The partitioning of Clavulanic Acid (CA) in a novel inexpensive and stable aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) composed by poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and sodium polyacrylate (NaPA) has been studied. The aqueous two-phase systems are formed by mixing both polymers with a salt (NaCl or Na2SO4) and an aqueous solution of CA. The stability of CA on the presence of both polymers was investigated and it was observed that these polymers do not degrade the biomolecule. The effect of PEG-molecular size, polymer concentrations on the commercial CA partitioning has been studied, at 25 degrees C. The data showed that commercial CA was preferentially partitioned for the PEG-rich phase with a partition coefficient (K-CA) between 1 and 12 in the PEG/NaPA aqueous two phase systems supplemented with NaCl and Na2SO4. The partition to the PEG phase was increased in the systems with high polymer concentrations. Furthermore, Na2SO4 caused higher CA preference for the PEG-phase than NaCl. The systems having a composition with 10 wt.% of PEG4000, 20 wt.% of NaPA8000 and 6 wt.% of Na2SO4 were selected as the optimal ones in terms of recovery of CA from fermented broth of Streptomyces clavuligerus. The partitioning results (K-CA = 9.15 +/- 1.06) are competitive with commercial extraction methods of CA (K-CA = 11.91 +/- 2.08) which emphasizes that the system PEG/NaPA/Na2SO4 can be used as a new process to CA purification/concentration from fermented broth. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Organic hydroperoxides are oxidants generated during bacterial-host interactions. Here, we demonstrate that the peroxidase OhrA and its negative regulator OhrR comprise a major pathway for sensing and detoxifying organic hydroperoxides in the opportunistic pathogen Chromobacterium violaceum. Initially, we found that an ohrA mutant was hypersensitive to organic hydroperoxides and that it displayed a low efficiency for decomposing these molecules. Expression of ohrA and ohrR was specifically induced by organic hydroperoxides. These genes were expressed as monocistronic transcripts and also as a bicistronic ohrR-ohrA mRNA, generating the abundantly detected ohrA mRNA and the barely detected ohrR transcript. The bicistronic transcript appears to be processed. OhrR repressed both the ohrA and ohrR genes by binding directly to inverted repeat sequences within their promoters in a redox-dependent manner. Site-directed mutagenesis of each of the four OhrR cysteine residues indicated that the conserved Cys21 is critical to organic hydroperoxide sensing, whereas Cys126 is required for disulfide bond formation. Taken together, these phenotypic, genetic and biochemical data indicate that the response of C. violaceum to organic hydroperoxides is mediated by OhrA and OhrR. Finally, we demonstrated that oxidized OhrR, inactivated by intermolecular disulfide bond formation, is specifically regenerated via thiol-disulfide exchange by thioredoxin (but not other thiol reducing agents such as glutaredoxin, glutathione and lipoamide), providing a physiological reducing system for this thiol-based redox switch.
Industrial production of semi-synthetic cephalosporins by Penicillium chrysogenum requires supplementation of the growth media with the side-chain precursor adipic acid. In glucose-limited chemostat cultures of P. chrysogenum, up to 88% of the consumed adipic acid was not recovered in cephalosporinrelated products, but used as an additional carbon and energy source for growth. This low efficiency of side-chain precursor incorporation provides an economic incentive for studying and engineering the metabolism of adipic acid in P. cluysogenum. Chemostat-based transcriptome analysis in the presence and absence of adipic acid confirmed that adipic acid metabolism in this fungus occurs via beta-oxidation. A set of 52 adipate-responsive genes included six putative genes for acyl-CoA oxidases and dehydrogenases, enzymes responsible for the first step of beta-oxidation. Subcellular localization of the differentially expressed acyl-CoA oxidases and dehydrogenases revealed that the oxidases were exclusively targeted to peroxisomes, while the dehydrogenases were found either in peroxisomes or in mitochondria. Deletion of the genes encoding the peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase Pc20g01800 and the mitochondrial acyl-CoA dehydrogenase Pc20g07920 resulted in a 1.6- and 3.7-fold increase in the production of the semi-synthetic cephalosporin intermediate adipoyl-6-APA, respectively. The deletion strains also showed reduced adipate consumption compared to the reference strain, indicating that engineering of the first step of beta-oxidation successfully redirected a larger fraction of adipic acid towards cephalosporin biosynthesis. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Former bioactivity-guided analysis of the marine invertebrate Eudistoma vannamei led to the isolation of staurosporine derivatives, which revealed strong cytotoxic activity against several human cancer cell lines. The occurrence of such alkaloids in E. vannamei may be correlated to the presence of associated biota, such as Streptomyces bacteria. In agreement to this hypothesis, marine microorganisms associated with E. vannamei were recovered and cultured, leading to a total of 84 isolated bacterial strains. Gas phase fragmentation reactions of staurosporine and derivatives were systematically studied and the analyzed results further supported by computational chemistry studies. The resulting fragment patterns were used to search for the presence of different derivatives in extracts of isolated microorganisms, thereby using LC-MS/MS analysis in MRM mode. These results evidenced that one isolated Streptomyces sp. was able to generate staurosporine, while none of the hydroxy-7-oxo derivatives were detected. Finally, significant cytotoxic activity against human cancer lines was observed for one of the extracts.
Former bioactivity-guided analysis of the marine invertebrate Eudistoma vannamei led to the isolation of staurosporine derivatives, which revealed strong cytotoxic activity against several human cancer cell lines. The occurrence of such alkaloids in E. vannamei may be correlated to the presence of associated biota, such as Streptomyces bacteria. In agreement to this hypothesis, marine microorganisms associated with E. vannamei were recovered and cultured, leading to a total of 84 isolated bacterial strains. Gas phase fragmentation reactions of staurosporine and derivatives were systematically studied and the analyzed results further supported by computational chemistry studies. The resulting fragment patterns were used to search for the presence of different derivatives in extracts of isolated microorganisms, thereby using LC-MS/MS analysis in MRM mode. These results evidenced that one isolated Streptomyces sp. was able to generate staurosporine, while none of the hydroxy-7-oxo derivatives were detected. Finally, significant cytotoxic activity against human cancer lines was observed for one of the extracts.
Lo studio “Lotta biologica a Fusarium solani f.sp. cucurbitae su zucchino” si colloca nell’ambito della difesa integrata delle colture orticole dalle fitopatie fungine, in particolare quelle causate da patogeni ad habitat terricolo nei confronti dei quali è sempre più frequente il ricorso a mezzi di lotta diversi dai prodotti chimici. Interessante e innovativa appare la prospettiva di utilizzare microrganismi adatti a svilupparsi nel suolo, competenti per la rizosfera delle piante e con spiccate caratteristiche d’antagonismo verso i patogeni tellurici e di stimolazione delle difese sistemiche della pianta. Il marciume del colletto delle cucurbitacee, causato da diversi patogeni tra cui Fusarium solani f.sp. cucurbitae, rappresenta la principale malattia fungina di tipo tellurica che colpisce lo zucchino ed il melone nella Pianura Padana e che può portare a consistenti perdite produttive. Indagini condotte dal 2004 da parte del Diproval nell’areale bolognese, hanno evidenziato un’elevata frequenza del patogeno su zucchino coltivato soprattutto in tunnel. Considerata la carenza di conoscenze locali di F. solani f.sp. cucurbitae e di mezzi chimici di lotta efficaci, la ricerca svolta ha inteso approfondire la diagnosi della malattia e le caratteristiche biologiche degli isolati locali, e valutare la possibilità di utilizzare metodi biologici di lotta contro questo patogeno, nonché di studiare alcune delle possibili modalità d’azione di microrganismi antagonisti. Sono state pertanto prelevate, da zone diverse del Bolognese, campioni di piante di zucchino che presentavano sintomi di marciume del colletto ed è stato isolato il patogeno, che in base alle caratteristiche morfologiche macro e microscopiche, alle prove di patogenicità su diversi ospiti e a saggi biomolecolari, è stato identificato come Fusarium solani f. sp. cucurbitae W.C. Snyder & H.N. Hansen razza 1. Dagli isolati di campo sono state realizzate un centinaio di colture monosporiche venti delle quali sono state utilizzate per la prosecuzione delle prove. I venti ceppi sono stati saggiati per la loro patogenicità inoculandoli in terriccio sterile e con trapianto di giovani piante di zucchino. E’ risultata un’elevata variabilità del livello di virulenza tra i ceppi, stimata da 39% a 83% riguardo la gravità della malattia e da 61 a 96% per la frequenza di malattia. Sono state condotte prove di accrescimento miceliare che hanno evidenziato differenze tra i ceppi e tra gli esperimenti condotti a tre diverse temperature (17, 23 e 28°C) alla luce ed al buio. La crescita maggiore complessivamente è stata ottenuta a 23°C. I venti ceppi hanno anche mostrato di produrre, in vitro, vari livelli di enzimi di patogenesi quali cellulasi, poligalatturonasi, pectin liasi e proteasi. E’ stata evidenziata unan correlazione significativa tra attività cellulasica e pectin liasica con frequenza e gravità della malattia dei venti ceppi del patogeno. Le prove relative al contenimento della malattia sono state condotte in cella climatica. Sono stati considerati prodotti commerciali (Remedier, Rootshield, Cedomon, Mycostop, Proradix, Clonotry) a base rispettivamente dei seguenti microrganismi: Trichoderma harzianum ICC012 + T. viride ICC080, T. harzianum T22, Pseudomonas chlororaphis MA342, Streptomyces griseoviridis K61, P. fluorescens proradix DSM13134 e T. harzianum + Clonostachys rosea). I prodotti sono stati somministrati sul seme, al terreno e su seme+terreno (esperimenti 1 e 2) e in vivaio, al trapianto e vivaio+trapianto (esperimenti 3 e 4), riproducendo situazioni di pratico impiego. L’inoculazione del patogeno (un ceppo ad elevata patogenicità, Fs7 ed uno a bassa patogenicità, Fs37) è stata effettuata nel terreno distribuendo uno sfarinato secco di semi di miglio e cereali colonizzati dal patogeno. La malattia è stata valutata come intensità e gravità. I prodotti sono stati impiegati in situazioni di particolare stress, avendo favorito particolarmente la crescita del patogeno. Complessivamente i risultati hanno evidenziato effetti di contenimento maggiore della malattia nel caso del ceppo Fs37, meno virulento. La malattia è stata ridotta quasi sempre da tutti i formulati e quello che l’ha ridotta maggiormente è stato Cedomon. Il contenimento della malattia somministrando i prodotti solo nel terreno di semina o di trapianto è stato in generale quello più basso. Il contenimento più elevato è stato ottenuto con la combinazione di due tipologie di trattamento, seme+terreno e vivaio+trapianto. Le differenze tra i prodotti sono risultate più evidenti nel caso del ceppo Fs7. Per quanto riguarda lo studio di alcune delle modalità d’azione dei microrganismi contenuti nei formulati più efficaci, è stato verificato che tutti sono stati in grado di inibire, se pur in vario modo, la crescita del patogeno in vitro. Gli antagonisti più efficaci sono stati S. griseoviridis K61 (Mycostop) e P. fluorescens proradix DSM13134). I ceppi di Trichoderma, ed in particolare T.harzianum T22 (Rootshield), sono risultati i più attivi colonizzatori del substrato. Riguardo il fenomeno dell’antibiosi, il batterio P. fluorescens proradix DSM13134 ha mostrato di produrre i metaboliti non volatili più efficaci nel ridurre lo sviluppo del patogeno. Nelle condizioni sperimentali adottate anche i due ceppi di T. viride ICC080 e T. harzianum ICC012 hanno dimostrato di produrre metaboliti efficaci. Tali risultati, anche se relativi a prove in vitro, possono contribuire alla comprensione dei meccanismi dei microrganismi sul contenimento dell’infezione relativamente al rapporto diretto sul patogeno. E’ stato inoltre verificato che tutti i microrganismi saggiati sono dotati di competenza rizosferica e solo i batteri di endofitismo. Si conclude che, nonostante l’elevata pressione infettiva del patogeno che ha certamente influito negativamente sull’efficacia dei microrganismi studiati, i microrganismi antagonisti possono avere un ruolo nel ridurre l’infezione di F. solani f.sp. cucurbitae razza 1.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die bioinformatischen Methoden der Homologie-Modellierung und Molekularen Modellierung dazu benutzt, die dreidimensionalen Strukturen verschiedenster Proteine vorherzusagen und zu analysieren. Experimentelle Befunde aus Laborversuchen wurden dazu benutzt, die Genauigkeit der Homologie-Modelle zu erhöhen. Die Ergebnisse aus den Modellierungen wurden wiederum dazu benutzt, um neue experimentelle Versuche vorzuschlagen. Anhand der erstellten Modelle und bekannten Kristallstrukturen aus der Protein-Datenbank PDB wurde die Struktur-Funktionsbeziehung verschiedener Tyrosinasen untersucht. Dazu gehörten sowohl die Tyrosinase des Bakteriums Streptomyces als auch die Tyrosinase der Hausmaus. Aus den vergleichenden Strukturanalysen der Tyrosinasen resultierten Mechanismen für die Monophenolhydroxylase-Aktivität der Tyrosinasen sowie für den Import der Kupferionen ins aktive Zentrum. Es konnte der Beweis geführt werden, daß die Blockade des CuA-Zentrums tatsächlich der Grund für die unterschiedliche Aktivität von Tyrosinasen und Catecholoxidasen ist. Zum ersten Mal konnte mit der Maus-Tyrosinase ein vollständiges Strukturmodell einer Säugetier-Tyrosinase erstellt werden, das dazu in der Lage ist, die Mechanismen bekannter Albino-Mutationen auf molekularer Ebene zu erklären. Die auf der Basis des ermittelten 3D-Modells gewonnenen Erkenntnisse über die Wichtigkeit bestimmter Aminosäuren für die Funktion wurde durch gerichtete Mutagenese an der rekombinant hergestellten Maus-Tyrosinase getestet und bestätigt. Weiterhin wurde die Struktur der Tyrosinase des Krebses Palinurus elephas durch eine niedrigaufgelöste 3D-Rekonstruktion aus elektronenmikroskopischen Bildern aufgeklärt. Der zweite große Themenkomplex umfasst die Strukturanalyse der Lichtsammlerkomplexe LHCI-730 und LHCII. Im Falle des LHCII konnte der Oligomerisierungszustand der LHCMoleküle mit diskreten Konformationen des N-Terminus korreliert werden. Auch hier kam eine Kombination von Homologie-Modellierung und einer experimentellen Methode, der Elektronen-Spin-Resonanz-Messung, zum Einsatz. Die Änderung des Oligomerisierungszustands des LHCII kontrolliert den Energiezufluß zu den Photosystemen PS I und PS II. Des Weiteren wurde ein vollständiges Modell des LHCI-730 erstellt, um die Auswirkungen gerichteter Mutagenese auf das Dimerisierungsverhalten zu untersuchen. Auf Basis dieses Modells wurden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Monomeren Lhca1 und Lhca4 evaluiert und potentielle Bindungspartner identifiziert.
Mikroorganismen spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Weinherstellung. Neben ihren positiven Stoffwechselaktivitäten wie die Bildung von Ethanol während der alkoholischen Gärung sind vor allem Bakterien in der Lage, Weinfehler zu verursachen. Einer dieser Weinfehler ist die Produktion von biogenen Aminen. Diese niedermolekularen Stickstoffverbindungen können zu verschiedenen Gesundheitsproblemen wie Bluthochdruck und Migräne führen. Aufgrund von hohen Ethanolgehalten und dem Vorkommen verschiedener biogener Amine kommt es im Wein zu einer Verstärkung dieser physiologischen Effekte. Um die Bildung dieser Verbindungen zu verhindern, ist es von speziellem Interesse, die verantwortlichen Mikroorganismen zu identifizieren und sie in ihrem Wachstum zu hemmen.In einem Teil der Dissertation stand die Isolierung und Identifizierung biogener Amine produzierender Bakterien aus deutschen Jungweinen und Mosten im Vordergrund. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass hauptsächlich Milchsäurebakterien als potenzielle Produzenten in Frage kommen. Diese Bakteriengruppe war in hohen Titern in nahezu allen Proben vorhanden und stellt somit eine potentielle Gefahr für die Weinbereitung dar. Zur Identifizierung der Isolate wurden verschiedene molekularbiologische Methoden wie specifically amplified DNA polymorphic-PCR (Fingerprintmethode), Multiplex-PCR oder 16S rDNA-Sequenzierung angewandt. Das Screening bezüglich der Bildung von biogenen Aminen erfolgte mit Hilfe einer im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten hochauflösenden Dünnschichtchromatographie gefolgt von der Quantifizierung mittels HPLC.Zur Wachstumshemmung dieser Schadbakterien wurden zwei Exoenzyme aus Streptomyces albidoflavus B578 isolieren. Diese Enzyme wurden gereinigt und als eine Muramidase und eine Protease identifiziert. Aktivitätstests konnten zeigen, dass diese Enzyme eine hohe lytische Wirkung gegen weinrelevante Mikroorganismen aufweisen. Ebenso war die Aktivität der Enzyme unter Weinbedingungen sehr stabil. Aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse könnten diese Enzyme eine mögliche Alternative zur Zugabe von Lysozym oder Schwefeldioxid sein, welche konventionell in der Weinbereitung ihren Einsatz finden.
Weizenstroh als erneuerbare Ressource zur Produktion von Biopolymeren und wichtigen Grundchemikalien stellt eine ökologisch sinnvolle Alternative dar. Durch die vom PFI durchgeführte Thermodruckhydrolyse konnte das Weizenstroh und die darin enthaltenen Zucker fast vollständig mobilisiert werden. Ein umfangreiches Screening nach Organismen, welche die Zucker des Weizenstrohs verwerten konnten, ergab, dass einige wenige Stämme zur PHB-Bildung aus Xylose befähigt waren (10 %). Zur PHB-Synthese aus Glucose waren indes ca. doppelt so viele Organismen in der Lage (20 %). Zwei der insgesamt 118 untersuchten Organismen zeigten besonders gute PHB-Bildung sowohl mit Xylose als auch mit Glucose als Substrat. Dabei handelte es sich um die hauseigenen Stämme Bacillus licheniformis KHC 3 und Bacillus megaterium KNaC 2. Nach Enttoxifizierung der hemicellulosischen Fraktion konnte diese als C-Quelle im Mineral Medium eingesetzt werden. Burkholderia sacchari DSM 17165 und Hydrogenophaga pseudoflava DSM 1034, sowie die hauseigenen Isolate Bacillus licheniformis KHC 3 und Bacillus megaterium KNaC 2 wurden für die Synthese von PHB aus der hemicellulosischen Fraktion verwendet. Die Zucker der hemicellulosischen Fraktion (Xylose, Glucose, Arabinose) konnten durch diese Organismen zur PHB-Synthese genutzt werden. Hierbei stellte sich heraus, dass die beiden Bacillus-Stämme besser zur Produktion von PHB aus dem hemicellulosischen Hydrolysat geeignet waren als die Stämme der DSMZ. Die alternative Umsetzung der im hemicellulosischem Hydrolysat enthaltenen Zucker (Xylose, Glucose und Arabinose) in die wichtigen Grundchemikalien Lactat und Acetat konnte durch die Verwendung von heterofermentativen Milchsäurebakterien verwirklicht werden. Die Bildung dieser wichtigen Grundchemikalien stellt eine interessante Alternative zur PHB-Synthese dar. Die Menge an teuren Zusätzen wie Tomatensaft, welcher für das Wachstum der MSB essentiell war, konnte reduziert werden. Die Glucose der zweiten Fraktion des Weizenstrohs, der cellulosischen Fraktion, konnte ebenfalls durch den Einsatz von Mikroorganismen in PHB umgewandelt werden. Kommerzielle Cellulasen der Firma Novozymes konnten große Mengen an Glucose (≥10 g/l) aus der cellulosischen Fraktion freisetzen. Diese freie Glucose wurde mit Hilfe von Cupriavidus necator DSM 545, Cupriavidus necator NCIMB 11599, Bacillus licheniformis KHC 3 und Bacillus megaterium KNaC 2 zu PHB fermentiert. Wie auch beim hemicellulosischen Hydrolysat konnten hier die beiden Bacillus-Stämme die besten Ergebnisse erzielen. Bei ihnen machte die PHB mehr als die Hälfte der Trockenmasse aus. Die Abtrennung des Zielprodukts ohne die Verwendung von umweltschädlichen Lösungsmitteln wurde durch die Lyse der Zielzellen durch eigens isolierte Enzyme aus Streptomyceten verwirklicht. Die Zelllyse durch die Enzyme aus Streptomyces globisporus subsp. caucasius DSM 40814 und Streptomyces albidoflavus DSM 40233 war erfolgreich und zeigte vor allem bei den Bacillen hohe Wirkung (83 % und 99 % Zelllyse). Bei dem Gram-negativen Organismus Cupriavidus necator DSM 428 konnte die anfangs niedrige Zelllyse von 38 % durch Ultraschallbehandlung auf ca. 75 % erhöht werden.
I lantibiotici sono molecole peptidiche prodotte da un gran numero di batteri Gram-positivi, posseggono attività antibatterica contro un ampio spettro di germi, e rappresentano una potenziale soluzione alla crescente problematica dei patogeni multi-resistenti. La loro attività consiste nel legame alla membrana del bersaglio, che viene quindi destabilizzata mediante l’induzione di pori che determinano la morte del patogeno. Tipicamente i lantibiotici sono formati da un “leader-peptide” e da un “core-peptide”. Il primo è necessario per il riconoscimento della molecola da parte di enzimi che effettuano modifiche post-traduzionali del secondo - che sarà la regione con attività battericida una volta scissa dal “leader-peptide”. Le modifiche post-traduzionali anticipate determinano il contenuto di amminoacidi lantionina (Lan) e metil-lantionina (MeLan), caratterizzati dalla presenza di ponti-tioetere che conferiscono maggior resistenza contro le proteasi, e permettono di aggirare la principale limitazione all’uso dei peptidi in ambito terapeutico. La nisina è il lantibiotico più studiato e caratterizzato, prodotto dal batterio L. lactis che è stato utilizzato per oltre venti anni nell’industria alimentare. La nisina è un peptide lungo 34 amminoacidi, che contiene anelli di lantionina e metil-lantionina, introdotti dall’azione degli enzimi nisB e nisC, mentre il taglio del “leader-peptide” è svolto dall’enzima nisP. Questo elaborato affronta l’ingegnerizzazione della sintesi e della modifica di lantibiotici nel batterio E.coli. In particolare si affronta l’implementazione dell’espressione eterologa in E.coli del lantibiotico cinnamicina, prodotto in natura dal batterio Streptomyces cinnamoneus. Questo particolare lantibiotico, lungo diciannove amminoacidi dopo il taglio del leader, subisce modifiche da parte dell’enzima CinM, responsabile dell’introduzione degli aminoacidi Lan e MeLan, dell’enzima CinX responsabile dell’idrossilazione dell’acido aspartico (Asp), e infine dell’enzima cinorf7 deputato all’introduzione del ponte di lisinoalanina (Lal). Una volta confermata l’attività della cinnamicina e di conseguenza quella dell’enzima CinM, si è deciso di tentare la modifica della nisina da parte di CinM. A tal proposito è stato necessario progettare un gene sintetico che codifica nisina con un leader chimerico, formato cioè dalla fusione del leader della cinnamicina e del leader della nisina. Il prodotto finale, dopo il taglio del leader da parte di nisP, è una nisina completamente modificata. Questo risultato ne permette però la modifica utilizzando un solo enzima invece di due, riducendo il carico metabolico sul batterio che la produce, e inoltre apre la strada all’utilizzo di CinM per la modifica di altri lantibiotici seguendo lo stesso approccio, nonché all’introduzione del ponte di lisinoalanina, in quanto l’enzima cinorf7 necessita della presenza di CinM per svolgere la sua funzione.
Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipases C (PI-PLC) are known to participate in many eukaryotic signal transduction pathways and act as virulence factors in lower organisms. Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase (GDPD) enzymes are involved in phosphate homeostasis and phospholipid catabolism for energy production. Streptomyces antibioticus phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (SaPLC1) is a 38 kDa enzyme that displays characteristics of both enzyme superfamilies, representing an evolutionary link between these divergent enzyme classes. SaPLC1 also boasts a unique catalytic mechanism that involves a trans 1,6-cyclic inositol phosphate intermediate instead of the typical cis 1,2-cyclic inositol phosphate. The mechanism by which this occurs is still unclear. To attack this problem, we established a wide mutagenesis scan of the active site and measured activities of alanine mutants. A chemical rescue assay was developed to verify that the activity loss was due to the removal of the functional role of the mutated residue. 31P-NMR was employed in characterizing and quantifying intermediates in mutants that slowed the reaction sufficiently. We found that the H37A and H76A mutations support the hypothesis that these structurally conserved residues are also conserved in terms of their catalytic roles. H37 was found to be the general base (GB), while H76 plays the role of general acid (GA). K131 was identified as a semi-conserved key positive charge donor found at the entrance of the active site. By elucidating the SaPLC1 mechanism in relation to its active site architecture, we have increased our understanding of the structure-function relations that support catalysis in the PI-PLC/GDPD superfamily. These findings provide groundwork for in vivo studies of SaPLC1 function and its possible role in novel signaling or metabolism in Streptomyces.
This Ph.D. research is comprised of three major components; (i) Characterization study to analyze the composition of defatted corn syrup (DCS) from a dry corn mill facility (ii) Hydrolysis experiments to optimize the production of fermentable sugars and amino acid platform using DCS and (iii) Sustainability analyses. Analyses of DCS included total solids, ash content, total protein, amino acids, inorganic elements, starch, total carbohydrates, lignin, organic acids, glycerol, and presence of functional groups. Total solids content was 37.4% (± 0.4%) by weight, and the mass balance closure was 101%. Total carbohydrates [27% (± 5%) wt.] comprised of starch (5.6%), soluble monomer carbohydrates (12%) and non-starch carbohydrates (10%). Hemicellulose components (structural and non-structural) were; xylan (6%), xylose (1%), mannan (1%), mannose (0.4%), arabinan (1%), arabinose (0.4%), galatactan (3%) and galactose (0.4%). Based on the measured physical and chemical components, bio-chemical conversion route and subsequent fermentation to value added products was identified as promising. DCS has potential to serve as an important fermentation feedstock for bio-based chemicals production. In the sugar hydrolysis experiments, reaction parameters such as acid concentration and retention time were analyzed to determine the optimal conditions to maximize monomer sugar yields while keeping the inhibitors at minimum. Total fermentable sugars produced can reach approximately 86% of theoretical yield when subjected to dilute acid pretreatment (DAP). DAP followed by subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis was most effective for 0 wt% acid hydrolysate samples and least efficient towards 1 and 2 wt% acid hydrolysate samples. The best hydrolysis scheme DCS from an industry's point of view is standalone 60 minutes dilute acid hydrolysis at 2 wt% acid concentration. The combined effect of hydrolysis reaction time, temperature and ratio of enzyme to substrate ratio to develop hydrolysis process that optimizes the production of amino acids in DCS were studied. Four key hydrolysis pathways were investigated for the production of amino acids using DCS. The first hydrolysis pathway is the amino acid analysis using DAP. The second pathway is DAP of DCS followed by protein hydrolysis using proteases [Trypsin, Pronase E (Streptomyces griseus) and Protex 6L]. The third hydrolysis pathway investigated a standalone experiment using proteases (Trypsin, Pronase E, Protex 6L, and Alcalase) on the DCS without any pretreatment. The final pathway investigated the use of Accellerase 1500® and Protex 6L to simultaneously produce fermentable sugars and amino acids over a 24 hour hydrolysis reaction time. The 3 key objectives of the techno-economic analysis component of this PhD research included; (i) Development of a process design for the production of both the sugar and amino acid platforms with DAP using DCS (ii) A preliminary cost analysis to estimate the initial capital cost and operating cost of this facility (iii) A greenhouse gas analysis to understand the environmental impact of this facility. Using Aspen Plus®, a conceptual process design has been constructed. Finally, both Aspen Plus Economic Analyzer® and Simapro® sofware were employed to conduct the cost analysis as well as the carbon footprint emissions of this process facility respectively. Another section of my PhD research work focused on the life cycle assessment (LCA) of commonly used dairy feeds in the U.S. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions analysis was conducted for cultivation, harvesting, and production of common dairy feeds used for the production of dairy milk in the U.S. The goal was to determine the carbon footprint [grams CO2 equivalents (gCO2e)/kg of dry feed] in the U.S. on a regional basis, identify key inputs, and make recommendations for emissions reduction. The final section of my Ph.D. research work was an LCA of a single dairy feed mill located in Michigan, USA. The primary goal was to conduct a preliminary assessment of dairy feed mill operations and ultimately determine the GHG emissions for 1 kilogram of milled dairy feed.
The actinomycete Corynebacterium glutamicum grows as rod-shaped cells by zonal peptidoglycan synthesis at the cell poles. In this bacterium, experimental depletion of the polar DivIVA protein (DivIVA(Cg)) resulted in the inhibition of polar growth; consequently, these cells exhibited a coccoid morphology. This result demonstrated that DivIVA is required for cell elongation and the acquisition of a rod shape. DivIVA from Streptomyces or Mycobacterium localized to the cell poles of DivIVA(Cg)-depleted C. glutamicum and restored polar peptidoglycan synthesis, in contrast to DivIVA proteins from Bacillus subtilis or Streptococcus pneumoniae, which localized at the septum of C. glutamicum. This confirmed that DivIVAs from actinomycetes are involved in polarized cell growth. DivIVA(Cg) localized at the septum after cell wall synthesis had started and the nucleoids had already segregated, suggesting that in C. glutamicum DivIVA is not involved in cell division or chromosome segregation.
Diversity of endolithic Dry Valley rock microorganisms was studied by evaluating the presence of morphotypes in enrichments. Storage of rock samples for 16 h over dry ice affected the diversity of endolithic organisms, especially that of algae and fungi. Diversity in various samples depended on rock location and exposure, on the rock type, and to some extent on the pH of the pulverized rock samples. In most cases sandstone contained more morphotypes than dolerite or granite. Presence of many different phototrophs resulted in greater diversity of the heterotrophs in the enrichments. Samples from Linnaeus Terrace and Battleship Promontory had higher morphotype (MT) numbers than those from more exposed sites such as New Mountain, University Valley, Dais, or Mt. Fleming. Beacon sandstone (13 samples) from Linnaeus Terrace varied greatly with respect to MT numbers, although the pH values ranged only from 4.2-5.3. The highest MT number of 24 per sample was obtained from the upper surface of a flat boulder tilted to the North. Only two MT's were found in a hard sandstone sample from the wind-exposed and more shaded east side of the Terrace. 15 sandstone samples from Battleship Promontory contained more diverse populations: there occurred a total of 131 different MT's in these samples as compared to only 68 in Linnaeus Terrace samples. Cysts of colorless flagellates were found in some Battleship Promontory samples; rnost samples were populated with a wealth of different cyanobacteria. Studies on the distribution of actinomycete morphotypes in Linnaeus Terrace sandstone revealed great differences between individual boulders. Identification tests and lipid analyses made with representative strains of the isolated 1500 pure cultures led to genus names such as Caulobacter, Blastobacter, Hyphomicrobium, Micrococcus, Arthrobacter, Brevibacterium, Corynebacterium, Bifidobacterium, Mycobacterium, Nocardia (Amycolata), Micromonospora, Streptomyces, Blastococcus, and Deinococcus. Our data demonstrate the great diversity of Antarctic endolithic microbial populations.