997 resultados para APRIL-1995-D4
Beach seine fishery is one of the oldest fishing methods practiced in Sri Lanka. In the recent past several modifications were observed in the structure of the net and the material used in the construction of nets. beach seine nets made of nylon material were also reported at 4 operating sites out of 17-beach seine landing centers in the Hambantota District. However, traditional beach seine nets made of coir and kuralon were the common nets used in the area. Fishing season extends from September to April of the following year. However, beach seining at Mawella was carried out throughout the year. The estimated average annual effort for the entire study area was about 4250 operations. The mean annual catch rate at Mawella, Kalametiya and Welipatanwila were estimated as 81.8, 290.7, and 167.3 kg/operation respectively. The mean annual catch rate for the entire study area was estimated as 157.3 kg/operation. The beach seines recorded an estimated annual production of 662mt in the Hambantota district. Stoleophorous sp. has made the major contribution to the beach seine catches and it was about 31.7% of the total beach seine production. Leiognathus sp. Carangids and Trichuras sp. have produced 11.5%, 9.5% and 8.5% respectively while Amblygaster sirm and other Sardinella sp. have produced 5.5% and 4.9% respectively. A sirm was found during the months of November, February, March and July. The size range of A. sirm caught by beach seine during February –March period was in the range of 5-12cm (total length). Contribution by Rastrelliger sp. and Sphyreana sp. were 2.9% and 2.6% by each category. Average income of a beach seine operation at Mawella, Kalametiya and Welipatanwila were Rs. 3330/=, 10250/= and 6222/= per operation respectively.
We present a new climatology of atmospheric aerosols (primarily pyrogenic and biogenic) for the Brazilian tropics on the basis of a high-quality data set of spectral aerosol optical depth and directional sky radiance measurements from Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) Cimel Sun-sky radiometers at more than 15 sites distributed across the Amazon basin and adjacent Cerrado region. This network is the only long-term project (with a record including observations from more than 11 years at some locations) ever to have provided ground-based remotely-sensed column aerosol properties for this critical region. Distinctive features of the Amazonian area aerosol are presented by partitioning the region into three aerosol regimes: southern Amazonian forest, Cerrado, and northern Amazonian forest. The monitoring sites generally include measurements from the interval 1999-2006, but some sites have measurement records that date back to the initial days of the AERONET program in 1993. Seasonal time series of aerosol optical depth (AOD), angstrom ngstrom exponent, and columnar-averaged microphysical properties of the aerosol derived from sky radiance inversion techniques (single-scattering albedo, volume size distribution, fine mode fraction of AOD, etc.) are described and contrasted for the defined regions. During the wet season, occurrences of mineral dust penetrating deep into the interior were observed.
Hrsg. vom Deutsch-israelitischen Gemeindebund
Enth. außerdem: Rede von Rabbi Fassel bei der Verleihung des Verdienstkreuzes
From July 4 to 18,1995 surface chlorophyll a concentrations (C_cs) and integral primary production (C_ps) were studied in the northeastern part of the Norwegian Sea (73°42'N; 13°16'E), over a test area where an accident of the nuclear submarine Komsomolets had taken place. It was found that during this interval C_cs decreased by factor of about 3.3 (from 0.78 to 0.24 mg/m**3); average chlorophyll concentration within the photo-synthetic layer (C_cl) decreased by factor of about 3.5 (from 0.97 to 0.28 mg/m**3). The value of C_ps in the water column varied slightly (from 445 to 539 mg C/m**2 per day), since decrease in C_cl was compensated both by 1.5-fold growth of the photosynthetic layer thickness (from 40 to 60 m) and by 2.1-fold increase in its average assimilation number (from 0.58 to 1.20 mg C/mg chl a per hour). Monthly averages of C_ps were obtained from published data on seasonal C_cs changes and on the level of incident solar irradiation. They were found to be less than 100 mg C/m**2 per day in March and October and 100-500 mg C/m**2 per day in April-June. Annual primary production calculated from above values was equal to 105 g C/m**2.
The HCMR_SES_LAGRANGIAN_GR1_ MICROBIAL PARAMETERS dataset is based on samples collected in the framework of the project SESAME, in the North Aegean Sea during April 2008. The objectives were to measure the standing stocks and calculate the production of the microbial compartment of the food web, describe the vertical distribution pattern and characterize its structure and function through the water column as influenced by the BSW. Heterotrophic bacteria, Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus and Virus abundance: Subsamples for virus, heterotrophic bacteria and cyanobacteria (Synechococcus spp. and Prochlorococcus spp.) counting were analyzed using a FACSCalibur (Becton Dickinson) flow cytometer equipped with a standard laser (488 nm) and filter set and using deionized water as sheath fluid. Fluorescent beads with a diameter of 0.97 µm (Polysciences) were added to each sample as an internal standard, and all parameters were normalized to the beads and expressed as relative units. SYBRGreen I stain (Molecular Probe) was used to stain viral and heterotrophic bacterial DNA. Viruses were counted according to (Brussaard 1984). In order to avoid bulk consentrations of viruses samples we dilluted to Tris-EDTA (pH=8,0) buffer to a final sollution of 1/5 to 1/100. Total abundance and nucleid content classes were calculated using the Paint-A-Gate software (Becton Dickinson). Heterotrophic Nanoflagellate abundance: Subsamples (30-150 ml) were concentrated on 25mm black polycarbonate filters of porosity 0.6µm and stained with DAPI for 10 min (Porter and Feig 1980). Under epifluorescence microscopy heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN) were distinguished using UV and blue excitation and enumerated. Nanoflagellates were classified in size categories and the biovolume was calculated. Ciliate abundance: For ciliate identification and enumeration, 100-3000 ml samples were left for 24h-4d for sedimentation and then observed under an inverted microscope. Ciliates were counted, distinguished into size-classes and major taxonomic groups and identified down to genus or species level where possible (Pitta et al. 2005). Heterotrophic bacteria, Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus biomass: Subsamples for virus, heterotrophic bacteria and cyanobacteria (Synechococcus spp. and Prochlorococcus spp.) counting were analyzed using a FACSCalibur (Becton Dickinson) flow cytometer equipped with a standard laser (488 nm) and filter set and using deionized water as sheath fluid. Fluorescent beads with a diameter of 0.97 µm (Polysciences) were added to each sample as an internal standard, and all parameters were normalized to the beads and expressed as relative units. SYBRGreen I stain (Molecular Probe) was used to stain viral and heterotrophic bacterial DNA. Viruses were counted according to (Brussaard 1984). In order to avoid bulk consentrations of viruses samples we dilluted to Tris-EDTA (pH=8,0) buffer to a final sollution of 1/5 to 1/100. Total abundance and nucleid content classes were calculated using the Paint-A-Gate software (Becton Dickinson). Abundance data were converted into C biomass using 250 fgC cell-1 (Kana & Glibert 1987) for Synechococcus, 50 fgC cell-1 (Campbell et al. 1994) for Prochlorococcus and 20fgC cell-1 (Lee & Fuhrman 1987) for heterotrophic bacteria. Heterotrophic Nanoflagellate biomass: Subsamples (30-150 ml) were concentrated on 25mm black polycarbonate filters of porosity 0.6µm and stained with DAPI for 10 min (Porter and Feig 1980). Under epifluorescence microscopy heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN) were distinguished using UV and blue excitation and enumerated. Nanoflagellates were classified in size categories and the biovolume was calculated. Abundance data were converted into C biomass using 183 fgC µm**3 (Caron et al. 1995). Ciliate biomass: For ciliate identification and enumeration, 100-3000 ml samples were left for 24h-4d for sedimentation and then observed under an inverted microscope. Ciliates were counted, distinguished into size-classes and major taxonomic groups and identified down to genus or species level where possible (Pitta et al. 2005). Ciliate cell sizes were measured and converted into cell volumes using appropriate geometric formulae using image analysis. For biomass estimation, the conversion factor 190 fgC µm**3 was used (Putt and Stoecker 1989).
Summary. How do we ensure that public policy represents the interests of all, rather than a select few? How will we ensure it draws upon the best insights and talents of key stakeholders? The European Commission’s DG CONNECT recently announced the results of its Stakeholder Engagement Survey, which is designed to ‘provide empirical results and feedback about existing practices and signal gaps and challenges for action in the area of stakeholder engagement.’ (Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Stakeholders Unit D4, 2013, p.4). The survey launched a new round of reflection on the Commission’s relations with its stakeholders by asking respondents to reflect on the way in which they interact with DG CONNECT. The strategic objective is to see how ICTs can be used in novel ways to enhance support for policymaking from stakeholders in the EU. The Stakeholder Engagement Survey makes a start at answering critical questions about use of ICT as a tool to build ‘smarter policy’ as part of DG CONNECT’s wider step toward defining a strategy for stakeholder engagement. This IES Policy Brief welcomes this current work-in-progress, and outlines some of the challenges that may await the European Commission as it seeks to exploit the full potential of ICT in stakeholder engagement. It provides an initial analysis of the results of this first Stakeholder Engagement Survey, and concludes that whilst many things have changed with regards to tools that policymakers can use to elicit input into policymaking, certain challenges have remained very much the same.
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"March 30 and April 6, 1995"--Pt. 2.