921 resultados para Afro-descendet populations
Of eleven proteins analyzed in four Amazonian populations, the esterases showed the greatest variation, with five activity zones. EST1, EST2 and EST5 showed variation in each of the populations studied. EST1 and EST2 are each controlled by two, and EST5 by four, codomi-nant alleles. LAP presented six activity zones, with codominant variation in LAP5and LAP6.oc—GPDH was monomorphic with one activity band on starch gel and two on polyacrylamide gel. 1DH presented two activity zones, with variation in the IDHl region. PGM had a single activity zone, with variation in all populations. The Ariquemes populations showed five alleles and the other populations three, all of then codominant. Three activity zones with two codominant alleles were observed for ODH. Aldehyde Oxidase showed two activity zones, with variation in AOl only in the Ariquemes and Porto Velho/Samuel populations. 6-PGDH showed only one activity zone and variation only in the Ariquemes population. The remaing systems - XDH, G-6-PDH and GDH. was monomorphic.
This study describes the diversity and the subsistence fishing territoriality of traditional populations of a village Ashaninka and two Kaxinawá living at the margins of Breu River (Brasil/Peru). In general, samplings in the dwellings were carried out late in the afternoon, as the fishermen arrived in the village. The data were analysed in an exploratory way through the index of pondered dominance (ID%), by analysis of variance and by a correspondence analysis in order to determine the associations of the fish species and the fishing spots between the villages of the Indigenous Reserve. The results of the analysis of variance demonstrated that differences exist between the fish diversities of the catches. However, post-hoc tests only detected differences in diversities between the hand fishhook and the other fishing gears (bow and arrow, castnets and rotenone tingui). Although the use of bow and arrow resulted in a low capture (Kg), this fishing strategy is associated with a high fishing diversity, in terms of number of species. These results demonstrate that there is no overlap in the frequency of the visits to the fishing spots between the Ashaninka and Kaxinawá populations. This pattern is the same found for the correspondence analysis for the fish species, which describes the relationship between the deep pools environments exploited by the fishermen Ashaninka and Kaxinawá of Mourão. These ethnic populations still continue to maintain a strong cultural and cosmological tradition, with their territories defined in an informal way of the upper Juruá area.
Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke, Lauraceae) is an Amazonian evergreen tree and a source of the purest linalool, the main component of its essential oil, which is very valuable in the international perfumery market. After decades of over-exploitation it is currently considered as threatened. We evaluated the genetic diversity and its distribution in four populations in Central Amazonia. Thirty-five reliable RAPD markers were generated, of which 32 were polymorphic (91.4%). Variation was higher within the populations (76.5%; p < 0.0001) and geographic distribution contributed to population differentiation (23.4%; p < 0.0001). The Amazon River had a small influence on gene flow (3.3%; p < 0.0001), but we identified evidence of gene flow across the river. There were significant differences in marker frequencies (p < 0.05), in agreement with the low gene flow (Nm = 2.02). The correlation between genetic distance and gene flow was - 0.95 (p = 0.06) and between geographic distance and gene flow was -0.78 (p = 0.12). There was a geographic cline of variability across an East-West axis, influenced as well by the Amazon River, suggesting the river could be a barrier to gene flow. Although threatened, these Rosewood populations retain high diversity, with the highest levels in the Manaus population, which has been protected for over 42 years in a Reserve.
The Amazon tree boa Corallus hortulanus is known for featuring a wide variation in color pattern and design markings. Although there are studies on its polychromatism, none of them addresses the geographic variation in the color pattern of this species. The aim of this study was to describe the chromatic variation found in the populations of C. hortulanus from the southern Amazon Basin and its relationship with geographic distribution of the species. Analysis of both design markings and color patterns on 112 C. hortulanus specimens from the southern Amazon Basin interfluves resulted in the identification of six distinct morphotypes. Grayish-brown coloration and elongated diamond-shaped patterns were the most frequent patterns. Two morphotypes showed a tendency of correlation with the geographical distribution of those species found in Madeira and Juruá Rivers. The small sample size does not allow for a robust conclusion on the possible cause of geographic variation. The distribution of morphological patterns of C. hortullanus in the Amazon Basin suggest that there is gene flow between populations, regardless of geographical distance and natural barriers. The variation in color pattern and markings may represent a phenotypic response to the characteristics of different habitats occupied by the species.
There are two very different interpretations of the prehistory of Island Southeast Asia (ISEA), with genetic evidence invoked in support of both. The "out-of-Taiwan" model proposes a major Late Holocene expansion of Neolithic Austronesian speakers from Taiwan. An alternative, proposing that Late Glacial/postglacial sea-level rises triggered largely autochthonous dispersals, accounts for some otherwise enigmatic genetic patterns, but fails to explain the Austronesian language dispersal. Combining mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), Y-chromosome and genome-wide data, we performed the most comprehensive analysis of the region to date, obtaining highly consistent results across all three systems and allowing us to reconcile the models. We infer a primarily common ancestry for Taiwan/ISEA populations established before the Neolithic, but also detected clear signals of two minor Late Holocene migrations, probably representing Neolithic input from both Mainland Southeast Asia and South China, via Taiwan. This latter may therefore have mediated the Austronesian language dispersal, implying small-scale migration and language shift rather than large-scale expansion.
Dissertação de mestrado em Bioengenharia
OBJECTIVE: To compare the lipid profiles and coronary heart disease risks of 2 Brazilian Amazonian populations as follows: a riverside population (village of Vigia) and an urban population (city of Belém in the state of Pará). METHODS: Fifty individuals controlled for age and sex were assessed in each region, and the major risk factors for coronary heart disease were analyzed. RESULTS: According to the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP III) and using the Framingham score, both populations had the same absolute risk of events (Vigia = 5.4 ± 1 vs Belém = 5.7 ± 1), although the population of Vigia had a lower consumption of saturated fat (P<0.0001), a greater consumption of mono- and polyunsaturated fat (P<0.03), in addition to lower values for body mass index (25.4± 0.6 vs 27.6 ± 0.7 kg/m², P<0.02), of biceps skin fold (18.6 ± 1.1 vs 27.5 ± 1.3 mm, P<0.0001), of triceps skin fold (28.7 ± 1.2 vs 37.3 ± 1.7 mm, P<0.002), and of total cholesterol (205 ± 5 vs 223 ± 6 mg/dL, P< 0.03) and triglycerides (119 ± 9 vs 177 ± 18 mg/dL, P<0.005). Both populations did not differ in regard to HDL-C (46 ± 1 vs 46 ± 1 mg/dL), LDL-C (135 ± 4 vs 144 ± 5 mg/dL) and blood pressure (SBP 124 ± 3 vs 128 ± 3 mmHg; DBP 80 ± 2 vs 82 ± 2 mmHg). CONCLUSION: The riverside and urban populations of Amazonia had similar cardiovascular risks. However, the marked difference in the variables studied suggests that different strategies of prevention should be applied.
El presente proyecto retoma los interrogantes acerca de los movimientos de población humana que se sucedieron en el area central de Argentina (actual territorio de Córdoba y parte de San Luis), desde los primeros asentamientos hasta la Conquista, valiéndose de la información proporcionada por la arqueología, la antropología física y la genética molecular, de manera interdisciplinaria. Con base en investigaciones previas realizadas por nuestro grupo y otros autores, se aplicarán nuevas metodologías y enfoques teóricos para echar luz sobre interrogantes acerca de las probables vías de poblamiento de la región y la evolución local de esas poblaciones. Se someterán a prueba hipótesis migratorias y de colonización, incluyendo estos eventos locales en un contexto más general sobre los procesos ocurridos a nivel regional y continental. Para los datos biológicos moleculares y morfológicos se emplearán técnicas de filogeografía (distribución espacial de linajes mitocondriales y del cromosoma Y) y genética del paisaje (autocorrelación espacial, kriging, barreras genéticas). La perspectiva arqueológica del proyecto intenta desde los análisis de diseño y función en instrumentos líticos discutir expectativas en cuanto a la permanencia o no de ciertas formas de diseño a través del tiempo, comparando conjuntos tempranos (asociados a tecnología "Fell 1") con otros de épocas posteriores. Esta línea se llevará a cabo utilizando la comparación entre los materiales provenientes de excavaciones estratigráficas para realizar análisis tecno-morfológicos sensu Aschero (1975-1983) y análisis de microhuellas de uso que nos permiten hablar de la función en los filos líticos. Esta línea se complementa con el desarrollo de programas experimentales de estudio sobre las diversas materias primas líticas utilizadas en el pasado en ambas áreas (Chert, vulcanita, cuarzo y calcedonia, entre las principales). Ambos enfoques nos permitirán evaluar la posible existencia de variaciones tecnológicas locales producto de procesos adaptativos o modos de producción o uso diferenciales. Una segunda línea propone el estudio del paisaje y los recursos líticos en la región utilizando SIG. Con respecto a esta perspectiva de investigación se postula analizar la forma en la cual los cazadores-recolectores utilizaron el espacio desde fines del Pleistoceno/Holoceno Temprano hasta el Holoceno Tardío partiendo de un conocimiento profundo de la distribución de los recursos líticos. En particular, conocer y discutir distintos aspectos de la disponibilidad, tipo, calidad y accesibilidad a las rocas. Este enfoque es fundamental para entender los procesos de elección y uso de estos recursos en el pasado logrando entender las diversas formas de organización de la tecnología.
Desde el tiempo de la conquista y colonización en siglo XVI, el territorio argentino fue poblado por especies exóticas entre ellas ovinos. El tipo de animal introducido al territorio determinó la formación poblaciones locales del tipo criollo donde en el caso de los ovinos pertenecían al tipo lanero. Actualmente dichas poblaciones se encuentran relegadas y la mayoría en manos de pequeños productores. En base a estudios previos se puede afirmar que constituirían un material genético de importante variabilidad y de un potencial textil importante. El proyecto pretende realizar una caracterización zootécnica y genética mediante relevamientos poblacionales en regiones donde aún se conserva material autóctono o local del tipo criollo. El relevamiento comprende un posicionamiento geográfico y breve descripción del sistema de producción, la toma de información biológica, morfológica y zoométrica de los animales de la majada y la correspondiente obtención de muestras de lana. Estas muestras son remitidas al Laboratorio de Fibras Animales de la Red SUPPRAD para su evaluación. Para determinar la variabilidad zootécnica y genérica de las poblaciones se confeccionan Índices de arcaísmo o primariedad basados en marcadores fenotípicos, bioquímicos y moleculares. A ello se propone incorporar estudios sobre desempeño productivo y reproductivo de las poblaciones para poner analizar los factores que afectan la producción de lana y diseñar estrategias de manejo que la optimicen. Ello posibilitará evaluar la variabilidad de las poblaciones y proponer estrategias de conservación y/o mejoramiento. Paralelamente se podrá establecer el destino del producto textil producido por dichas poblaciones ovinas.
Se pretende aportar al estudio de la estructura, historia biológica y estilos de vida de las poblaciones que habitaron la región central de Argentina durante el Holoceno, desde una perspectiva que combina los aportes teóricos y metodológicos de la Genética del paisaje y la Bioarqueología. Interesa a) identificar barreras de diferenciación morfológica entre poblaciones, b) poner a prueba modelos poblacionales para explicar la variación observada e identificar las variables que contribuyan a dicha diferenciación, c) evaluar la congruencia de los resultados obtenidos, d) reconstruir los patrones de movilidad residencial de las poblaciones, e) estudiar sus patrones dietarios considerando diferencias temporales y espaciales, f) identificar indicadores de diversos tipos de estrés (nutricional, funcional), así como traumas, g) estudiar las historias tafonómicas del registro bioarqueológico regional, y h) proponer un modelo para explicar el poblamiento y la evolución local de las poblaciones que habitaron esta región, a partir de la información arqueológica y bioantropológica. Para el análisis de los patrones espaciales de variación biológica se trabajará a partir del registro de rasgos epigenéticos craneales, medidas lineales y datos obtenidos a partir de morfometría geométrica sobre fotografías en 2D sobre muestras arqueológicas procedentes de esta región y de otras regiones geográficas de la Argentina. Para el análisis de la estructura de la población se trabajará a partir del cálculo de la matriz R para datos morfológicos y sus estimaciones derivadas (distancia D², Fst, coordenadas principales) y la aplicación del modelo de Harpending y Ward. Desde la genética del paisaje, se realizarán análisis de autocorrelación espacial, barreras genéticas y análisis geoestadísticos (kriging). Para el estudio de los modos de vida a partir del registro bioarqueológico se relevarán patologías dento-alveolares y alteraciones vinculadas con la salud bucal tales como desgaste dental –a nivel micro y macroscópico- caries, abscesos, pérdidas dentales antemortem, cálculos, hipoplasias, marcadores esqueletales de salud y lesiones traumáticas. Se analizarán isótopos estables (δ13C, δ15N, 86Sr y 87Sr) en restos óseos humanos de diversos sitios arqueológicos con el objetivo de reconstruir patrones dietarios y analizar la movilidad residencial y migración de las poblaciones. Paralelamente, se establecerán procedimientos de control tafonómico de los restos óseos, y se harán análisis específicos para estudiar las historias tafonómicas y evaluar el grado de integridad de los contextos de depositación y de las colecciones en general. Estimamos que el análisis de los patrones espaciales y temporales de variabilidad morfológica craneofacial, así como el estudio de las dietas a partir de información isotópica y bioarqueológica, de las migraciones y la movilidad residencial de las poblaciones a partir de isótopos de estroncio, la reconstrucción de comportamientos y actividades cotidianas a partir de marcadores de estrés músculo-esqueletal, en un marco cronológico y espacial constituye un aporte novedoso y eficaz que permitirá incrementar de manera substancial la información sobre la evolución de las poblaciones originarias del centro del territorio argentino. The aim of this project is to study the structure, biological history and lifestyles of the people that inhabitated the central region of Argentina during the Holocene, from a perspective that combines theoretical and methodological contributions of Landscape Genetics and Bioarchaeology. To analyze the spatial patterns of biological variation we consider epigenetic cranial traits, linear measurements and data obtained from geometric morphometric on 2D photographs. Morphological variation will be focused on landscape genetics (autocorrelation, genetic barriers and geostatistical analysis –kriging-) and population structure (matrix R, D², Fst, principal coordinates, Harpendig and Ward model). For the study of lifestyles from bioarchaeological record we consider alveolar pathologies and disorders related to oral health such as tooth wear, micro and macroscopic level, caries, abscesses, antemortem tooth loss, hypoplasia, markers skeletal health and traumatic injuries, as well as taphonomic processes. Stable isotopes will be analyzed (δ13C, d15N, 86Sr and 87Sr) in human skeletal remains from various archaeological sites in order to reconstruct and analyze dietary patterns of residential mobility and migration of populations. It will be established procedures of taphonomic control on skeletal remains, analysis to study taphonomic histories and assess the degree of completeness of depositional context and collection, in general terms. We consider that analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of variability in craniofacial morphology and the study of health and diets from isotopic and bioarchaeological data, migration and residential mobility patterns from strontium isotopes, as well as activity patterns from stress markers is a novel and effective contribution that will substantially increase the information about the local evolution of populations that inhabitated the center of Argentina.
Mixture of distributions, decreasing failure rate, increasing failure rate, proportional hazards model, accelerated life model, asymptotic behavior of mixture failure rate
Background:High blood pressure is associated with cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of mortality in the Brazilian population. Lifestyle changes, including physical activity, are important for lowering blood pressure levels and decreasing the costs associated with outcomes.Objective:Assess the impact of physical activity interventions on blood pressure in Brazilian individuals.Methods:Meta-analysis and systematic review of studies published until May 2014, retrieved from several health sciences databases. Seven studies with 493 participants were included. The analysis included parallel studies of physical activity interventions in adult populations in Brazil with a description of blood pressure (mmHg) before and after the intervention in the control and intervention groups.Results:Of 390 retrieved studies, eight matched the proposed inclusion criteria for the systematic review and seven randomized clinical trials were included in the meta-analysis. Physical activity interventions included aerobic and resistance exercises. There was a reduction of -10.09 (95% CI: -18.76 to -1.43 mmHg) in the systolic and -7.47 (95% CI: -11.30 to -3.63 mmHg) in the diastolic blood pressure.Conclusions:Available evidence on the effects of physical activity on blood pressure in the Brazilian population shows a homogeneous and significant effect at both systolic and diastolic blood pressures. However, the strength of the included studies was low and the methodological quality was also low and/or regular. Larger studies with more rigorous methodology are necessary to build robust evidence.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2010