186 resultados para ASTYANAX


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We studied the diet and food resources partitioning by fishes from the Itaúna stream, municipality of Itatinga, Southeastern Brazil. Eighteen species of fish were collected, being Microlepidogaster sp., Hypostomus sp., Astyanax sp., Phalloceros caudimaculatus and Heptapterus sp. the most frequent and abundant ones. Regarding diet, the majority of the species were observed to be insectivorous (61%), while insectivorous-herbivorous and periphyton feeders ranked 22 and 17%, respectively. The food overlap analysis revealed many cases of similarity between the diets. For most cases, however, a detailed analysis of food items and spatial distribution of the species showed differences between the couples under analysis which points toward a reduction in competition for food.


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The subfamily Tetragonopterinae is composed by a large number of species distributed in South and Central America. This subfamily has many taxonomic and phylogenetic problems, being considered by several authors as an artificial group. With the objective to better understanding the relationships among the components of this fish group, cytogenetic studies were conduced on five species of Tetragonopterinae. Astyanax janeiroensis had 2n=50 chromosomes (6M+14SM+14ST+16A), Hyphessobrycon reticulatus had 2n=50 chromosomes (14M+20SM+16ST), Hollandichthys multifasciatus had 2n=50 chromosomes (10M+12SM+28ST), Ctenobrycon hauxwellianus had 2n=50 chromosomes (10M+6SM+34ST), and Phenacogaster cf. pectinatus had 2n=46 chromosomes (12M+2ST+32A). Only A. janeiroensis had multiple NORs, while all other species had simple NORs. Small heterochromatic blocks were observed in the chromosomes of all species in a pericentromeric position. A. janeiroensis also had some chromosomes with large heterochromatic blocks in a terminal position and a pair with an interstitial block. The karyotypic evolution of each genus is discussed.


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A survey was carried out on the fish species in the Sorocaba River basin, the main tributary of the left margin of the Tietê River, located in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The species were collected with gill nets. After identification of the specimens, their relative abundance, weight and standard length were determined. Up to the present moment there are not any studies that focus this subject in this hydrographic basin. Fifty-three species, distributed in eighteen families and six orders were collected. Characiformes were represented by twenty-eight species, Siluriformes by seventeen species, the Gymnotiformes by three species, Perciformes and Cyprinodontiformes by two species, and the Synbranchiformes by one species. Among the collected species there were two exotic. The most abundant species were Astyanax fasciatus and Hypostomus ancistroides. In relation to total weight the most representative species were Hoplias malabaricus and Hypostomus ancistroides. Cyprinus carpio, Prochilodus lineatus, Schizodon nasutus and Hoplias malabaricus were the most representative species in relation to average weight. Largest standard length were recorded for Sternopygus macrurus, Steindachnerina insculpta, Eigenmannia off. virescens and Cyprinus carpio.


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This work describes the relative condition factor of the Hypostomus strigaticeps, Astyanax altiparanae, Astyanax scabripinnis, Astyanax fasciatus, Astyanax sp1., Characidium aff. zebra, Piabina argentea, Hypostomus ancistroides, Hypostomus sp1., Parodon tortuosus, Serrapinus heterodon, and Bryconamericus sp., of the APA of São Pedro and Analândia (22°-23°S and 47°30'-48°30'W). The condition factor provides information about the physical state of the animal in the environment. In order to compare different species, the relative condition factor was used. Variations in this factor were correlated with variations through the year and with subsequent alterations in the physiological state of the fishes. The relative condition factor was shown to be efficient in indicating changes in fish condition throughout the year.


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The Juréia-Itatins Ecological Station (JIES) is one of the few protected areas in the state of São Paulo, which harbor a significant portion of the Atlantic forest. Although there is high diversity and endemism of fish species in this region, knowledge of the ichthyofauna in JIES is incipient. A total of 4,809 specimens belonging to six orders, 15 families and 31 species were captured during April 2009 to February 2010, using electrofishing, gillnets and traps. The family Characidae was predominant, mainly due to the abundance of freshwater species such as Astyanax ribeirae, Mimagoniates microlepis, and Hollandichthys multifasciatus. Although the estuarine regions were rarely sampled in this study, six brackish water species were captured. In this study, nine species previously unknown from JIES were discovered. Five endangered fish species, endemic to the Atlantic forest, occur at JIES, thus the presence of protected areas, as a conservation measure, is particularly relevant. © 2013 Check List and Authors.


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Historically, the ichthyofauna of large Brazilian rivers has been subject to anthropogenic interference, such as impoundments. Currently, cage fish farming systems are a new source of impact on aquatic ecosystems. The objective of this study was to characterise the impact of freshwater fish farms on the feeding of five species of Neotropical freshwater fish. Specimens of Astyanax altiparanae, Galeocharax knerii, Iheringicthys labrosus, Pimelodus maculatus and Plagioscion squamosissimus were sampled in areas around two systems of cage fish farming (CF), and two control areas (CT) that were not influenced by this activity. Results show that there were significant changes in the diet of trophic generalist species (A. altiparanae, P. maculatus and I. labrosus) accompanied by a related increase in the condition factor values of these species in cage areas. Trophic specialist species, such as the carnivorous fish species G. knerii and P. squamosissimus, presented small differences between the CF and CT areas with regard to diet and showed no differences in other analyses performed. In conclusion, cage fish farms can affect the natural diet of trophic generalist fish species, directly affecting the nutritional status (condition factor), where food wastes was found to be one of the principal items consumed by this trophic guild. Results indicate that these species are responsible for recycling a great quantity of organic matter transferred by this type of activity, which, along with local fishery activities, contribute to mitigation of associated processes of eutrophication. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a fauna parasitária de quatro espécies de peixes ornamentais capturados no rio Chumucuí, no município de Bragança-PA. Foram coletados um total de 307 peixes pertencentes a 4 espécies, sendo elas: Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae (olho de fogo, n = 23), Carnegiella strigata (borboleta, n = 37), Chilodus punctatus (cabeça-para-baixo, n = 7) e Astyanax bimaculatus (lambari, n = 240) coletados de junho de 2006 a dezembro de 2007. Foram observados 3 taxa parasitando os peixes: monogenéticos nas brânquias, nematóides (larvas de Capillaria sp. e Contracaecum sp.) no trato digestório e fígado e acantocéfalos (Quadrigyrus torquatus, Q. brasiliensis e Q. nickoli) no estômago e intestino. Astyanax bimaculatus apresentou maior prevalência de acantocéfalos na estação chuvosa, menor prevalência de nematóides na estação seca. Discute-se a eventual importância destes parasitas na exportação de peixes ornamentais.