999 resultados para 84-567


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The properties of the nickel(II)/2-hydroxy-5-nonylacetophenone oxime (HNAPO), an active ingredient in LIX 84, extraction system were characterised in a micellar system. The extinction coefficient, λmax of HNAPO (316 nm) and the Ni2+ complex (387 nm) in a neutral micellar system, poly dispersed octa-ethyleneglycol mono-n-dodecyl ether (G12A8) were determined as 3100 and 3500 M−1 cm−1, respectively. HNAPO was found to have a neutral micellar phase and bulk aqueous phase pKa of 11.5 and 12.5, respectively. The extraction equilibrium constant, Kex, was determined to be 10−8.0, and the deviation from theory observed at high pH can be accounted for by consideration of the competition for nickel(II) ions by hydroxide ions and HNAPO. A micellar phase of octa-ethyleneglycol mono-n-dodecyl ether (C12E8) was determined to be an appropriate model of the free oil/water interface from the solubilised location of HNAPO. Utilising the interfacial probe, 4-heptadecyl-7-hydroxy coumarin (HHC) allowed the determination of the electrostatic surface potential of mixed micelles of G12A8 and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) or dodecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (DTAC). The electrostatic surface potential was a linear function of the number of additional surfactant monomers within the G12A8 micelle, for the concentration range studied. For G12A8/DTAC mixed micelles, the surface potential was given by +1.1 mV per DTAC molecule per micelle, and for G12A8/SDS mixed micelles the relationship was −1.4 mV per SDS molecule per micelle.


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O presente documento volta-se ao PLC 89/03, em substitutivo apresentado durante o seu trâmite no Senado Federal, com o objetivo de analisar problemas relacionados à abrangência e imprecisão do texto legal, e aos efeitos colaterais de extrema gravidade por elas provocados. Tais problemas ocorrem sobremaneira com relação aos artigos 285-A, 285-B, 163-A em seu parágrafo primeiro, inciso VII do artigo 6° e inciso III do artigo 22. Ainda que a intenção do projeto seja a de criminalizar somente condutas graves como a subtração de senhas e a disseminação de vírus, conclui a análise, a redação dos artigos referidos permite que condutas triviais e cotidianas entre usuários da rede mundial de computadores encontrem-se abrangidas pelos tipos penais estabelecidos pelo projeto, com potencial criminalização de um grande número de pessoas pela prática de atos que em sua maioria são legais ou regulados como ilícitos civis em função do seu menor potencial ofensivo.


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Durante o processo de privatizações na década de 90, o Brasil adotou um abrangente marco regulatório para o setor de telecomunicações. Apesar desse esforço, uma questão fundamental acabou sendo deixada de lado: a regulação da Internet. Ao contrário de outros países, que ao final dos anos 1990 e começo dos anos 2000 adotaram legislações específicas para o tema, o Brasil, passados mais de 15 anos do acesso público à rede, ainda não possui dispositivos legislativos específicos sobre a questão. Ao final da década de 90, vários projetos de lei preocuparam-se com a regulação destes temas de forma ampla, mas nenhum logrou êxito. Temas fundamentais relacionados à estrutura da rede foram sendo progressivamente abandonados e substituídos por uma agenda exclusivamente criminal. No início dos dos anos 2000, praticamente desapareceu do Congresso Nacional qualquer proposta de regulação específica que pudesse abordar elementos fundamentais de um marco regulatório da internet. Em vez disso, passou a prevalecer uma agenda exclusiva no âmbito do direito criminal, com a tipificação de condutas e criação de penas. Exemplo significativo da onda subsequente de projetos de lei que procuraram regular a Internet por via do direito penal, o PLC 84/99 (numeração da Câmara)/ PLC 89/03 (numeração do Senado), provocou intensas reações negativas em um número significativo de atores da sociedade civil devido aos seus problemas de redação e inadequações técnicas, provocadores de danos colaterais consideráveis a direitos cruciais para o funcionamento de uma sociedade democrática: privacidade, liberdade de expressão, direito à comunicação e acesso ao conhecimento. Ao mesmo tempo, os vícios de redação do projeto representam riscos consideráveis para o potencial de inovação que emerge da Internet, com sérias consequências para o desenvolvimento da tecnologia, educação e economia do Brasil. O presente estudo traça um panorama histórico da regulação da Internet no Brasil, recorrendo ao direito comparado e história legislativa, propondo uma redação alternativa para o projeto em questão.


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Procura analisar o último programa convencional de ajuste externo e estabilização implementado na economia brasileira em 83/84, no intuito de apreender suas características comportamenteias mais relevantes, para que a partir disso se possa fazer um diagnóstico fundamentado tanto o embasamento teórico, como na análise das variáveis macroeconômicas fundamentais no período referido


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Comentários e Sugestões sobre o substitutivo do Projeto de Lei de Crimes Eletrônicos (PL n. 84/99) apresentado pela Comissão de Constituição e Justiça e de Cidadania.


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Several studies have shown alterations in hearts from animals subjected to food restriction (FR). However, few experiments in hearts evaluating pressure overload have been reported. We examined the effects of chronic FR on myocardial function and morphology in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Sixty-day-old SHR were fed a control (C) or a restricted diet (daily intake reduced to 50% of amount of food consumed by the control group) for 90 days. Myocardial performance was studied in isolated left ventricular (LV) papillary muscle. Food restriction decreased body weight and LV weight; LV weight/body-weight ratio was lower in the food-restricted group (SHR-C, 2.84 +/- 0.21 mg/g; SHR-FR, 2.56 +/- 0.24 mg/g; P <.05). Food restriction did not change arterial systolic blood pressure. Myocyte surface area was lower in the food-restricted group (P <.01). Food restriction induced myocardial ultrastructural alterations including reduced sarcoplasm content, reduced and disorganized myofilaments, disorganized Z line, dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum, and deep infoldings of plasma membrane. Myocardial hydroxyproline concentration was increased in the restricted rats. Peak developed tension (P <.05) and maximum rate of tension development (P <.01) were decreased in the SHR-FR group. In conclusion, myocardium of SHR subjected to chronic FR presents attenuation of hypertrophy development, ultrastructural changes, increased collagen content, and systolic dysfunction. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Freshwater stingrays are very common in the Parana, Paraguay, Araguaia, and Tocantins Rivers and tributaries in Brazil. This study presents the clinical aspects of 84 patients injured by freshwater stingrays. Intense pain was the most conspicuous symptom. Skin necrosis was observed in a high percentage of the victims, mostly fishermen and bathers. The initial therapeutic procedures, like immersion of the affected member in hot water were effective in the initial phases of the envenoming, especially in the control of the acute pain; however, they did not prevent skin necrosis. By SDS-PAGE, the freshwater stingray (Potamotrygon falkneri) venom extract presented a major band of approximately 12 kDa. Several other components distributed between 15 and 130 kDa were detected in the venom extract. Many components with molecular mass above 80 and 100 kDa have gelatinolytic and caseinolytic activities, respectively. Hyaluronidase activity was detected only in a component around 84 kDa in P. falkneri venom extract. Our results demonstrated that the presence of these enzymes could explain partially the local clinical pictures presented by patients wounded by freshwater stingray. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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With the help of orthopantomograms we analyse the tooth development beside body weight and height from Brazilian healthy boys and girls. So, their dental age were compared to their chronological age. The results of this investigation, according to the methodology employed, indicated that: 1. girls showed accelerated formation of permanent teeth and mean values of dental age higher than boys; 2. the mean values of dental age in girls were higher than their chronological age in all groups; 3. the teeth development stages were appropriate in assessment of the degree of physiological maturity of a growing child.


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The aim of this study was to analyze temporal ..d vertical variation of the biomass and of phytoplankton primary productivity in an urban eutrophic reservoir, in relation to the physical and chemical characteristics of the water. The physical and chemical variables of the water were defined in the limnetic region of the reservoir, at depths of 0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 and 4.0 meters. Three samples were taken to define both the physical and chemical variables, concomitantly with the biomass (chlorophyll-a and phaeophytin) and phytoplankton primary productivity (C-14 method). Based on data obtained on differences in depth of the mixture zone and the euphotic zone, it is hypothesised that, depending on the time of the year, phytoplankton is conditioned by differences in the light and nutrient regimes, which change according to the constant loads of nutrients thrown into the system. The highest concentration of chlorophyll-a in the photic zone of the limnetic region was observed in November 2000 (1,197.3 mg Chl L -1) and the lowest in November 1999 (94.0 mg ChI L -1), whereas the profiles of primary activity of phytoplankton presented the highest rates on the surface of the water column, with values varying from 84.7 (May 2000) to 1,376.7mg C m -3 h -1 (December 2000). Annual primary productivity was calculated at 1,567.0gC m -2y -1, considered euproductive. The primary productivity profiles reported in this study are typical of aquatic eutrophic systems, rich in plankton and with low light penetration. It can be stated that Garças Lake is a system that suffers from anthropogenic impact, through receiving large loads of organic pollution, reflecting on the physical and chemical characteristics of the water and on the high values of biomass and primary phytoplankton activity. © National Institute of Ecology, New Delhi.