998 resultados para Ações preventivas em saúde
O presente texto trata de um estudo de caso que foi norteado pelo seguinte problema: “Qual a influencia dos fatores depressivos no trabalho do enfermeiro psiquiátrico?”. Nesse sentido, verificar os fatores responsáveis pela dualidade sofrimento e prazer no trabalho do enfermeiro psiquiátrico, levando em consideração os fatores depressivos existentes nesta profissão, será a questão mostradora desta pesquisa, que tem como base à teoria de Cristoph Dejours. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um roteiro composto de questões fechadas com o intuito de caracterizar os entrevistados. Na seqüência, as entrevistas sofreram um processo de semi-estruturação, primeiramente, gravadas e posteriormente, transcritas. Essa coleta utilizou-se de sete enfermeiros da categoria psiquiátrica da unidade psiquiátrica do hospital geral (UPHG), ligada a uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior localizada na cidade de Santa Maria no interior do Estado do Rio grande do Sul. Para análise das respostas referentes às questões das entrevistas, foi utilizada a metodologia da Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados estão apresentados em quatro categorias, que foram: “Trabalho em linhas gerais”, relata o trabalho num sentido mais amplo; “A valorização do bem-estar do enfermeiro”, que ressalta a importância de se ter um ambiente agradável de trabalho; “A busca do prazer no trabalho”, que mostra caminhos para a busca do prazer no trabalho e por fim “Ações preventivas para combater a depressão no ambiente de trabalho”, que compreende formas de evitar aspectos depressivos na realidade do enfermeiro psiquiátrico.
O gerenciamento de riscos constitui atualmente um dos principais fatores relacionados ao baixo índice de sucesso nos projetos de desenvolvimento de software. Neste contexto, dentre outras contribuições relevantes, pode-se considerar o levantamento de ações preventivas que auxiliem os profissionais da área de desenvolvimento de sistemas para a obtenção dos resultados definidos. Mais especificamente, de maneira a cobrir as principais situações problemáticas, é importante considerar ações relacionadas ao comprometimento da gerência sênior e do usuário, à indefinição e alteração de escopo, ao perfil e volatilidade da equipe, e ao orçamento e cronograma do projeto. A partir da utilização de questionários e da realização de entrevistas com profissionais da área, identificaram-se, para cada situação problemática de risco, as ações adotadas por empresas da área de tecnologia da informação e empresas de outras áreas de negócio, como telecomunicação, indústria de computadores, educação e financeira. Foi também analisado o modo de posicionamento das empresas (preventivo ou corretivo) nas situações de risco, acompanhado de uma apreciação relacionada tanto ao ambiente das empresas como às categorias de conceitos desenvolvidos pela literatura especializada. Espera-se, com os resultados deste trabalho, auxiliar as empresas que lidam com projetos de desenvolvimento de software na estruturação de seus processos de gerenciamento de risco.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar um tópico pouco explorado quanto às empresas familiares que é a sucessão após a segunda geração. Procurou-se conhecer um pouco mais sobre as empresas familiares as quais se encontram na terceira geração em diante assim como entender a razão de terem conseguido este feito, pois, de acordo com vários outros estudos, apenas uma pequena minoria das empresas familiares alcança a terceira geração. Para alcançar o objetivo abordou-se no referencial teórico qual a origem das empresas familiares brasileiras, os conceitos de empresa familiar que diferem entre si conforme a ótica abordada, as suas características, assim como os pontos fortes e fracos das empresas familiares, as fases do processo de sucessão, os erros capitais que podem ocorrer na sucessão, as ações preventivas que podem servir como facilitadoras do processo sucessório, além de outros pontos de relevante importância para os empreendimentos familiares. Depois de feita a abordagem teórica, foi investigado através de pesquisa de campo em quatro empresas as quais se encontram sob o comando da terceira, quarta e quinta geração, se as indicações da literatura como condicionantes para o sucesso no processo de transição entre as gerações seriam as razões para o êxito destas empresas no quesito sucessão. A coleta de dados foi feita através de entrevistas com os diretores que fazem parte da família, das empresas selecionadas, seguindo-se um roteiro de questões fechadas abordando cinco temas principais: a sucessão e o seu planejamento; o envolvimento da família no processo sucessório; a preparação do sucessor; a profissionalização da empresa e da família e finalmente, o envolvimento com a empresa durante a infância e adolescência, sendo que este provou ser o tema de maior relevância, pois foi capaz de explicar o êxito na sucessão das empresas pesquisadas.
A presente dissertação tem como principal objetivo analisar os efeitos da implantação da Reforma Psiquiátrica na saúde e nos processos de subjetivação dos trabalhadores de saúde mental. Valendo-se da genealogia, tal como entendida por Michel Foucault, o primeiro passo foi analisar as relações de forças que perpassam os acontecimentos históricos, determinando os diferentes regimes de verdade que sustentam as políticas públicas no Brasil, especialmente a saúde mental e a saúde do trabalhador. Identificamos, ainda, os cruzamentos e distanciamentos entre estes dois movimentos, a partir da análise dos relatórios das Conferências Nacionais de Saúde do Trabalhador e de Saúde Mental. Nosso segundo objetivo foi conhecer as políticas e ações de atenção à saúde do trabalhador de saúde mental, concluindo que as ações voltadas à atenção da saúde do servidor público não integram uma política pública, sendo que os enunciados da saúde do trabalhador têm uma frágil penetração em um campo ainda hegemônico da medicina do trabalho. O servidor público, como trabalhador, não tem merecido investimento, apenas controle, em consonância com um longo histórico de desvalorização do setor público Esta realidade reflete-se nos serviços de saúde mental, onde o acolhimento (ou não) das questões relacionadas à saúde no trabalho dependem, exclusivamente, do funcionamento e das diretrizes de cada serviço. Entre as questões apontadas pelos trabalhadores de serviços de saúde mental em relação às iniciativas de cuidado com o trabalhador, cumprem papel de destaque a equipe e a supervisão. Outro fator apontado pelos entrevistados como fonte de estresse em seu trabalho, foram as limitações não apenas dos serviços de saúde mental mas, sobretudo, de outros equipamentos e ações de suporte social. Mesmo com todas as exigências e limitações dos serviços sob a égide da Reforma Psiquiátrica, a possibilidade de “inventar” o próprio trabalho, contrapõe-se à falta de perspectivas característica do trabalho nos hospitais psiquiátricos. Por fim, buscamos estabelecer a relação entre a rede enunciativa presente nos textos de sustentação das políticas de Saúde Mental e de Saúde do Trabalhador, e como esta rede atravessa e constitui o sujeito trabalhador dos serviços de saúde mental (subjetivação Desenvolvemos a idéia de que o trabalhador de saúde mental, hoje, constrói-se em meio à disputa dos discursos que refletem o embate interno ao campo designado como Saúde Mental. É um espaço tenso por estar habitado por diferentes formações discursivas, desde a crença de que cuidar é uma forma de caridade (discurso religioso), passando pela afirmação de que é a ciência que pode falar do tratamento da loucura (discurso científico), até o entendimento de que não basta apenas conhecimento técnico-científico, mas também implicação política e afetiva com a construção de um outro modo de se relacionar com a loucura (Reforma Psiquiátrica). O trabalhador dos serviços de saúde mental constitui-se, ainda, na tensão entre o habitar um lugar rico para criação e invenção, e o confronto com a desvalorização de seu papel de servidor público, com a falta de investimentos e de ações intersetoriais, que impõem limites para a prática e sobrecarregam o trabalhador. É neste jogo que temos a subjetivação do trabalhador de saúde mental, considerando que é no confronto com o sofrimento - seja valendo-se dele para criar, seja lutando para não adoecer - que se dá o cotidiano do seu trabalho.
Com o crescente número de pedidos de medicamentos por meio de ações judiciais, o Poder Judiciário se viu na difícil função de decidir questões tão relevantes e urgentes para as quais não possuía, necessariamente, conhecimento técnico. O fenômeno intitulado “judicialização da saúde” tem sido causa de preocupação, pois o alto gasto com a compra de medicamentos solicitados como resultado dessas ações podem interferir, diretamente, em verbas destinadas a outras políticas públicas e provoca uma discussão sobre o direito constitucional a saúde; que nesse aspecto é garantido a quem teve acesso a justiça. Na busca de dar auxilio aos magistrados na hora de decidirem sobre essas ações o Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro em cooperação com a Secretaria de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro implementaram o Núcleo de Assessoria Técnica (NAT) em ações judiciais da saúde. Núcleo esse formado por profissionais ligados a saúde, que analisam detalhadamente os pedidos, confeccionam um parecer. Esse trabalho visa explanar sobre o funcionamento desse Núcleo e demonstrar se o auxilio técnico serve como instrumento de aperfeiçoamento das decisões judiciais na área da saúde. A abordagem para alcançar o nosso objetivo que é passa pelo conceito, doutrinas e características da Judicialização da saúde. Num segundo momento trabalharemos informações sobre o NAT, tratando da criação, objetivo, atribuição, dinâmica, com enfoque maior na atuação e expansão do Núcleo. Por fim, nosso objetivo é descrever, de forma mais detalhada, a ação do NAT com relação a quantos medicamentos são pedidos por via judicial, que tipo de medicamentos, os gastos com os mesmos e na opinião dos operadores de direito envolvidos nessa seara, como juízes e defensores, sobre o funcionamento do NAT.
Objetivou analisar a atuação dos enfermeiros da Estratégia Saúde da Família frente à violência intrafamiliar contra a criança, visando identificar ações de prevenção do problema. Pesquisa descritiva e exploratória de cunho qualitativo, cujos dados foram analisados conforme análise de conteúdo. Participaram do estudo 14 enfermeiros da Estratégia de Saúde da Família do município de Mossoró-RN. Dados coletados utilizando-se questionário semiestruturado. As ações de promoção à saúde são atividades educativas desenvolvidas após detecção de casos. O medo de represálias do agente agressor, a sobrecarga de trabalho, a falta de apoio dos gestores e a dificuldade para a materialização da interdisciplinaridade, intersetorialidade e integralidade da atenção foram mencionadas como barreiras ao enfrentamento do problema
It is noticeable that pressure, tension and overwork are frequent in health professionals routine. The work related to the ward area demands deep attention and surveillance. Because of that, it is essential to have a specific look at the humanization directed at health professionals, considering that taking care of other human beings is the essence of their job. This study has analyzed the psychic health levels, as well as the stress health professionals are submitted to, providing a debate about the humanization in 06 public hospitals (03 of them awarded by actions of humanization, and 03 not awarded) in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. A study with 126 active health professionals (doctors, nurses, psychologists, nutritionists and social workers) in ward areas in their respective institutions was carried out. The thesis presented, with multi-disciplinary characteristic, counted on the support of statisticians (to calculate samples and data analysis), psychologists, social workers and administrators (linked to the human resources sector in each hospital). A cross-sectional study was performed, taking into consideration both quantitative and qualitative factors. The tools used for that were a semistructured questionnaire with socio-demographic characteristics, work and humanization; Lipp's Stress Symptoms Inventory for Adults (ISSL), and the Goldberg s General Health Questionnaire (QSG). The workers are predominantly women (84,9%), married (54,8%), between 46 and 55 years old (40,5%), working in the same institution for more than 20 years (22,2%), and between 16 and 20 years (20,6%), respectively. They work 40 hours a week (71,4%) and have multiple jobs (61,9%). Although most of these individuals global psychic health is in a good level, there are a significant number of people that is gradually getting worse concerning psychic stress (F1) showed by QSG (54,7%), and stress showed by ISSL(42,1%). Observing the categories, nurses (41,5%). Nutritionists (20,8%), doctors and social workers (18,9%), were among the most affected. About general health (F6), 63% of the awarded hospitals and 70% of the not awarded ones, presented good health levels (ranging from 5 to 50%). It was also noticed that, in the groups mentioned above, 25 and 20% respectively, were inserted in scores between 55 to 90%, what means that they are in worsening phase. The fact that the hospital is awarded or well recognized doesn t interfere in health professionals stress level and in their psychic health. Through what was heard from these individuals, it was possible to verify that they know little about humanization, once few of them identify or know that the service they offer is in an adoption process by Ministerial Policies. It was also detected the necessity of developing actions aimed at worker s health. Such results showed the importance of have more investments in programs that are directed to workers well-being, because they deal with other people s health and it is known that it is difficult for them to offer high-quality assistance if there are not suitable physical, psychological and material conditions to help them develop their jobs. As a warning, it is fair to say that investments in actions that provide humanized care to health professionals, mainly concerning preventive care for their health and life quality in their work
Ações promotoras de saúde e independência para pessoas idosas são indispensáveis. Compreender essa construção no cotidiano da provisão dos cuidados talvez estimule o desenvolvimento de capacitações ao bem estar nesta população. O objetivo deste estudo foi Identificar a repercussão da provisão do cuidado formal em saúde bucal na percepção de senescentes. Desenvolvemos uma pesquisa de base qualitativa com abordagem fenomenológica, onde realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas e individuais com 30 pessoas de idade superior a 50 anos (22 mulheres e 08 homens), em um Centro de Convivência na cidade de Natal/Rio Grande do Norte, no nordeste do Brasil. Os relatos obtidos foram analisados em cinco estágios: transcrição dos discursos sem preocupação interpretativa; limpeza de erros linguísticos e repetições; leitura repetitiva e exaustiva para apreensão do sentido das informações coletadas; seleção das unidades significativas dos discursos, correspondendo aos trechos relevantes no horizonte do fenômeno em estudo; e compreensão da ideografia elaborada pelos participantes por grupos temáticos simbólicos. Assim, identificamos as essências temáticas de: determinante social e iniquidade em saúde bucal; e provisão de cuidados de saúde bucal e mal-estar físico, mental e social. Concluímos que a prestação de cuidados agregando abordagem humanístico-ética pode levar a vivências dignificantes no processo de envelhecimento, destacadamente quando estimula a promoção da segurança pessoal. O âmago desse trabalho descortina uma vertente multidisciplinar que perpassa a saúde, a educação e a ética
The family violence against children became visible, in the context of public health, due to the damage and injuries generated in the lives of children and to the growing need of investment in physical and human resources to fill this demand. In this context, it is believed that intervention could prevent such events and are configured as primary strategies to prevent the corollaries generated by the violence. In this perspective, this study aims to analyze the performance of nurses dealing with the Strategy of Family Health viewing to identify actions based on the paradigm of health distribution. This is a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative research. The data were analyzed based on the content analysis about the method proposed by Bardin. The study was conducted in Mossoró-RN and the participants were 14 nurses working for the Family Health Strategy in Health Units of this town. The instrument for data collection was a semi-structured questionnaire, with questions answered by the participants themselves. It was evident to the study that the nurses believe that health education are the main tool for dealing with domestic violence against children, being developed, however, in its positivist and vertical way. The actions used to develop health performed by the team on their daily lives are limited to educational activities and are carried exactly when cases of family violence against children are notified. Barriers to the practice emerged from fear of reprisals from the agressor, overwork, lack of management support and difficulty for the realization of interdisciplinary, intersectorality and comprehensive care.
Communication is seen as vital function. Through it, individuals and organizations relate to each other, the environment and the shares of their own group, influencing each other to turn facts into information. The user of the male part of a group of patients whose health policy is still in development. This fact can create insecurity in the nurse to establish a process that promotes disease prevention, promotion and / or recovery of health for that user. Aiming to elucidate this, the present study aimed to: apprehend the social representations of nurses communication with the users were male, looking for disease prevention, promotion and recovery of his health; identify the factors that influenced, positively or negatively on the effectiveness of nurses communication with the users were male and investigate the strategies used by nurses to clarify communication with the users were male. In order to achieve the goal raised, this study was a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative approach. Was based on theoretical and methodological framework social representations of Denise Jodelet and Serge Moscovici. The project has, through no Parecer nº 649/10, approval of the Ethics and Research HULW. During data collection, we used a semi-structured script and a diary interviews with 24 nurses in basic health units of district-Mangabeira Health District III, the city of João Pessoa (PB). The results were analyzed using the technique of content analysis according to Bardin (2007). Classifying the research subjects and identified three categories and five nuclei of the central ideas. The categories identified: the grasp of the RS communication of nurses with male users, identifying factors that influence the effectiveness of nurses' communication with users and male research on the strategies used by nurses to the elucidation of the communication with male users. The nuclei of the central ideas found: social representations of nurses' communication with the users of the male is externalized as difficult, different, difficult, not technical (knowledge) specific, with a dubious sense in relation to its therapeutic action, the factors examined as positive in this communication were based on the connection between professional and user look in detail and not mechanistic, in preventive actions, the dynamics of care, accessibility, participatory care, humanization, and qualification service. Whereas served as negative factors for the communication, signed on the behavioral differences of men, the feminization of nurses, lack of training for professionals in relation to the subject, prescriptive conduct and prejudice (concerns) sociocultural. Another related consolidated core strategies employed for the occurrence of such communication. Given these results, it was realized the importance of social representations for the consecration of a single language, the common understanding of reality on the nurse's communication with the user in male and determination of changes in the behavior of nurses and the user to the establishment of more effective strategies for obtaining a therapeutic communication between them
According to demographic estimates, by the year 2025 Brazil will be the sixth country in the world in number of elderly. For this reason, it is a purpose of public policies to help people to reach that age being healthier. The current health care model of health surveillance through the Family Health Strategy (EFS, in portuguese) is configured as a gateway into the care of the elderly in the Unified Health System (SUS, in portuguese). It is also an area of development of practices to promote health, prevention and control of chronic nondegenerative diseases. The aim of this study was to analyze the health care of the elderly provided by ESF professionals for the achievement of a full care. The study is descriptive case study with a quantitative approach, performed in the city of Santo Antônio/RN. The population included all health professionals, who are FHS members of the city that agreed to participate of the survey, a total of 80 professionals. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, having mostly closed questions and divided into two parts: one containing sociodemographic information of health professionals and vocational training and the other, the activities carried on by the professionals in senior care, being analyzed from a database tabulated in a spreadsheet and discussed according to the descriptive statistics in tables, graphs and charts using frequencies, medians and values of central tendency. It was verified a predominance of professionals who finished highschool, mostly female, aged from 30 to 34 years old, with training completed in the last 10 years, without being graduated in the field of geriatrics or gerontology and mostly without training in gerontology. Family members and caregivers were the components of the social support network most identified by the professionals (66.3%).The elderly access to the Family Health Basic Unit was considered by83.8% of professionals as the most important factor that interferes in the activities of health care of the elderly. Considering the inclusion of the family in care: 98.8% of professionals consider the family as one of the goals of care, but 82.5% assist the family to know their role and participate in the care of the elderly, emphasizing that no professional makes use of tools for evaluating the functionality of the family. Regarding the actions taken to assist the elderly, 91.25% have home visits program to the elderly, 88.75% use the host program; 77.5% know the habits of life, cultural, ethical and religious values of the elderly, their families and their community ;51.25% complement the activities through intersectoral actions, 50%participate in groups of living with the elderly; 33.75% keeps track and maintain updated the health information of the elderly; 11.25% of the professionals perform the Single Therapy Planning (PTS, in portuguese) and few implement the actions to promote health according to PTS; there is a deficit in the number of professional categories in the identification and monitoring of the frail older people in their households. It is concluded that the health care of the elderly developed by ESF professionals differs among the professional categories. It was identified weaknesses in the promotion of an active and healthy aging and also in the establishment of an integrated and full care of the elderly. It is recommended the adoption of permanent educational activities by the City Management, initially for ESF professionals in the the perspective of the guidelines of the National Policy of Health Care for the Elderly and later to the other professionals that are part of the health care network of the elderly, at all levels of care in the city for the development of strategies and practices that promote the improvement of the quality of healthcare for the elderly, expecting concrete and effective results in terms of promoting health within Brazilian reality
Suicide rates have been rising all over the world. In Rio Grande do Norte state, a study carried out by Dutra (1999) investigated suicide rates among youngsters and found that in 1997 alone 244 cases of suicide attempt were registered. The author took an interest in studying this phenomenon among adolescents after reviewing Dutra s study and the technical literature on suicide. In addition to that, another topic caught her attention and raised new research questions: suicide attempts motivated by love, i.e., the end of a relationship, the fantasy of being abandoned by a partner. These have made the author to question how love manifested itself among adolescents and how it could become a reason for adolescents to give up their lives. Based on the data she analyzed and the research questions she developed, her research objective was to understand how adolescents who have attempted suicide because of love-related reasons have gone through this experience. The theoretical reference for the research was the Client-centered Therapy and more specifically, the construct self , according to Carl Rogers. The methodological strategy was inspired by the existential-phenomenological strategy. It used the narrative as a research instrument, inspired by the work of Walter Benjamim (1994) which was developed into a research strategy by Schmidt (1990). Four youngsters (three male and one female) have participated in this study. They have attempted suicide for love-related reasons during dolescence, when they were 12 to 18 years old. The interviews were recorded on cassette tapes, transcribed and literalized into narratives. The understanding of the narratives was based on the meanings that emerged from the youngsters speeches, as well as from the moments that touched the author. These moments highlighted the meaning of the experience of giving up life and the experience of love-based relationship as experienced by the youngsters. The study detected, among the adolescents who were interviewed, the existence of impulsiveness related to the suicide attempt. Also, the majority of the interviewees came from unstructured family backgrounds and had lost of one of their parents or had to face their parents divorce. The suicide was attempted by these youngsters through the ingestion of medicines. The research also revealed that the youngsters had regretted attempting suicide and felt guilty about it. With regards to their self-evaluation, the author observed that the youngsters had low self-esteem, negative perceptions about themselves and distorted views of themselves. These findings helped the author to reflect on the close relationship between the construct self and the suicide attempt. She also observed that a few factors, i.e., family context, education, social and cultural values, have influenced the way the youngsters perceived themselves . The results of this research confirm the idea that we have to understand the suicide attempt as a multi-determined phenomenon. This study contributed to the analysis and reflection on the factors that contribute to suicide attempts thus providing a foundation for the development of public health programs and policies to deal with this topic
The accelerated industrialization, coming with the Industrial Revolution, caused profound changes in the working world. These changes led to the households risks from work environment. Trying to assist comprehensively the health of workers, Brazil has a program of Health Care Workers in the Primary Care, and the Family Health Strategy is the main entrance for this system. The study sought to determine if the actions of the health care worker have been developed in primary care through the Family Health Strategy. This is a quantitative study with a methodological evaluation, focusing on normative assessment. The sample was formed by professionals from Team Family Health Strategy, in the municipalities of Pau dos Ferros, Caicó and Natal in Rio Grande do Norte state. The sample consists of 202 professionals (Doctors, Nurses, Assistant / Technician Nursing and Community Health Workers) in 52 Health Family Units from the 3 municipalities cited. The instrument used consists of a checklist, from Manual of Primary Care 5 - Family Health - Occupational Health, Ministry of Health. The data were analyzed describing the variables by its frequency and doing a classification of cities from the scores obtained by each. It was observed that the Family Health professionals know the program of health care worker, however do not know the Manual of Primary Care 5, which is a guidance tool. As a result of non-appropriation of the FHT professionals with worker health, these activities are not performed, mainly surveillance in occupational health and health education labor
This work discusses the evaluation of the satisfaction of the users on the women health care focusing on the quality of the primary care in the State of Rio Grande do Norte-BR. The main objective of this research is evaluate the satisfaction of the users about the actions applied to women health in the primary health care in Rio Grande do Norte, observing the information available through the Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB). The specific objectives are: the evaluation of aspects related to women health; the evaluation of the specific actions related to welcoming the pregnant and; the evaluation of the information related to the postpartum. This dissertation is characterized as an evaluative research made through a multicentric transversal study, using a quantitative approach, which is part of the External Evaluation of the PMAQ-AB in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, made by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Some secondary data of the interviews with the users who were in the Basic Health Units were used during the External Evaluation of the PMAQ-AB in Rio Grande do Norte. The sample was collected following these criteria: the users that were in the Basic Health Units to attend to any procedure; they must had used the services for at least one year; and they must had agreed to participate the research. The ones that were attending to the services for the first time and the ones that did not use the services for at least 12 months were excluded from the sample. To the data collection it was used a chart of variables/indicators with the following information to the analysis: Women Health Care, Specific Care of the Pregnant and Information about he postpartum. The descriptive analysis of the data were made through absolute and relative frequencies of the variables using the software Statistic Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows, version 22.0.0. The results show a positive picture of the satisfaction of the users about the actions of the primary healthcare in women health in the State of the Rio Grande do Norte. Another important analysis is the integration of the primary health care with other points of the Healthcare System aiming to reorient the Model of Healthcare as a starter of the access and quality of the services given to the users. Therefore, the evaluation of the satisfaction of the users in health care is essential among all the agents involved in the process of consolidation of the Unified Health System SUS. Also having the need of rethinking the professional practice, reorganizing the processes of work of the multiprofessional teams in health care, enabling financial resources, inputs and materials, planning and systematizing new actions of healthcare aiming to ensure a perfect health care to the people
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR