989 resultados para Adenocarcinoma bronquíolo-alveolar


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BACKGROUND: Gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinomas rarely metastasize to the central nervous system (CNS). The role of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) in patients with these cancers and CNS involvement is presently unknown. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A multicentre registry was established to collect data from patients with gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinomas and CNS involvement both retrospectively and prospectively. Inclusion in the study required a predefined clinical data set, a central neuro-radiological or histopathological confirmation of metastatic CNS involvement and central assessment of HER2 by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and in situ hybridisation (ISH). In addition, expression of E-cadherin and DNA mismatch repair (MMR) proteins were assessed by IHC. RESULTS: One hundred patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The population's median age was 59 years (interquartile range: 54-68), of which 85 (85%) were male. Twenty-five patients were of Asian and 75 of Caucasian origin. HER2 status was positive in 36% (95% CI: 26.6-46.2) of cases. Median time from initial diagnosis to the development of brain metastases (BMets) or leptomeningeal carcinomatosis (LC) was 9.9 months (95% CI: 8.5-15.0). Median overall survival from diagnosis was 16.9 months (95% CI: 14.0-20.7) and was not related to the HER2 status. E-cadherin loss was observed in 9% of cases and loss of expression in at least one DNA MMR proteins in 6%. CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of a positive HER2 status in patients with gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinoma and CNS involvement was higher than expected. The impact of anti-HER2 therapies should be studied prospectively.


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Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is expected to become the second leading cause of cancer death by 2030. Current therapeutic options are limited, warranting an urgent need to explore innovative treatment strategies. Due to specific microenvironment constraints including an extensive desmoplastic stroma reaction, PDAC faces major metabolic challenges, principally hypoxia and nutrient deprivation. Their connection with oncogenic alterations such as KRAS mutations has brought metabolic reprogramming to the forefront of PDAC therapeutic research. The Warburg effect, glutamine addiction, and autophagy stand as the most important adaptive metabolic mechanisms of cancer cells themselves, however metabolic reprogramming is also an important feature of the tumor microenvironment, having a major impact on epigenetic reprogramming and tumor cell interactions with its complex stroma. We present a comprehensive overview of the main metabolic adaptations contributing to PDAC development and progression. A review of current and future therapies targeting this range of metabolic pathways is provided.


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Os autores apresentam dois casos de microlitíase alveolar pulmonar em gêmeos monozigóticos. Os principais achados obtidos em exames radiográficos e de tomografia computadorizada (técnica de alta resolução) são enfatizados, com base em breve revisão literária.


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Objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine the possible differences in deflection between two needles of same length and external gauge but with different internal gauges during truncal block of the inferior alveolar nerve. The initial working hypothesis was that greater deflection may be expected with larger internal gauge needles. Study design: Four clinicians subjected 346 patients to inferior alveolar nerve block and infiltrating anesthesia of the buccal nerve trajectory for the surgical or conventional extraction of the lower third molar. A nonautoaspirating syringe system with 2 types of needle was used: a standard 27-gauge x 35-mm needle with an internal gauge of 0.215 mm or an XL Monoprotect® 27-gauge x 35-mm needle with an internal gauge of 0.265 mm. The following information was systematically recorded for each patient: needle type, gender, anesthetic technique (direct or indirect truncal block) and the number of bone contacts during the procedure, the patient-extraction side, the practitioner performing the technique, and blood aspiration (either positive or negative). Results: 346 needles were used in total. 190 were standard needles (27-gauge x 35-mm needle with an internal gauge of 0.215 mm) and 156 were XL Monoprotect®. Incidence of deflection was observed in 49.1% of cases (170 needles) where 94 were standard needles and 76 XL Monoprotect®. Needle torsion ranged from 0º and 6º. Conclusions: No significant differences were recorded in terms of deflection and internal gauge, operator, patient-extraction side, the anesthetic technique involved and the number of bone contacts during the procedure


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AIMS: c-Met is an emerging biomarker in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC); there is no consensus regarding the immunostaining scoring method for this marker. We aimed to assess the prognostic value of c-Met overexpression in resected PDAC, and to elaborate a robust and reproducible scoring method for c-Met immunostaining in this setting. METHODS AND RESULTS: c-Met immunostaining was graded according to the validated MetMab score, a classic visual scale combining surface and intensity (SI score), or a simplified score (high c-Met: ≥20% of tumour cells with strong membranous staining), in stage I-II PDAC. A computer-assisted classification method (Aperio software) was developed. Clinicopathological parameters were correlated with disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival(OS). One hundred and forty-nine patients were analysed retrospectively in a two-step process. Thirty-seven samples (whole slides) were analysed as a pre-run test. Reproducibility values were optimal with the simplified score (kappa = 0.773); high c-Met expression (7/37) was associated with shorter DFS [hazard ratio (HR) 3.456, P = 0.0036] and OS (HR 4.257, P = 0.0004). c-Met expression was concordant on whole slides and tissue microarrays in 87.9% of samples, and quantifiable with a specific computer-assisted algorithm. In the whole cohort (n = 131), patients with c-Met(high) tumours (36/131) had significantly shorter DFS (9.3 versus 20.0 months, HR 2.165, P = 0.0005) and OS (18.2 versus 35.0 months, HR 1.832, P = 0.0098) in univariate and multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Simplified c-Met expression is an independent prognostic marker in stage I-II PDAC that may help to identify patients with a high risk of tumour relapse and poor survival.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os aspectos tomográficos dos tumores malignos da cavidade nasal. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 18 pacientes - dez homens e oito mulheres - com tumor da cavidade nasal, os quais realizaram tomografia computadorizada da face. RESULTADOS: Dos tumores, seis eram casos de carcinoma epidermóide, três melanomas, dois carcinomas adenóides císticos, um adenocarcinoma polimórfico de baixo grau, um carcinoma indiferenciado, um carcinoma neuroendócrino, um linfoma não-Hodgkin, um rabdomiossarcoma alveolar, um sarcoma fusocelular grau II e um estesioneuroblastoma. As lesões foram mais freqüentes (p > 0,05) no lado esquerdo e no andar médio. CONCLUSÃO: Os carcinomas epidermóides apresentam grau de destruição correspondente ao seu volume, semelhante aos tumores epidermóides de outros sítios. O septo nasal foi acometido de maneira diferente, de acordo com os tipos histológicos.


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BACKGROUND: Switzerland is a region in which alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is endemic. Studies evaluating outcomes after liver resection (LR) for AE are scarce. The aim of this study was to assess the short- and long-term outcomes of AE patients after LR in a single tertiary referral center. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed data pertaining to all patients with liver AE who were treated with LR at our institution between January 1992 and December 2013. Patient demographics, intraoperative data, extent of LR procedures (major vs. minor LR), postoperative outcomes, and negative histological margin (R0) resection rate were recorded in a database. Recurrence rates after LR were analyzed. RESULTS: LR was performed in 59 patients diagnosed with hepatic AE (56 complete surgeries, 3 reduction surgeries). Postoperative morbidity and mortality were observed in 34 % (25 % grade I-II, 9 % grade III-IV) and 2 % of the patients, respectively. R0 (complete) resection rate was 71 % (n = 42), and R1/R2 resection rate was 29 % (n = 17). Extra-hepatic recurrence occurred in 1 case (lung) after R0 resection. In cases of R1/R2 resection, 7 intra-hepatic disease progressions occurred with a median time of 10 months (IQR 6-11 months). Long-term (more than 1 year) benzimidazole treatment stabilized the disease in 64 % (9/14) of patients with R1 status. The overall survival rate was 97 %. CONCLUSIONS: Liver AE can be safely and definitively treated with LR, provided that R0 resection is achieved. In cases of R1 resection, benzimidazole therapy seems to be effective in stabilizing the intra-hepatic disease and preventing extra-hepatic recurrence.


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BACKGROUND: Clinical guidelines are essential in implementing and maintaining nationwide stage-specific diagnostic and therapeutic standards. In 2011, the first German expert consensus guideline defined the evidence for diagnosis and treatment of early and locally advanced esophagogastric cancers. Here, we compare this guideline with other national guidelines as well as current literature. METHODS: The German S3-guideline used an approved development process with de novo literature research, international guideline adaptation, or good clinical practice. Other recent evidence-based national guidelines and current references were compared with German recommendations. RESULTS: In the German S3 and other Western guidelines, adenocarcinomas of the esophagogastric junction (AEG) are classified according to formerly defined AEG I-III subgroups due to the high surgical impact. To stage local disease, computed tomography of the chest and abdomen and endosonography are reinforced. In contrast, laparoscopy is optional for staging. Mucosal cancers (T1a) should be endoscopically resected "en-bloc" to allow complete histological evaluation of lateral and basal margins. For locally advanced cancers of the stomach or esophagogastric junction (≥T3N+), preferred treatment is preoperative and postoperative chemotherapy. Preoperative radiochemotherapy is an evidence-based alternative for large AEG type I-II tumors (≥T3N+). Additionally, some experts recommend treating T2 tumors with a similar approach, mainly because pretherapeutic staging is often considered to be unreliable. CONCLUSIONS: The German S3 guideline represents an up-to-date European position with regard to diagnosis, staging, and treatment recommendations for patients with locally advanced esophagogastric cancer. Effects of perioperative chemotherapy versus chemoradiotherapy are still to be investigated for adenocarcinoma of the cardia and the lower esophagus.


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Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is associated with a very poor prognosis, characterized with a 5-year survival rate of only 5%. Surgery is the only curative treatment for selected patients. Nevertheless, recurrence is very frequent. Identifying prognostic factors is thus warranted. Like numerous other tumors, adenocarcinomas are preceded by preneoplastic lesions. The role and the impact of these lesions remain unclear. This study aimed to assess the impact of the preneoplastic lesion pattern and histo-morphological features, on survival after pancreatic resection. Thirty-five patients who underwent pancreatic resection for pancreatic adenocarcinoma were identified from a prospective database of a single center, between 2003 and 2008. We considered demographics, tumor characteristics and type of treatment. The major outcome was survival. Analyzes were separated into two groups, according to the preneoplastic lesions: Pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN)-related carcinomas and intracanalar papillary mucinous neoplasia (IPMN)-related carcinomas. The former were more frequent, accounting for 63% (22/35). Moreover, they displayed more aggressive features, with a higher tumor stage (p = 0.01) and higher rate of positive lymph nodes (p = 0.019). Lymphatic (p = 0.009) and perinervous (p = 0.019) invasions were also more frequent. Survival was negatively influenced by PanIN preneoplastic lesions (p = 0.015), T3-4 tumor stage (p = 0.038), positive lymph nodes (p = 0.044), lymphatic (p = 0.019) and vascular (p = 0.029) invasions. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma displays different behavior according to its preneoplastic lesion. Indeed, PanIN-related adenocarcinoma showed more aggressive features and lower survival rate. Preneoplastic lesions may represent predictive factors for survival. Their role and predictive value should be investigated more thoroughly.


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Relatamos o caso de uma mulher de 21 anos com história de seis meses de dispneia progressiva, tosse seca e perda de peso. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução revelou padrão de pavimentação em mosaico com áreas focais poupadas. A paciente foi submetida a biópsia pulmonar transbrônquica, que confirmou o diagnóstico de proteinose alveolar. Dois anos depois, sem tratamento, houve importante melhora das opacidades pulmonares.


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The authors describe the case of a 33-year-old patient with history of seizures alone without any previous symptom, being diagnosed with brain metastases from primary papillary adenocarcinoma of the lung. Emphasis is given to the diagnostic investigation for brain metastasis and prognostic evaluation of papillary adenocarcinoma of the lung, and a brief literature review on such diseases is performed.