946 resultados para AUDITORY-CORTEX
The overlapping sound pressure waves that enter our brain via the ears and auditory nerves must be organized into a coherent percept. Modelling the regularities of the auditory environment and detecting unexpected changes in these regularities, even in the absence of attention, is a necessary prerequisite for orientating towards significant information as well as speech perception and communication, for instance. The processing of auditory information, in particular the detection of changes in the regularities of the auditory input, gives rise to neural activity in the brain that is seen as a mismatch negativity (MMN) response of the event-related potential (ERP) recorded by electroencephalography (EEG). --- As the recording of MMN requires neither a subject s behavioural response nor attention towards the sounds, it can be done even with subjects with problems in communicating or difficulties in performing a discrimination task, for example, from aphasic and comatose patients, newborns, and even fetuses. Thus with MMN one can follow the evolution of central auditory processing from the very early, often critical stages of development, and also in subjects who cannot be examined with the more traditional behavioural measures of auditory discrimination. Indeed, recent studies show that central auditory processing, as indicated by MMN, is affected in different clinical populations, such as schizophrenics, as well as during normal aging and abnormal childhood development. Moreover, the processing of auditory information can be selectively impaired for certain auditory attributes (e.g., sound duration, frequency) and can also depend on the context of the sound changes (e.g., speech or non-speech). Although its advantages over behavioral measures are undeniable, a major obstacle to the larger-scale routine use of the MMN method, especially in clinical settings, is the relatively long duration of its measurement. Typically, approximately 15 minutes of recording time is needed for measuring the MMN for a single auditory attribute. Recording a complete central auditory processing profile consisting of several auditory attributes would thus require from one hour to several hours. In this research, I have contributed to the development of new fast multi-attribute MMN recording paradigms in which several types and magnitudes of sound changes are presented in both speech and non-speech contexts in order to obtain a comprehensive profile of auditory sensory memory and discrimination accuracy in a short measurement time (altogether approximately 15 min for 5 auditory attributes). The speed of the paradigms makes them highly attractive for clinical research, their reliability brings fidelity to longitudinal studies, and the language context is especially suitable for studies on language impairments such as dyslexia and aphasia. In addition I have presented an even more ecological paradigm, and more importantly, an interesting result in view of the theory of MMN where the MMN responses are recorded entirely without a repetitive standard tone. All in all, these paradigms contribute to the development of the theory of auditory perception, and increase the feasibility of MMN recordings in both basic and clinical research. Moreover, they have already proven useful in studying for instance dyslexia, Asperger syndrome and schizophrenia.
We address the problem of estimating the fundamental frequency of voiced speech. We present a novel solution motivated by the importance of amplitude modulation in sound processing and speech perception. The new algorithm is based on a cumulative spectrum computed from the temporal envelope of various subbands. We provide theoretical analysis to derive the new pitch estimator based on the temporal envelope of the bandpass speech signal. We report extensive experimental performance for synthetic as well as natural vowels for both realworld noisy and noise-free data. Experimental results show that the new technique performs accurate pitch estimation and is robust to noise. We also show that the technique is superior to the autocorrelation technique for pitch estimation.
The ability of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to provide good time and frequency localization has made it a popular tool in time-frequency analysis of signals. Wavelets exhibit constant-Q property, which is also possessed by the basilar membrane filters in the peripheral auditory system. The basilar membrane filters or auditory filters are often modeled by a Gammatone function, which provides a good approximation to experimentally determined responses. The filterbank derived from these filters is referred to as a Gammatone filterbank. In general, wavelet analysis can be likened to a filterbank analysis and hence the interesting link between standard wavelet analysis and Gammatone filterbank. However, the Gammatone function does not exactly qualify as a wavelet because its time average is not zero. We show how bona fide wavelets can be constructed out of Gammatone functions. We analyze properties such as admissibility, time-bandwidth product, vanishing moments, which are particularly relevant in the context of wavelets. We also show how the proposed auditory wavelets are produced as the impulse response of a linear, shift-invariant system governed by a linear differential equation with constant coefficients. We propose analog circuit implementations of the proposed CWT. We also show how the Gammatone-derived wavelets can be used for singularity detection and time-frequency analysis of transient signals. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Shape and texture are both important properties of visual objects, but texture is relatively less understood. Here, we characterized neuronal responses to discrete textures in monkey inferotemporal (IT) cortex and asked whether they can explain classic findings in human texture perception. We focused on three classic findings on texture discrimination: 1) it can be easy or hard depending on the constituent elements; 2) it can have asymmetries, and 3) it is reduced for textures with randomly oriented elements. We recorded neuronal activity from monkey inferotemporal (IT) cortex and measured texture perception in humans for a variety of textures. Our main findings are as follows: 1) IT neurons show congruent selectivity for textures across array size; 2) textures that were easy for humans to discriminate also elicited distinct patterns of neuronal activity in monkey IT; 3) texture pairs with asymmetries in humans also exhibited asymmetric variation in firing rate across monkey IT; and 4) neuronal responses to randomly oriented textures were explained by an average of responses to homogeneous textures, which rendered them less discriminable. The reduction in discriminability of monkey IT neurons predicted the reduced discriminability in humans during texture discrimination. Taken together, our results suggest that texture perception in humans is likely based on neuronal representations similar to those in monkey IT.
Gamma rhythm (which has a center frequency between 30 and 80 Hz) is modulated by cognitive mechanisms such as attention and memory, and has been hypothesized to play a role in mediating these processes by supporting communication channels between cortical areas or encoding information in its phase. We highlight several issues related to gamma rhythms, such as low and inconsistent power, its dependence on low-level stimulus features, problems due to conduction delays, and contamination due to spike-related activity that makes accurate estimation of gamma phase difficult. Gamma rhythm could be a potentially useful signature of excitation-inhibition interactions in the brain, but whether it also provides a mechanism for information processing or coding remains an open question.
We seldom mistake a closer object as being larger, even though its retinal image is bigger. One underlying mechanism could be to calculate the size of the retinal image relative to that of another nearby object. Here we set out to investigate whether single neurons in the monkey inferotemporal cortex (IT) are sensitive to the relative size of parts in a display. Each neuron was tested on shapes containing two parts that could be conjoined or spatially separated. Each shape was presented in four versions created by combining the two parts at each of two possible sizes. In this design, neurons sensitive to the absolute size of parts would show the greatest response modulation when both parts are scaled up, whereas neurons encoding relative size would show similar responses. Our main findings are that 1) IT neurons responded similarly to all four versions of a shape, but tuning tended to be more consistent between versions with proportionately scaled parts; 2) in a subpopulation of cells, we observed interactions that resulted in similar responses to proportionately scaled parts; 3) these interactions developed together with sensitivity to absolute size for objects with conjoined parts but developed slightly later for objects with spatially separate parts. Taken together, our results demonstrate for the first time that there is a subpopulation of neurons in IT that encodes the relative size of parts in a display, forming a potential neural substrate for size constancy.
Rotations in depth are challenging for object vision because features can appear, disappear, be stretched or compressed. Yet we easily recognize objects across views. Are the underlying representations view invariant or dependent? This question has been intensely debated in human vision, but the neuronal representations remain poorly understood. Here, we show that for naturalistic objects, neurons in the monkey inferotemporal (IT) cortex undergo a dynamic transition in time, whereby they are initially sensitive to viewpoint and later encode view-invariant object identity. This transition depended on two aspects of object structure: it was strongest when objects foreshortened strongly across views and were similar to each other. View invariance in IT neurons was present even when objects were reduced to silhouettes, suggesting that it can arise through similarity between external contours of objects across views. Our results elucidate the viewpoint debate by showing that view invariance arises dynamically in IT neurons out of a representation that is initially view dependent.
The EC (entorhinal cortex) is fundamental for cognitive and mnesic functions. Thus damage to this area appears as a key element in the progression of AD (Alzheimer's disease), resulting in memory deficits arising from neuronal and synaptic alterations as well as glial malfunction. In this paper, we have performed an in-depth analysis of astroglial morphology in the EC by measuring the surface and volume of the GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) profiles in a triple transgenic mouse model of AD [3xTg-AD (triple transgenic mice of AD)]. We found significant reduction in both the surface and volume of GFAP-labelled profiles in 3xTg-AD animals from very early ages (1 month) when compared with non-Tg (non-transgenic) controls (48 and 54%, reduction respectively), which was sustained for up to 12 months (33 and 45% reduction respectively). The appearance of Lambda beta (amyloid beta-peptide) depositions at 12 months of age did not trigger astroglial hypertrophy; nor did it result in the close association of astrocytes with senile plaques. Our results suggest that the AD progressive cognitive deterioration can be associated with an early reduction of astrocytic arborization and shrinkage of the astroglial domain, which may affect synaptic connectivity within the EC and between the EC and other brain regions. In addition, the EC seems to be particularly vulnerable to AD pathology because of the absence of evident astrogliosis in response to A beta accumulation. Thus we can consider that targeting astroglial atrophy may represent a therapeutic strategy which might slow down the progression of AD.
Neurons in the songbird forebrain nucleus HVc are highly sensitive to auditory temporal context and have some of the most complex auditory tuning properties yet discovered. HVc is crucial for learning, perceiving, and producing song, thus it is important to understand the neural circuitry and mechanisms that give rise to these remarkable auditory response properties. This thesis investigates these issues experimentally and computationally.
Extracellular studies reported here compare the auditory context sensitivity of neurons in HV c with neurons in the afferent areas of field L. These demonstrate that there is a substantial increase in the auditory temporal context sensitivity from the areas of field L to HVc. Whole-cell recordings of HVc neurons from acute brain slices are described which show that excitatory synaptic transmission between HVc neurons involve the release of glutamate and the activation of both AMPA/kainate and NMDA-type glutamate receptors. Additionally, widespread inhibitory interactions exist between HVc neurons that are mediated by postsynaptic GABA_A receptors. Intracellular recordings of HVc auditory neurons in vivo provides evidence that HV c neurons encode information about temporal structure using a variety of cellular and synaptic mechanisms including syllable-specific inhibition, excitatory post-synaptic potentials with a range of different time courses, and burst-firing, and song-specific hyperpolarization.
The final part of this thesis presents two computational approaches for representing and learning temporal structure. The first method utilizes comput ational elements that are analogous to temporal combination sensitive neurons in HVc. A network of these elements can learn using local information and lateral inhibition. The second method presents a more general framework which allows a network to discover mixtures of temporal features in a continuous stream of input.
Sensory-motor circuits course through the parietal cortex of the human and monkey brain. How parietal cortex manipulates these signals has been an important question in behavioral neuroscience. This thesis presents experiments that explore the contributions of monkey parietal cortex to sensory-motor processing, with an emphasis on the area's contributions to reaching. First, it is shown that parietal cortex is organized into subregions devoted to specific movements. Area LIP encodes plans to make saccadic eye movements. A nearby area, the parietal reach region (PRR), plans reaches. A series of experiments are then described which explore the contributions of PRR to reach planning. Reach plans are represented in an eye-centered reference frame in PRR. This representation is shown to be stable across eye movements. When a sequence of reaches is planned, only the impending movement is represented in PRR, showing that the area is more related to movement planning than to storing the memory of reach targets. PRR resembles area LIP in each of these properties: the two areas may provide a substrate for hand-eye coordination. These findings yield new perspectives on the functions of the parietal cortex and on the organization of sensory-motor processing in primate brains.
In the last decade, research efforts into directly interfacing with the neurons of individuals with motor deficits have increased. The goal of such research is clear: Enable individuals affected by paralysis or amputation to regain control of their environments by manipulating external devices with thought alone. Though the motor cortices are the usual brain areas upon which neural prosthetics depend, research into the parietal lobe and its subregions, primarily in non-human primates, has uncovered alternative areas that could also benefit neural interfaces. Similar to the motor cortical areas, parietal regions can supply information about the trajectories of movements. In addition, the parietal lobe also contains cognitive signals like movement goals and intentions. But, these areas are also known to be tuned to saccadic eye movements, which could interfere with the function of a prosthetic designed to capture motor intentions only. In this thesis, we develop and examine the functionality of a neural prosthetic with a non-human primate model using the superior parietal lobe to examine the effectiveness of such an interface and the effects of unconstrained eye movements in a task that more closely simulates clinical applications. Additionally, we examine methods for improving usability of such interfaces.
The parietal cortex is also believed to contain neural signals relating to monitoring of the state of the limbs through visual and somatosensory feedback. In one of the world’s first clinical neural prosthetics based on the human parietal lobe, we examine the extent to which feedback regarding the state of a movement effector alters parietal neural signals and what the implications are for motor neural prosthetics and how this informs our understanding of this area of the human brain.