985 resultados para ALUMINUM OXIDE
Objective: This study evaluated the influence of different surface treatments on the resin bond strength/light-cured characterizing materials (LCCMs), using the intrinsic characterization technique. The intrinsic technique is characterized by the use of LCCMs between the increments of resin composite (resin/thin film of LCCM/external layer of resin covering the LCCM).Materials and Methods: Using a silicone matrix, 240 blocks of composite (Z350/3M ESPE) were fabricated. The surfaces received different surface treatments, totaling four groups (n=60): Group C (control group), no surface treatment was used; Group PA, 37% phosphoric acid for one minute and washing the surface for two minutes; Group RD, roughening with diamond tip; and Group AO, aluminum oxide. Each group was divided into four subgroups (n=15), according to the LCCMs used: Subgroup WT, White Tetric Color pigment (Ivoclar/Vivadent) LCCM; Subgroup BT, Black Tetric Color pigment (Ivoclar/Vivadent) LCCM; Subgroup WK, White Kolor Plus pigment (Kerr) LCCM; Subgroup BK, Brown Kolor Plus pigment (Kerr) LCCM. All materials were used according to the manufacturer's instructions. After this, block composites were fabricated over the LCCMs. Specimens were sectioned and submitted to microtensile testing to evaluate the bond strength at the interface. Data were submitted to two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (surface treatment and LCCMs) and Tukey tests.Results: ANOVA presented a value of p<0.05. The mean values (+/- SD) for the factor surface treatment were as follows: Group C, 30.05 MPa (+/- 5.88)a; Group PA, 23.46 MPa (+/- 5.45)b; Group RD, 21.39 MPa (+/- 6.36)b; Group AO, 15.05 MPa (+/- 4.57)c. Groups followed by the same letters do not present significant statistical differences. The control group presented significantly higher bond strength values than the other groups. The group that received surface treatment with aluminum oxide presented significantly lower bond strength values than the other groups.Conclusion: Surface treatments of composite with phosphoric acid, diamond tip, and aluminum oxide significantly diminished the bond strength between composite and the LCCMs.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Pós-graduação em Reabilitação Oral - FOAR
O sucesso das restaurações metálicas indiretas depende, dentre outros fatores, de uma união eficaz entre a estrutura metálica e o cimento dentário empregados. Sabe-se que os primers para metal atuam com comprovada eficácia na resistência adesiva dos cimentos resinosos às ligas nobres. Entretanto, pouco foi estudado sobre o efeito de tais materiais em ligas não nobres. O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia de primers para metal na resistência ao cisalhamento da união entre cimentos resinosos e metais não nobres. Discos (9 mm de diâmetro e 3 mm de altura) foram fundidos em liga de NiCr (n=80) e em titânio comercialmente puro (Ti c.p.) (n=80) e foram incluídos em anel de PVC com resina acrílica quimicamente ativada. As superfícies dos discos foram regularizadas com lixas de carbeto de silício de granulação 320, 400 e 600 e jateadas com partículas de óxido de alumínio de 50 µm. Espécimes de cada metal foram divididos em quatro grupos (n=20). Uma matriz metálica bi-partida (5 mm de diâmetro interno e 2 mm de altura) foi posicionada na superfície do espécime. As áreas adesivas receberam um dos seguintes tratamentos: 1) Panavia F; 2) Alloy Primer e Panavia F; 3) Bistite DC e 4) Metaltite e Bistite DC. Para evitar a exposição dos cimentos à luz, estes foram espatulados e inseridos na matriz dentro de uma câmara de revelação radiográfica. Quarenta minutos após a confecção, os espécimes foram armazenados em água destilada a 37ºC por 24 horas e então termociclados (1.000 ciclos, 5ºC e 55ºC, 30 segundos cada banho). Após a termociclagem, os espécimes foram armazenados novamente nas mesmas condições descritas anteriormente por um período de 24 horas (n=10) ou de 6 meses (n=10) antes do ensaio de cisalhamento em uma máquina de ensaios mecânicos (Material Test System 810).
The Sanding is a complex process involving many variables that affect the quality of the part produced, working mainly in the timber industry in the production of panels (MDF, MDP, HDF, etc...) and furniture. However, these industries use the sanding process empirically, not optimizing it. The aim of this study was to compare the behavior of sandpaper white aluminum oxide (OA-white) and Black silicon carbide (SiC-black), analyzing variables in the process as: strength, power, emission, vibration, wear particle size of sanding, and its consequences on the surface finish of the workpiece. Made the process of plane grinding samples of Pinus elliottii, processed in parallel to the fibers, which were sanded with sandpaper grain OA white and black 3-SiC abrasive conditions (new, moderately eroded and severely eroded) grain sizes in 3 (80, 100, and 120 mesh). 6 replicates was performed for each condition tested. Each trial was captured output variables of the sanding process: strength, power, emission and vibration. With two stages totaling 108 trials. After the sanded samples, it has the same surface quality by raising the surface roughness Ra. Through experiment, it can be concluded that abrasives OA-white tended to have higher strength, power, emissions and less vibration in the sanding process, compared to the SiC-black. However, surface finish exhibited similar to the particle size of 80 to 100 mesh, worn abrasive conditions. However, the particle size of 120 mesh, obtained by the roughness of sandpaper OA-bank was higher compared to SiC-black to all conditions of sandpaper due to its toughness
The process of sanding wood is little known and industries use it in a practical way without having studied their best conditions before. There are few studies involving this type of machining. On this basis, this paper studied the effects of varying moisture content of the wood surface quality after the sanding process. It was used a sanding machine with flat horizontal cut parallel to the fibers, using: 02 different species (Pinus elliottii and Corymbia citriodora); 01 sanding abrasive (aluminum oxide) and 03 different particle size abrasives ( P80 , P100 and P120 ) . Initially, the pieces were acclimatized ( 2 ± 7% , 12% and 17% ± 2 ± 2 ) and subsequently passed by the sanding process, and therefore, the surface roughness was analyzed. For each condition, were performed 06 repetitions totaling 54 trials for each species. We analyzed the effects of wood moisture by capturing the power sanding, rougheness, acoustic emission and maximum temperature during the sanding process. The variation of moisture content produced changes in the surface quality of the finished parts, and these changes were more marked in Pinus than Corymbia. During the sanding process of the specimens with 7 % and 12 % humidity, there was a lower noise emission, power consumption and heating surface. When checking the roughness of these parts after this process, it was observed that the surface quality of them were superior in the parts sanded containing 17 % moisture
We have studied the experimental conditions needed to produce LaNiO3 (LNO) nanostructures using a template-assisted method. In this route, a mesoporous anodic aluminum oxide template was filled with a chemical solution that had been prepared with polymeric precursors route. The precursor solutions and synthesized samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy and high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM). The XRD results for the samples that were heat-treated at 700 degrees C revealed that these samples crystallize in a perovskite-like LaNiO3 structure. HRSEM images revealed that the samples prepared with different deposition times (0.5, 1 and 2 h) promoted the formation of LaNiO3 nanotubes with different wall thicknesses.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Statement of problem Because airborne-particle abrasion is an efficient method of improving the bond at the zirconia-cement interface, understanding its effect on the strength of yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal is important. Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the particle size used for airborne-particle abrasion on the flexural strength and phase transformation of a commercially available yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal ceramic. Material and Methods For both flexural strength (20.0 × 4.0 × 1.2 mm) (n=14) and phase transformation (14.0-mm diameter × 1.3-mm thickness) (n=4), the zirconia specimens were made from Lava, and their surfaces were treated in the following ways: as-sintered (control); with 50-μm aluminum oxide (Al2O3) particles; with 120-μm Al2O3 particles; with 250-μm Al2O3 particles; with 30-μm silica-modified Al2O3 particles (Cojet Sand); with 120-μm Al2O3 particles, followed by 110-μm silica-modified Al2O3 particles (Rocatec Plus); and with Rocatec Plus. The phase transformation (%) was assessed by x-ray diffraction analysis. The 3-point flexural strength test was conducted in artificial saliva at 37°C in a mechanical testing machine. The data were analyzed by 1-way ANOVA and the Tukey honestly significant difference post hoc test (α=.05). Results Except for the Cojet Sand group, which exhibited statistically similar flexural strength to that of the as-sintered group and for the group abraded with 250-μm Al2O3 particles, which presented the lowest strength, airborne-particle abrasion with the other particle sizes provided the highest values, with no significant difference among them. The as-sintered specimens presented no monoclinic phase. The groups abraded with smaller particles (30 μm and 50 μm) and those treated with the larger ones (110 μm and/or 120 μm particles and 250 μm) exhibited percentages of monoclinic phase that varied from 4% to 5% and from 8.7% to 10%. Conclusions Except for abrasion with Cojet Sand, depending on the particle size, zirconia exhibited an increase or a decrease in its flexural strength. Airborne-particle abrasion promoted phase transformation (tetragonal to monoclinic), and the percentage of monoclinic phase varied according to the particle size.
This study evaluated the influence of fluoride mouth rinses and repolishing on the superficial morphology and color stability of nanofilled resin. About 150 specimens were prepared and polished using aluminum oxide discs for 15 s with a pressure of 2 kg. The experimental groups were divided according to the immersion medium (artificial saliva, 0.5% sodium fluoride, Fluordent Reach, Oral B, Fluorgard) and repolishing procedure (without and with). The specimens were continuously immersed for 1 week. Thereafter, half of each sample was repolished. A color reading was performed after 24 h of immersion in the artificial saliva baseline, after continuous immersion, and after repolishing. The superficial morphology was examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in a qualitative way. Color change (∆E) data were submitted to a mixed analysis of variance using a Shapiro-Wilk test (p>0.05 for the different immersion media) and Sidak's test (p<0.05 for the differences between groups). In the interaction between the repolishing and the immersion media, Fluorgard showed a statistical difference between the ∆E values with and without repolishing (p<0.0001). On the SEM observations, both Fluordent Reach and Fluorgard caused degradation of the superficial resinous matrix of the composite after continuous immersion. This matrix was removed after repolishing.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Purpose: To determine whether universal primers alone can deliver similar levels of adhesion of resin cement to zirconia ceramic when compared to their application in conjunction with airborne-particle abrasion.Materials and Methods: Sintered zirconia blocks (N = 160) (Lava, 3M ESPE), (5.25 x 5.25 x 3 mm(3)) were embedded in acrylic resin, polished, and randomly distributed into 16 groups (n = 10 per group), according to the factors "universal primer" (8 levels) and "air-particle abrasion" (2 levels): 1. ctr: control, without application of a universal primer; 2. AP: Alloy Primer; 3. MP: Monobond Plus; 4. MZP: Metal Zirconia Primer; 5. MZ: MZ Primer; 6. Sg: Signum Zirconia Bond; 7. SbU: Singlebond Universal; 8. ZP: Z Prime Plus. The universal primers were also used after air abrasion (A) of zirconia to form the following 8 groups: Ctr-A, AP-A, MP-A, MZP-A, MZ-A, Sg-A, SbU-A, and ZP-A. After ultrasonic cleaning, air abrasion was performed using Al2O3 particles (110 mu m, 2.5 bar, 20 s at 10 mm) in a chairside air-abrasion device. After ultrasonic cleaning again, universal primers were applied according to each manufacturer's recommendation. The resin cement (RelyX ARC, 3M ESPE) was built up incrementally and photo-polymerized on the zirconia surface using a silicone mold (empty set = 3.5, height = 3 mm). All specimens were stored in distilled water (60 days at 37 degrees C) and then subjected to shear bond strength testing (SBS) in a universal testing machine (1 mm/min). On a separate set of zirconia specimens, contact angle measurements were made using the sessile drop technique with a goniometer after the application of universal primers on control and air-abraded zirconia surfaces. Data (MPa) were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, Tukey's test, and Student's t-test (alpha = 0.05).Results: When universal primers were used alone, SbU presented significantly higher mean SBS (19.5 +/- 5.8) that did the other primers (0 to 9.9 +/- 6.6) (p = 0.001). When air abraded, the groups AP-A (14.1 +/- 6.1), MP-A (15.9 +/- 5.4), ZP-A (16.9 +/- 7.3), SG-A (19.1 +/- 2.1), SbU-A (12 +/- 1.5) showed significant differences (p = 0.03). Adhesive performance of all universal primers was enhanced after air abrasion, with the exception of the SbU and MZ primers. After air abrasion, contact angle measurements were lower for the each primer (without air abrasion: 28.9 to 83.9; with air abrasion: 27.1 to 63.0), except for MZP.Conclusion: Air abrasion with 110 mu m Al2O3 followed by universal primer application increased the bond strength of tested resin cement to zirconia, with the exception of SbU and MZ.