767 resultados para ATRIAL FIBRILLATION
Background Edoxaban, an oral factor Xa inhibitor, is non-inferior for prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with atrial fibrillation and is associated with less bleeding than well controlled warfarin therapy. Few safety data about edoxaban in patients undergoing electrical cardioversion are available. Methods We did a multicentre, prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded-endpoint evaluation trial in 19 countries with 239 sites comparing edoxaban 60 mg per day with enoxaparin–warfarin in patients undergoing electrical cardioversion of non-valvular atrial fibrillation. The dose of edoxaban was reduced to 30 mg per day if one or more factors (creatinine clearance 15–50 mL/min, low bodyweight [≤60 kg], or concomitant use of P-glycoprotein inhibitors) were present. Block randomisation (block size four)—stratified by cardioversion approach (transoesophageal echocardiography [TEE] or not), anticoagulant experience, selected edoxaban dose, and region—was done through a voice-web system. The primary efficacy endpoint was a composite of stroke, systemic embolic event, myocardial infarction, and cardiovascular mortality, analysed by intention to treat. The primary safety endpoint was major and clinically relevant non-major (CRNM) bleeding in patients who received at least one dose of study drug. Follow-up was 28 days on study drug after cardioversion plus 30 days to assess safety. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02072434. Findings Between March 25, 2014, and Oct 28, 2015, 2199 patients were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive edoxaban (n=1095) or enoxaparin–warfarin (n=1104). The mean age was 64 years (SD 10·54) and mean CHA2DS2-VASc score was 2·6 (SD 1·4). Mean time in therapeutic range on warfarin was 70·8% (SD 27·4). The primary efficacy endpoint occurred in five (<1%) patients in the edoxaban group versus 11 (1%) in the enoxaparin–warfarin group (odds ratio [OR] 0·46, 95% CI 0·12–1·43). The primary safety endpoint occurred in 16 (1%) of 1067 patients given edoxaban versus 11 (1%) of 1082 patients given enoxaparin–warfarin (OR 1·48, 95% CI 0·64–3·55). The results were independent of the TEE-guided strategy and anticoagulation status. Interpretation ENSURE-AF is the largest prospective randomised clinical trial of anticoagulation for cardioversion of patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Rates of major and CRNM bleeding and thromboembolism were low in the two treatment groups. Funding Daiichi Sankyo provided financial support for the study. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd
OBJECTIVE: Atrial fibrillation is a very common heart arrhythmia, associated with a five-fold increase in the risk of embolic strokes. Treatment strategies encompass palliative drugs or surgical procedures all of which can restore sinus rhythm. Unfortunately, atria often fail to recover their mechanical function and patients therefore require lifelong anticoagulation therapy. A motorless volume displacing device (Atripump) based on artificial muscle technology, positioned on the external surface of atrium could avoid the need of oral anticoagulation and its haemorrhagic complications. An animal study was conducted in order to assess the haemodynamic effects that such a pump could provide. METHODS: Atripump is a dome-shape siliconecoated nitinol actuator sewn on the external surface of the atrium. It is driven by a pacemaker-like control unit. Five non-anticoagulated sheep were selected for this experiment. The right atrium was surgically exposed, the device sutured and connected. Haemodynamic parameters and intracardiac ultrasound (ICUS) data were recorded in each animal and under three conditions; baseline; atrial fibrillation (AF); atripump assisted AF (aaAF). RESULTS: In two animals, after 20 min of AF, small thrombi appeared in the right atrial appendix and were washed out once the pump was turned on. Assistance also enhanced atrial ejection fraction. 31% baseline; 5% during AF; 20% under aaAF. Right atrial systolic surfaces (cm2) were; 5.2 +/- 0.3 baseline; 6.2 +/- 0.1 AF; 5.4 +/- 0.3 aaAF. CONCLUSION: This compact and reliable pump seems to restore the atrial "kick" and prevents embolic events. It could avoid long-term anticoagulation therapy and open new hopes in the care of end-stage heart failure.
De déterminer si une stratégie de contrôle du rythme améliore la qualité de vie et / ou la capacité fonctionnelle par rapport à une stratégie de contrôle de la fréquence cardiaque chez les patients atteints de fibrillation auriculaire et d'insuffisance cardiaque congestive. Méthode: Pour évaluer la qualité de vie, le questionnaire SF-36 a été administré à l'inclusion et à 4 mois chez 749 patients de l’étude AF-CHF. Les paramètres de capacité fonctionnelle évalués ont été la classe fonctionnelle NYHA (1376 patients) et la distance de marche de six minutes (1099 patients). Résultats: Le type du traitement assigné n'a pas eu un impact significatif sur la qualité de vie ou la capacité fonctionnelle. Conclusion: La qualité de vie et la capacité fonctionnelle sont similaires chez les patients randomisés au contrôle du rythme par rapport au contrôle de la fréquence. Les hommes non-obèses avec moins de comorbidités semblent plus susceptibles de s'améliorer.
Contexte : La fibrillation auriculaire est commune chez les insuffisants cardiaques. L’efficacité des stratégies de contrôle de la fréquence et du rythme s’équivalent. Nous avons comparé l’impact économique des deux stratégies de traitement chez les patients avec fibrillation auriculaire et insuffisance cardiaque. Méthode : Dans cette sous-étude de l’essai Atrial Fibrillation and Congestive Heart Failure, la consommation de soins de santé des patients Québécois ainsi que leurs coûts ont été quantifiés grâce aux banques de données de la Régie de l’assurance-maladie du Québec et de l’Ontario Case Costing Initiative. Résultats : Trois cent quatre patients ont été inclus, âgés de 68±9 ans, fraction d’éjection de 26±6%. Les caractéristiques de base étaient bien réparties entre le contrôle du rythme (N=149) et de la fréquence (N=155). Les patients soumis au contrôle de la fréquence ont eu moins de procédures cardiovasculaires (146 versus 238, P<0.001) en raison du plus faible nombre de cardioversions et de moindres coûts reliés aux antiarythmiques (48 $±203 versus 1319 $±1058 par patient, P<0.001). Ces différences ont été compensées par un surplus de dépenses dues aux hospitalisations non-cardiovasculaires, aux dispositifs cardiaques implantables et aux médicaments non-cardiovasculaires dans le groupe du contrôle de la fréquence. Au total, les coûts par patient avec les stratégies du contrôle de la fréquence et du rythme s’élèvent à 78 767 $±79 568 et 72 764 $±72 800 (P=0.49). Interprétation : Chez les patients avec fibrillation auriculaire et insuffisance cardiaque, le contrôle de la fréquence est associé avec moins de procédures cardiovasculaires et une pharmacothérapie cardiovasculaire moins coûteuse. Toutefois, les coûts associés aux arythmies représentent moins de la moitié des dépenses de santé et le total des coûts s’équilibre entre les 2 stratégies.
Objectif: Déterminer si l’efficacité de l’amiodarone pour le maintien du rythme sinusal varie selon la fonction systolique ventriculaire gauche. Contexte: Malgré un profil de sécurité établi en insuffisance cardiaque, nous ignorons si l’efficacité de l’amiodarone et son impact sur différentes issues cardiovasculaires sont modulés par la fonction ventriculaire gauche. Méthode: Nous avons effectué une analyse combinée de 3307 patients (âgés de 68,0±0,9 ans ; 31,1% de femmes) recrutés dans les études AFFIRM et AF-CHF qui ont été randomisés au contrôle du rythme par l’amiodarone (N=1107) ou au contrôle de la fréquence cardiaque (N=2200). Résultats: Chez les patients sous amiodarone, la survie sans fibrillation auriculaire était de 84% et de 45% à 1 et 5 ans respectivement, sans égard à la fraction d’éjection ventriculaire gauche (P=0,8754, ajusté). De façon similaire, la proportion moyenne ajustée de temps en fibrillation auriculaire (15,0±1,8%) n’a pas été influencée par la fraction d’éjection (P=0,6094). Durant le suivi, 1963 patients (59,4%) ont requis au moins une hospitalisation, incluant 1401 (42,6%) patients hospitalisés pour cause cardiovasculaire. Les taux ajustés d’hospitalisation pour toutes causes et pour cause cardiovasculaire étaient similaires entre les patients sous amiodarone et ceux dans le groupe de contrôle de la fréquence dans l’ensemble de la population ainsi que dans les sous-groupes de patients avec et sans dysfonction ventriculaire gauche sévère. De façon similaire, les taux ajustés de mortalité globale et cardiovasculaire étaient similaires entre chez les patients sous amiodarone et ceux traités par le contrôle de la fréquence dans l’ensemble de la population ainsi que dans les sous-groupes de patients avec et sans dysfonction ventriculaire gauche sévère. Conclusions: L’efficacité de l’amiodarone pour le maintien du rythme sinusal n’est pas influencée par la fonction ventriculaire gauche. Le contrôle du rythme avec l’amiodarone s’associe à des taux de mortalité et d’hospitalisation comparables au contrôle de la fréquence à la fois chez les patients avec et sans dysfonction ventriculaire gauche sévère.
L’ablation de fibrillation auriculaire (FA) persistante est associée à des temps de procédure plus longs et à un moindre succès par rapport à l’ablation de FA paroxystique. Nous avons posé l’hypothèse que la restauration et le maintien du rythme sinusal ≥ 1 mois pré-procédure faciliteraient la terminaison de la FA et amélioreraient le succès de la procédure. Méthodes: Nous avons conduit une étude rétrospective comparant deux cohortes de patients consécutifs se présentant en FA persistante pour première ablation de FA : le groupe rythme sinusal (RS) avec restauration et maintien du rythme RS ≥ 1 mois pré-procédure (Groupe RS; N=40) et un groupe contrôle de patients en FA pré ablation (Groupe contrôle; N=40), apparié selon le sexe, l’âge, la longueur maximale de durée de FA. Une ablation de type en paliers (“stepwise”) a été réalisée dans les deux groupes (avec FA induite en début de procédure dans le groupe RS). Le succès a été défini par l’absence de récidive de FA ou de tachycardie atriale sans anti arythmique après un suivi minimal de 12 mois post procédure. Résultats: Durant la procédure de index d’ablation de FA, le cycle de FA était plus long dans le groupe RS par rapport au groupe contrôle (183±32 vs 166±20 ms, P=0.06) suggérant un remodelage inverse. Dans le groupe RS, la FA a été terminée plus fréquemment par l’ablation (95.0% vs 77.5%, P<0.05) et a demandé une ablation moins extensive avec moins d’ablation des électrocardiogrammes fragmentés (40.0% vs 87.5%, p<0.001) et moins de lésions linéaires (42.5% vs 82.5%, p<0.001). Les durées moyennes de procédure (199.8±69.8 vs 283.5±72.3 minutes, P<0.001), de fluoroscopie (51.0±24.9 vs 96.3±32.1 minutes, P<0.001), et de radiofréquence (47.5±18.9 vs 97.0±30.6 minutes, P<0.001) ont été plus courtes dans le groupe RS. Les succès cliniques ont été comparables dans les deux groupes après la première (55.0% vs 45.0%, P=0.28) et la dernière procédure (80.0% vs 70.0%, P=0.28), après une durée moyenne de suivi comparable (21.1±9.7 mois).
La pression artérielle est un déterminant potentiellement majeur de l’évolution de pathologies telles que la FA et l’insuffisance cardiaque. Pourtant, il demeure plusieurs incertitudes quant à la prise en charge optimale de la pression artérielle chez ces patients. Le rôle potentiel de la pression artérielle sur l’efficacité du maintien en rythme sinusal est inconnu. De plus, en présence d’insuffisance cardiaque, non seulement une pression artérielle élevée, mais aussi une pression artérielle basse pourrait augmenter la mortalité. Les travaux présentés ont pour but d’évaluer l’impact de la pression artérielle sur l’efficacité du contrôle du rythme et la mortalité ainsi que d’évaluer le rôle potentiel de l’insuffisance cardiaque sur cette interaction. Une étude post-hoc utilisant une banque de données combinant les études AFFIRM et AF-CHF a été réalisée. Les patients ont d’abord été classés selon leur FEVG (>40%, ≤40%), puis nous avons évalué l’impact de la PAS (<120 mmHg, 120-140 mmHg, >140 mmHg) sur les issues. Premièrement, chez les 2715 patients randomisés au contrôle du rythme, nous avons évalué la survie sans récidive de FA. Deuxièmement, chez tous les 5436 patients inclus dans les 2 études sources, nous avons évalué la mortalité et la morbidité. Chez les patients avec FEVG >40%, aucune des issues n’a été affectée par la PAS dans des analyses de régression multivariées de Cox. Par contraste, chez les patients avec FEVG ≤40%, le taux de récidive de FA était plus élevé avec une PAS >140 mmHg et une PAS <120 mmHg, par rapport à une PAS de 120-140 mmHg [HR, 1.47; IC 95% (1.12-1.93)] et [HR 1.15; IC 95% (0.92-1.43)], respectivement. La mortalité s’est également avérée augmentée chez ces patients avec une PAS >140 mmHg et une PAS <120 mmHg [HR 1.75; IC 95% (1.41-2.17)] et [HR 1.40; IC 95% (1.04-1.90)], respectivement. En conclusion, le maintien en rythme sinusal et la survie sont influencés par la PAS chez les patients avec FA et FEVG diminuée, mais non chez les patients avec FEVG normale. Une courbe en forme de U a été identifiée, où les pression plus basses (<120 mmHg) et plus hautes (>140 mmHg) sont associées à un moins bon pronostic.
FUNDAMENTO: A fibrilação atrial é um fator de risco controverso para demência. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a associação entre fibrilação atrial e demência em participantes do São Paulo Ageing & Health. MÉTODOS: O São Paulo Ageing & Health é um estudo transversal, de base populacional, de idosos residentes em um uma região de baixa renda da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Diagnóstico de demência foi realizado de acordo com o protocolo do grupo 10/66, com base em critérios do Manual de Diagnóstico e Estatística das Perturbações Mentais (DSM-IV). O diagnóstico de fibrilação atrial foi feito por eletrocardiograma de 12 derivações, avaliado por dois cardiologistas. Dados demográficos e de fatores de risco cardiovasculares também foram obtidos. RESULTADOS: A demência foi diagnosticada em 66 (4,3%) e fibrilação atrial em 36 (2,4%) de 1.524 participantes com um eletrocardiograma válido. A razão de chances bruta para demência em participantes com fibrilação atrial foi 2,8 (intervalo de confiança [IC] 95%: 1,0-8,1; p = 0,06) em comparação com indivíduos sem fibrilação atrial. Relação positiva foi encontrada em mulheres (RC 4,2; IC 95%: 1,2-15,1; p = 0,03). Após ajuste para idade, no entanto, essa associação tornou-se não significativa (RC 2,2, IC 95%: 0,6-8,9; p = 0,26). CONCLUSÃO: Não houve associação independente entre a fibrilação atrial e demência nessa amostra. A prevalência da fibrilação atrial pode ser baixa nesta população em virtude da mortalidade cardiovascular prematura.
Recent data have suggested a relation among long-term endurance sport practice, left atrial remodeling, and atrial fibrillation. We investigated the influence of an increased vagal tone, represented by the early repolarization (ER) pattern, on diastolic function and left atrial size in professional soccer players. Fifty-four consecutive athletes underwent electrocardiography, echocardiography, and exercise testing as part of their preparticipation screening. Athletes were divided into 2 groups according to presence or absence of an ER pattern, defined as a ST-segment elevation at the J-point (STE) > or =0.1 mm in 2 leads. For linear comparisons average STE was calculated. Mean age was 24 +/- 4 years. Twenty-five athletes (46%) showed an ER pattern. Athletes with an ER pattern had a significant lower heart rate (54 +/- 9 vs 62 +/- 11 beats/min, p = 0.024), an increased E/e' ratio (6.1 +/- 1.2 vs 5.1 +/- 1.0, p = 0.002), and larger volumes of the left atrium (25.6 +/- 7.3 vs 21.8 +/- 5.0 ml/m(2), p = 0.031) compared to athletes without an ER pattern. There were no significant differences concerning maximum workload, left ventricular dimensions, and systolic function. Univariate regression analysis revealed significant correlations among age, STE, and left atrial volume. In a stepwise multivariate regression analysis age, STE and e' contributed independently to left atrial size (r = 0.659, p <0.001). In conclusion, athletes with an ER pattern had an increased E/e' ratio, reflecting a higher left atrial filling pressure, contributing to left atrial remodeling over time.
Veteran endurance athletes have an increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation (AF), with a striking male predominance. We hypothesized that male athletes were more prone to atrial and ventricular remodeling and investigated the signal-averaged P wave and factors that promote the occurrence of AF. Nonelite athletes scheduled to participate in the 2010 Grand Prix of Bern, a 10-mile race, were invited. Of the 873 marathon and nonmarathon runners who were willing to participate, 68 female and 70 male athletes were randomly selected. The runners with cardiovascular disease or elevated blood pressure (>140/90 mm Hg) were excluded. Thus, 121 athletes were entered into the final analysis. Their mean age was 42 ± 7 years. No gender differences were found for age, lifetime training hours, or race time. The male athletes had a significantly longer signal-averaged P-wave duration (136 ± 12 vs 122 ± 10 ms; p <0.001). The left atrial volume was larger in the male athletes (56 ± 13 vs 49 ± 10 ml; p = 0.001), while left atrial volume index showed no differences (29 ± 7 vs 30 ± 6 ml/m²; p = 0.332). In male athletes, the left ventricular mass index (107 ± 17 vs 86 ± 16 g/m²; p <0.001) and relative wall thickness (0.44 ± 0.06 vs 0.41 ± 0.07; p = 0.004) were greater. No differences were found in the left ventricular ejection fraction (63 ± 4% vs 66 ± 6%; p = 0.112) and mitral annular tissue Doppler e' velocity (10.9 ± 1.5 vs 10.6 ± 1.5 cm/s; p = 0.187). However, the tissue Doppler a' velocity was higher (8.7 ± 1.2 vs 7.6 ± 1.3 cm/s; p < 0.001) in the male athletes. Male athletes had a higher systolic blood pressure at rest (123 ± 9 vs 110 ± 11 mm Hg; p < 0.001) and at peak exercise (180 ± 15 vs 169 ± 19 mm Hg; p = 0.001). In the frequency domain analysis of heart rate variability, the sympatho-vagal balance, represented by the low/high-frequency power ratio, was significantly greater in male athletes (5.8 ± 2.8 vs 3.9 ± 1.9; p < 0.001). Four athletes (3.3%) had at least one documented episode of paroxysmal AF, all were men (p = 0.042). In conclusion, for a comparable amount of training and performance, male athletes showed a more pronounced atrial remodeling, a concentric type of ventricular remodeling, and an altered diastolic function. A higher blood pressure at rest and during exercise and a higher sympathetic tone might be causal. The altered left atrial substrate might facilitate the occurrence of AF.
Endurance athletes have an increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation (AF) at 40 to 50 years of age. Signal-averaged P-wave analysis has been used for identifying patients at risk for AF. We evaluated the impact of lifetime training hours on signal-averaged P-wave duration and modifying factors. Nonelite men athletes scheduled to participate in the 2010 Grand Prix of Bern, a 10-mile race, were invited. Four hundred ninety-two marathon and nonmarathon runners applied for participation, 70 were randomly selected, and 60 entered the final analysis. Subjects were stratified according to their lifetime training hours (average endurance and strength training hours per week × 52 × training years) in low (<1,500 hours), medium (1,500 to 4,500 hours), and high (>4,500 hours) training groups. Mean age was 42 ± 7 years. From low to high training groups signal-averaged P-wave duration increased from 131 ± 6 to 142 ± 13 ms (p = 0.026), and left atrial volume increased from 24.8 ± 4.6 to 33.1 ± 6.2 ml/m(2) (p = 0.001). Parasympathetic tone expressed as root of the mean squared differences of successive normal-to-normal intervals increased from 34 ± 13 to 47 ± 16 ms (p = 0.002), and premature atrial contractions increased from 6.1 ± 7.4 to 10.8 ± 7.7 per 24 hours (p = 0.026). Left ventricular mass increased from 100.7 ± 9.0 to 117.1 ± 18.2 g/m(2) (p = 0.002). Left ventricular systolic and diastolic function and blood pressure at rest were normal in all athletes and showed no differences among training groups. Four athletes (6.7%) had a history of paroxysmal AF, as did 1 athlete in the medium training group and 3 athletes in the high training group (p = 0.252). In conclusion, in nonelite men athletes lifetime training hours are associated with prolongation of signal-averaged P-wave duration and an increase in left atrial volume. The altered left atrial substrate may facilitate occurrence of AF. Increased vagal tone and atrial ectopy may serve as modifying and triggering factors.
Long-term endurance sports are associated with atrial remodeling and an increased risk for atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial flutter. Pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (pro-ANP) is a marker of atrial wall tension and elevated in patients with AF. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that atrial remodeling would be perpetuated by repetitive episodes of atrial stretching during strenuous competitions, reflected by elevated levels of pro-ANP. A cross-sectional study was performed on nonelite runners scheduled to participate in the 2010 Grand Prix of Bern, a 10-mile race. Four hundred ninety-two marathon and nonmarathon runners applied for participation, 70 were randomly selected, and 56 entered the final analysis. Subjects were stratified according to former marathon participations: a control group (nonmarathon runners, n = 22), group 1 (1 to 4 marathons, n = 16), and group 2 (≥5 marathons, n = 18). Results were adjusted for age, training years, and average weekly endurance training hours. The mean age was 42 ± 7 years. Compared to the control group, marathon runners in groups 1 and 2 had larger left atria (25 ± 6 vs 30 ± 6 vs 34 ± 7 ml/m(2), p = 0.002) and larger right atria (27 ± 7 vs 31 ± 8 vs 35 ± 5 ml/m(2), p = 0.024). Pro-ANP levels at baseline were higher in marathon runners (1.04 ± 0.38 vs 1.42 ± 0.74 vs 1.67 ± 0.69 nmol/L, p = 0.006). Pro-ANP increased significantly in all groups after the race. In multiple linear regression analysis, marathon participation was an independent predictor of left atrial (β = 0.427, p <0.001) and right atrial (β = 0.395, p = 0.006) remodeling. In conclusion, marathon running was associated with progressive left and right atrial remodeling, possibly induced by repetitive episodes of atrial stretching. The altered left and right atrial substrate may facilitate atrial arrhythmias.
Endurance athletes have an increased risk of atrial fibrillation. We performed a longitudinal study on elite runners of the 2010 Jungfrau Marathon, a Swiss mountain marathon, to determine acute effects of long-distance running on the atrial myocardium. Ten healthy male athletes were included and examined 9 to 1 week prior to the race, immediately after, and 1, 5, and 8 days after the race. Mean age was 34.9 ± 4.2 years, and maximum oxygen consumption was 66.8 ± 5.8 mL/kg*min. Mean race time was 243.9 ± 17.7 min. Electrocardiographic-determined signal-averaged P-wave duration (SAPWD) increased significantly after the race and returned to baseline levels during follow-up (128.7 ± 10.9 vs. 137.6 ± 9.8 vs. 131.5 ± 8.6 ms; P < 0.001). Left and right atrial volumes showed no significant differences over time, and there were no correlations of atrial volumes and SAPWD. Prolongation of the SAPWD was accompanied by a transient increase in levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, proinflammatory cytokines, total leucocytes, neutrophil granulocytes, pro atrial natriuretic peptide and high-sensitivity troponin. In conclusion, marathon running was associated with a transient conduction delay in the atria, acute inflammation and increased atrial wall tension. This may reflect exercise-induced atrial myocardial edema and may contribute to atrial remodeling over time, generating a substrate for atrial arrhythmias.