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Background: The pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in hemodialysis is still unclear. The aim of thisstudy was to identify the risk factors associated with the presence of PH in chronic hemodialysis patients and toverify whether these factors might explain the highest mortality among them.Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of hemodialysis patients who started treatment from August 2001to October 2007 and were followed up until April 2011 in a Brazilian referral medical school. According to theresults of echocardiography examination, patients were allocated in two groups: those with PH and those withoutPH. Clinical parameters, site and type of vascular access, bioimpedance, and laboratorial findings were comparedbetween the groups and a logistic regression model was elaborated. Actuarial survival curves were constructed andhazard risk to death was evaluated by Cox regression analysis.Results: PH > 35 mmHg was found in 23 (30.6%) of the 75 patients studied. The groups differed in extracellularwater, ventricular thickness, left atrium diameter, and ventricular filling. In a univariate analysis, extracellular waterwas associated with PH (relative risk = 1.194; 95% CI of 1.006 1.416; p = 0.042); nevertheless, in a multiple model,only left atrium enlargement was independently associated with PH (relative risk =1.172; 95% CI of 1.010 1.359;p = 0.036). PH (hazard risk = 3.008; 95% CI of 1.285 7.043; p = 0.011) and age (hazard risk of 1.034 per year of age;95% CI of 1.000 7.068; p = 0.047) were significantly associated with mortality in a multiple Cox regression analysis.However, when albumin was taken in account the only statistically significant association was between albuminlevel and mortality (hazard risk = 0.342 per g/dL; 95% CI of 0.119 0.984; p = 0.047) while the presence of PH lost itsstatistical significance (p = 0.184). Mortality was higher in patients with PH (47.8% vs 25%) who also had astatistically worse survival after the sixth year of follow up.Conclusions: PH in hemodialysis patients is associated with parameters of volume overload that sheds light on itspathophysiology. Mortality is higher in hemodialysis patients with PH and the low albumin level can explain thisassociation.© 2012 Greenfield et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Introdução: Pacientes portadores de próteses valvares cardíacas mecânicas devem medicados continuamente com anticoagulantes orais para evitar acidentes tromboembólicos. Estes pacientes são avaliados continuamente para o controle da anticoagulação oral. Objetivo: Comparar a ocorrência de complicações tromboembólicas e hemorrágicas em portadores de próteses valvares cardíacas mecânicas de um (mono) e de dois (bi) folhetos na posição mitral em terapêutica anticoagulante. Métodos: Foram estudados, no intervalo de 10 anos, 117 pacientes portadores de prótese na posição mitral, sendo 48 com próteses de folheto único e 69 de folheto duplo. Avaliou-se a ocorrência de complicações tromboembólicas e hemorrágicas de grau maior e menor de acordo com a gravidade. Os resultados estão apresentados sob forma de estudo atuarial e de frequência linearizada de ocorrência de eventos. Resultados: As curvas atuariais mostraram que, ao longo do tempo, os pacientes portadores de próteses valvares monofolheto estiveram menos livres de complicações tromboembólicas que os pacientes com próteses bifolheto, enquanto que, estes últimos (bifolheto) estiveram menos livres de acidentes hemorrágicos. As frequências linearizadas de ocorrência para tromboembolismo foram maiores nos pacientes com próteses monofolheto. Nos episódios hemorrágicos as taxas foram maiores para os portadores de próteses bifolheto. Conclusão: Os portadores de próteses valvares cardíacas monofolheto mostraram-se mais propensos à ocorrência de acidentes tromboembólicos graves em relação aos com próteses bi folheto. Os pacientes com prótese bifolheto apresentaram maior sangramento que os pacientes com prótese monofolheto, no entanto, esta diferença se restringiu aos sangramentos de pouca gravidade.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the 12-month clinical performance of glass ionomer restorations in teeth with MIH. First permanent molars affected by MIH (48) were restored with glass ionomer cement (GIC) and evaluated at baseline, at 6 and at 12 months, by assessing tooth enamel breakdown, GIC breakdown and caries lesion associations. The data were analyzed using the chi-square test and actuarial survival analysis. The likelihood of a restored tooth remaining unchanged at the end of 12 months was 78%. No statistically significant difference was observed in the association between increased MIH severity and caries at baseline (p > 0.05) for a 6-month period, or between increased MIH severity and previous unsatisfactory treatment at baseline (p > 0.05) for both a 6- and 12-month period. A statistically significant difference was observed in the association between increased MIH severity and extension of the restoration, involving 2 or more surfaces (p < 0.05) at both periods, and between increased MIH severity and caries at baseline (p < 0.05) at a 12-month period. Because the likelihood of maintaining the tooth structures with GIC restorations is high, invasive treatment should be postponed until the child is sufficiently mature to cooperate with the treatment, mainly of teeth affected on just one face.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Una mejora del modelo de justicia juvenil para el procedimiento de evaluación del riesgo en los usuarios está basado en el juicio profesional o clínico y en el procedimiento actuarial, quedando patente en el trabajo que presentamos la según opción tal y como ha demostrado Andrews y Bonta (2003) y Garrido (2003). Se presenta la adaptación del YLS/CMI de Andrews y Bonta (2002) a población de justicia juvenil española, concretamente el IGI-J, que ayuda a planificar el PIEM dentro del marco de la justicia penal de menores.
By using a symbolic method, known in the literature as the classical umbral calculus, a symbolic representation of Lévy processes is given and a new family of time-space harmonic polynomials with respect to such processes, which includes and generalizes the exponential complete Bell polynomials, is introduced. The usefulness of time-space harmonic polynomials with respect to Lévy processes is that it is a martingale the stochastic process obtained by replacing the indeterminate x of the polynomials with a Lévy process, whereas the Lévy process does not necessarily have this property. Therefore to find such polynomials could be particularly meaningful for applications. This new family includes Hermite polynomials, time-space harmonic with respect to Brownian motion, Poisson-Charlier polynomials with respect to Poisson processes, Laguerre and actuarial polynomials with respect to Gamma processes , Meixner polynomials of the first kind with respect to Pascal processes, Euler, Bernoulli, Krawtchuk, and pseudo-Narumi polynomials with respect to suitable random walks. The role played by cumulants is stressed and brought to the light, either in the symbolic representation of Lévy processes and their infinite divisibility property, either in the generalization, via umbral Kailath-Segall formula, of the well-known formulae giving elementary symmetric polynomials in terms of power sum symmetric polynomials. The expression of the family of time-space harmonic polynomials here introduced has some connections with the so-called moment representation of various families of multivariate polynomials. Such moment representation has been studied here for the first time in connection with the time-space harmonic property with respect to suitable symbolic multivariate Lévy processes. In particular, multivariate Hermite polynomials and their properties have been studied in connection with a symbolic version of the multivariate Brownian motion, while multivariate Bernoulli and Euler polynomials are represented as powers of multivariate polynomials which are time-space harmonic with respect to suitable multivariate Lévy processes.
Il cancro colorettale (CRC) rimane la prima causa di morte nei paesi occidentali.Dal 15% al 25% dei pazienti affetti da CRC presenta metastasi epatiche sincrone (CRLM) al momento della diagnosi.La resezione epatica radicale rimane l’unica terapia potenzialmente curativa in presenza di CRLM con una sopravvivenza a 5 anni compresa tra il 17% ed il 35% ed a 10 anni tra il 16% e il 23% rispettivamente. La tempistica ottimale per la resezione chirurgica in caso di presentazione sincrona di CRC è controversa.Questo studio intende dimostrare che le resezioni epatiche ecoguidate radicali ma conservative simultanee ad una resezione colorettale rappresentano una tecnica sicura ed efficace nei pazienti con CRC avanzato. 48 pazienti sono stati sottoposti ad una resezione simultanea colorettale ed epatica. L’età media +SD (range) era di 64,2+9,7 (38-84).Un solo paziente è deceduto entro 30 giorni. La mortalità post operatoria è stata complessivamente del 2,1%. Nove pazienti (18,8%) hanno sviluppato una o più complicanza ,4 (8,3%) di grado III-IV sec. Clavien-Dindo e 5 (10,4%) di grado I-II. La durata complessiva dell’intervento chirurgico simultaneo è stata di 486,6+144,0 (153-804) minuti.Questo studio conferma che le resezioni colorettali ed epatiche simultanee possono essere eseguite senza un significativo aumento della morbilità e mortalità perioperatorie, anche in pazienti sottoposti ad una resezione anteriore ultrabassa ed in quelli in cui sia indicato il clampaggio intermittente dell’ilo epatico. L’IOUS è efficace nel ridurre l’estensione della resezione epatica in pazienti sia con CRLM anche multiple e bilobari .Poichè le complicanze maggiori sono frequenti dopo resezioni epatiche maggiori simultanee, riducendo l’estensione della resezione del parenchima epatico si può avere un impatto favorevole sul decorso post operatorio.Le resezioni epatiche ecoguidate radicali ma conservative simultanee ad una resezione colorettale sono una tecnica sicura ed efficace in pazienti con carcinoma colorettale avanzato e andrebbero considerate l’opzione primaria in casi selezionati
Nel tumore combinato epatocolangiocellulare (CHC) le componenti epatocitarie e colangiocitarie sono entrambe presenti. Obiettivo: valutare gli aspetti diagnostici radiologici e caratteristiche clinico-demografiche del CHC su cirrosi. Raccolti pazienti con CHC su cirrosi afferenti a due centri del Nord Italia (Bologna, S. Orsola-Malpighi e Milano,IRCCS Ca’ Granda Maggiore Hospital) tra 2003-2013, con diagnosi istologica di CHC. FASE 1:confronto tra ecografia con mdc (CEUS), TC cmdc e RM cmdc nella diagnosi e caratterizzazione dei noduli di CHC. Casistica di 35 pazienti e 37 noduli (due recidive CHC incluse). Mediana delle dimensioni: 25 mm. Non si è identificato un pattern contrastografico patognomonico per CHC. Pattern di enhancement arterioso ad anello periferico, suggestivo per forma colangiocitaria, atipico per HCC, presente nel 26%,50%,29% dei noduli a CEUS,TC,RM. La CEUS avrebbe portato a una errata diagnosi di HCC tipico in un numero maggiore di casi (48%) vs TC(15%,p=0.005), e RM(18%,p=0.080).L’indicazione della malignità del nodulo (presenza di wash-out dopo enhancement arterioso), era fornita con maggiore accuratezza da parte della CEUS(78%), vs TC (24%,p<0.0001) e RM(29%,p=0.002). FASE 2:analisi degli aspetti clinico-laboratoristici e prognostici del CHC e confronto tramite match 1:2 con HCC su cirrosi (36 CHC,72 HCC). Nel CHC correlano positivamente con sopravvivenza le terapie “curative” (trapianto, resezione chirurgica, terapie ablative percutanee a radiofrequenza/ alcolizzazione), stadio precoce alla diagnosi, dimensioni e essere in sorveglianza per diagnosi precoce di HCC. Correlano indipendentemente con sopravvivenza stadio precoce di malattia (unifocale, ≤ 2 cm) e essere in programma di sorveglianza(multivariata). Sopravvivenze del CHC sovrapponibili al gruppo HCC a 1 anno, e lievemente inferiori a 3/5 anni (81%, 39%, 21% vs 83%, 59% e 40%,p=0.78,p=0.080 e p=0.14). Sopravvivenza mediana per CHC (2.36 anni) inferiore vs HCC (4.09 anni) pur senza significatività statistica.
Objective: To evaluate early and mid-term results in patients undergoing proximal thoracic aortic redo surgery. Methods: We analyzed 60 patients (median age 60 years, median logistic EuroSCORE 40) who underwent proximal thoracic aortic redo surgery between January 2005 and April 2012. Outcome and risk factors were analyzed. Results: In hospital mortality was 13%, perioperative neurologic injury was 7%. Fifty percent of patients underwent redo surgery in an urgent or emergency setting. In 65%, partial or total arch replacement with or without conventional or frozen elephant trunk extension was performed. The preoperative logistic EuroSCORE I confirmed to be a reliable predictor of adverse outcome- (ROC 0.786, 95%CI 0.64–0.93) as did the new EuroSCORE II model: ROC 0.882 95%CI 0.78–0.98. Extensive individual logistic EuroSCORE I levels more than 67 showed an OR of 7.01, 95%CI 1.43–34.27. A EuroSCORE II larger than 28 showed an OR of 4.44 (95%CI 1.4–14.06). Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified a critical preoperative state (OR 7.96, 95%CI 1.51–38.79) but not advanced age (OR 2.46, 95%CI 0.48–12.66) as the strongest independent predictor of in-hospital mortality. Median follow-up was 23 months (1–52 months). One year and five year actuarial survival rates were 83% and 69% respectively. Freedom from reoperation during follow-up was 100%. Conclusions: Despite a substantial early attrition rate in patients presenting with a critical preoperative state, proximal thoracic aortic redo surgery provides excellent early and mid-term results. Higher EuroSCORE I and II levels and a critical preoperative state but not advanced age are independent predictors of in-hospital mortality. As a consequence, age alone should no longer be regarded as a contraindication for surgical treatment in this particular group of patient
OBJECTIVE: The benefit of postoperative radiation for advanced primary parotid carcinoma has been reported previously, whereas studies to evaluate the usefulness of postoperative radiation for T1 and T2 parotid carcinomas have never been performed. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective analysis on 58 previously untreated patients with T1 and T2 parotid carcinomas. In 34 patients, postoperative radiation was included in the treatment protocol and in 24 patients, no postoperative radiation was applied. RESULTS: A local recurrence was observed in 8 of 24 (33%) patients without and in 1 of 34 (3%) patients with postoperative radiation (P < 0.5). The 5-year actuarial and disease-free survival rate was 83% and 70% for patients without postoperative radiation and 93% and 92% for patients with postoperative radiation. CONCLUSION AND SIGNIFICANCE: Local recurrence was less often observed in patients with postoperative radiation. Nevertheless, prospective randomized studies are needed to confirm the usefulness of postoperative radiation in early carcinomas. EBM rating: B-3b.
In contrast to other secondary liver malignancy, orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is considered as a treatment modality for nonresectable endocrine liver metastases in selected patients. However, only few series have assessed patient selection criteria and long-term results, and no reports have focused on the impact of new technologies in this regard. Between 1992 and 2004, 28 patients with malignant endocrine tumors underwent evaluation for OLT according to our protocol. Data were entered into a prospective database. During pretransplant evaluation, somatostatin receptor scintigraphy detected extrahepatic metastases not diagnosed in standard imaging in 10 patients. Of them, 3 showed aberrant Ki67 labeling results. One patient was excluded from further evaluation due to severe carcinoid heart. Thus far, 15 patients, 10 men and 5 women, aged 37 to 67 years, were subjected to the transplant procedure (11 deceased donor OLT, 3 living donor liver transplantations, and 1 cluster transplantation). Four patients died during the hospital treatment. The median follow-up of the discharged patients was 60.8 months. The actuarial patient survival was 78.3% at 1 year and 67.2% at 5 years. The actuarial 1-, 2-, and 5-year tumor-free survival amounted to 69.4%, 48.3%, and 48.3%, respectively. Two patients underwent surgery for isolated tumor recurrence. In 2 patients, peptide receptor radiotherapy was carried out because of multilocular recurrent disease. In conclusion, liver transplantation is a realistic therapeutic option for highly selected patients with hepatic metastases of endocrine tumors. Our strategy, which implements strict pretransplant selection and aggressive surgical approach, in case of disease recurrence, in addition to systemic radiopeptide treatment, led to an excellent long-term survival cure, however, is unlikely to be achieved.