375 resultados para Affection


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This dissertation intends to identify the effects of the demission in the Varig's ex-flight attendants' spirituals needs. For this study we did field research carried through 31 halfstructuralized interviews with dismissed Varig's flight attendants. The data had been treated quantitatively, making tables that allowed us to infer about the adhesion in what we searched measure, and qualitatively, using the analysis of the speech's method. The study identifies that many of the ex-flight attendants make distinction between the company in which they had worked and the one that today acts with the Varig's name and symbol. By this way, they preserve feelings of love, affection and absence about to the old Varig, directing the feelings of anger and rancor, or simply indifference, to the new Varig. It is also perceived in the study that the majority of the interviewed people show positive expectations related to the involvement with a new company in which they come to work.


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Esta dissertação buscou aumentar os conhecimentos sobre os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional (CCO), que são ações informais de trabalhadores que beneficiam a empresa, através da análise de como estes comportamentos se manifestam em empresas que adotam estruturas temporárias para realização de suas atividades, ou seja, estruturas organizacionais temporárias (EOT). Nos estudos desenvolvidos, um modelo representativo das relações dos constructos referentes aos antecedentes cognitivos e afetivos com as dimensões que compõem os CCO foi proposto e as respectivas relações foram testadas. O estudo contou com a participação de 86 profissionais que trabalham em empresas com características equivalentes às EOT e permitiu avançar no conhecimento a respeito deste tipo de organização que carece de estudos empíricos a respeito. Estes profissionais responderam a um instrumento contendo 7 escalas de medidas das variáveis constituintes do modelo, desenvolvidas e validadas por outros autores. Os dados foram tratados por meio de análises fatoriais e por modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados mostraram que os CCO são significativos em EOT, apesar da ideia de temporalidade e das características referentes aos profissionais e tipo de atividades presentes (alta especificidade do produto e alta qualificação dos profissionais) sugerir inicialmente o contrário. Além disso, os resultados confirmaram que as cognições sobre a organização constituem um fator preponderante na formação dos afetos que os profissionais nutrem pela empresa e estes, por sua vez, mostraram possuir relação significativa sobre as ações que correspondem aos CCO.


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There is substantial empirical evidence that parental bequests to their children are typically equal in the US – a regularity inconsistent with the predictions of standard optimizing bequest models. The prior explanation for this puzzle is parents’ desire to signal equal affection given children’s incomplete information of parental preferences. However, parents also have incomplete information regarding children and the implications of this side of the information set have not previously been considered. Using a strategic bequest framework we show that when parents have sufficient uncertainty regarding children’s returns to relocation a separating equilibrium in which parents reward attentive heirs with larger bequests is precluded. We argue that such uncertainty is consistent with conditions in the contemporary US.


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Esta dissertação doutoral, com base em dados empíricos coletados com 50 mães distribuídas no Brasil (n = 30) e nos EUA (n = 20), tem como objetivo fornecer uma melhor compreensão do desperdício de alimento no contexto da baixa renda. A tese é composta por três artigos, que combinados, cumprem os objetivos de identificar os antecedentes do desperdício de alimento e delinear uma tipologia dos desperdiçadores de alimento. Adicionalmente, contextualiza o desperdício global e um capítulo propõe uma agenda futura para estudos sobre desperdício de alimento no âmbito do consumidor. O desperdício de alimento nas famílias, enquanto tema de pesquisa, oferece a oportunidade para o trabalho acadêmico em marketing cumprir os critérios de relevância social, gerencial e para políticas públicas. No primeiro estudo, descrevem-se os fatores do chamado "paradoxo do desperdício de alimento", a identificação e análise do desperdício de alimento em famílias com restrições orçamentárias, enquanto apresentam-se o itinerário do consumo de alimentos e os antecedentes do desperdício. Este primeiro artigo, elaborado com dados coletados em famílias brasileiras, ilustra também o papel das normas culturais, tais como o preparo abundante de alimento para mostrar hospitalidade ou como forma de não ser percebido como pobre, no aumento do desperdício. No segundo artigo, uma grounded-theory (teoria fundamentada nos dados) destaca o papel do afeto e da abundância no desperdício de alimento familiar. Para enriquecer as contribuições teóricas, este segundo estudo apresenta um framework com seis dimensões do desperdício de alimento (1. Afeto; 2. Abundância; 3. Multiplicidade de escolhas; 4. Conveniência; 5. Procrastinação; 6. Rotina sem planejamento). Baseado em dados empíricos coletados em famílias americanas, este estudo proporciona novas explicações, a exemplo de como o estoque abundante de comfort foods - uma forma de impulsionar tanto emoções positivas para si quanto mostrar afeto para crianças – pode gerar mais desperdício de alimentos. Em síntese, o segundo artigo identifica uma consequência negativa do afeto e da abundância de alimentos no contexto familiar, e apresenta um framework teoricamente relevante. Finalmente, o terceiro artigo, a partir do conjunto de dados dos estudos anteriores e de nova coleta com dez famílias, propõe uma tipologia comportamental do desperdício de alimento, uma contribuição original aos estudos de comportamento do consumidor. A identificação de cinco tipos de desperdiçadores de alimentos - (1) Mães carinhosas; (2) Cozinheiras abundantes; (3) Desperdiçadoras de sobras; (4) Procrastinadoras; (5) Mães versáteis - contribui para a teoria, enquanto implicações potenciais para educadores nutricionais e agentes públicos são exploradas a partir dos resultados. Como uma forma de explicar as características de cada um dos cinco tipos identificados, compara-se aspectos das amostras brasileira e norte-americana, que apresentam similaridades no comportamento de desperdício de alimento. Os níveis de desperdício percebidos por país também são comparados. Em suma, os achados dos três artigos podem contribuir para maximizar os resultados de campanhas de conscientização voltadas à mitigação do desperdício de alimento, e apresentam ideias para varejistas interessados em iniciativas de sustentabilidade. Mais abrangentemente, os resultados apresentados também podem ser aplicados para incrementar programas de combate à fome e projetos de educação nutricional realizados pelo setor público ou ONGs.


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In this research, we propose a discussion from that observed in our field of work that women are prostitutes and who self-define understood. We check these women have sex with men by means of work and with women from the relationship of affection. We analyzed the practice of sexual activity as another possible expression of sexuality. There are many studies that deal with issues around the theme of prostitution and homosexuality in regard to various aspects and disciplines. Our proposal for study with these women is a topic that is on the agenda, as today, the theme of prostitution and homosexuality is well discussed within the Humanities in general. These new studies indicate about sexuality in a privileged place discussing values associated with the intimacy of the modern person, but also suggest that permeate discussions elements underlying the identity of women who have sex with women and men, the latter being, sexual activity mediated through the employment relationship by the financial interest, because according to our informants, prostitution is a job. From the reports of our participants / informants your answers fit the various brands that define the social field of possibilities of the sexual practices of individuals, raising questions about the origin and social class, family history, stage of life they are set of gender relations in the universe in which they live. All these elements provide the beacons to the process of shaping of subjectivity, understood as the social and biographical circumstances that define the direction I face this new constitution of the subject, it is defined by many theorists of the humanities, such as post-modern or modernity, and the insurgency that we have with the liberation movements that gays and lesbians were in question and make the politicization of sexuality


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Women, subjectiveness, experimentations. This paper walks through gender, sexuality, body and subjectivity, bounding as the focus denaturalize the representations of womanlinessstaff and manliness and the modeled subjectivity by normative discusses that shows the transcendency based on multiplicities of experiences, wishes and life way wattled by men and women from the Caicó City s society in the decades from 1900 to 1945. For this, it was adopted a dialogic methodology inlcluding bibliographic and theorist references as well as sources like articles from Jornal das Moças (Lady s Journal); defloration s crime processes, abortion, infanticide and body lesions; iconographic sources and Caicó citizen memories in the period commented. Based on that sources, this work analyze the discursive construction of feminine through Justice and Jornal das Moças that paved by sanitarian, normalizing and moralizing discourses has spread clichés and stereotypes of womanlinessstaff and manliness, which has resulted by to universalize the experiences feminines in polarities and binary oppositions regarding to manliness, it has delineated them as asexual, irrational, anesthesiaed for pleasure and biologically meant to home activities modeling subjectivities that did not create ways for the singularization processes. This polarities, effects of sexual regulatory practices and gender legitimate the representations of courtship, maternity and honor, that although it has been incorporated not passivant on the building of the poor men and women subjectivity, it did not support itself in view of socio-cultural and economic reality of the poorest society side. Therefore, on this work emerge a plurality of women who has transited past the public sphere, who interlaced amorous informal relationships, who has kept relationships before the marriage, who hás established multiples familiar arrangements and helpful networks, who was single mothers without being considered dishonored women by social groups, who made matrimonial agreements without the rules of a formal civil marriage, who made use of beverageey to provoke the menstruation constituting multiples ways to experiment the life. This subjective feminine experimentations turned it possible to notice that representations concerning about the body, sexuality, date, maternity and honor of this women has constituted itself while molecularies and particulares . It was the affection not commented of the feminine sexuality that turned it possible to analyze the construction of singular subjectivities as a opened process, continuous, active, begetting new lands, life ways and wishes cartographies


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This work demonstrates important aspects of domestic work performed by adolescents between 16 and 18 years in residential spaces. This is to highlight the process of naturalization of invisibility, their source of insecurity and social exclusion, in view of the strong personal relationship of domination. Pointing out the relations of pseudo-affection that can obscure the exploitation of domestic labor. Highlight a preliminary discussion on the composition of social relations embedded in the context of domestic work, with emphasis on reflection on the condition of subordination of young domestic workers as a result of a process of socialization consists of relations of domination - gender and social class, resulting in formation of social identity-forming negative stigma. This paper results from a survey of the work of young maids, held in the city of Aracaju, whose main objective was to understand how they operated the differences and inequalities in the relations of domestic based, including information on adolescents' own. Fieldwork was conducted from August 2009 to January 2010 and data collection techniques were used oral history / life history, questionnaires and use of semi-structured interviews, as well as secondary data from PNAD / IBGE which formed the basis of comparative national situation and local context. It emphasizes the links of domestic work involving teenagers question the lifestyles of working class who are confronted by the various "systems" for each home, which leads to the development of adaptation strategies that make possible the coexistence of a stranger the house at the other. It focuses on how the work goes into their lives in terms of socialization offered by working families to their children's, and as this class habitus is adequate for the job market in domestic employment through a socialization process that sometimes opposes and now reinforces the practices and values seized in family socialization


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Using literature to discuss the topic of food, proper bourgeois cuisine, was the purpose of this work. As a corpus, we use one of the works of Eça de Queiroz, The City and the Mountains. Served as theoretical references the Claude Levi-Strauss s concept of universal culinary and the Jean Claude Fischler s concept of specific culinary who understands food as a cultural system which includes representations, beliefs and practices of a specific group. After the initial reading of the novel and construction of a file containing general information of the work, categories designed for elaboration of a material for analysis were these: work, characters, food, intellectuals and geographies. We realized the culinary as an epicenter for understanding the culture of a specific group: in this case, the bourgeois. We proposed a quaternary model for systematizing it: this bourgeois cuisine highlights the technique, has affection for what is rare and/or expensive but still consume it with temperance, establishing a new relationship with the use of time and, finally, it is the one that opens the ritual that involves frequent restaurants and cafes. The exercise of thinking the bourgeois cuisine through the literature suggests that the art may work on increase the comprehensive capabilities of nutritionists, professionals who deal with a complex object in your practice: the food


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Existem poucas pesquisas que abordam estudos epidemiológicos de mortes em cavalos de corrida de uma forma ampla. A maioria restringe-se a uma afecção ou procedimento específico. O Brasil não possui um programa de monitoramento de mortes instituído. Através de um estudo descritivo em associação a metodologia multivariada de análise, realizou-se um estudo epidemiológico de causa mortis relacionadas com afecções musculosqueléticas (MS), gastrointestinais (GI), sistema respiratório (RES), neurológico (NEU) e mortes súbitas (SD) durante os anos de 2002 a 2008 no Hospital Octavio Dupont, Rio de Janeiro. Os machos representaram o sexo mais afetado e a causa mortis relacionada com a taxa geral de mortalidade por grandes grupos de causas determinadas apresentou a seguinte ordem decrescentemente: MS>GI>SD>NEU>RES. A maioria dos óbitos registrados foi de cavalos na faixa etária de quatro a cinco anos (ID4-ID5). Seguidamente, observaram-se as seguintes relações de correspondência: (Triênio = SM-ID>5-SD; ID>5-GI; ID4-5-MS; SF-ID<4-RES/NEU); (Quatriênio = SM - ID>5 - GI; SF - ID<4 - NEU; ID4-5 - MS; GI - ID>5). O presente estudo aponta a importância e necessidade de estudos epidemiológicos sobre lesões em cavalos atletas, objetivando o diagnostico, reconhecimento de fatores predisponentes e prevenção.


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This thesis talks about the use of guided educational tools in play and playful in public schools in the Metropolitan Region of Natal (MRN), contributing to the teaching and students learning of basic education in the contents of portuguese and mathematics. We assume that the play is an activity / human need and therefore implies the proper development of children in physical, psychological, biological, cultural, social and historical aspects. We consider the mediation exercised by the teacher in the classroom, and the affection existing between teacher and student, sine qua non terms, so that the truth and fact of the process of teaching and learning occur. Thus, theoretically collaborated Paulo Freire, with his dialogical vision; Lev S. Vygotsky says that we learn and why we develop; Lev S. Vygotsky that states that we learn and for that we develop ourselves; Pierre Bourdieu and the concept of habitus, as something embedded and therefore procedural, and the cultural capital that needs to be fed and (re)meaning at school; Luiz Pereira, Bernard Lahire, Gilles Brougère and others brought their theoretical contributions. The empirical field of research was composed by the Municipal School Professor Ulysses de Góis, located in the neighborhood of Nova Descoberta in Natal, and the Municipal School José Horacio de Góis, located in the community of Guanduba, in São Gonçalo do Amarante, municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Natal (MRN). We used as methodology the collaborative-action-research as a possible of effective participation of the research subjects, imputing them a voice and performance in the process, and not considering them just observers. The results indicate the effectiveness of the pedagogical tools in play and playful to the learning of students, but that alone is not able to solve all the problems of the school, other referrals need to be secured, as the planning of the actions to be developed in the school and in the classroom, systematized pedagogical orienttion for faculty, family participation/involvement in the school life of students, among other actions that need to be weighted so that education fulfills its role and promote the emancipation of the subject, because in the freireana liberating perspective, "the reading of the world preced the lecture of the word"


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Being a teacher is a challenging task, driving action strategies that mobilize technical dimensions of being / doing teaching, but also affection. This research was conducted with teachers / students of the Special Program of formation for Teachers of Basic Education agricultural zone (PROFIR) developed by the Federal University of Acre in partnership with the State Department of Education (SEE) and City Halls of the region; locus typically Amazon and, in this research, comprises five municipalities in the Valley of Juruá - Acre. Northern Brazil. It Aims to capture the social representation of being a teacher in riverside communities. We performed this study from the Theory of Social Representations (MOSCOVICI, 1978, 1990, 2005a, 2005b, 2009, 2011) and (JODELET, 2001), from discussions on teacher formation (LDB No. 9394 of 1996). Work, among others, (TARDIF, 2004), (TARDIF; LESSARD, 2007), (NÓVOA, 1992, 1999), (ARROYO, 2007). We used as a methodological strategy, the multiple classification procedure (PCM), which is organized in two steps: Free Classification and Directed Classification, as well as semi-structured interviews, involving, thus, 137 teachers surveyed. For the analysis of the data, we appealed to software SPSS, version 13.0 for Windows, mapping the elements of the representational content through Multidimensional Analysis (MSA and SSA). Through the different strategies of analysis, we identified from the Free Classification, the regionalization: Beyond forest, teaching Attributes and Mobilized Attributes. With data of the Directed Classification, the analysis was based on the Theory of Facets (BILSKY, 2003) and (BUSCHINI, 2005) and we found: Reference of teacher; Negative Dimension and affective and technicians attributes. Finally, with the Analysis of Content (BARDIN, 2004) e (FRANK, 2005) and of the interviews the categories we found the categories: Urban relation versus agricultural, Knowledge in construction and possible bets. The report of the experiences along the edge of the rivers, in these different methodological strategies and of analysis, demonstrates the existence of symbolic and representational elements that influence and guide the educational conduct and actions of these teachers and that they are deeply anchored and objectified in technical and affective elements of the making teacher. They daily live deeply the concreteness of the Amazonian realism redesigning the Real and the symbolic one as a way to understand themselves as a teacher in adversity of this context. We also observed the historical, social and cultural local marks, framing, thus, the collective personality and generating its guides of action