 g kg-1) and CaCO3 (10 g kg-1) and the above supplements at 20 g kg-1 brought about a remarkable increase in production compared with the substrate without any supplement. The biological efficiencies did not differ significantly from that obtained when a commercial substrate was used as control, reaching values of 48.9 kg/100 kg substrate (dry matter) when Calprozime was used as supplement. Sporophores harvested from the supplemented substrates presented a higher dry matter content than those obtained from both commercial and non-supplemented substrates. SMS is cheap and easily available; it can be integrated into new formulations with the added advantages of lowering production costs, limiting growers' dependence on straw, and decreasing the environmental impact of its ever-growing accumulation.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Environmental biomonitoring has demonstrated that organisms such as crustaceans, fish and mushrooms are useful to evaluate and monitor both ecosystem contamination and quality. Particularly, some mushroom species have a high capacity to retain radionuclides and some toxic elements from the soil and the air. The potential of mushrooms to accumulate radionuclides in their fruit-bodies has been well documented. However, there are no studies that determine natural and artificial radionuclide composition in edible mushrooms, in Brazil. Artificial (Cs-137) and natural radioactivity (K-40. Ra-226. Ra-228) were determined in 17 mushroom samples from 3 commercialized edible mushroom species. The edible mushrooms collected were Agaricus sp., Pleurotus sp. and Lentinula sp. species. The activity measurements were carried out by gamma spectrometry. The levels of Cs-137 varied from 1.45 +/- 0.04 to 10.6 +/- 0.3 Bq kg(-1), K-40 levels varied from 461 +/- 2 to 1535 +/- 10 Bq kg(-1), Ra-226 levels varied from 14 +/- 3 to 66 +/- 12 Bq kg(-1) and Ra-228 levels varied from 6.2 +/- 0.2 to 54.2 +/- 1.7 Bq kg(-1). Cs-137 levels in Brazilian mushrooms are in accordance with the radioactive fallout in the Southern Hemisphere. The artificial and natural activities determined in this study were found to be below the maximum permissible levels as established by national legislation. Thus, these mushroom species can be normally consumed by the population without any apparent risks to human health.
Many studies have drawn attention to the occurrence and concentration of toxic elements found in the fruiting body of mushrooms. Some edible mushroom species are known to accumulate high levels of inorganic contaminants, mainly cadmium, mercury, and lead. There are about 2,000 known edible mushroom species, but only 25 of them are cultivated and used as food. In Brazil, the most marketed and consumed mushroom species are Agaricus bisporus, known as Paris champignon, Lentinus edodes, or Shitake and Pleurotus sp, also called Shimeji or Hiratake. In this study, the concentration of cadmium was determined in Lentinus edodes mushrooms from different cities in São Paulo state and some samples imported from Japan and China. The analyses were performed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after HNO3-H2O2 digestion. The results showed a lower concentration of Cd in the mushrooms cultivated in São Paulo (0.0079 to 0.023 mg.kg-1 in natura) than that of the mushrooms cultivated abroad (0.125 to 0.212 mg.kg-1 in natura). Although there is no tolerance limit for Cd in mushrooms in Brazil, the results show that Lentinus edodes mushrooms can be safely consumed.
The species of the genus Coenosia Meigen are polyphagous predators both in the larval and in the adult stage. In Europe five Coenosia species of the ‘tigrina group’ are naturally present in greenhouses, where they can establish for long periods. As their wide preys range includes important pests of protected crops, as Aleyrodidae, Sciaridae and Agromyzidae, Coenosia species are considered promising potential biological control agents. A method for rearing Coenosia species in vivo was developed for the first time in 1993 in Germany, where C. attenuata, C. strigipes and C. humilis were bred on Bradysia paupera (Diptera Sciaridae), reared on Fusarium spp. cultivated on wood fibre. Although this method was partially simplified afterwards, it is still too complex and expensive for a mass production. This research aimed at simplifying this rearing procedure and making it cheaper, in the perspective of an eventual mass production. Studies on potential preys were conducted, to determine their suitability for C. attenuata larvae and adults and to develop rearing methods. Biology and rearing methods of Bradysia paupera Tuomikoski, Scatella stagnalis Fallén and Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Diptera: Sciaridae, Ephydridae, Drosophilidae) were compared. B. paupera resulted the most suitable prey for rearing C. attenuata in vivo. The Sciarid fly was effectively reared on damp coconut fibre with fresh Agaricus bisporus (J.E. Lange) Pilát, thus simplifying the existing method. After preliminary trials with different potential preys, attempts to rear C. attenuata in vivo on B. paupera and D. melanogaster were made. The best results were obtained with B. paupera, reared on coconut fibre and A. bisporus, but the method needs further improvement. Trials of in vitro rearing of C. attenuata were also made: as no specific diet for Coenosia species is reported in literature, different potentially suitable media were tested. Among these, a specific diet for Diptera Tachinidae resulted a good starting point for further studies and improvements. The biology of C. attenuata adults captured in greenhouses was also studied, by observing both groups and isolated individuals. Data on lifespan, daily number of preys per adult, daily number of laid eggs and hatching rate were recorded, and the effects of different foods on these parameters were analyzed. The following foods were compared: D. melanogaster adults only, as preys for C. attenuata; D. melanogaster adults and a water-honey solution; the water-honey solution only. Honey resulted an effective food integration for C. attenuata, increasing lifespan and the number of egg laying females. It is possible that in greenhouses Coenosia adults complete the preys diet with nectar and/or honeydew. Moreover, the integration with honey reduced the daily preys consumption. This may allow to prevent cannibalism among Coenosia adults in the rearing conditions, where high population densities are required. A survey of the Coenosia species naturally present in Lombardy greenhouses was conducted. The species C. attenuata, C. strigipes, C. tigrina and C. atra were detected. C. attenuata resulted the most common, recorded in most greenhouses and for consecutive years. Besides, the presence of potential preys, weeds and the crops were recorded in each greenhouse. Nevertheless, it is difficult to determine the relation between these parameters and the presence of Coenosia species.
Nel corso del tirocinio di tesi si sono studiate nuove metodologie per la produzione di enzimi idrolitici per matrici lignocellulosiche vegetali di scarto. In primis è stato valutato un nuovo metodo di produzione enzimatica utilizzando il fungo basidiomicete Pleurotus ostreatus all’interno di un fermentatore in stato solido (SSF) movimentando periodicamente il substrato mediante un'estrusione meccanica e confrontando i risultati con esperimenti analoghi ma privi di estrusione. In seguito si è valutata l’attività enzimatica prodotta dal fungo Agaricus bisporus (il comune Champignons) cresciuto tramite una fermentazione in stato solido priva di qualsiasi movimentazione. Infine gli estratti enzimatici ricavati dalle prove precedenti sono stati utilizzati allo scopo di idrolizzare matrici vegetali di scarto provenienti dall’industria cerealicola e viti-vinicola. I risultati del lavoro risultano promettenti e si osserva come sia gli estratti ricavati da fermentazioni su stato solido dinamiche (con Pleurotus) che quelle su stato solido statiche (con Agaricus) sono in grado di favorire l’idrolisi e la degradazione delle matrici vegetali favorendo la fuoriuscita di componenti di interesse come zuccheri riducenti e polifenoli.
Für die Aufklärung der chemisch anspruchsvollen Monophenolase-Reaktion von Tyrosinasen wurde ein System entwickelt, um das Zielprotein aus dem Bakterium Streptomyces antibioticus in großen Mengen und mit hoher Reinheit zu isolieren. Zudem konnte ein hypothetischer Reaktionsmechanismus für die Monophenolase- und die Diphenolase-Aktivität der Tyrosinase formuliert werden. Die beiden Reaktionen der S. antibioticus-Tyrosinase wurden kinetisch analysiert und auf diesem Weg die Aktivität des Enzyms mit jener der sehr gut charakterisierten Tyrosinase aus dem Pilz Agaricus bisporus verglichen. Hierbei wurden signifikante Unterschiede festgestellt, die auf die verschiedenartigen Proteinstrukturen zurückgeführt wurden. Auch konnte gezeigt werden, dass einige sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe, die vor allem in Wein zu finden sind und in ihrer chemischen Struktur den Tyrosinasesubstraten ähnlich sind, die Aktivität dieses Enzyms maßgeblich beeinflussen. Das O2-Transportprotein Hämocyanin aus der Vogelspinne Eurypelma californicum, das wie die Tyrosinase zu der Familie der Typ-3-Kupferproteine gehört, ist nach chemischer Aktivierung zur Phenoloxidase zur enzymatischen Quervernetzung von Proteinen fähig. Die Tatsache, dass diese Quervernetzung auch das Hämocyanin selbst betrifft, sowie der erfolgreiche Nachweis von Hämocyanin in der Kutikula des genannten Organismus, legen die Vermutung nahe, dass die physiologische Funktion von Hämocyanin im Rahmen der Sklerotisierung des Exoskeletts in einer aktiven und passiven Beteiligung an Gerbungsprozessen im Integument besteht.
El autor señala la presencia de Simblum sphaerocephalum SCHLECHT. e Itajahya galericulata Alfer Moll, dos Gastromycetales del suborden Phallinales y familias Clathraceae y Phallaceae respectivamente nuevos para la flora mendocina. Da una breve descripción de los materiales e ilustra ambas entidades mediante fotografías obtenidas en su hábitat. Con los hallazgos de ambas especies se amplía considerablemente el área de dispersión austral de las mismas.
Os cogumelos comestíveis são apreciados em todo o mundo não só pela sua textura e sabor, também pelas suas propriedades nutricionais e funcionais. Estas propriedades devem-se ao facto dos cogumelos possuírem na sua constituição compostos bioativos, nomeadamente, compostos fenólicos, tocoferóis, ácido ascórbico e carotenoides, que pelos seus efeitos no organismo estão associados à prevenção de doenças e promoção da saúde. O presente trabalho pretendeu comparar três espécies de cogumelos silvestres (Boletus edulis, Lactarius deliciosus e Macrleptiota procera) com cogumelos de cultura (Agaricus bisporus e Pleurotus ostreatus) relativamente à sua composição em macronutrientes, à sua capacidade antioxidante e ao seu teor em fenóis totais. A escolha destas espécies fundamentou-se no seu elevado consumo pela população.As amostras foram analisadas, quanto à composição de macronutrientes (humidade, proteínas, lípidos, cinzas e hidratos de carbono). Constatou-se que os cogumelos, independentemente da sua origem (selvagens ou de cultura), são maioritariamente constituídos por água com valores que oscilam entre os 76,6% -93,4% e hidratos de carbono (82 g% - 92 g% de matéria seca). Possuem ainda, quantidades baixas de gordura (0,8 g% - 1,5 g% de matéria seca). Já os valores de proteína, obtidos oscilaram entre 1,4 g% - 4,9 g% de matéria seca, apresentando os cogumelos silvestres valores mais elevados deste macronutriente. O teor de minerais totais foi variável dependendo do local onde as amostras se colheram. A avaliação da composição fenólica e da capacidade antioxidante foi feita em extratos de metanol: ácido acético (98:2) e de acetona: água (60:40). Para determinação dos compostos fenólicos recorreu-se ao método de Folin Cioacalteau, tendo-se utilizado os métodos do DPPH (radical 2,2-defenil -1- picrilhidrazilo) e do ABTS [ácido 2,2`-azino-bis (3-etilbenzotiazolina-6-sulfónico)] para análise da atividade antioxidante.Para todas as espécies analisadas o conteúdo em compostos fenólicos totais foi mais elevado para o extrato metanólico. Os cogumelos de cultura apresentavam teores de compostos fenólicos mais elevados do que os silvestres, mostrando o Pleurotus ostreatus os valores mais elevados (1,5 mg EAG/g).Em ambas as metodologias utilizadas para avaliação da capacidade antioxidante o extrato metanólico apresentou valores mais elevados tendo as espécies silvestres exibido valores superiores aos de cultura, com particular destaque para o Boletus edulis e para o Macroleptiota procera. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos demonstram que os cogumelos são uma boa fonte de proteína e de compostos com capacidade antioxidante, apresentando variações entre espécies com destaque para os cogumelos silvestres.
v.1. Agaricus-Bolbitius. --v.2. Cortinarius-Dacrymyces.