378 resultados para ARM9 Linux


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在L inux操作系统中利用ROOT数据软件包,可以开发出稳定可靠的远程数据获取系统。可以通过In tranet网络协议远程获取来自CAM AC机箱控制器的大量前端实验数据,并通过ROOT软件包开发用户操作图形界面,对数据进行离线分析。利用带有三种灵活数据接口方式:以太网、PC I和V SB接口的CAM AC机箱控制器-GTBC,并对其内含的嵌入式系统芯片进行网络服务器编程。可对实验数据进行稳定可靠的远程存取和图谱分析。


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HIRFL-CSR(Heavy Ion Research Facility at LanZhou-Cooling Storage Ring兰州重离子冷却储存环)是国家重大科学工程,其控制系统是一个庞大的系统,由许多分控制系统组成,磁场电源控制系统是CSR控制系统中很重要的一部分。加速器运行的所有过程都为电源所控制,所以我们的控制系统的直接控制对象就是磁场电源。为了保证CSR正常运行,控制过程波形的跟踪精度、速度和稳定度,是数字电源调节器的关键所在。电源控制系统以嵌入式处理器ARM、现场可编程门阵列FPGA为核心,实现了远程数据采集、网络通讯和自动控制等功能。本系统可以进行现场监控与调试,也可以通过集成的100Mbps以太网接口电路进行远程监测与控制,CSR上各处输出电压值和电源运行状态自动传送到中央控制中心,中控中心也可以发送命令查询当前电源设备状态和各种读数。本文主要介绍了基于ARM和FPGA的嵌入式电源控制系统的设计与实现。内容主要包括:(1)系统各部分硬件电路设计与电源控制功能实现 ,硬件系统调试 。(2)装载嵌入式Linux操作系统,测试平台接口信号,通过FPGA生成多路数字PWM波形。本文目的是解决CSR电源控制系统问题,但对于许多远程数据采集与控制等问题的解决有重要参考价值


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HIRFL-CSR(兰州重离子冷却储存环)是国家“九五”重大科学工程之一。CSR控制系统是保证CSR正常运行的重要环节。这是一个基于以太网的分布式控制系统,它由两部分组成:总体控制服务器系统和前端控制服务器系统。 本文介绍了应用于CSR前端控制系统中的嵌入式总线控制器。首先介绍了嵌入式总线控制器的硬件设计方案。系统以32位高速双以太网处理器JUPITER为核心。JUPITER是一款低成本、高性能、建立在以太网系统基础之上的处理器。该系统的外阴电路主要包括存储模块、接日模块、总线控制模块。接口模块有RS485、RS232和网络接口电路。其次论述了嵌入式操作系统uClinux的体系结构以及uClinux与标准Linux的不同之处。论文从uClinux的内核结构出发,讨论了源代码的组织结构,概括分析了uClinuxlj勺内存管理、进程管理。最后介绍了uClinujx统的移植方法和应用实现。uClinux移植主要包括引导装载程序、uClinux内核和文件系统三个部分。在引导装载程序的移植过程中,论文重点给出了一种固化引导装载程序的方法;在uClinux内核移植中,讨沦了交叉编译环境l为建立和uClinux内核配置方法,总结了uClinux内核移植的层次结构和具体的移植过程。沦文通过对嵌入式处理器的分析,以及对嵌入式操作系统移植的探讨,展示了嵌入式系统开发的核心技术,对眠入系统的开发应用具有一定的实际意义。


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随着计算机应用从桌面环境扩展到移动环境,计算机用户从专业化走向大 众化,传统的 WIMP界面的缺点逐渐体现出来。笔式用户界面作为 Post-WIMP 界面的一种重要形式,具有自然、和谐的交互特性,成为当前研究的热点之一。 针对这一方向,本文对笔式用户界面范式展开了研究。首先,本文阐述了一种 新的基于笔交互的界面范式 PGIS,定义了纸、小工具等交互组件,以及各种组 件的显示形态及交互形式。然后,实现了 PGIS 界面,包括交互对象的管理、 显示等内容。最后,详细介绍了 PGIS 界面的使用过程,并用一个应用实例加 以验证。为了支持上层应用程序的可移植性和可维护性,PGIS界面的使用采用 了模型驱动构架的开发思想。目前,我们基于 PGIS 界面开发了几款优秀的笔 式交互软件,如幼儿教学系统、便签本系统、篮球战术板系统等。这些系统完 全满足用户对笔交互应用程序的需求,目前可在 Linux 系统、Windows 系统等 多种系统上运行。PGIS界面范式的可行性也因此得到了很好的验证。 本文的主要内容有以下几点: 1. 阐述了一种 Post-WIMP范畴下的新的界面范式:PGIS。 本文在对Post-WIMP界面做了充分地理解和分析的基础上,阐述了一种新 的界面范式:PGIS。这是一种基于笔交互的界面范式,文中对该范式的纸笔隐 喻方式、所包含的内容、各交互组件的表现形式、以及各组件间的静态及动态 关系做出了详细的描述。 2. 实现了PGIS界面。 为了验证PGIS界面范式的可行性,并直接支持基于 PGIS范式的应用程序 开发,本文详细介绍了PGIS界面的实现细节,其中包括PGIS界面中所包含的 元素、PGIS界面中交互对象的显示、交互对象的管理、以及交互对象对基本原 语的转换和响应。 3. 介绍了 PGIS界面的使用过程。 整个使用过程采用模型驱动架构的思想,引入对以下三个子模块的调用: 与平台相关的底层核心库和 PGIS 引擎、与平台无关的场景设计工具。这三个 子模块决定了上层应用程序的可移植性和可维护性。另外,场景设计工具提供 了代码自动生成的功能,大幅度缩短了应用程序的开发周期。 4. 实现了一个基于 PGIS界面的幼儿教学系统。 为了说明 PGIS界面的使用流程,本文设计并实现了一个基于PGIS界面的 幼儿教学系统。在开发过程中,大部分工作在场景设计工具中快速完成,小部 分工具集中在数据管理库、场景任务库的开发上。该系统的评估结果很好地验 证了 PGIS界面范式的可行性。


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在现代文件系统中,用户只能访问文件和目录的当前版本,而无法查看文件和目录的改变过程。用户可能无意地或错误地对文件执行了删除或修改操作,或者执行了一段恶意脚本,导致一系列文件遭到破坏。如果能够记录文件和目录的修改过程,并且可以方便地恢复某次操作破坏的一系列文件,这对用户是相当有帮助的。本文把一个进程在其执行过程中对文件的一系列修改称为一个事件。 文件系统可以通过文件版本化技术来记录文件的修改过程。文件版本化技术包括两种:快照技术和单文件版本化技术。这两种技术都没有提供用户一种方便有效的方法来撤销一个进程对多个文件的一系列修改,无法撤消一个事件对文件的改变。所以,本文在单文件版本化技术的基础上提出了基于事件的文件系统恢复技术,并设计实现了一个具有事件恢复功能的文件系统GobackFS(Go back file system,简称GobackFS)。本文的主要贡献体现在以下几点: (1) 针对如何恢复一个进程在其运行过程中改变的一系列文件这一问题,本文提出了基于事件的文件系统恢复技术,并通过一个实例——GobackFS文件系统,给出了基于事件的文件系统恢复技术的一种设计与实现。 (2) 对用户完全透明的系统设计和实现。GobackFS文件系统透明地创建文件版本,记录文件的改变过程。在GobackFS文件系统中,如果文件以写标志打开时,创建一个新的文件版本,在文件每一次打开和关闭期间最多创建一个新版本。文件的访问权限和所有权发生变化时,创建新的文件子版本。GobackFS文件系统透明地记录改变文件的事件信息。在创建文件版本和子版本时,记录触发文件版本创建的事件信息。 (3) 提供了简单易用的使用接口。在GobackFS文件系统中,用户可以通过一条简单的命令来查看某段时间内哪些事件对文件做了更改,某个事件对哪些文件做了更改,并且通过一条命令就可以撤销某个事件对一系列文件的更改。另外,用户还可以方便的查看单个文件的所有保留版本,并可以恢复到任意版本。 (4) 方便移植的系统架构。GobackFS文件系统基于FUSE框架实现,是一个用户空间文件系统,可以方便地移植到多个Unix/Linux系统中使用,而不需要对内核做任何修改,也不需要复杂的配置。


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Este documento consiste no estudo, análise e identificação de uma solução voltada para a recuperação de dados no Sistema Gerenciador de Banco de Dados (SGBD) PostgreSQL. A solução em recuperação de dados, aqui apresentada, foi testada e direcionada para o sistema operacional Linux Ubuntu, porém a mesma é compatível com outras distribuições, bem como passível de ser implementada e executada em outros sistemas operacionais, nos quais funcionam o SGBD PostgreSQL, resguardadas as suas respectivas peculiaridades, ou, basicamente, a nomenclatura e o formato dos comandos empregados relativos ao sistema operacional adotado.


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Este documento apresenta os procedimentos para instalação e utilização do sistema NAVLivre 1.0, um software de código livre desenvolvido para o processamento automático de imagens do sensor Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) a bordo dos satélites da National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). O NAVLivre é uma derivação do sistema NAVPRO, criado pela Embrapa Informática Agropecuária em parceria com a Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), que contou com o repasse do pacote computacional NAV (NAVigation), desenvolvido pelo Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research (CCAR), da Universidade do Colorado, Boulder, EUA. O diferencial do NAVLivre é a ausência dos módulos desenvolvidos em Interactive Data Language (IDL), presentes no NAVPRO, e dependentes de softwares proprietários. O NAVLivre é um pacote totalmente livre, que realiza de forma automática as principais etapas do processamento das imagens NOAA, como a correção radiométrica, o georreferenciamento preciso e a geração da imagem final em formato GeoTIFF, compatível com os principais pacotes de processamento de imagens. O NAVLivre é executado em plataforma Linux e foi implementado em script c-shell e linguagem C. Seu uso é indicado aos usuários avançados de imagens NOAA, que demandam o processamento em lote de grandes volumes de dados. As rotinas e scripts aqui descritos são de domínio público, podendo ser alterados conforme necessidade do usuário.


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Mesmo que o Windows ainda seja, disparado, o sistema operacional mais utilizado e conhecido pelas pessoas no mundo todo, o Linux vem se difundindo cada vez mais em diversos nichos da população, sejam profissionais de informática ou não. Uma das grandes vantagens do Linux sobre seu concorrente é a diversidade de comandos que seu terminal shell (interface de linha de comando) possui, o que se tornou uma característica forte deste sistema operacional. O awk é um desses comandos que faz o terminal shell do Linux ser a marca forte desse sistema. É um comando tão importante e com tantas funcionalidades que muitos o confundem com uma linguagem de programação. O presente trabalho procura fazer uma pequena introdução sobre as principais possibilidades de utilização do awk, desde a construção de simples linhas de comando até a programação de pequenos scripts para execução no shell do Linux.


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O documento descreve o processo de instalação de ambientes virtuais para servidores, utilizando o hypervisor Xen e tendo-se um sistema Linux Ubuntu (Lucid release) como Dom0. Descreve-se o processo de instalação do Xen 3.3 e 4.0 e também a instalação de hóspedes HVM (totalmente virtualizados) e PV (paravirtualizados). São apresentados também alguns testes comparando o desempenho de sistemas rodando em máquinas reais e em máquinas virtuais.


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Internet Traffic Managers (ITMs) are special machines placed at strategic places in the Internet. itmBench is an interface that allows users (e.g. network managers, service providers, or experimental researchers) to register different traffic control functionalities to run on one ITM or an overlay of ITMs. Thus itmBench offers a tool that is extensible and powerful yet easy to maintain. ITM traffic control applications could be developed either using a kernel API so they run in kernel space, or using a user-space API so they run in user space. We demonstrate the flexibility of itmBench by showing the implementation of both a kernel module that provides a differentiated network service, and a user-space module that provides an overlay routing service. Our itmBench Linux-based prototype is free software and can be obtained from http://www.cs.bu.edu/groups/itm/.


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Current low-level networking abstractions on modern operating systems are commonly implemented in the kernel to provide sufficient performance for general purpose applications. However, it is desirable for high performance applications to have more control over the networking subsystem to support optimizations for their specific needs. One approach is to allow networking services to be implemented at user-level. Unfortunately, this typically incurs costs due to scheduling overheads and unnecessary data copying via the kernel. In this paper, we describe a method to implement efficient application-specific network service extensions at user-level, that removes the cost of scheduling and provides protected access to lower-level system abstractions. We present a networking implementation that, with minor modifications to the Linux kernel, passes data between "sandboxed" extensions and the Ethernet device without copying or processing in the kernel. Using this mechanism, we put a customizable networking stack into a user-level sandbox and show how it can be used to efficiently process and forward data via proxies, or intermediate hosts, in the communication path of high performance data streams. Unlike other user-level networking implementations, our method makes no special hardware requirements to avoid unnecessary data copies. Results show that we achieve a substantial increase in throughput over comparable user-space methods using our networking stack implementation.


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This paper presents a new approach to window-constrained scheduling, suitable for multimedia and weakly-hard real-time systems. We originally developed an algorithm, called Dynamic Window-Constrained Scheduling (DWCS), that attempts to guarantee no more than x out of y deadlines are missed for real-time jobs such as periodic CPU tasks, or delay-constrained packet streams. While DWCS is capable of generating a feasible window-constrained schedule that utilizes 100% of resources, it requires all jobs to have the same request periods (or intervals between successive service requests). We describe a new algorithm called Virtual Deadline Scheduling (VDS), that provides window-constrained service guarantees to jobs with potentially different request periods, while still maximizing resource utilization. VDS attempts to service m out of k job instances by their virtual deadlines, that may be some finite time after the corresponding real-time deadlines. Notwithstanding, VDS is capable of outperforming DWCS and similar algorithms, when servicing jobs with potentially different request periods. Additionally, VDS is able to limit the extent to which a fraction of all job instances are serviced late. Results from simulations show that VDS can provide better window-constrained service guarantees than other related algorithms, while still having as good or better delay bounds for all scheduled jobs. Finally, an implementation of VDS in the Linux kernel compares favorably against DWCS for a range of scheduling loads.


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With the increased use of "Virtual Machines" (VMs) as vehicles that isolate applications running on the same host, it is necessary to devise techniques that enable multiple VMs to share underlying resources both fairly and efficiently. To that end, one common approach is to deploy complex resource management techniques in the hosting infrastructure. Alternately, in this paper, we advocate the use of self-adaptation in the VMs themselves based on feedback about resource usage and availability. Consequently, we define a "Friendly" VM (FVM) to be a virtual machine that adjusts its demand for system resources, so that they are both efficiently and fairly allocated to competing FVMs. Such properties are ensured using one of many provably convergent control rules, such as AIMD. By adopting this distributed application-based approach to resource management, it is not necessary to make assumptions about the underlying resources nor about the requirements of FVMs competing for these resources. To demonstrate the elegance and simplicity of our approach, we present a prototype implementation of our FVM framework in User-Mode Linux (UML)-an implementation that consists of less than 500 lines of code changes to UML. We present an analytic, control-theoretic model of FVM adaptation, which establishes convergence and fairness properties. These properties are also backed up with experimental results using our prototype FVM implementation.


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Server performance has become a crucial issue for improving the overall performance of the World-Wide Web. This paper describes Webmonitor, a tool for evaluating and understanding server performance, and presents new results for a realistic workload. Webmonitor measures activity and resource consumption, both within the kernel and in HTTP processes running in user space. Webmonitor is implemented using an efficient combination of sampling and event-driven techniques that exhibit low overhead. Our initial implementation is for the Apache World-Wide Web server running on the Linux operating system. We demonstrate the utility of Webmonitor by measuring and understanding the performance of a Pentium-based PC acting as a dedicated WWW server. Our workload uses a file size distribution with a heavy tail. This captures the fact that Web servers must concurrently handle some requests for large audio and video files, and a large number of requests for small documents, containing text or images. Our results show that in a Web server saturated by client requests, over 90% of the time spent handling HTTP requests is spent in the kernel. Furthermore, keeping TCP connections open, as required by TCP, causes a factor of 2-9 increase in the elapsed time required to service an HTTP request. Data gathered from Webmonitor provide insight into the causes of this performance penalty. Specifically, we observe a significant increase in resource consumption along three dimensions: the number of HTTP processes running at the same time, CPU utilization, and memory utilization. These results emphasize the important role of operating system and network protocol implementation in determining Web server performance.