869 resultados para Aesthetics
RESUMO: Aborda-se a herldica autrquica portuguesa no sob o aspecto da correco da ordenao dos brases de armas, mas privilegiando-se a abordagem em termos artsticos, ou seja a experimentao esttica das armas e sua experimentao em termos de inovao e criatividade.
Dissertao apresentada Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa para obteno de grau de mestre em Educao Artstica, na Especializao de Artes Plsticas na Educao
In the early 21st Century, with the phenomenon of digital convergence, the consecration of Web 2.0, the decrease of the cost of cameras and video recorders, the proliferation of mobile phones, laptops and wireless technologies, we witness the arising of a new wave of media, of an informal, personal and at times minority nature, facilitating social networks, a culture of fans, of sharing and remix. As digital networks become fully and deeply intricate in our experience, the idea of participation arises as one of the most complex and controversial themes of the contemporary critical discourse, namely in what concerns contemporary art and new media art. However, the idea of participation as a practice or postulate traverses the 20th century art playing an essential role in its auto-critic, in questioning the concept of author, and in the dilution of the frontiers between art, life and society, emphasizing the process, the everyday and a community sense. As such, questioning the new media art in light of a participatory art (Frieling, 2008) invokes a double gaze simultaneously attentive to the emerging figures of a participatory aesthetics in digital arts and of the genealogy in which it is included. In fact, relating the new media art with the complex and paradoxical phenomenon of participation allows us to, on the one hand, avoid digital formalism (Lovink, 2008) and analyse the relations between digital art and contemporary social movements; on the other hand, this angle of analysis contributes to reinforce the dialogue and the links between digital art and contemporary art, questioning the alleged frontiers that separate them.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the distribution of edentulism and estimate the prevalence of functional dentition and shortened dental arch among elderly population. METHODS: A population-based epidemiological study was carried out with a sample of 5,349 respondents aged 65 to 74 years obtained from the 2002 and 2003 Brazilian Ministry of Health/Division of Oral Health survey database. The following variables were studied: gender; macroregion of residence; missing teeth; percentage that met the World Health Organization goal for oral health in the age group 65 to 74 years (50% having at least 20 natural teeth); presence of shortened dental arch; number of posterior occluding pairs of teeth. The Chi-square test assessed the association between categorical variables. The Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used to assess differences of mean between number of posterior occluding pairs teeth, macro-region and gender. RESULTS: The elderly population had an average of 5.49 teeth (SD: 7.93) with a median of 0. The proportion of completely edentulous respondents was 54.7%. Complete edentulism was 18.2% in the upper arch and 1.9% in the lower arch. The World Health Organization goal was achieved in 10% of all respondents studied. However, only 2.7% had acceptable masticatory function and aesthetics (having at least shortened dental arch) and a mean number of posterior occluding pairs of 6.94 (SD=2.97). There were significant differences of the percentage of respondents that met the World Health Organization goal and presence of shortened dental arch between men and women. There were differences in shortened dental arch between macroregions. CONCLUSIONS: The Brazilian epidemiological oral health survey showed high rate of edentulism and low rate of shortened dental arch in the elderly population studied, thus suggesting significant functional and aesthetic impairment in all Brazilian macroregions especially among women.
Mestrado em Fisioterapia
Adhesively-bonded techniques offer an attractive option for repair of aluminium structures, and currently there are three widely used configurations, i.e., single-strap (SS), double-strap (DS) and scarf repairs. SS and DS repairs are straightforward to execute but stresses in the adhesive layer peak at the ends of the overlap. DS repairs additionally require both sides of the damaged structures to be reachable for repair, which is often not possible. In these repair configurations, some limitations emerge such as the weight, aerodynamic performance and aesthetics. The scarf repair is more complex to fabricate but stresses are more uniform along the adhesive bondline. Few studies of SS and DS repairs with embedded patches, such that these are completely flush with the adherends, are available in the literature. Furthermore, no data is available about the effects of geometrical and material parameters (e.g. the Youngs modulus of adhesive, E) on the mechanical behaviour optimization of embedded repairs. For this purpose, in this work standard SS and DD repairs, and also with embedded patches in the adherends, were tested under tension to allow the geometry optimization, by varying the overlap length (LO), thus allowing the maximization of the repairs strength. The influence of the patch embedding technique, showing notorious advantages such as aerodynamic or aesthetics, was compared in strength with standard strap repairs, for the viability analysis of its implementation. As a result of this work, some conclusions were drawn for the design optimization of bonded repairs on aluminium structures.
Dissertao para obteno do grau de Mestre em Msica - Interpretao Artstica
Doutoramento em Cincias da Comunicao - Especialidade de Comunicao e Artes
Dissertao submetida Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especializao em Encenao,
Adhesively bonded repairs offer an attractive option for repair of aluminium structures, compared to more traditional methods such as fastening or welding. The single-strap (SS) and double-strap (DS) repairs are very straightforward to execute but stresses in the adhesive layer peak at the overlap ends. The DS repair requires both sides of the damaged structures to be reachable for repair, which is often not possible. In strap repairs, with the patches bonded at the outer surfaces, some limitations emerge such as the weight, aerodynamics and aesthetics. To minimize these effects, SS and DS repairs with embedded patches were evaluated in this work, such that the patches are flush with the adherends. For this purpose, in this work standard SS and DS repairs, and also with the patches embedded in the adherends, were tested under tension to allow the optimization of some repair variables such as the overlap length (LO) and type of adhesive, thus allowing the maximization of the repair strength. The effect of embedding the patch/patches on the fracture modes and failure loads was compared with finite elements (FE) analysis. The FE analysis was performed in ABAQUS and cohesive zone modelling was used for the simulation of damage onset and growth in the adhesive layer. The comparison with the test data revealed an accurate prediction for all kinds of joints and provided some principles regarding this technique.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
A presente tese intitulada A cor como abrigo: a arquitectura como cuidado tem por objectivo fortalecer a ligao entre a Teoria das Cores de Goethe e a arquitectura. Para isso a nossa estratgia foi recuperar os conceitos de espao e corpo. Ambos comeam por ser tomados como realidades fsicas mas pouco a pouco vai-se mostrando que tal coisa como uma abordagem puramente fsica do espao e do corpo no possvel - talvez porque no exista. Mesmo a medicina (ao contrario do que possamos pensar primeiro) uma cincia que no s reconhece o carcter difano do corpo como diariamente luta para ir alm de uma concepo do corpo enquanto coisa fsica por perceber que o corpo determinado por formas e funes mas sobretudo como tomado por foras. Um exemplo extremo desta interaco entre espao e corpo (ligados atravs da arquitectura), onde o carcter difano de ambos ganha evidncia, na arquitectura de hospitais, que abordamos por ltimo: o que um espao vivido que tem por principal funo restaurar o corpo do seu estado de doena? As referencias principais so J.W. Goethe, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Edmund Husserl, Gilles Deleuze, Christian Norberg- Schulz, Frank Lloyd Wright and Tadao Ando. *********************************************************************This PhD research thesis titled: "Colour as shelter: architecture as care" has as its main goal to strengthen an existing relation between Goethe's Theory of Colours and Architecture. In order to do that our strategy was to use space and body as guiding concepts. Both start as being considered from a pure physical point of view but as our theme develops we see that a pure physical point of view concerning space and body it is not possible perhaps because it does not exist. Medicine (unlike we may think at first) it is a science that not only acknowledges the diaphanous character of the body as daily, tries to go beyond the conception of body as physical thing understanding that the body is determined by forms and functions but mostly taken by forces. An extreme example of the interaction between space and body (linked through architecture), where the diaphanous character of both is evident, is Healthcare architecture: "what is a lived space that has as main function to restore the body of its illness"? Main references are: J.W. Goethe, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Edmund Husserl, Gilles Deleuze, Christian Norberg-Schulz, Frank Lloyd Wright and Tadao Ando.
The widespread use of mobile devices has made known to the general public new areas that were hitherto confined to specialized devices. In general, the smartphone came to give all users the ability to execute multiple tasks, and among them, take photographs using the integrated cameras. Although these devices are continuously receiving improved cameras, their manufacturers do not take advantage of their full potential, since the operating systems normally offer simple APIs and applications for shooting. Therefore, taking advantage of this environment for mobile devices, we find ourselves in the best scenario to develop applications that help the user obtaining a good result when shooting. In an attempt to provide a set of techniques and tools more applied to the task, this dissertation presents, as a contribution, a set of tools for mobile devices that provides information in real-time on the composition of the scene before capturing an image. Thus, the proposed solution gives support to a user while capturing a scene with a mobile device. The user will be able to receive multiple suggestions on the composition of the scene, which will be based on rules of photography or other useful tools for photographers. The tools include horizon detection and graphical visualization of the color palette presented on the scenario being photographed. These tools were evaluated regarding the mobile device implementation and how users assess their usefulness.
A recusa da estratificao do tempo, que surge na segunda metade do sculo XX, resulta da perda de f numa grande narrativa e modifica a percepo do tempo cronolgico: os acontecimentos j no se sucedem ordeiramente, manifestam-se em simultneo no presente ou so criteriosamente convocados a partir do presente. Esta reformulao do tempo implica a reformulao do conceito de contemporneo, permitindo questionarmo-nos, tal como Giorgio Agamben: De quem e do que somos contemporneos? E, antes de tudo, o que significa ser contemporneo? Com esta dissertao pretende-se analisar algumas formulaes do conceito de contemporneo, especialmente a partir de Giorgio Agamben, Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt e Georges Didi-Huberman, com a inteno de compreender as implicaes da temporalidade na experincia esttica e as possibilidades que as conceptualizaes elaboradas oferecem constituio de uma comunidade humana. Na segunda parte do trabalho, relaciona-se a problemtica da contemporaneidade com as reflexes sobre arte e esttica do escultor Rui Chafes atravs do seu texto A Histria da Minha Vida, um relato das principais influncias da formao artstica do narrador. Este relato ultrapassa os limites cronolgicos, onde o artista olha para trs definindo o seu prprio tempo presente e o seu passado. O presente surge como a inteireza que resume a ateno do artista e nos descreve a sua caminhada atravs do tempo artstico. O narrador revive na primeira pessoa o percurso dos artistas que desde a Idade Mdia ao Barroco trabalharam anonimamente a pedra e a madeira em nome dos mestres e ao faz-lo assume-se como o escultor-aprendiz que recusa a promoo a mestre, e revela em si, atravs dos valores supremos do trabalho, da sabedoria e da experincia, toda a arte que o precedeu.
Nos ltimos trinta anos da imprensa nacional, assiste-se a inmeras mudanas no papel que a fotografia assume nas prticas editoriais dos jornais, influncia da crescente generalizao da fotografia digital. No final da dcada de 80 e incio de 90 do sculo XX, investe-se na fotografia e compreende-se porqu. Ela uma ferramenta poderosa para a criao de uma identidade editorial e para fidelizar leitores. Nunca a autoria do fotgrafo fora to reconhecida nas redaes como neste perodo, geralmente, sem comprometer o ideal do rigor jornalstico. A partir do sculo XXI, assiste-se a uma regresso. Esta tese pretende investigar a importncia que foi atribuda fotografia e ao fotojornalismo na imprensa, nas ltimas trs dcadas, procurando determinar qual o grau de conscincia que o fotgrafo tem das escolhas assumidas no ato fotogrfico; como que as opes do autor interferem na imagem final e como que a fotografia jornalstica lida com a questo do real e do verosmil? Para responder a estas e outras perguntas realizou-se noventa entrevistas que foram depois submetidas a uma anlise qualitativa. Por mais conscincia que o fotgrafo tenha da necessidade de ser objetivo e de retratar a verdade do acontecimento, pessoa ou lugar, a fotografia de imprensa sempre a perspetiva de algum que escolhe fragmentos da realidade para reportar ou documentar um acontecimento. O observador, com um olhar ingnuo e sem adotar uma atitude crtica perante a mimese do real, recebe a imagem como sendo a prova irrefutvel de um momento que o texto, por si s, no consegue autentificar. como se o Homem precisasse da legitimao visual para encontrar o seu lugar no mundo e nem a facilidade de edio na era do digital parece retirar fotografia a crena numa verdade que os olhos no puderam testemunhar. Ironicamente e contra a ideia do senso-comum, a Histria prova que a dupla essncia da fotografia de ser espelho e construo do real - mesmo na imprensa - no resiste adulterao. Seja instrumentalizada pelo poder, seja para criar dramatismo ou atribuir heroicidade em determinadas cenas, em vez do registo da realidade, a fotografia mostra uma realidade verosmil. A Histria tambm demonstra que essa subverso acontece, mas no um procedimento consciente. Isto porque o fotgrafo de imprensa assume diversas escolhas subjetivas de enquadramento, foco e composio sobre uma cena, no com o intuito de manipular, mas para arrumar o seu olhar sobre o mundo e mostrar o acontecimento numa moldura talhada pelo cdigo tico e deontolgico da profisso e pela linha editorial do rgo de comunicao onde exerce funes. Acima de tudo, esta investigao ambiciona confirmar se a confiana que o pblico deposita na imagem jornalstica lhe merecida