931 resultados para Abbott, Andrew: Methods of discovery
Foram realizados três experimentos para determinar a eficácia de vários métodos de aversão a Baccharis coridifolia em bovinos: administração oral forçada de 0,5g kg-1 de peso vivo de B. coridifolia fresca; inalação forçada da fumaça proveniente da queima de B. coridifolia e esfregação da planta no focinho e na boca dos animais; e introdução dos animais em pastagens com baixa infestação por B. coridifolia. Os resultados demonstraram que os animais forçados a ingerir pequenas doses tornaram-se fortemente avertidos, quando introduzidos nos piquetes entre 23 a 26 horas após a aversão. Entretanto, bovinos introduzidos nos piquetes após 1 a 10 horas não foram totalmente avertidos. Inalação da fumaça de B. coridifolia e esfregação da planta no focinho e boca dos animais não foram eficientes para produzir aversão. A introdução de bovinos em piquetes com aproximadamente 1% de B. coridifolia foi eficiente quando os animais permaneceram cinco meses na área, mas não quando ficaram apenas 60 horas, pois os bovinos precisam de tempo para aprender a evitar a planta.
Glomerulitis and peritubular capillaritis have been recognized as important lesions in acute renal rejection (AR). We studied glomerulitis and peritubular capillaritis in AR by 2 methods and investigated associations with C4d, type/grade of AR, and allograft survival time. Glomerulitis was measured according to Banff scores (glomerulitis by Banff Method [gBM]) and by counting the number of intraglomerular inflammatory cells (glomerulitis by Quantitative Method [gQM]). Capillaritis was classified by the Banff scoring system (peritubular capillaritis by Banff Method [ptcBM]) and by counting the number of cells in peritubular capillaries in 10 high-power fields (hpf; peritubular capillaritis by Quantitative Method [ptcQM]). These quantitative analyses were performed in an attempt to improve our understanding of the role played by glomerulitis and capillaritis in AR. The g0 + g1 group (gBM) associated with negative C4d (P = .02). In peritubular capillaritis, a larger number of cells per 10 hpf in peritubular capillaries (ptcQM) were observed in positive C4d cases (P = .03). The group g2 + g3 (gBM) correlated with graft loss (P = .01). Peritubular capillaritis was not significantly related to graft survival time. Our study showed that the Banff scoring system is the best method to study glomerulitis and observed that the evaluation of capillaritis in routine biopsies is difficult and additional studies are required for a better understanding of its meaning in AR biopsy specimens of renal allografts.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The surgical treatment of mandibular condyle fractures currently offers several possibilities for stable internal fixation. In this study, a finite element model evaluation was performed of three different methods for osteosynthesis of low subcondylar fractures: (1) two four-hole straight plates, (2) one seven-hole lambda plate, and (3) one four-hole trapezoidal plate. The finite element model evaluation considered a load applied to the first molar on the contralateral side to the fracture. Results showed that, although the three methods are capable of withstanding functional loading, the lambda plate displayed a more homogeneous stress distribution for both osteosynthesis material and bone and may be a better method when single-plate fixation is the option.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
One approach to verify the adequacy of estimation methods of reference evapotranspiration is the comparison with the Penman-Monteith method, recommended by the United Nations of Food and Agriculture Organization - FAO, as the standard method for estimating ET0. This study aimed to compare methods for estimating ET0, Makkink (MK), Hargreaves (HG) and Solar Radiation (RS), with Penman-Monteith (PM). For this purpose, we used daily data of global solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed for the year 2010, obtained through the automatic meteorological station, with latitude 18° 91' 66 S, longitude 48° 25' 05 W and altitude of 869m, at the National Institute of Meteorology situated in the Campus of Federal University of Uberlandia - MG, Brazil. Analysis of results for the period were carried out in daily basis, using regression analysis and considering the linear model y = ax, where the dependent variable was the method of Penman-Monteith and the independent, the estimation of ET0 by evaluated methods. Methodology was used to check the influence of standard deviation of daily ET0 in comparison of methods. The evaluation indicated that methods of Solar Radiation and Penman-Monteith cannot be compared, yet the method of Hargreaves indicates the most efficient adjustment to estimate ETo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
What is it? Darunavir is a protease inhibitor used in the treatment of HIV infection. It is an important drug of therapy cocktail for patients infected with the virus. On the market there are darunavir ethanolate tablets of 75, 150, 300, 400, 600 and 800mg, because this is the most stable form. It is commercialized by Janssen-Cilag with the name PrezistaTM. Why we started? This drug has low water solubility and poor bioavailability, therefore requires administration in doses relatively high to the success of the therapeutic effect. The complexation of drugs by using cyclodextrin is welcome in this respect to improve the solubility and hence increase the dissolution rate of poorly soluble drugs. A monograph about this compound has not been described, thus it is an extremely important quality control of darunavir to demonstrate its effectiveness and safety. What we did? Some existing analytical techniques have been discussed in this manuscript, focusing on bioanalytical and pharmaceutical quality control applications. What we found? This review showed the published analytical methods reported for the determination of darunavir and discuss about its characteristics and complexation with cyclodextrin.
In reviewing methods of predator control, it would first seem appropriate to define what is meant "by "methods" and what is meant by "control." Taking the last term first, control, as applied to the predatory coyotes, bobcats, and foxes, may be defined as regulating the numbers of these animals to the point where the economic losses for which they are responsible will be reduced to a practicable minimum. In some situations, area control, i.e., limiting the numbers of the offending predator over wide areas, may be necessary for satisfactory reduction of economic losses; in other situations, spot control or localized reduction of numbers of a certain predator may be called for; in still other situations, elimination of an individual animal may be all the control that is needed. In no sense is control, as applied to coyotes, bobcats, and foxes, intended to mean extermi¬nation of a species. The term "methods" is interpreted as meaning the procedures employed against coyotes, bobcats, and foxes, and not the broader systems of predator control such as the paid hunter system, the extension system, or the much-discredited bounty system. For an excellent review of the systems of predator control, see Latham (l).
Most people have accepted the fact that all living things can be beneficial to mankind in some way or other. This is especially true of our wild birds, since they provide enjoyment and wholesome recreation for most of us, regardless of whether we live on farms or in the city. But despite the fact that wild birds are for the most part beneficial, at times individuals or populations of certain species can seriously affect man's interests. When such situations occur, some measures of relief are desirable and usually eagerly sought. This report is not intended to answer all the questions that may arise concerning problems with blackbirds and starlings; instead, it is merely a summary of measures used to protect agricultural crops from these birds.
The objective of this study was to investigate, in a population of crossbred cattle, the obtainment of the non-additive genetic effects for the characteristics weight at 205 and 390 days and scrotal circumference, and to evaluate the consideration of these effects in the prediction of breeding values of sires using different estimation methodologies. In method 1, the data were pre-adjusted for the non-additive effects obtained by least squares means method in a model that considered the direct additive, maternal and non-additive fixed genetic effects, the direct and total maternal heterozygosities, and epistasis. In method 2, the non-additive effects were considered covariates in genetic model. Genetic values for adjusted and non-adjusted data were predicted considering additive direct and maternal effects, and for weight at 205 days, also the permanent environmental effect, as random effects in the model. The breeding values of the categories of sires considered for the weight characteristic at 205 days were organized in files, in order to verify alterations in the magnitude of the predictions and ranking of animals in the two methods of correction data for the non-additives effects. The non-additive effects were not similar in magnitude and direction in the two estimation methods used, nor for the characteristics evaluated. Pearson and Spearman correlations between breeding values were higher than 0.94, and the use of different methods does not imply changes in the selection of animals.
The aim of this study was to investigate the methods adopted to reduce body mass (BM) in competitive athletes from the grappling (judo, jujitsu) and striking (karate and tae kwon do) combat sports in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. An exploratory methodology was employed through descriptive research, using a standardized questionnaire with objective questions self-administered to 580 athletes (25.0 +/- 3.7 yr, 74.5 +/- 9.7 kg, and 16.4% +/- 5.1% body fat). Regardless of the sport, 60% of the athletes reported using a method of rapid weight loss (RWL) through increased energy expenditure. Strikers tend to begin reducing BM during adolescence. Furthermore, 50% of the sample used saunas and plastic clothing, and only 26.1% received advice from a nutritionist. The authors conclude that a high percentage of athletes uses RWL methods. In addition, a high percentage of athletes uses unapproved or prohibited methods such as diuretics, saunas, and plastic clothing. The age at which combat sport athletes reduce BM for the first time is also worrying, especially among strikers.
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2012; 22: 459466 Aim. This in vitro study aimed to test the performance of fluorescence-based methods in detecting occlusal caries lesions in primary molars compared to conventional methods. Design. Two examiners assessed 113 sites on 77 occlusal surfaces of primary molars using three fluorescence devices: DIAGNOdent (LF), DIAGNOdent pen (LFpen), and fluorescence camera (VistaProof-FC). Visual inspection (ICDAS) and radiographic methods were also evaluated. One examiner repeated the evaluations after one month. As reference standard method, the lesion depth was determined after sectioning and evaluation in stereomicroscope. The area under the ROC curve (Az), sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the methods were calculated at enamel (D1) and dentine caries (D3) lesions thresholds. The intra and interexaminer reproducibility were calculated using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and kappa statistics. Results. At D1, visual inspection presented higher sensitivities (0.970.99) but lower specificities (0.180.25). At D3, all the methods demonstrated similar performance (Az values around 0.90). Visual and radiographic methods showed a slightly higher specificity (values higher than 0.96) than the fluorescence based ones (values around 0.88). In general, all methods presented high reproducibility (ICC higher than 0.79). Conclusions. Although fluorescence-based and conventional methods present similar performance in detecting occlusal caries lesions in primary teeth, visual inspection alone seems to be sufficient to be used in clinical practice.
Abstract Background With the development of DNA hybridization microarray technologies, nowadays it is possible to simultaneously assess the expression levels of thousands to tens of thousands of genes. Quantitative comparison of microarrays uncovers distinct patterns of gene expression, which define different cellular phenotypes or cellular responses to drugs. Due to technical biases, normalization of the intensity levels is a pre-requisite to performing further statistical analyses. Therefore, choosing a suitable approach for normalization can be critical, deserving judicious consideration. Results Here, we considered three commonly used normalization approaches, namely: Loess, Splines and Wavelets, and two non-parametric regression methods, which have yet to be used for normalization, namely, the Kernel smoothing and Support Vector Regression. The results obtained were compared using artificial microarray data and benchmark studies. The results indicate that the Support Vector Regression is the most robust to outliers and that Kernel is the worst normalization technique, while no practical differences were observed between Loess, Splines and Wavelets. Conclusion In face of our results, the Support Vector Regression is favored for microarray normalization due to its superiority when compared to the other methods for its robustness in estimating the normalization curve.