935 resultados para 82-4
As neoplasias gástricas são a segunda maior causa de morte por câncer e apesar das descobertas sobre a fisiopatologia das células tumorais, o câncer é considerado como, no melhor das hipóteses, minimamente controlado pela medicina moderna. O carcinoma gástrico é uma das poucas neoplasias malignas nas quais os agentes infecciosos tem um importante papel etiológico. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi pesquisar a prevalência e o grau de associação da infecção por Helicobacter pylori e do vírus de Epstein-Barr em adenocarcinoma gástrico, em uma população do norte do Brasil. Foram analisadas 125 amostras de adenocarcinoma gástrico que foram submetidas à técnica de PCR para detecção de H. pylori e da cepa cagA de H. pylori, à técnica de hibridização in situ para detecção do EBV e à análise histopatológica para determinação de características clínico-patológicas e epidemiológicas. Observou-se o maior acometimento de pacientes do sexo masculino (68%) e de faixa etária acima de 50 anos (78%). A prevalência encontrada para H. pylori foi de 88%, e foi considerada alta quando comparada a estudos anteriores na região norte. A prevalência encontrada para o EBV foi de 9,6%. Os pacientes positivos para H. pylori-cagA+ apresentaram um risco relativo aumentado para adenocarcinoma do tipo intestinal. A frequência para os estádios III e IV foi de 82,4%, evidenciando que o diagnóstico desta neoplasia é geralmente realizado tardiamente. Os casos positivos para urease apresentaram um fator de risco relativo (OR=4,231) maior que quatro vezes, para H. pylori-cagA+, que é a cepa mais virulenta de H. pylori. Não houve significância estatística para a associação entre H. pylori e EBV na população estudada, porém os casos positivos para EBV apresentaram 100% de positividade para H. pylori, sugerindo uma possível atuação sinérgica destes agentes na carcinogênese gástrica.
A lipodistrofia do HIV e evento comum em pacientes em uso de terapia antiretroviral fortemente ativa (HAART). O presente estudo avalia as alterações metabolicas e endocrinas em pacientes que apresentam lipodistrofia. Foram avaliados 40 pacientes com lipodistrofia e classificados em lipoatrofia, lipohipertrofia (lipoacumulacao) e lipodistrofia mista e analisadas as alterações endocrinas e metabolicas. As variáveis estudadas foram: resistência insulínica pelo HOMA-IR (Homeostasis Model Assesment Insulin Resistance), teste oral de tolerancia a glicose, TSH, T4 livre, cortisol, DHEA, prolactina, testosterona em homens, FSH, LH e estradiol nas mulheres, colesterol total e fracoes (HDL e LDL), acido úrico, ureia, creatinina, AST e ALT, medidas antropométricas (peso, estatura, índice de massa corpórea, circunferência abdominal, quadril, relação cintura/quadril), densitometria óssea e avaliação de esteatose hepática por ultrassonografia abdominal. A lipo-hipertrofia isolada ocorreu em sua totalidade no sexo feminino (p <0,05). A média de idade foi semelhante nos três grupos, sem variação na distribuição por faixa etária. Dislipidemia ocorreu em todos os grupos após o inicio da terapia anti-retroviral (lipodistrofia mista, 100%, lipo-hipertrofia, 80% e lipoatrofia 70%). Variáveis antropométricas mostram elevação da cintura abdominal em mulheres com lipo-hipertrofia. (98,2 + 13,4) e menores em mulheres com lipoatrofia (76,8 + 6,1). Pacientes com lipoatrofia apresentam-se eutroficos (82,4%), e pacientes com lipo-hipertrofia apresentam sobrepeso ou obesidade (60%). Foi encontrada associação entre osteoporose e sexo masculino (p < 0,05) alta prevalência de dislipidemia (85%) e síndrome metabólica (37,5%) em todos os grupos estudados. A síndrome metabólica esteve associada com a lipo-hipertrofia. Não foram encontradas alterações significativas na tireoide, cortisol, relação cortisol/DHEA, testosterona, FSH, LH e prolactina. Conclusão: O sexo feminino apresenta forte associação com a lipo-hipertrofia isolada. A lipo-hipertrofia parece estar associado com a síndrome metabólica e resistência insulínica. Os homens tem maiores risco de desenvolvimento de osteopenia e osteoporose. Esteatose hepática, apesar de bastante comum não esta associado a um tipo particular de lipodistrofia. Alterações hormonais não são eventos comuns em pacientes com lipodistrofia do HIV.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a cinética da maturação in vitro de oócitos bubalinos, foram cultivados 1.619 oócitos com cumulus oophorus compacto em quatro diferentes tratamentos: T1 - TCM 199 com 10% de Soro Fetal Bovino (SFB) (meio base); T2 - Meio base e células da granulosa (CG); T3 - Meio base, CG, 10 UI de gonadotrofina coriônica equina (eCG) e 10 UI de gonadotrofina coriônica humana (hCG); T4 - Meio base, 10 UI de eCG, 10UI de hCG e 1 µg de 17b-estradiol / ml, em tempos de 14 a 17h, 20 a 22h, 23 a 25h, 26 a 28h, 29h e 32h de cultivo em estufa de CO2 a 5% e temperatura de 38,5ºC. No tratamento 1, observou-se que 81,83%, 69,61%, 65,88%, 60,28%, 64,98% e 67,67% dos ovócitos reiniciaram a meiose. No tratamento 2, as taxas de reinicio da meiose foram de 76,06%, 72,06%, 69,78%, 68,12%,74,97% e 89,96%, no tratamento 3 estes percentuais foram de 83,59%, 78,86%, 77,49%, 82,4%, 72,92% e 81,06% e com o tratamento 4 os índices foram de 95,0%, 91,82%, 93, 17%, 91,65%, 92,09% e 74,99% nos tempos de 14 a 17h, 20 a 22h, 23 a 25h, 26 a 28h, 29h e 32h de cultivo, respectivamente, podendo-se concluir que o meio com maior suplementação proporciona maior taxa de reinício da meiose em menor tempo, assim como o aumento no tempo de cultivo pode levar a maiores índices de degeneração.
Amostras sanguineas de 188 touros bubalinos, criados em sistema extensivo em areas de varzea, sem controle sanitario e reprodutivo eficiente, com idade de dois a 15 anos, das racas Murrah, Mediterraneo e seus mesticos, foram coletadas em tubos vacutainer esterilizados de 5 mL e avaliadas quanto a presenca de anticorpos para HBV-1, atraves do teste de soroneutrlizacao. Dos 188 touros examinados, somente de 51 foi possivel obter amostras de semen, as quais foram submetidas a analise de RT-PCR. Informacoes acerca da idade, raca e escore de condicao corporal (ECC) dos animais foram observadas. A estatistica descritiva foi aplicada atraves da distribuicao proporcional e determinacao dos quadris e medianas de variaveis categoricas. O estudo foi realizado em animais de oito propriedades, localizadas nos estados do Para e Amapa, regiao Norte do Brasil, encontrando-se distribuidos da seguinte forma: nos municipios de Itaubal do Piriri (N=59), Cutias do Araguari (N=33), Tartarugalzinho (N=14) e Bailique, distrito de Macapa (N=21), totalizando 127 animais no Amapa. Os 73 restantes localizavam-se no estado do Para nos municipios de Soure (N=38) e Muana (N=23), Ilha do Marajo. A analise estatistica constou da aplicacao do teste Binomial para comparar a prevalencia do HBV-1 nas propriedades examinadas nos municipios, e comparar a prevalencia entre as classes de raca, escore corporal e idade. Para avaliar a distribuicao da titulacao de anticorpos para HBV-1, entre Amapa e Marajo, foi utilizado o teste estatistico de Mann- Whitney. Todos os procedimentos foram executados pelo programa BioEstat 5, com nivel de significancia α=0.05. Em todas as propriedades estudadas havia animais positivos, e 82,4% das 188 amostras foram sorologicamente positivas. Entre as racas mediterraneo e Murrah e seus mesticos, houve diferenca real de prevalencia somente entre as racas Mediterraneo e Murrah (p=0,0004). Houve influencia do ECC na prevalencia de touros sorologicamente positivos, sendo que os de ECC=3 apresentaram maior prevalencia que os de ECC < 3 (p=0.009). A prevalencia conforme a idade mostrou que existe uma diferenca significativa (p<0.0001) entre os animais com dois anos e os touros com mais de dois anos de idade, havendo um incremento gradativo das taxas de infeccao com o avancar da idade. A prevalencia no estado do Amapa foi significativamente maior que no Para. As propriedades localizadas nos municipios de Cutias do Araguari, Tartarugalzinho e Bailique (Macapa), apresentram 100% de prevalencia. Foi observado que a titulacao minima ocorreu na maioria dos animais no Marajo, entretanto em somente em 4.8% do rebanho procedente do Amapa teve baixas titulacoes. Todas as 51 amostras de semen apresentaram-se negativas no teste da RTPCR. Concluimos assim que a prevalencia da IBR e altissima em touros bubalinos criados extensivamente no estado do Amapa e Para, Brasil.
Amostras de soro de 125 crianças, com idades entre 0 e 10 anos, da população de Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil, geraram um índice de prevalência de anticorpos para rotavirus (ensaio imunoenzimático) de 82,4%. Aparentemente, o maior risco de infecção pelo vírus se dá no grupo de 1 a 3 anos. Não existe diferença de infecção de acordo com o sexo. Informações soroepidemlológicas a nível nacional, são de grande importância para o melhor conhecimento do comportamento do vírus na população em risco, principalmente quando existe a possibilidade de uma futura imuno-profilaxia. O teste imuno-enzimático em comparação com a contraimuno-eletro-osmoforese, mostrou-se mais sensível para a detecção de anticorpos para rotavirus.
Cardiovascular diseases are a growing public health problem that affects most people over the age of 65 years and abdominal obesity is one of the risk factors for the development of these diseases. There are several methods that can be used to measure body fat, but their accuracy needs to be evaluated, especially in specific populations such as the elderly. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of anthropometric indicators to estimate the percentage of abdominal fat in subjects aged 80 years or older. A total of 125 subjects ranging in age from 80 to 95 years (83.5 ± 3), including 79 women (82.4 ± 3 years) and 46 men (83.6 ± 3 years), were studied. The following anthropometric indicators were used: body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-hip ratio (WHR), and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR). The percentage of abdominal fat was measured by DEXA. Sensitivity and specificity were analyzed using an ROC curve. The sensitivity, specificity and AUC were 0. 578, 0. 934 and 0. 756 for BMI, respectively; 0.703, 0.820 and 0.761 for WC; 0.938, 0.213 and 0.575 for WHR, and 0.984, 0.344 and 0.664 for WHtR. BMI and WC were the anthropometric indicators with the largest area under the curve and were therefore more adequate to identify the presence or absence of abdominal obesity.
Background: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) allows for sampling numerous viral variants from infected patients. This provides a novel opportunity to represent and study the mutational landscape of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) within a single host.Results: Intra-host variants of the HCV E1/E2 region were extensively sampled from 58 chronically infected patients. After NGS error correction, the average number of reads and variants obtained from each sample were 3202 and 464, respectively. The distance between each pair of variants was calculated and networks were created for each patient, where each node is a variant and two nodes are connected by a link if the nucleotide distance between them is 1. The work focused on large components having > 5% of all reads, which in average account for 93.7% of all reads found in a patient. The distance between any two variants calculated over the component correlated strongly with nucleotide distances (r = 0.9499; p = 0.0001), a better correlation than the one obtained with Neighbour-Joining trees (r = 0.7624; p = 0.0001). In each patient, components were well separated, with the average distance between (6.53%) being 10 times greater than within each component (0.68%). The ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous changes was calculated and some patients (6.9%) showed a mixture of networks under strong negative and positive selection. All components were robust to in silico stochastic sampling; even after randomly removing 85% of all reads, the largest connected component in the new subsample still involved 82.4% of remaining nodes. In vitro sampling showed that 93.02% of components present in the original sample were also found in experimental replicas, with 81.6% of reads found in both. When syringe-sharing transmission events were simulated, 91.2% of all simulated transmission events seeded all components present in the source.Conclusions: Most intra-host variants are organized into distinct single-mutation components that are: well separated from each other, represent genetic distances between viral variants, robust to sampling, reproducible and likely seeded during transmission events. Facilitated by NGS, large components offer a novel evolutionary framework for genetic analysis of intra-host viral populations and understanding transmission, immune escape and drug resistance.
Combining the characteristics of good adhesion and sealing of the AH Plus sealer the biological properties of the MTA, zinc oxide and calcium hydroxide, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of these associations. The specimens of the sealers and their associations were mixed and exposure to culture medium (82.4 mm2surface/mL) after the manipulation and incubated in a humidified incubator (37°C and 100% humidity) for 24 h. Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts (V79) were exposed to different dilutions of this extracts for 24 h and cell viability was measured by MTT test. The differences between the cell survival rates were statistically analyzed for Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn (p≤0.05). All sealers showed a significant difference with the group control, except the MTA. Cytotoxicity with the control group increased in the following order: AH Plus < AH Plus + Ca(OH) 2 < AH Plus + OxZn< AH Plus + MTA < MTA (p≤ 0,05). It was concluded that the addition of biological materials in order to improve the consistency of AH Plus for use in retro cavities its toxicity has not decreased significantly
The study consist on an analysis of attitude by professors of Brazilian Dental Schools before the aspects bioethical, ethic and legal dental treatment aspects. The data collect occurred by semi-structured questioners send by e-mail and correspondence. It was applied the content analysis, by categorical analysis technique, according to Bardin. About bioethical aspects, 94,6% cited that the decision of treatment should be realized between professional and patient, because it don t interfere on negative form (100%). Everybody consider important the interaction professional/patient, because it establishes the respect and mutual agreement between them (61,8%). Tangent at ethic aspects, 95,5% show all alternatives for determined case, even knowing that can lost patient, explaining on the technique and laical form to clear doubts(61,9%). About legal aspects, 82,4% allege that dental surgeon should treat his patient like consumer whereas offer techniques, materials and know through profession. And, like legal prove on occasional lawsuit, 57,1% mentioned that professional don t need of contract necessarily, but a good documentation about patient and e assigned by him. It concluded that these aspects should be teached always to Dentistry academics, whereas they re inherent at profession, to not stay vulnerable at future ethic, judges and other problems.
The objective of the present study was to analyze diel variation in the abundance and size of the seabob shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri in the Ubatuba region, state of São Paulo, during the year 2000. In each season of the year, collections were made in the day and at night on 9 transects at depths ranging from 2 to 40 m. The estimated shrimp amount was of 28,878 individuals. Although the catch rate was higher during the day (15,853 shrimp), this did not differ significantly from the catch at night (13,025). The catch rate was higher in daytime on most transects, but was higher at night at locations where fine and very fine sand predominated. The majority of juveniles were caught during the day. The mean size (CL) was 14.43 ± 4.02 mm for day and 14.82 ± 4.28 mm for night samples, and the difference was significant (Student’s t-test, df = 2, 429, t = 2.27, p = 0.02). The largest individuals were caught during the night. None of the three models that have been proposed in the literature to account for differences in the diurnal catch pattern of penaeid species can be applied to X. kroyeri. Our results provide evidence that sediment type not only influenced the catch rate in the analyzed periods, but also determined which models might fit the behavior of this species.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Here we compare the management and survival outcomes of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients who had early or late imatinib mesylate (IM) therapy. The cytogenetic and molecular responses of 189 CML patients were analyzed. Of this group, 121 patients were classified as the early chronic phase (ECP) group and started IM within 12 months of diagnosis. The other 68 patients were classified as the late chronic phase (LCP) group who had been treated with interferon (IFN)-alpha-2 and crossed over to IM more than 12 months after diagnosis. The overall rates of complete cytogenetic response (CCyR) and major molecular response (MMR) at last follow-up were 83.6 and 78.1% in the ECP and LCP groups, respectively. The CCyR rates were 89.3 (for ECP patients) versus 73.5% (for LCP patients; p < 0.0001). At last follow-up, 82.4% ECP and 64.2% LCP patients had achieved an MMR (p < 0.0001). No significant differences were noted between the two groups with regard to survival outcomes. Our experience reveals that IM is an effective rescue therapy in most CML LCP patients who are intolerant or in whom IFN-alpha therapy fails. Such therapeutic options should be considered in LCP patients, particularly in countries where IM may not be available. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel
Background: Plasmodium has a complex cell biology and it is essential to dissect the cell-signalling pathways underlying its survival within the host. Methods: Using the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) peptide substrate Abz-AIKFFARQ-EDDnp and Fluo4/AM, the effects of extracellular ATP on triggering proteolysis and Ca2+ signalling in Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium yoelii malaria parasites were investigated. Results: The protease activity was blocked in the presence of the purinergic receptor blockers suramin (50 mu M) and PPADS (50 mu M) or the extracellular and intracellular calcium chelators EGTA (5 mM) and BAPTA/AM (25, 100, 200 and 500 mu M), respectively for P. yoelii and P. berghei. Addition of ATP (50, 70, 200 and 250 mu M) to isolated parasites previously loaded with Fluo4/AM in a Ca2+-containing medium led to an increase in cytosolic calcium. This rise was blocked by pre-incubating the parasites with either purinergic antagonists PPADS (50 mu M), TNP-ATP (50 mu M) or the purinergic blockers KN-62 (10 mu M) and Ip5I (10 mu M). Incubating P. berghei infected cells with KN-62 (200 mu M) resulted in a changed profile of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) processing as revealed by western blot assays. Moreover incubating P. berghei for 17 h with KN-62 (10 mu M) led to an increase in rings forms (82% +/- 4, n = 11) and a decrease in trophozoite forms (18% +/- 4, n = 11). Conclusions: The data clearly show that purinergic signalling modulates P. berghei protease(s) activity and that MSP1 is one target in this pathway.
Palhano H.B., Jesus V.L.T., Abidu-Figueiredo M., Baldrighi J.M. & Mello M.R.B. [Effect of nAellore cows ciclicity on conception and pregnant rates after synchronization protocols for fixed timed artificial insemination]. Efeito da ciclicidade de vacas Nelore sobre as taxas de concepcao e de prenhez apos protocolos de sincronizacao para inseminacao artificial em tempo fixo. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 34(1):63-68, 2012. Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. Email: hbpalhano@gmail.com The present study evaluated the effect on conception and pregnancy rates of Nellore cows selected for Fixed Timed Artificial Insemination (FTAI) program, submitted to four synchronization protocols. Four hundred and ninety lactating females were used and assigned to eight groups: I-OvSynch, n=68, with selection of cycling cows; II-OvSynch + progesterone (P-4), n=67, after selection of non-cycling animals; III-OvSynch, without selection, n=68; IV-OvSynch + P-4, without selection, n=67; V-Co-Synch, n=55, with selection of cycling cows; VI-Co-Synch + P-4, n=55, with selection non-cycling cows; VII- Co-Synch without selection, n=55; VIII- Co-Synch + P-4, without selection, n=55. The conception and pregnancy rates were, respectively, 45.6%, 27.9% and 82.4%, 48.5% for groups I and III; 61.2%, 37.3% and 85.1%, 58.2% for groups II and IV; 43.6%, 25.5% and 80%, 41.8% for groups V and VII; 52.7%, 32.7% and 83.6%, 50.9% for groups VI and VIII. When compared these rates, the results after chi-square test showed significant difference (P < 0.05) among protocols with or without selection. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between OvSynch and Co-Synch protocols, with or without P-4 and with selection, considering Co-Synch a viable option for optimization of FTAI. In conclusion, the selection of cows before FTAI program contributed significantly to improve the conception and pregnancy rates.
Background: Little is known in our country about regional differences in the treatment of acute coronary disease. Objective: To analyze the behavior regarding the use of demonstrably effective regional therapies in acute coronary disease. Methods: A total of 71 hospitals were randomly selected, respecting the proportionality of the country in relation to geographic location, among other criteria. In the overall population was regionally analyzed the use of aspirin, clopidogrel, ACE inhibitors / AT1 blocker, beta-blockers and statins, separately and grouped by individual score ranging from 0 (no drug used) to 100 (all drugs used). In myocardial infarction with ST elevation (STEMI) regional differences were analyzed regarding the use of therapeutic recanalization (fibrinolytics and primary angioplasty). Results: In the overall population, within the first 24 hours of hospitalization, the mean score in the North-Northeast (70.5 +/- 22.1) was lower (p < 0.05) than in the Southeast (77.7 +/- 29.5), Midwest (82 +/- 22.1) and South (82.4 +/- 21) regions. At hospital discharge, the score of the North-Northeast region (61.4 +/- 32.9) was lower (p < 0.05) than in the Southeast (69.2 +/- 31.6), Midwest (65.3 +/- 33.6) and South (73.7 +/- 28.1) regions; additionally, the score of the Midwest was lower (p < 0.05) than the South region. In STEMI, the use of recanalization therapies was highest in the Southeast (75.4%, p = 0.001 compared to the rest of the country), and lowest in the North-Northeast (52.5%, p < 0.001 compared to the rest of the country). Conclusion: The use of demonstrably effective therapies in the treatment of acute coronary disease is much to be desired in the country, with important regional differences.