Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has recently been introduced in diagnostic microbiology laboratories for the identification of bacterial and yeast strains isolated from clinical samples. In the present study, we prospectively compared MALDI-TOF MS to the conventional phenotypic method for the identification of routine isolates. Colonies were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS either by direct deposition on the target plate or after a formic acid-acetonitrile extraction step if no valid result was initially obtained. Among 1,371 isolates identified by conventional methods, 1,278 (93.2%) were putatively identified to the species level by MALDI-TOF MS and 73 (5.3%) were identified to the genus level, but no reliable identification was obtained for 20 (1.5%). Among the 1,278 isolates identified to the species level by MALDI-TOF MS, 63 (4.9%) discordant results were initially identified. Most discordant results (42/63) were due to systematic database-related taxonomical differences, 14 were explained by poor discrimination of the MALDI-TOF MS spectra obtained, and 7 were due to errors in the initial conventional identification. An extraction step was required to obtain a valid MALDI-TOF MS identification for 25.6% of the 1,278 valid isolates. In conclusion, our results show that MALDI-TOF MS is a fast and reliable technique which has the potential to replace conventional phenotypic identification for most bacterial strains routinely isolated in clinical microbiology laboratories.
A computerized handheld procedure is presented in this paper. It is intended as a database complementary tool, to enhance prospective risk analysis in the field of occupational health. The Pendragon forms software (version 3.2) has been used to implement acquisition procedures on Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and to transfer data to a computer in an MS-Access format. The data acquisition strategy proposed relies on the risk assessment method practiced at the Institute of Occupational Health Sciences (IST). It involves the use of a systematic hazard list and semi-quantitative risk assessment scales. A set of 7 modular forms has been developed to cover the basic need of field audits. Despite the minor drawbacks observed, the results obtained so far show that handhelds are adequate to support field risk assessment and follow-up activities. Further improvements must still be made in order to increase the tool effectiveness and field adequacy.
Introduced in 2008, the femtosecond laser is a promising new technological advance which plays an ever increasing role in cataract surgery where it automates the three main surgical steps: corneal incision, capsulotomy and lens fragmentation. The proven advantages over manual surgery are: a better quality of incision with reduced induced astigmatism; increased reliability and reproducibility of the capsulotomy with increased stability of the implanted lens; a reduction in the use of ultrasound. Regarding refractive results or safety, however, no prospective randomized study to date has shown significant superiority compared with standard manual technique. The significant extra cost generated by this laser, undertaken by the patient, is a limiting factor for both its use and study. This review outlines the potential benefits of femtosecond-laser-assisted cataract surgery due to the automation of key steps and the safety of this new technology.
This paper provides a simple theoretical framework to discuss the relationship between assisted reproductive technologies and the microeconomics of fertility choice. Individuals make choices of education and work along with decisions about whether and when to have children. Decisions regarding fertility are influenced by policy and labor market factors that affect the earnings opportunities of mothers and the costs of raising children. We show how observed differences in these economic factors across countries explain observed different fertility and childbearing age patterns. We then use the model to predict behavioral responses to biomedical improvements in assisted reproductive technologies, and hence the impact of these technologies on fertility.
An ammonium chloride erythrocyte-lysing procedure was used to prepare a bacterial pellet from positive blood cultures for direct matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry analysis. Identification was obtained for 78.7% of the pellets tested. Moreover, 99% of the MALDI-TOF identifications were congruent at the species level when considering valid scores. This fast and accurate method is promising.
Freehand positioning of the femoral drill guide is difficult during hip resurfacing and the surgeon is often unsure of the implant position achieved peroperatively. The purpose of this study was to find out whether, by using a navigation system, acetabular and femoral component positioning could be made easier and more precise. Eighteen patients operated on by the same surgeon were matched by sex, age, BMI, diagnosis and ASA score (nine patients with computer assistance, nine with the regular ancillary). Pre-operative planning was done on standard AP and axial radiographs with CT scan views for the computer-assisted operations. The final position of implants was evaluated by the same radiographs for all patients. The follow-up was at least 1 year. No difference between both groups in terms of femoral component position was observed (p > 0.05). There was also no difference in femoral notching. A trend for a better cup position was observed for the navigated hips, especially for cup anteversion. There was no additional operating time for the navigated hips. Hip navigation for resurfacing surgery may allow improved visualisation and hip implant positioning, but its advantage probably will be more obvious with mini-incisions than with regular incision surgery.
Introduction: In order to improve safety of pedicle screw placement several techniques have been developed. More recently robotically assisted pedicle insertion has been introduced aiming at increasing accuracy. The aim of this study was to compare this new technique with the two main pedicle insertion techniques in our unit namely fluoroscopically assisted vs EMG aided insertion. Material and methods: A total of 382 screws (78 thoracic,304 lumbar) were introduced in 64 patients (m/f = 1.37, equally distributed between insertion technique groups) by a single experienced spinal surgeon. From those, 64 (10 thoracic, 54 lumbar) were introduced in 11 patients using a miniature robotic device based on pre operative CT images under fluoroscopic control. 142 (4 thoracic, 138 lumbar) screws were introduced using lateral fluoroscopy in 27 patients while 176 (64 thoracic, 112 lumbar) screws in 26 patients were inserted using both fluoroscopy and EMG monitoring. There was no difference in the distribution of scoliotic spines between the 3 groups (n = 13). Screw position was assessed by an independent observer on CTs in axial, sagittal and coronal planes using the Rampersaud A to D classification. Data of lumbar and thoracic screws were processed separately as well as data obtained from axial, sagittal and coronal CT planes. Results: Intra- and interobserver reliability of the Rampersaud classification was moderate, (0.35 and 0.45 respectively) being the least good on axial plane. The total number of misplaced screws (C&D grades) was generally low (12 thoracic and 12 lumbar screws). Misplacement rates were same in straight and scoliotic spines. The only difference in misplacement rates was observed on axial and coronal images in the EMG assisted thoracic screw group with a higher proportion of C or D grades (p <0.05) in that group. Recorded compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) values of the inserted screws were 30.4 mA for the robot and 24.9mA for the freehand technique with a CI of 3.8 of the mean difference of 5.5 mA. Discussion: Robotic placement did improve the placement of thoracic screws but not that of lumbar screws possibly because our misplacement rates in general near that of published navigation series. Robotically assisted spine surgery might therefore enhance the safety of screw placement in particular in training settings were different users at various stages of their learning curve are involved in pedicle instrumentation.
Acetabular cup orientation is a key factor determining hip stability, and standard mechanical guides have shown little help in improving alignment. An in vitro study was carried out to compare the accuracy and precision of a new gravity-assisted guidance system with a standard mechanical guide. Three hundred ten cups were impacted by 5 surgeons, and the final cup orientation was measured. With the new guide, the average error in anteversion was 0.4 degrees , compared with 10.4 degrees with the standard guide and 0.3 degrees and -4.7 degrees , respectively, for abduction angles. The average time required for orienting the cups was similar for both guides. The accuracy and reproducibility obtained with the new guide were better (P < .0001). These good results would require a clinical validation.
With the outbreak of an epidemic neuropathy (EN) of unknown ethiology, a study of the prevalence and factors associated to the disease was carried out in the Zamora community, municipality of Marianao, Havana City. There were 11 patients identified with EN for a prevalence rate of 1.7/100. The major risk group was the one between 45 and 64 years of age, female sex, black skin. In the univaried analysis, a high prevalence ratio (PR) was found linked to beverage intake (PR=5.32 95%; confidence intervals (CI) = 1.2-24.4), frequent drugs intake (PR=6.59; CI=1.8-24.6), consumption of edible of non certified fats (PR=4.48; CI=1.2-16.7) and the smoking habit (PR=3.6; CI=1.1-12.2). More than73/100 (CI= 68.7-78.3) of the people under serologic study were infected with Coxsakie virus A-9 (strain 47) isolated from a patient still under research. It seems there are many factors like linder intake, antecedents of hemorrhagic conjuntivitis, nutritional aspects and others that, with the virus isolated were associated with this epidemiologic situation.
Rapport de Synthèse : Un sevrage lent comme méthode élective pour l'interruption de la méthadone est coûteux en termes de temps, le plus souvent associé à un taux élevé d'abandon. Bien que les méthodes ultrarapides de désintoxication des opiacés aient gagné en popularité récemment, elles sont chères et posent les problèmes spécifiques liés aux patients traités par la méthadone. Méthodologie: ont été inclus dans l'étude dix patients en traitement de substitution avec de la méthadone. La dernière dose de méthadone a été administrée le matin même du jour de l'admission, en préalable à l'hospitalisation. Les médicaments suivants ont été administrés le jour suivant l'admission: ondansetron 36mg, ranitidine 40mg, loperamide 8m., clonazepam 4m., promazine 1OOmg, metoclopramide 70mg, naltrexone 5Omg. L'échelle objective de sevrage des opiacés (Objective Opiate Withdrawal Scale) a été appliquée au deuxième, troisième et quatrième jour d'hospitalisation, deux fois par jour, à 8h00 et 18h00. Un suivi a été réalisé sous la forme d'entretiens téléphoniques pendant une semaine, respectivement six mois après la date de sortie de l'hôpital, faisant suite à la désintoxication. Un autre entretient téléphonique a été réalisé dans les six mois suivant le "post-sevrage", avec pour objectif d'investiguer la continuité du traitément, une éventuelle rechute dans l'abus de drogues et une possible réintroduction de la méthadone. Résultats: nous avons pu déterminer quatre groupes de symptômes, sur la base d'une observation de trois jours d'évolution: 1) Les signes typiques du syndrome de sevrage de retrait des opiacés, symptôme de froid et chaud, pilo-érection, anxiété caractérisée par une intensité initiale élevée et une disparition relativement continue. 2) Hyperactivité neurovégétative caractérisée par une intensité initiale élevée et une rapide disparition. 3) Phénomènes neurovégétatifs dont l'intensité s'est maintenue durant toute la période d'observation. 4) Contractions musculaires, insomnies et anorexie, manque d'appétit, réapparaissant chez certains patients au 2ème et au début du 3ème jour. Conclusions: une procédure courte de désintoxication utilisant une dose unique de naltrexone s'avère être une méthode alternative valable pour un sevrage de la méthadone. Cette méthode semble accélérer et écourter la symptomatologie associée au sevrage. Le cours des symptômes peut être interprété comme biphasique. Une première phase de retrait est éminemment caractérisée par tous les symptômes typiques eux-mêmes et probablement induits par la naltrexone. La seconde phase, pour un plus petit nombre de patients, peut être interprétée comme en corrélation avec une concentration de méthadone en diminution significative ultérieurement.
Migmatites produced by low-pressure anatexis of basic dykes are found in a contact metamorphic aureole around a pyroxenite-gabbro intrusion (PX2), on Fuerteventura. Dykes outside and inside the aureole record interaction with meteoric water, with low or negative delta O-18 whole-rock values (+0.2 to -3.4 parts per thousand), decreasing towards the contact. Recrystallised plagioclase, diopside, biotite and oxides, from within the aureole, show a similar evolution with lowest delta O-18 values (-2.8, -4.2, - 4.4 and -7.6 parts per thousand, respectively) in the migmatite zone, close to the intrusion. Relict clinopyroxene phenocrysts preserved in all dykes, retain typically magmatic delta O-18 values up to the anatectic zone, where the values are lower and more heterogeneous. Low delta O-18 values, decreasing towards the intrusion, can be ascribed to the advection of meteoric water during magma emplacement, with increasing fluid/rock ratios (higher dyke intensities towards the intrusion acting as fluid-pathways) and higher temperatures promoting increasing exchange during recrystallisation.