570 resultados para 994
Chili powder is a globally traded commodity which has been found to be adulterated with Sudan dyes from 2003 onwards. In this study, chili powders were adulterated with varying quantities of Sudan I dye (0.1-5%) and spectra were generated using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) and Raman
spectroscopy (on a spectrometer with a sample compartment modified as part of the study). Chemometrics were applied to the spectral data to produce quantitative and qualitative calibration models and prediction statistics. For the quantitative models coefficients of determination (R2) were found to be
0.891-0.994 depending on which spectral data (NIRS/Raman) was processed, the mathematical algorithm used and the data pre-processing applied. The corresponding values for the root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC) and root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) were found to be 0.208-0.851%
and 0.141-0.831% respectively, once again depending on the spectral data and the chemometric treatment applied to the data. Indications are that the NIR spectroscopy based models are superior to the models produced from Raman spectral data based on a comparison of the values of the chemometric
parameters. The limit of detection (LOD) based on analysis of 20 blank chili powders against each calibration model gave 0.25% and 0.88% for the NIR and Raman data, respectively. In addition, adopting a qualitative approach with the spectral data and applying PCA or PLS-DA, it was possible to discriminate
between adulterated chili powders from non-adulterated chili powders.
To investigate individual, household and country variation in consent to health record linkage.
Study Design and Setting
Data from 50,994 individuals aged 16-74 years recruited to wave 1 of a large UK general purpose household survey (January 2009 – December 2010) were analysed using multi-level logistic regression models.
Overall, 70.7% of respondents consented to record linkage. Younger age, marriage, tenure, car ownership and education were all significantly associated with consent, though there was little deviation from 70% in subgroups defined by these variables. There were small increases in consent rates in individuals with poor health when defined by self-reported long term limiting illness (adjusted OR 1.11; 95%CIs 1.06, 1.16), less so when defined by General Health Questionnaire score (adjusted OR=1.05; 95%CIs 1.00, 1.10), but the range in absolute consent rates between categories was generally less than 10%. Larger differences were observed for those of non-white ethnicity who were 38% less likely to consent (adjusted OR 0.62; 95%CIs 0.59, 0.66). Consent was higher in Scotland than England (adjusted OR 1.17; 95%CIs 1.06, 1.29) but lower in Northern Ireland (adjusted OR 0.56; 95%CIs 0.50, 0.63).
The modest overall level of systematic bias in consent to record linkage provides reassurance for record linkage potential in general purpose household surveys. However, the low consent rates amongst non-white ethnic minority survey respondents will further compound their low survey participation rates. The reason for the country-level variation requires further study.
The Behavioural Inhibition and Behavioural Activation System (BIS/BAS) scales were developed by Carver and White (1994) and comprise four scales which measure individual differences in personality (Gray 1982, 1991). More recent modifications, namely the five-factor model derived from Gray and McNaughton's (2000) revised Reward Sensitivity Theory (RST) suggests that Anxiety and Fear are separable components of inhibition. This study employed exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses on the scales in order to test whether the four or five-factor model was the better fit in a sample of 994 participants aged 11–30 years. Consistent with RST, superior model fit was shown for the five-factor model with all variables correlated. Significant age effects were observed for BIS Fear and BIS Anxiety, with scores peaking in middle and late adolescence respectively. The BAS subscales showed differential effects of age group. Significantly increasing scores from early to mid and from mid to late adolescence were found for Drive, but the effect of age on Fun Seeking and Reward Responsiveness was not significant.
Com esta investigação pretendemos analisar as perspectivas e opiniões dos professores de Portugugs, relativamente A questáo da Gestão Curricular da Língua Cabo-vediana e sua integração nos curficula. O trabalho divide-se em duas partes, sendo a primeira parte abrangendo a coniextualizaç~od o problema e objecto de estudo, e o enquadramento tebrico, com base nos suportes te6ricos de referência e a segunda parte abarca a enquadramento metodológico de um estudo prospectivo, concretizado através da realização de um inquérito por questionário aplicado a uma amostra dos professores de Português de Cabo Verde. Na primeira parte do trabalho, para além do conceito de curriculo. que foi largamente descrito a nível teórico, o estudo centra-se no conceito de gesfão cvrricular da Ccv e as suas inter-relaçáes com os conceitos de adequaçio, diferenciação e integra@ curricuiares, a luz das novas tendemias curriculares e de inovação educativa. Um outro ponto que tem merecido destaque, nesta primeira parte diz respeito aos conceitos de crioulo e pidgin e a formação do Ccv e a sua conversão em Ccv. Assim, atribuímos A política linguística ai legiiimaçào da criação de estruturas e meios indispensáveis para a afirmação e valorizaç8a da Lcv e sua integração nos curricula. A concepção da nossa investigação situa-se dentro do paradigma construtívista, conforme definido por Guba & Lincoln (19941, que permite a compreensão da realidade sob a forma de construções mentais e sociais, baseadas na interpretação e analise de conteúdo de dados obtidos junto dos sujeitos, Para a abordagem metodológica utilizada nesta pesquisa utilizou-se o inquérito por question8rio1 com recurso ao método quantitativdqualitativo, visto que se trata de um estudo descritivolinterpretativo de natureza exploratória, que se preocupa mais com o processo do que com os prdutos. A síntese dos resultados demonstra que os professores têm a noção dos conceitos de currículo e de gestão curricular, embora haja algumas divergências na conceptualização dos mesmos. No tocante à Lcv, é clara a ansiedade que os professores deixam transparecer de ver a sua Ilngua materna valorizada, no sentido da sua ascensão A língua oficial em paridade com a Lp. Assim, advoga-se a criação de estruturas e de gestão de meios materiais a humanos para a oficialiração da Lcv e sua integração nos çurricula escolares.
This work aims to evaluate the feasibility of using image-based cytometry (IBC) in the analysis of algal cell quantification and viability, using Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata as a cell model. Cell concentration was determined by IBC to be in a linear range between 1 × 105 and 8 × 106 cells mL−1. Algal viability was defined on the basis that the intact membrane of viable cells excludes the SYTOX Green (SG) probe. The disruption of membrane integrity represents irreversible damage and consequently results in cell death. Using IBC, we were able to successfully discriminate between live (SG-negative cells) and dead algal cells (heat-treated at 65 °C for 60 min; SG-positive cells). The observed viability of algal populations containing different proportions of killed cells was well correlated (R 2 = 0.994) with the theoretical viability. The validation of the use of this technology was carried out by exposing algal cells of P. subcapitata to a copper stress test for 96 h. IBC allowed us to follow the evolution of cell concentration and the viability of copper-exposed algal populations. This technology overcomes several main drawbacks usually associated with microscopy counting, such as labour-intensive experiments, tedious work and lack of the representativeness of the cell counting. In conclusion, IBC allowed a fast and automated determination of the total number of algal cells and allowed us to analyse viability. This technology can provide a useful tool for a wide variety of fields that utilise microalgae, such as the aquatic toxicology and biotechnology fields.
BACKGROUND: Patterns of morbidity and mortality among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals taking antiretroviral therapy are changing as a result of immune reconstitution and improved survival. We studied the influence of aging on the epidemiology of non-AIDS diseases in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. METHODS: The Swiss HIV Cohort Study is a prospective observational cohort established in 1988 with continuous enrollment. We determined the incidence of clinical events (per 1000 person-years) from January 2008 (when a new questionnaire on non-AIDS-related morbidity was introduced) through December 2010. Differences across age groups were analyzed using Cox regression, adjusted for CD4 cell count, viral load, sex, injection drug use, smoking, and years of HIV infection. RESULTS: Overall, 8444 (96%) of 8848 participants contributed data from 40,720 semiannual visits; 2233 individuals (26.4%) were aged 50-64 years, and 450 (5.3%) were aged ≥65 years. The median duration of HIV infection was 15.4 years (95% confidence interval [CI], 9.59-22.0 years); 23.2% had prior clinical AIDS. We observed 994 incident non-AIDS events in the reference period: 201 cases of bacterial pneumonia, 55 myocardial infarctions, 39 strokes, 70 cases of diabetes mellitus, 123 trauma-associated fractures, 37 fractures without adequate trauma, and 115 non-AIDS malignancies. Multivariable hazard ratios for stroke (17.7; CI, 7.06-44.5), myocardial infarction (5.89; 95% CI, 2.17-16.0), diabetes mellitus (3.75; 95% CI, 1.80-7.85), bone fractures without adequate trauma (10.5; 95% CI, 3.58-30.5), osteoporosis (9.13; 95% CI, 4.10-20.3), and non-AIDS-defining malignancies (6.88; 95% CI, 3.89-12.2) were elevated for persons aged ≥65 years. CONCLUSIONS: Comorbidity and multimorbidity because of non-AIDS diseases, particularly diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, non-AIDS-defining malignancies, and osteoporosis, become more important in care of HIV-infected persons and increase with older age.
Cambios en la dieta de la anchoveta engraulis ringens y su influencia en la dinámica de alimentación
En cada uno de los Cruceros de Evaluación Hidroacústica realizados por eI IMARPE, de 1996 a 1999, se ha relacionado el numero de horas del periodo de ingesta de la anchoveta, tanto con la ración diaria de alimentación, como con la calidad de la dieta. Se ha tomado como base el análisis de 6.606 estómagos de anchoveta. Se halló que durante EI Niño el periodo de ingesta se inicio mas temprano, incrementándose el numero de horas, con la consiguiente disminución de la ración diaria. En la zona norte-centro la alimentación era a base de diatomeas antes de EI Niño, y de copepodos durante el evento; en la zona sur ocurrió lo contrario. AI final y después del evento, el consumo de copepodos predomino en ambas zonas. AI termino de EI Niño la dieta vario de acuerdo a la talla. Los individuos <10 cm, en todo el Iitoral, consumieron principal mente copepodos, teniendo ritmo de alimentación nocturno, del atardecer al amanecer del dia siguiente. Los ejemplares >10 cm tuvieron un ritmo diurno y se alimentaron sobre todo de copepodos en la zona norte-centro y de diatomeas en el sur. Los cambios en la dieta durante el periodo estudiado confirman el carácter oportunista de la anchoveta ante las fluctuaciones del medio, cambiando la estrategia y dinámica de alimentación.
1886/12/02 (Numéro 994).
Vanden Brugge (Jan Isaac), dit Pontanus. Album amicorum (1591-1627)