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1886/09/28 (Numéro 930).
Banco del conocimiento
This ecological investigation of the beaver (Castor canadensis canadensis Kuhl) was part of the Eastern Slopes (Alberta) Watershed Research program conducted during the summers of 1968 . 1969 . 1970. and 1971 . A soil particle size analysis indicated that soil heavy with clay was used by the beaver for construction purposes in the Porcupine Hills . Examples were given of the beaver controlling erosion with the construction of dams . and also causing erosion to occur . However . in general . the beaver slow down soil erosion and decrease the loss of soil from this region. The beaver utilized measureable amounts of herbaceous vegetation . However, the utilization of herbs by the beaver requires further investigation. A system of ex~sures and enclosures of herbaceous vegetation plots was used to study the utilization of sedges , grasses , and forbs . The beaver indicated stronger species preference for willow as compared to aspen . The size preference for willow was in the 1.0 to 10.0 centimeters basal diameter classes , while the beaver utilization of aspen indicated a preference for the largest trees with basal diameter greater than 20.0 centimeters. Willow was the most important plant in the low lying areas with regard to distribution, abundance and to produce sustained yield. The beaver used this plant for food and construction throughout the study area. The distribution of aspen was limited. and this species did not appear to produce more than one crop in the lifetime of a beaver colony. Nine out of 15 woody plant types were sampled by the beaver in this region. A plot-intercept transect technique was used for systematic vegetation sampling of the woody vegetation in six intensively studied watersheds. The beaver population of the Porcupine Hills region of SW-Alberta is believed to depend upon the chinooks. During the 1971 ground census, a total of 60 active beaver colonies were tallied on the 930 square kilometers large study area. The beaver of the region were not found to store large food caches during fall and winter, however, they are believed to collect feed periodically throughout the winter months. It was observed that the severe winter in 1968-69, reduced by 27 per cent the number of active beaver colonies within the study area. The Porcupine Hills region had 0.07 beaver colony per square kilometer in 1971, a low density of beaver colonies due to the rough topography of the area. However, the importance of the beaver ponds was somewhat clarified as they provide increased moisture, which lessens the fire damage, and store water for wildlife and cattle in the area. Meteorological data was collected by the author in collaboration with the Department of Transport.
The present study was carried out to test the hypothesis that photosynthetic bacteria contribute a large portion of the food of filter feeding zooplankton populations in Crawford Lake, Ontario. The temporal and spatial variations of both groups of organisms are strongly dependent on one another. 14 By using C-Iabelled photosynthetic bacteria. the ingestion and clearance rates of Daphnia pulex, ~. rosea, and Keratella spp were estimated during summer and fall of 1982. These quantitative estimations of zooplankton ingestion and clearence rates on photosynthetic bacteria comprised an original addition to the literature. Photosynthetic bacteria comprised a substantial portion of the diet of all four dominant zooplankton species. The evidence for this is based on the ingestion and clearance rates of the dominant zooplankton species. Ingestion rates of D. pulex and D. rosea ranged 5 5 -1 -1 - -- 5 - -- 5 from 8.3X10 -1 to 14.6XlO -1 cells.ind. hr and 8.1X10 to 13.9X10 cells.ind. hr • Their clearance rates ranged from 0.400 to 1.000 -1 -1 -1 -1 ml.ind. hr. and 0.380 to 0.930 ml.ind. hr • The ingestion and clearance -1 -1 -1 -1 rates of Keratella spp were 600 cell.ind. hr and 0.40 ul.ind. hr respectively. Clearance rates were inversely proportional to the concentration of food cells and directly proportional to the body size of the animals. It is believed that despite the very short reg~neration times of photosynthetic bacteria (3-8 hours) their population densities were controlled in part by the feeding rates of the dominant zooplankton in Crawford Lake. By considering the regeneration times of photosynthetic bacteria and the population clearance rates of zooplankton, it was estimated that between 16 to 52% and 11 to 35% of the PHotosynthetic bacteria were' consumed· by Daphnia· pulex. and Q.. rosea per day. The temporal and spatial distribution of Daphnia pulex, !.. rosea, Keratella quadrata, K. coChlearis and photosynthetic bacteria in Crawford Lake were also investigated during the period of October, 1981 to December, 1982. The photosynthetic bacteria in the lake, constituted a major food source for only those zooplankton Which tolerate anaerobic conditions. Changes in temperature and food appeared to correlate with the seasonal changes in zooplankton density. All four dominant species of zooplankton were abundant at the lake's surface (O-4m) during winter and spring and moved downwards with the thermocline as summer stratification proceeded. Photosynthetic bacteria formed a 2 m thick layer at the chemocline. The position of this photosynthetic bacterial J-ayer changed seasonally. In the summer, the bacterial plate moved upwards and following fall mixing it moved downwards. A vertical shift of O.8m (14.5 to 15.3m) was recorded during the period of June to December. The upper limit of the photosynthetic bacteria in the water column was controlled by dissolved oxygen, and sulfide concentrations While their lower limit was controlled by light intensity. A maximum bacterio- 1 chlorophyll concentration of 81 mg Bchl.l was recorded on August 9, 1981. The seasonal distribution of photosynthetic bacteria was controlledinpart' by ·theg.-"z1ai'_.Q;~.zoopl. ank:tCm;-.Qther -ciactors associated with zooplankton grazing were oxygen and sulfide concentrations.
The cloned dihydrofolate reductase gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (DFR 1) is expressed in Escherichia coli. Bacterial strain JF1754 transformed with plasmids containing DFR 1 is at least 5X more resistant to inhibition by the folate antagonist trimethoprim. Expression of yeast DFR 1 in E. coli suggests it is likely that the gene lacks intervening sequences. The 1.8 kbp DNA fragment encoding yeast dhfr activity probably has its own promotor, as the gene is expressed in both orientations in E. coli. Expression of the yeast dhfr gene cloned into M13 viral vectors allowed positive selection of DFR 1 - M13 bacterial transfectants in medium supplemented with trimethoprim. A series of nested deletions generated by nuclease Bal 31 digestion and by restriction endonuclease cleavage of plasmids containing DFR 1 physically mapped the gene to a 930 bp region between the Pst 1 and Sal 1 cut sites. This is consistent with the 21,000 molecular weight attributed to yeast dhfr in previous reports. From preliminary DNA sequence analysis of the dhfr DNA fragment the 3' terminus of DFR 1 was assigned to a position 27 nucleotides from the Eco Rl cut site on the Bam Hi - Eco Rl DNA segment. Several putative yeast transcription termination consensus sequences were identified 3' to the opal stop codon. DFR 1 is expressed in yeast and it confers resistance to the antifolate methotrexate when the gene is present in 2 - 10 copies per cell. Plasmid-dependent resistance to methotrexate is also observed in a rad 6 background although the effect is somewhat less than that conferred to wild-type or rad 18 cells. Integration of DFR 1 into the yeast genome showed an intermediate sensitivity to folate antagonists. This may suggest a gene dosage effect. No change in petite induction in these yeast strains was observed in transformed cells containing yeast dhfr plasmids. The sensitivity of rad 6 , rad 18 and wild-type cell populations to trimethoprim were unaffected by the presence of DFR 1 in transformants. Moreover, trimethoprim did not induce petites in any strain tested, which normally results if dhfr is inhibited by other antifolates such as methotrexate. This may suggest that the dhfr enzyme is not the only possible target of trimethoprim in yeast. rad 6 mutants showed a very low level of spontaneous petite formation. Methotrexate failed to induce respiratory deficient mutants in this strain which suggested that rad 6 might be an obligate grande. However, ethidium bromide induced petites to a level approximately 50% of that exhibited by wild-type and rad 18 strains.
Rapport de recherche
Rapport de recherche
La baisse de plus en plus marquée de l’âge au premier rapport sexuel et l’augmentation de l’âge au premier mariage impliquent une durée plus longue d’exposition au risque des grossesses prénuptiales et aux infections sexuellement transmissibles incluant le VIH/sida. C’est pourquoi des interventions ont été mises en place en vue de protéger la santé des adolescents et jeunes. L’Observatoire de Population en Épidémiologie Socio-Clinique (POSE) conçu et mis sur pied au Cameroun depuis 1995, a fait de la santé des adolescents et jeunes une de ses priorités de santé publique en Afrique à travers le programme de promotion de la santé reproductive des adolescents et jeunes au Cameroun (CAREH). Le Programme CAREH mène des activités d’intervention dans la préfecture de Bandjoun depuis juillet 2000, et dans plusieurs autres régions du Cameroun depuis 2003. Cette thèse vise à évaluer certains aspects de cette intervention, en examinant dans quelle mesure entre 2000 et 2002, les activités d’intervention menées auraient contribué : 1) au report à plus tard du premier rapport sexuel chez les adolescents de 10 à 20 ans ; 2) à la prévention des grossesses non désirées chez les jeunes de 10 à 29 ans ; et 3) à la prévention de l’infection à VIH chez les jeunes de 10 à 29 ans. Les données proviennent de l’Enquête sur la Famille et la Santé au Cameroun (EFSC), menée à Bandjoun en 2002. Un devis post-intervention a été utilisé après stratification des adolescents et jeunes en quatre groupes à savoir : jeunes exposés à l’intervention en milieu communautaire, jeunes exposés à l’intervention en milieu scolaire, jeunes non scolarisés non-exposés à l’intervention et jeunes scolarisés non-exposés à l’intervention. Les analyses descriptives et les analyses multivariées utilisant la régression logistique ont été utilisées pour examiner les associations présumées entre les variables d’intervention et les variables dépendantes considérées par rapport aux hypothèses de recherche émises. Nos analyses suggèrent que les adolescents scolarisés qui n’avaient pas déclaré avoir été exposés à l’intervention (RC = 1,973 ; IC =1,195-3,260) sont plus portés à avoir une perception négative de la sexualité prémaritale, que les adolescents non scolarisés n’ayant pas déclaré avoir été exposés aux activités d’intervention. Il n’y avait cependant pas de report significatif du premier rapport sexuel dans les groupes d’adolescents exposés à l’intervention par rapport à ceux non-exposés. Les connaissances sur la prévention des grossesses sont significativement plus élevées chez les jeunes scolarisés non-exposés (RC=1,953; IC=1,452 – 2,627), jeunes exposés à l’intervention en milieu communautaire (RC = 3,074 ; IC = 2,157 - 4,382) et les jeunes exposés à l’intervention en milieu scolaire (RC = 4,962 ; IC = 3,367 - 7,311) que chez les jeunes non scolarisés n’ayant pas déclaré avoir été exposés aux activités d’intervention. Il n’y a aucune différence statistiquement significative entre ces différents groupes quant à l’utilisation de la contraception moderne. La discussion sur la prévention des grossesses ou l’utilisation de la contraception avec un formateur était significativement associée à une amélioration des connaissances en prévention de grossesses chez les jeunes exposés à l’intervention en milieu scolaire (RC = 1,549 ; IC = 1,056 – 2,272), comparativement à leurs camarades exposés aux activités d’intervention en milieu communautaire sans avoir bénéficié d’une telle discussion. Les jeunes exposés à l’intervention en milieu communautaire (RC = 2,106 ; IC = 1,514 – 2,930) et ceux exposés l’intervention en milieu scolaire (RC = 3,117 ; IC = 2,192 – 4,433) connaissent mieux les modes de prévention de l’infection à VIH que les jeunes scolarisés mais n’ayant pas été exposés aux activités d’intervention. Il n’y avait toutefois pas de différences entre les groupes quant à l’utilisation du condom. Ces conclusions sont interprétables dans les limites des données disponibles. En effet, il n’a pas été possible de déterminer les niveaux de connaissances en prévention de grossesses ou du VIH avant l’exposition des jeunes à l’intervention. Ainsi, chez les jeunes exposés en milieu communautaire ou scolaire, on ne peut savoir quel aurait été leur niveau de connaissance en l’absence de l’intervention. Toutefois, il est très probable que l’intervention ait eu plus d’effets bénéfiques sur l’amélioration des connaissances que des comportements.
The present study is about the Pseudomonas sp. BTMS-51 isolated from the marine sediments of Cochin Coast. In the present study, it is concluded that marine bacteria are ideal candidates for immobilization using either Ca-alginate entrapment or physical adsorption on to synthetic inert supports and the process of immobilization does not negatively influence them. Thus, Ca-alginate entrapment of the bacteria was found to be well suited for reuse of the biomass and extended operational stability during continuous operation. Adherence of the bacterium to inertsupports was observed to be strong and it imparted minimal stress on the immobilized bacterium and allowed detachment and relocation on the supports which enabled the formation of a dynamic equilibrium maintaining a stable cell loading. This is particularly desirable in the industry for extended operational stability and maintenance of consistently higher outputs. Marine Pseudomonas sp. BTMS-51 is ideal for industrial production of extra cellular L-glutaminase and immobilization on to synthetic inert support such as polyurethane foam could be an efficient technique, employing packed bed reactor for continuous production of the enzyme. Temperature and glutamine concentration had significant effects on enzyme production by cells immobilized on polyurethane foam (PUF).
We study the relaxational dynamics of the one-spin facilitated Ising model introduced by Fredrickson and Andersen. We show the existence of a critical time which separates an initial regime in which the relaxation is exponentially fast and aging is absent from a regime in which relaxation becomes slow and aging effects are present. The presence of this fast exponential process and its associated critical time is in agreement with some recent experimental results on fragile glasses.
Las colaboraciones a esta obra son el resultado de los trabajos presentados en un seminario sobre Educaci??n, Cooperaci??n y Desarrollo celebrado en el Aula de Cultura de Cajamurcia en marzo de 1999
El CPR Murcia II y la Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo han realizado, paralelamente a la celebración del I Congresos Nacional de Lengua Escrita (Febrero de 1999, Murcia), una exposición de la que este recurso didáctico es su testimonio, elaborado en forma de catálogo-guía didáctica en la que se efectúa un viaje a través de 17 paradas que muestran las diversas manifestaciones de la escritura en la región, desde inscripciones fenicias en colmillos de elefante, hasta el empleo masivo de las nuevas tecnologías.