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The process of environmental impact assessment (EIA), in the extent of previous environmental studies, has as one of its functions to provide subsidies to the actions of environmental managment of enterprises. However, the proper estructuring of programs that allows to support this managment does not often occurs. This research sought as one of its objectives to evaluate in which extent the process of EIA can be a subsidie for the EMS, providing basic elements of this system. In addition, more specifically, the research had as one of its objetives the development of subsidies for the implantation of an Environmental Managment System (EMS), based on the model of ISO 14001 (2004), for a sewage treatment plant yet to be constructed in the city of President Venceslau / SP. In order to achieve theses objetives, a discussion was held based on the evaluation of environmental studies available in the library of Cetesb / SMA. Still, for the elaboration of subsidies for the EMS of the treatment plant, the research was focused on the structuring of environmental management program, based on the information contained in its Preliminary Environmental Report (PER). The research had as one of its products, the development of subsidies for the planning and control of the environmental aspects and impacts and for the environmental program of the enterprise, based on the use of environmental indicators. It was concluded, based on the results that, in general, the previous environmental studies analyzed showed little emphasis on the phase of development of structured environmental programs that offer guidelines to achieve the desired results for the environmental performance of the company.


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This study aims to evaluate structurally a heat exchanger that has been in operation since the mid-60's and was built COSAN for operation in one of its sugar production plants in So Paulo, this equipment as well as many similar devices are operation in plants throughout Brazil, and thus to be acquired by large corporations as in the case of COSAN, pass the scrutiny of inspection work, and work such as recalculations in the latter case in structural evaluations to verify the possible need for adjustments to project or operation and thus ensure the structural integrity of the equipment. To this were first done field survey using techniques of NDT and NDT's for determining the thickness of the main parts of the equipment, made the revaluation dimensional and existing project and considering the loads operating performing the characterization of the equipment as specified in the standard regulatory number 13 - NR13 and the other for this type of equipment and finally an analysis using a static approach, as an analysis tool using the finite element method


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This course conclusion paper has as its theme the critical analysis of the Educational Policy Continued Progression. At this juncture when much is produced on specific themes of interest in continued progression in the reflection on the consequences of implementing this policy in organizing the work of teachers an their autonomy, seeking to contribute to public policy debates.The problematization that will undertake this work wonders if the policy continued progression is, in fact, a government strategy to remove the teacher control over their work and contribute to the process of alienation and loss of autonomy of a schoolteacher. This policy was implemented in the State of So Paulo, during the administration of Mario Covas of the Brazilian Social Democratic Party, PSDB, from 1995 to 2001, managing secretary Theresa Roserley Neubauer da Silva


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Management information systems such as ERP can bring to businesses many competitive advantages. There is a great demand for systems projects to consulting firms that have knowledge to manage this particular type of project. However, the rate of system projects that cannot achieve success is very high. The methodology of Project Management, standardized by the Project Management Institute, is a globally recognized standard and used even in projects involving information technology. In the present study, was made a case study of an ERP system implementation project in a large company, by a consulting firm. From this analysis and on contributions from the literature, recommendations were proposed for the project management, in order to better direct the PMI methodology in large projects involving systems like ERP


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Considering that the current pedagogical project for the Dentistry course at FOA-Unesp was structured in 2001, a year before the national resolution that introduced the new curricular guidelines for the dental field, the aim of this study was to analyze critically this document and assess the academic perception of the pedagogical project, as well as the current curricular structure. A previously tested and validated semi-structured questionnaire was used to obtain the needed information, and a documentary analysis was conducted. The questionnaire was drafted based on data from the National Curricular Guidelines (DCN) and Unified Health System (SUS) guidelines. The sample consisted of almost all the graduating students of 2007 (n=61). Of these, 95% had no knowledge of the pedagogical project for the undergraduate course; 53% found the integration between the disciplines offered by the course insufficient; 66% pointed out that there was duplication of the revised contents; 41% said that the interdisciplinary relation was unsatisfactory, and 67.2% said they preferred the modular system of teaching. Furthermore, 55.7% of the students said that that the course does not fully cover the principles of completeness and resolution of actions, and 37.7% pointed out that clinical care was not humanized. As for the competence and skills needed to exercise the profession, the students admitted feeling secure about carrying out preventivecurative clinical actions, and feeling insecure about developing broad ranging actions, like managing and planning. Analysis of the documents showed a certain disagreement in the organization of the pedagogical project and the curricular structure, when confronted with the course of action set down by the National Curricular Guidelines. The data prove the urgent need to restructure the FOA-Unesp curriculum and confirm the importance of a continuous evaluation in higher education.


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Objective: To conduct a survey on national databases about Oral Health Program (OHP) publications in schools, in the last eleven years. Material and Methods: A survey was conducted in two main bases of national publications in the field of dentistry: Bireme and Scielo. To start the research, it was used the articles theme/subject. In the search, it was used the keywords 'oral health education', 'programs and oral health and dentistry', 'programs and oral health and education'. Results: A total of 20 publications were selected. From these, seven (35%) had the aim to evaluate educational methods used in OHP, 12 (60%) evaluated the effectiveness of the OHP itself developed in the school and one (5%) reported the experience of OHP. Only two publications did not get positive results and the other eighteen obtained advantageous results. Conclusion: In the national scientific literature, there are few publications about the subject in question, suggesting that the successful experiences about OHP in schools must be published to be replicated in other parts of Brazil.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Ps-graduao em Educao Matemtica - IGCE


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The rising in greenhouse gases emission as consequence of industrial expansion especially in developing countries is appointed as one of those reasons responsible for global warming. High-level temperatures are set as responsible for low productivity and high levels of discomfort. With the increase of worldwide energy demand, due to the population growth, this work aims to be an introductory text revising the current ventilation (mechanical and natural) and refrigeration technologies as well as low energy cooling techniques and architectural alternatives that seeks offering good ventilation and ideal buildings temperatures, making them sustainable. In addition, the text deals with the measurement instruments used to evaluate the parameters defined by international and national standards. At last, a case of study applies few concepts and technologies described in the text, introducing the results achieved, the limitations and suggestions to future works


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The rising in greenhouse gases emission as consequence of industrial expansion especially in developing countries is appointed as one of those reasons responsible for global warming. High-level temperatures are set as responsible for low productivity and high levels of discomfort. With the increase of worldwide energy demand, due to the population growth, this work aims to be an introductory text revising the current ventilation (mechanical and natural) and refrigeration technologies as well as low energy cooling techniques and architectural alternatives that seeks offering good ventilation and ideal buildings temperatures, making them sustainable. In addition, the text deals with the measurement instruments used to evaluate the parameters defined by international and national standards. At last, a case of study applies few concepts and technologies described in the text, introducing the results achieved, the limitations and suggestions to future works


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OBJETIVOS: Analisar a epidemiologia da doena meningoccica no Brasil e o impacto que as recentes evidncias acumuladas com a incorporao das vacinas meningoccicas C conjugadas nos programas de imunizao podem ter nas diferentes estratgias de uso dessas vacinas. FONTES DOS DADOS: Reviso nas bases de dados MEDLINE, SciELO e LILACS no perodo de 2000 a 2011. SNTESE DOS DADOS: No Brasil, a doena meningoccica endmica, com ocorrncia peridica de surtos. Os maiores coeficientes de incidncia ocorrem em lactentes, sendo o sorogrupo C responsvel pela maioria dos casos, motivando a introduo da vacina meningoccica C conjugada no Programa Nacional de Imunizaes, em 2010, para crianas menores de 2 anos. A introduo das vacinas meningoccicas C conjugadas nos programas de imunizao na Europa, Canad e Austrlia mostrou-se efetiva, com dramtica reduo na incidncia de doena causada pelo sorogrupo C, no apenas nos vacinados, mas tambm em no vacinados. A efetividade em longo prazo dessas vacinas mostrou-se dependente de uma combinao de persistncia de anticorpos, memria imunolgica e proteo indireta. Recentes evidncias indicando que a persistncia de anticorpos no duradoura em crianas pequenas imunizadas e que a memria imunolgica no rpida o suficiente para proteg-las contra a doena enfatizam a importncia da proteo indireta para manuteno da populao protegida. CONCLUSES: A rpida queda de ttulos de anticorpos em crianas vacinadas nos primeiros anos de vida sugere a necessidade de incorporarmos doses de reforo antes da adolescncia, especialmente em locais como o Brasil, onde ainda no contamos com o efeito da proteo indireta da populao.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi empreender uma anlise crtica acerca do conhecimento cientfico produzido sobre a utilizao das psicoterapias como estratgia de tratamento dos transtornos alimentares. A partir de buscas nas bases PsycINFO, PePSIC e SciELO, no perodo entre 1999 e 2011, foram recuperados 35 artigos, categorizados em: psicoterapias breves, grupais, psicodinmicas, complementares, bem como psicoterapias aliadas a outros tratamentos, como o psicofarmacolgico. As abordagens mais frequentemente mencionadas foram psicodinmicas e cognitivo-comportamentais. A modalidade de atendimento predominante foi a grupal. Ainda que preconizando o uso combinado de diversas estratgias, a literatura unnime em destacar a importncia das psicoterapias no tratamento. A anlise crtica evidenciou necessidade de leituras que transcendam a mera identificao de tcnicas psicoterpicas consideradas mais eficazes para o tratamento dos transtornos alimentares. Deve-se considerar o contexto mais amplo no qual os tratamentos so propostos, bem como promover um dilogo aberto entre enfoques tericos, valorizando a pluralidade de saberes e a psicoterapia como prtica em permanente transformao.


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O texto analisa a prtica pastoral do neopentecostalismo na Igreja Internacional da Graa de Deus. Esta Igreja expandiu-se substancialmente no Brasil, conseguiu arregimentar um nmero enorme de seguidores e conquistou expressiva visibilidade na mdia. A pesquisa estuda a trajetria histrica do neopentecostalismo, o seu desenvolvimento no Brasil e os aspectos teolgicos do movimento. Estuda-se tambm a Igreja da Graa, sua origem, sua teologia, sua estrutura de governo, seu ministrio pastoral e expanso. Por estar inserida dentro do neopentecostalismo, a Igreja da Graa reflete tambm a sua teologia, que prope banir a doena, a pobreza e todo o tipo de sofrimento da vida humana, a fim de produzir uma nova gerao de fiis: ricos e saudveis. De acordo com a sua teologia, o cristo deve viver todo o tempo de sua vida livre de qualquer aspecto negativo da existncia humana. Se isso no acontece, porque ele no tem f, est sob o poder de Sat ou tem um comportamento que desagrada a Deus. Assim, a marca do verdadeiro cristo a plena sade fsica e emocional, alm da prosperidade financeira. Entretanto, a pregao neopentecostal tem produzido desapontamentos, principalmente, quando a cura fsica no acontece e o dinheiro no aparece. Portanto, esta tese formula uma proposta de prtica pastoral de esperana que possibilite aos decepcionados com essa mensagem triunfalista retomarem a vida crist dentro do seu espao cristo.(AU)