974 resultados para Adenosquamous carcinoma
In this study we report on the isolation and characterization of a nonepithelial, nontumorigenic cell type (BCC1) derived from a basal cell carcinoma from a patient. The BCC1 cells share many characteristics with dermal fibroblasts, such as the expression of vimentin, lack of expression of cytokeratins, and insensitivity to agents that cause growth inhibition and differentiation of epithelial cells; however, significant differences between BCC1 cells and fibroblasts also exist. For example, BCC1 cells are stimulated to undergo DNA synthesis in response to interferon-gamma, whereas dermal fibroblasts are not. More over, BCC1 cells overexpress the basal cell carcinoma-specific genes ptch and ptch2 . These data indicate that basal cell carcinomas are associated with a functionally distinct population of fibroblast-like cells that overexpress known tumor-specific markers (ptch and ptch2 ).
Better outcomes of the patients receiving liver transplantation for viral hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are achieved by improved patient selection and perioperative treatment with antiviral agents including lamivudine, ribavirin and interferon. Patient selection is accomplished by high-quality imaging as well as exclusion of patients with large tumors, obvious extrahepatic disease or macroscopic vascular invasion. Using such criteria, a 5-year survival of 92% has been reached in the Queensland Liver Transplant Service on a small number of highly selected patients with HCC. The treatment algorithm of Makuuchi has guided us in recommending resection, estimating to what extent the liver resection can be performed safely, and timing liver transplantation when it is the only option. Adult-to-adult living-donor liver transplantation is being performed safely in many centers worldwide. The transplantation of liver from living donors to HCC patients, when standard criteria for the likelihood of good outcomes are fulfilled, will increase in Japan in the near future. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Objective To report on the failure of thalidomide to inhibit tumour growth in an animal model of human renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Materials and methods An orthotopic xenograft model of human RCC was used in which tumour cells were implanted in the left kidney of male 'severe combined immunodeficient' mice. Thalidomide was administered by intraperitoneal injection and after 34 days the mice were killed. The extent of tumour growth was compared in treated and untreated mice. Total RNA was extracted from both tumour-affected and contralateral kidneys, and analysed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction for various genes implicated in angiogenesis and metastasis in RCC. Results Thalidomide failed to inhibit the growth of xenograft tumours. The expression of angiogenic genes, e.g. vascular endothelial growth factor and fibroblast growth factor type 2 (FGF-2) within normal and tumour-affected kidney tissue was not reduced by thalidomide. Intratumoral transcription Of beta(3)-integrin, a critical component of angiogenesis, was significantly increased in response to thalidomide treatment (P
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutation of the APC gene. It is characterised by the appearance of hundreds to thousands of colorectal adenomas in adolescence and the subsequent development of colorectal cancer. Various extracolonic malignancies are associated with FAP, including desmoids and neoplasms of the stomach, duodenum, pancreas, liver, and brain. We present a family affected by FAP with an exon 14 APC mutation displaying two rare extracolonic lesions, a hepatoblastoma and a myoepithelial carcinoma. The hepatoblastoma was found in a male patient aged 2 years. The second lesion, a myoepithelial carcinoma of the right cheek, was found in a female patient aged 14 years. Inactivation of the normal APC allele was demonstrated in this lesion by loss of heterozygosity analysis, thus implicating APC in the initiation or progression of this neoplasm. This is the first reported case of this lesion in a family affected by FAP.
Background: The response of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) to therapy is often disappointing and new modalities of treatment are clearly needed. Active immunotherapy based on the injection of autologous dendritic cells (DC) co-cultured ex vivo with tumor antigens has been used in pilot studies in various malignancies such as melanoma and lymphoma with encouraging results. Methods: In the present paper, the preparation and exposure of patient DC to autologous HCC antigens and re-injection in an attempt to elicit antitumor immune responses are described. Results: Therapy was given to two patients, one with hepatitis C and one with hepatitis B, who had large, multiple HCC and for whom no other therapy was available. No significant side-effects were observed. The clinical course was unchanged in one patient, who died a few months later. The other patient, whose initial prognosis was considered poor, is still alive and well more than 3 years later with evidence of slowing of tumor growth based on organ imaging. Conclusions: It is concluded that HCC may be a malignancy worthy of DC trials and sufficient details in the present paper are given for the protocol to be copied or modified. (C) 2002 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.
Development of an epitope-based vaccination strategy designed to enhance Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-specific CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) is increasingly being considered as a preferred approach for the treatment of EBV-associated relapsed Hodgkin disease (HD) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). EBV-encoded latent membrane proteins, LMP1 and LMP2, are the only target antigens available for therapeutic augmentation of CTL responses in patients with HD and NPC. Here, we describe preclinical studies using a recombinant poxvirus vaccine that encodes a polyepitope protein comprising 6 HLA A2-restricted epitopes derived from LMP1. Human cells infected with this recombinant polyepitope construct were efficiently recognized by LM1-specific CTL lines from HLAA2 healthy individuals. Furthermore, immunization of HLrA A2/K-b mice with this polyepitope vaccine consistently generated strong LMP1 -specific CTL responses to 5 of the. 6 epitopes, which were readily detected by both ex vivo and in vitro assays. More important, this polyepitope vaccine successfully reversed the outgrowth of LMP1-expressing tumors in HLA A2/Kb mice. These studies provide an important platform for the development of an LMP-based polyepitope vaccine as an immunotherapeutic tool for the treatment of EBV-associated HD and NPC. (C) 2003 by The American Society of Hematology.
E2F regulation is essential for normal cell cycle progression. Therefore, it is not surprising that squamous cell carcinoma cell lines (SCC) overexpress E2F1 and exhibit deregulated E2F activity when compared with normal keratinocytes. Indeed, deliberate E2F1 deregulation has been shown to induce hyperplasia and skin tumor formation. In this study, we report on a dual role for E2F as a mediator of keratinocyte proliferation and modulator of squamous differentiation. Overexpression of E2F isoforms in confluent primary keratinocyte cultures resulted in suppression of differentiation-associated markers. Moreover, we found that the DNA binding domain and the trans-activation domain of E2F1 are important in mediating suppression of differentiation. Use of a dominant/negative form of E2F1 ( E2F d/n) found that E2F inhibition alone is sufficient to suppress the activity of proliferation-associated markers but is not capable of inducing differentiation markers. However, if the E2F d/n is expressed in differentiated keratinocytes, differentiation marker activity is further induced, suggesting that E2F may act as a modulator of squamous differentiation. We therefore examined the effects of E2F d/n in a differentiation- insensitive SCC cell line. We found that treatment with the differentiating agent, 12-O-tetradecanoyl- phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), or expression of E2F d/n alone had no effect on differentiation markers. However, a combination of E2F d/n + TPA induced the expression of differentiation markers. Combined, these data indicate that E2F may play a key role in keratinocyte differentiation. These data also illustrate the unique potential of anti-E2F therapies in arresting proliferation and inducing differentiation of SCCs.
An 8 1/2-year-old neutered male Beagle was diagnosed with acquired myasthenia gravis associated with a non-invasive thymic carcinoma. The thymic mass was surgically excised and the dog was treated with pyridostigmine, prednisolone and azathioprine. Serial acetylcholine receptor antibody titres were increased initially but slowly declined to normal values over a period of 24 weeks. Improved exercise tolerance was seen following therapy, however, oesophageal dysfunction persisted. The dog was euthanased 26 weeks after initial presentation due to a complicating illness. A necropsy showed no regrowth or metastasis of the thymic carcinoma.
Cytokines are important for breast cell function, both as trophic hormones and as mediators of host defense mechanisms against breast cancer. Recently, inducible feedback suppressors of cytokine signalling (SOCS/JAB/SSI) have been identified, which decrease cell sensitivity to cytokines. We examined the expression of SOCS genes in 17 breast carcinomas and 10 breast cancer lines, in comparison with normal tissue and breast lines. We report elevated expression of SOCS-1-3 and CIS immunoreactive proteins within in situ ductal carcinomas and infiltrating ductal carcinomas relative to normal breast tissue. Significantly increased expression of SOCS-1-3 and CIS transcripts was also shown by quantitative in situ hybridisation within both tumour tissue and reactive stroma. CIS transcript expression was elevated in all 10 cancer lines, but not in control lines. However, there was no consistent elevation of other SOCS transcripts. CIS protein was shown by immunoblot to be present in all cancer lines at increased levels, mainly as the 47 kDa ubiquitinylated form. A potential proliferative role for CIS overexpression is supported by reports that CIS activates ERK kinases, and by strong induction in transient reporter assays with an ERK-responsive promoter. The in vivo elevation of SOCS gene expression may be part of the host/tumour response or a response to autocrine/paracrine GH and prolactin. However, increased CIS expression in breast cancer lines appears to be a specific lesion, and could simultaneously shut down STAT 5 signalling by trophic hormones, confer resistance to host cytokines and increase proliferation through ERK kinases.
O carcinoma de células escamosas oral é um evento de muitas etapas, cuja incidência cresce continuamente, particularmente em jovens, numa amplitude que não pode ser completamente explicada pelo aumento da exposição a fatores de risco, como o tabaco e o álcool. Recentes investigações moleculares sugerem que existem múltiplos eventos genéticos, e vírus oncogênicos que são capazes de alterar as funções normais de oncogenes e genes de supressão tumoral. O objetivo deste artigo foi revisar o conhecimento atual sobre o papel do papilomavírus humano (HPV), Epstein-Barr vírus (EBV), P53 e telomerase no desenvolvimento e prognóstico do carcinoma de células escamosas oral.
OBJETIVO: Analisar o padrão de disseminação local através da delimitação clínica da extensão da lesão primária assim como os subsítios invadidos. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram analisados os prontuários de 290 pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide de base de língua no Departamento de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço e Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital Heliópolis, Hosphel, São Paulo - Brasil, de 1977 a 2000, sendo estadiados pelo TNM da UICC, e os resultados analisados pelo teste do Quiquadrado para tabelas Z x N (Cochran) para estudo da associação dos sítios e dimensão da neoplasia em relação à invasão da linha média. RESULTADOS: Com predomínio dos homens (8:1) e da 6ª década de vida (41,0%), 83,8% eram etilistas e tabagistas e em 4,7% os hábitos estavam ausentes. Quanto aos sintomas, odinofagia (37,6%), linfonodo (21,7%) e a média de tempo entre o 1º sintoma e o diagnóstico de 6 meses (62,0%). Quanto ao estadiamento, tivemos T1-T2 (18,3%), T3 (32,4%), T4(50,7%). Quanto à disseminação local, em direção à valécula (25,3%), epiglote (18,7%), glote (2,7%), anteriormente para o v lingual em (22,4%) e póstero lateralmente para a prega faringloepiglótica (6,6%) e seio piriforme (2,2%). Quanto a ultrapassagem da linha média, isso ocorreu em 66,2% dos casos, sendo 42,2% (T2), 54,2% (T3) e 82,9% (T4). CONCLUSÃO: o carcinoma epidermóide no estádio T4 ultrapassa a linha média da base da língua em 82,9%.
CCarcinoma de pequenas células dos seios paranasais são tumores extremamente raros e agressivos. Apesar de os pulmões serem o sítio mais prevalente destes tumores, este trabalho enfoca o acometimento de um sitio extrapulmonar, os seios paranasais. Nós relatamos o caso de uma paciente com carcinoma de pequenas células primário do seio maxilar. Incluímos neste estudo uma discussão acerca de todos os casos relatados em literatura, abrangendo suas metástases, tratamento e expectativa de vida.
A proposta deste estudo é rever o carcinoma de células escamosas oral na população jovem. A literatura mostra um comportamento diferente neste tipo de doença, que parece ser mais agressivo. Existe uma forte relação entre alguns hábitos (tabaco e consumo de álcool) e o desenvolvimento do carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) oral, mas nestes casos os pacientes normalmente não relatam hábitos considerados de risco. Existe um pequeno número de relatos de casos de CCE oral em pacientes com menos de 40 anos de idade, então é difícil de provar o aumento da incidência do CCE da cavidade oral como dito na literatura. Outros estudos são necessários para entendermos melhor esta entidade. A identificação das características desta população jovem se faz necessária, pois pode refletir problemas no controle do câncer e pode possibilitar o desenvolvimento de um programa de prevenção primária para o CCE oral em pacientes jovens.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o resultado do tratamento dos pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide do palato mole. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Série de casos, retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados os prontuários de 111 pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide do palato mole tratados entre 1977 e 2000. Foram excluídos 12 pacientes com múltiplos tumores primários simultâneos e selecionados 66 pacientes com seguimento após o tratamento, sendo avaliados o controle loco-regional e a sobrevida livre de doença de acordo com o estadiamento. RESULTADOS: O tratamento radioterápico apresentou resposta completa no sítio primário em 76% dos pacientes e no pescoço em 47% dos pacientes N+. Considerando as recidivas, o controle em ambos os sítios caiu para 52% e 31%, respectivamente. As recidivas cervicais ocorreram em 11% dos pacientes N0 irradiados e em 28% dos casos T1 sem tratamento do pescoço. A sobrevida livre de doença a 3 e 5 anos foi de 45% e 35% respectivamente, sendo significativamente menor entre os pacientes N+. CONCLUSÃO: A persistência ou recidiva cervical é a principal causa de falha no tratamento radioterápico exclusivo. Mesmo as lesões T1 apresentam alta incidência de metástases, justificando o esvaziamento cervical eletivo.