992 resultados para Adrenergic alpha-Agonists


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Hemopressin (Hp), a 9-residue alpha-hemoglobin-derived peptide, was previously reported to function as a CB(1) cannabinoid receptor antagonist (1). In this study, we report that mass spectrometry (MS) data from peptidomics analyses of mouse brain extracts identified N-terminally extended forms of Hp containing either three (RVD-Hp alpha) or two (VD-Hp alpha) additional amino acids, as well as a beta-hemoglobinderived peptide with sequence similarity to that of hemopressin (VD-Hp beta). Characterization of the alpha-hemoglobin-derived peptides using binding and functional assays shows that in contrast to Hp, which functions as a CB(1) cannabinoid receptor antagonist, both RVD-Hp alpha and VD-Hp alpha function as agonists. Studies examining the increase in the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 levels or release of intracellular Ca(2+) indicate that these peptides activate a signal transduction pathway distinct from that activated by the endo-cannabinoid, 2-arachidonoylglycerol, or the classic CB(1) agonist, Hu-210. This finding suggests an additional mode of regulation of endogenous cannabinoid receptor activity. Taken together, these results suggest that the CB(1) receptor is involved in the integration of signals from both lipid-and peptide-derived signaling molecules.-Gomes, I., Grushko, J. S., Golebiewska, U., Hoogendoorn, S., Gupta, A., Heimann, A. S., Ferro, E. S., Scarlata, S., Fricker, L. D., Devi, L. A. Novel endogenous peptide agonists of cannabinoid receptors. FASEB J. 23, 3020-3029 (2009). www.fasebj.org


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Rodrigues SF, Tran ED, Fortes ZB, Schmid-Schonbein GW. Matrix metalloproteinases cleave the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 299: H25-H35, 2010. First published April 9, 2010; doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00620.2009.-We recently observed the enhanced serine and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) compared with its normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rat and the cleavage of membrane receptors in the SHR by MMPs. We demonstrate in vivo that MMP-7 and MMP-9 injection leads to a vasoconstrictor response in microvessels of rats that is blocked by a specific MMP inhibitor (GM-6001, 1 mu M). Multiple pathways may be responsible. Since the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)-AR) is susceptible to the action of endogenous MMPs, we hypothesize that MMPs in the plasma of SHRs are able to cleave the extracellular domain of the beta(2)-AR. SHR arterioles respond in an attenuated fashion to beta(2)-AR agonists and antagonists. Aorta and heart muscle of control Wistar rats were exposed for 24 h (37 C) to fresh plasma of male Wistar and WKY rats and SHRs with and without doxycycline (30 mu M) and EDTA (10 mM) to reduce MMP activity. The density of extracellular and intracellular domains of beta(2)-AR was determined by immunohistochemistry. The density of the extracellular domain of beta(2)-AR is reduced in aortic endothelial cells and cardiac microvessels of SHRs compared with that of WKY or Wistar rats. Treatment of the aorta and the heart of control Wistar rats with plasma from SHRs, but not from WKY rats, reduced the number of extracellular domains, but not intracellular domains, of beta(2)-AR in aortic endothelial cells and cardiac microvessels. MMP inhibitors (EDTA and doxycycline) prevented the cleavage of the extracellular domain. Thus MMPs may contribute to the reduced density of the extracellular domain of beta(2)-AR in blood vessels and to the increased arteriolar tone of SHRs compared with normotensive rats.


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This study examined the effect of combined α- and β-adrenergic blockade on glucose kinetics during intense exercise. Six endurance-trained men exercised for 20 minutes at approximately 78% of their peak oxygen consumption (VO 2) following ingestion of a placebo (CON) or combined α- (prazosin hydrochloride) and β- (timolol maleate) adrenoceptor antagonists (BLK). Plasma glucose increased during exercise in CON (0 minutes: 5.5 ± 0.1; 20 minutes: 6.5 ± 0.3 mmol · L−1, P < .05). In BLK, the exercise-induced increase in plasma glucose was abolished (0 minutes: 5.7 ± 0.3; 20 minutes: 5.7 ± 0.1 mmol · L−1). Glucose kinetics were measured using a primed, continuous infusion of [6,6-2H] glucose. Glucose production was not different between trials; on average these values were 25.3 ± 3.9 and 30.9 ± 4.4 μmol · kg−1 · min−1 in CON and BLK, respectively. Glucose uptake during exercise was greater (P < .05) in BLK (30.6 ± 4.6 μmol · kg−1 · min−1) compared with CON (18.4 ± 2.5 μmol · kg−1 · min−1). In BLK, plasma insulin and catecholamines were higher (P < .05), while plasma glucagon was unchanged from CON. Free fatty acids (FFA) and glycerol were lower (P < .05) in BLK. These findings demonstrate that adrenergic blockade during intense exercise results in a blunted plasma glucose response that is due to enhanced glucose uptake, with no significant change in glucose production.


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Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), an important regulatory enzyme for triacylglycerol hydrolysis within skeletal muscle, is controlled by β-adrenergic signaling as well as intrinsic factors related to contraction and energy turnover. In the current study, we tested the capacity of 5′AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) to suppress β-adrenergic stimulation of HSL activity. Eight male subjects completed 60 min of cycle exercise at 70% VO2 peak on two occasions: either with normal (CON) or low (LG) pre-exercise muscle glycogen content, which is known to enhance exercise-induced AMPK activity. Muscle samples were obtained before and immediately after exercise. Pre-exercise glycogen averaged 375 ± 35 and 163 ± 27 mmol·kg–1 dm for CON and LG, respectively. AMPK α-2 was not different between trials at rest and was increased (3.7-fold, P<0.05) by exercise during LG only. HSL activity did not differ between trials at rest and increased (0 min: 1.67 ± 0.13; 60 min: 2.60 ± 0.26 mmol·min–1·kg–1 dm) in CON. The exercise-induced increase in HSL activity was attenuated by AMPK α-2 activation in LG. The attenuated HSL activity during LG occurred despite higher plasma epinephrine levels (60 min: CON, 1.96 ± 0.29 vs LG, 4.25 ± 0.60 nM, P<0.05) compared with CON. Despite the attenuated HSL activity in LG, IMTG was decreased by exercise (0 min: 27.1 ± 2.0; 60 min: 22.5 ± 2.0 mmol.kg–1 dm, P<0.05), whereas no net reduction occurred in CON. To confirm the apparent effect of AMPK on HSL activity, we performed experiments in muscle cell culture. The epineprine-induced increase in HSL activity was totally attenuated (P<0.05) by AICAR administration in L6 myotubes. These data provide new evidence indicating that AMPK is a major regulator of skeletal muscle HSL activity that can override β-adrenergic stimulation. However, the increased IMTG degradation in LG suggests factors other than HSL activity are important for IMTG degradation.


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We have examined a range of new and previously described flow cells for chemiluminescence detection. The reactions of acidic potassium permanganate with morphine and amoxicillin were used as model systems representing the many fast chemiluminescence reactions between oxidising agents and organic analytes, and the preliminary partial reduction of the reagent was exploited to further increase the rates of reaction. The comparison was then extended to high-performance liquid chromatography separations of α- and β-adrenergic agonists, with permanganate chemiluminescence detection. Flow cells constructed by machining novel channel designs into white polymer materials (sealed with transparent films or plates) have enabled improvements in mixing efficiency and overall transmission of light to the photodetector.


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Synbranchus marmoratus is a facultative air-breathing fish, which uses its buccal cavity as well as its gills for air-breathing. S. marmoratus shows a very pronounced tachycardia when it surfaces to air-breathe. An elevation of heart rate decreases cardiac filling time and therefore may cause a decline in stroke volume (VS), but this can be compensated for by an increase in venous tone to maintain stroke volume. Thus, the study on S. marmoratus was undertaken to investigate how stroke volume and venous function are affected during air-breathing. To this end we measured cardiac output (Q), heart rate (fH), central venous blood pressure (PCV), mean circulatory filling pressure (MCFP), and dorsal aortic blood pressures (PDA) in S. marmoratus. Measurements were performed in aerated water (P-O2 > 130 mmHg), when the fish alternated between gill ventilation and prolonged periods of apnoeas, as well as during hypoxia (P-O2 <= 50 mmHg), when the fish changed from gill ventilation to air-breathing. Q increased significantly during gill ventilation compared to apnoea in aerated water through a significant increase in both fH and VS. PCV and MCFP also increased significantly. During hypoxia, when the animals surface to ventilate air, we found a marked rise in fH, PCV, MCFP, Q and VS, whereas PDA decreased significantly. Simultaneous increases in PCV and MCFP in aerated, as well as in hypoxic water, suggests that the venous system plays an important regulatory role for cardiac filling and VS in this species. In addition, we investigated adrenergic regulation of the venous system through bolus infusions of adrenergic agonists (adrenaline, phenylephrine and isoproterenol; 2 mu g kg(-1)). Adrenaline and phenylephrine caused a marked rise in PCV and MCFP, whereas isoproterenol led to a marked decrease in PCV, and tended to decrease MCFP. Thus, it is evident that stimulation of both alpha- and beta-adrenoreceptors affects venous tone in S. marmoratus.


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The present study investigates adrenergic regulation of the systemic and pulmonary circulations of the anaesthetised South American rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus. Haemodynamic measurements were made following bolus injections of adrenaline and adrenergic antagonists administered through a systemic arterial catheter. Adrenaline caused a marked systemic vasoconstriction that was abolished by phentolamine, indicating this response was mediated through alpha-adrenergic receptors. Injection of phentolamine gave rise to a pronounced vasodilatation (systemic conductance (G(sys)) more than doubled), while injection of propranolol caused a systemic vasoconstriction, pointing to a potent alpha-adrenergic, and a weaker beta-adrenergic tone in the systemic vasculature of Crotalus. Overall, the pulmonary vasculature was far less responsive to adrenergic stimulation than the systemic circulation. Adrenaline caused a small but non-significant pulmonary vasodilatation and there was tendency of reducing this dilatation after either phentolamine or propranolol. Injection of phentolamine increased pulmonary conductance (G(pul)), while injection of propranolol produced a small pulmonary constriction, indicating that alpha-adrenergic and beta-adrenergic receptors contribute to a basal regulation of the pulmonary vasculature. Our results suggest adrenergic regulation of the systemic vasculature, rather than the pultrionary, may be an important factor in the development of intracardiac shunts. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Peripheral treatment with cholinergic or adrenergic agonists results in salivation and the possibility of synergy between cholinergic and adrenergic efferent mechanisms in the control of salivation has been proposed. Central injections of the cholinergic agonist pilocarpine also induce salivation, while the effects of central injections of noradrenaline (norepinephrine) are not known. Here (a) the effects of intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of noradrenaline on the salivation induced by icv or intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of pilocarpine and (b) the receptors involved in the effects of central noradrenaline on pilocarpine-induced salivation were investigated. Male Holtzman rats with a stainless-steel guide cannula implanted into the lateral ventricle were used. Rats were anaesthetized with tribromoethanol (200 mg/kg body weight) and saliva was collected on small, preweighed cotton balls inserted into the animal's mouth. Noradrenaline (40, 80 and 160 nmol/l mul) injected icv reduced the salivary secretion induced by pilocarpine (0.5 mumol/l mul) injected icv. Noradrenaline (80 and 160 nmol/l mul) injected icv also reduced the salivation induced by pilocarpine (4 mumol/kg) injected i.p. Previous treatment with the alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor antagonists RX 821002 (40, 80 and 160 nmol/l mul) or yohimbine (160 and 320 nmol/l mul) abolished the inhibitory effect produced by icv injection of noradrenaline on pilocarpine-induced salivation in rats. Prazosin (alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor antagonist) injected icv did not change the effect of noradrenaline on pilocarpine-induced salivation. Prior icv injection of only RX 821002 (80 or 160 nmol/l mul) or yohimbine (320 nmol/l mul) increased pilocarpine-induced salivation. The results show that (1) contrary to its peripheral effects, noradrenaline acting centrally inhibits cholinergic-induced salivation in rats; (2) central mechanisms involving alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors inhibit pilocarpine-induced salivation. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We determined the effects of moxonidine and rilmenidine 20 mol (alpha(2)-adrenergic and imidazoline receptor agonists) injected into the medial septal area (MSA) on the pilocarpine-induced salivation, when injected intraperitoneally (i.p.), of male Holtzman rats weighing 250300 g, with stainless-steel cannula implanted into the MSA. The rats were anesthetized with zoletil 50 mg kg(-1) b.wt. (tiletamine chloridrate 125.0 mg and zolazepan chloridrate 125.0 mg) into quadriceps muscle intramuscularly (IM), saliva was collected using pre-weighed small cotton balls inserted in the animal's mouth. The pre-treatment with moxonidine injected into the MSA reduced the salivation induced by pilocarpine (1 mg kg(-1)) injected i.p. (12 +/- 3 mg min(-1)) vs. control (99 +/- 9 mg min(-1)). The pre-treatment with rilmenidine 40 nmol also reduced the salivation induce by pilocarpine injected i.p. (20 +/- 5 mg min(-1)) vs. control (94 +/- 7 mg min(-1)). Idazoxan 40 nmol (imidazoline receptor antagonist) injected into the MSA previous to moxonidine and rilmenidine partially blocked the effect of moxonidine and totally blocked the rilmenidine effect in pilocarpine-induced salivation injected i.p. (60 +/- 8 and 95 +/- 10 mg min(-1), respectively). Yohimbine 40 nmol (alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor antagonist) injected into the MSA previously to moxonidine and rilmenidine partially blocked the moxonidine effect but produced no change on the rilmenidine effect on i.p. pilocarpine-induced salivation (70 +/- 6 and 24 +/- 6 mg min(-1), respectively). Injection of these alpha(2)-adrenergic and imidazoline agonists and antagonists agents i.p. produced no change on i.p. pilocarpine-induced salivation. These results show that central, but not peripheral, injection of alpha(2)-adrenergic and imidazoline agonists' agents inhibit pilocarpine-induced salivation. Idazoxan, an imidazoline receptor antagonist, totally inhibits the rilmenidine effect and partially inhibits the moxonidine effect on pilocarpine-induced salivation. Yohimbine produced no change on rilmenidine effect but partially inhibited the moxonidine effect. Both of these antagonists when injected into the MSA previous to pilocarpine i.p. potentiated the sialogogue effect of pilocarpine. The results suggest that alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline receptor of the MSA when stimulated blocked pilocarpine-induced salivation in rats when injected intraperitonially These receptors of the medial septal area have an inhibitory mechanism on salivary secretion. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The circumventricular structures and the lateral hypothalamus (LH) have been shown to be important for the central action of angiotensin II (ANGII) on water and electrolyte regulation. Several anatomical findings have demonstrated neural connection between circumventricular structures and the LH, the present experiments were conducted to investigate the role of the alpha-adrenergic antagonists and agonistic injected into the LH on the water intake, sodium and potassium excretion elicited by injections of ANGII into the lateral ventricle (LV), the water intake was measured every 30 min over a period of 120 min. The sodium, potassium and urinary volume were measured over a period of 120 min in water-loaded rats. The injection of ANGII into the LV increased the water intake, which was reduced by previous injection of clonidine (an alpha-2-adrenergic agonist) into the LH. The injection of yohimbine (an alpha-2-adrenergic antagonist) and prazosin (an alpha-l-adrenergic antagonist) into the LH, which was done before injecting ANGII into the LV, also reduced the water intake induced by ANGII. The injection of ANGII into the LV reduced the sodium, potassium and urinary volume. Previous treatment with clonidine attenuated the action of ANGII in reducing the sodium, potassium and urinary volume, whereas previous treatment with yohimbine attenuated the effects of ANGII but with less intensity than that caused by clonidine. Previous treatment with prazosin increased the inhibitory effects of ANGII in those parameters. The injection of yohimbine and prazosin, which was done before the injection of clonidine, attenuated the effect of clonidine on the ANGII mechanism. The results of this study led us to postulate that when alpha-2-adrenergic receptors are blocked, the clonidine may act on the imidazoline receptors to produce its effects on the ANGII mechanism. We may also conclude that the LH is involved with circumventricular structures, which present excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms. Such mechanisms are responsible for regulating the renal excretion of sodium, potassium and water, (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V.


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The present experiments were conducted to investigate die role of the alpha(1A)-, alpha(1B)-, beta(1)-, beta(2)-adrenoceptors, and the effects of losartan and CGP42112A (selective ligands of the AT(1) and AT(2) angiotensin receptors, respectively) on the water and sodium intake elicited by paraventricular nucleus (PVN) injection of adrenaline. Male Holtzman rats with a stainless steel cannula implanted into the PVN were used. The ingestion of water and sodium was determined in separate groups submitted to water deprivation or sodium depletion with the diuretic furosemide (20 mg/rat). 5-Methylurapidil (an alpha(1A)-adrenergic antagonist) and ICI-118,551 (a beta(2)-adrenergic antagonist) injected into the PVN produced a dose-dependent increase, whereas cyclazosin (an alpha(1B)-adrenergic antagonist) and atenolol (a beta(1)-adrenergic antagonist) do not affect the inhibitory effect of water intake induced by adrenaline. on the other hand, the PVN administration of adrenaline increased the sodium intake in a dose-dependent manner. Previous injection of the alpha(1A) and beta(1) antagonists decreased, whereas injection of the alpha(1B) and beta(2) antagonists increased the salt intake induced by adrenaline. In rats with several doses of adrenaline into PVN, the previous administration of losartan increased in a dose-dependent manner the inhibitory effect of adrenaline and decreased the salt intake induced by adrenaline, while PVN CGP42112A was without effect. These results indicate that both appetites are mediated primarily by brain AT(1) receptors. However, the doses of losartan were more effective when combined with the doses of CGP42112A than given alone p < 0.05, suggesting that the water and salt intake effects of PVN adrenaline may involve activation of multiple angiotensin II (ANG II) receptors subtypes. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study we investigated the influence of cu-adrenergic antagonists injections into the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus on the thirst and salt appetite, diuresis, natriuresis, and presser effects of angiotensin II (ANG II) stimulation of medial septal area (MSA). ANG II injection into the MSA induced water and sodium intake, diuresis, natriuresis, and presser responses. The previous injection of prazosin (an alpha (1)-adrenergic antagonist) into the PVN abolished, whereas previous administration of yohimbine (an alpha (2)-adrenergic antagonist) into the PVN increased the water and sodium intake, urinary, natriuretic, and presser responses induced by ANG ii injected into the MSA. Previous injection of a nonselective alpha -adrenergic antagonist, regitin, into the PVN blocked the urinary excretion, and reduced the water and sodium intake, sodium intake, and presser responses induced by ANG II injected into the MSA. The present results suggest that alpha -adrenergic pathways involving the PVN are important for the water and sodium excretion, urine and sodium excretion, and presser responses, induced by angiotensinergic activation of the MSA. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V.


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Non-adrenergic ligands that bind to imidazoline receptors (I-R), a selective ligand that binds to alpha2-adrenoceptors (alpha2-AR) and mixed ligands that bind to both receptors were tested for their action on water intake behavior of 24-h water-deprived rats. All drugs were injected into the third cerebral ventricle. Except for agmatine (80 nmol), mixed ligands binding to I-R/alpha2-AR such as guanabenz (40 nmol) and UK 14304 (20 nmol) inhibited water intake by 65% and up to 95%, respectively. The selective non-imidazoline alpha2-AR agonist, alpha-methylnoradrenaline, produced inhibition of water intake similar to that obtained with guanabenz, but at higher doses (80 nmol). The non-adrenergic I-R ligands histamine (160 nmol, mixed histaminergic and imidazoline ligand) and imidazole-4-acetic acid (80 nmol, imidazoline ligand) did not alter water intake. The results show that selective, non-imidazoline alpha2-AR activation suppresses water intake, and suggest that the action on imidazoline sites by non-adrenergic ligands is not sufficient to inhibit water intake.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)