929 resultados para 751003 Visual communication


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Identity development in adolescence is a period of exploration and experimentation. During this stage of development, adolescents are defining their identity in terms of ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender. It can be a confusing time and the lack of resources and support influence the ability of the adolescent to form a cohesive identity. This struggle to define an identity may lead to symptoms of depression and difficulties with interpersonal relationships. Identity interventions are limited and primarily involve the adolescent talking to a therapist and attempting to verbalize and define subjective distress. The use of a phototherapy intervention focuses on using an adolescent's subjective experiences. Phototherapy provides a way for the therapist and client to explore the photographs the client takes and opens different avenues in the areas of non-verbal and visual communication. Photographs can also promote increased communication about an adolescent's ethnic, sexual or gender identity. Interpretations made by the adolescent about images in the photographs will get in touch with emotional experiences that may be missed in traditional "talk therapy." This paper reviews literature on identity development, specifically in the areas of ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Phototherapy, the use of photography to enhance traditional psychotherapy, is described and a rationale is provided for the utilization of phototherapy in adolescent identity development. Vignettes are provided illustrating how phototherapy can be used when working with adolescents who are questioning and exploring ethnic identity, sexual orientation, and gender identity.


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"December 1992"--P. [4] of cover.


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The use of 3D visualisation of digital information is a recent phenomenon. It relies on users understanding 3D perspectival spaces. Questions about the universal access of such spaces has been debated since its inception in the European Renaissance. Perspective has since become a strong cultural influence in Western visual communication. Perspective imaging assists the process of experimenting by the sketching or modelling of ideas. In particular, the recent 3D modelling of an essentially non-dimensional Cyber-space raises questions of how we think about information in general. While alternate methods clearly exist they are rarely explored within the 3D paradigm (such as Chinese isometry). This paper seeks to generate further discussion on the historical background of perspective and its role in underpinning this emergent field. © 2005 IEEE.


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It is already a truism that emerging communication technologies have changed the landscape of communication in every aspect of our lives, but this is specifically true for how we communicate at work. Advances in communication technologies have enabled a wide range of digital communication modes to be utilized for both internal and external business communication; including audio and visual communication and voice-over protocols, as well as text-based channels, such as email, forums, instant messaging and social media. In spite of the wide range of available audio-visual channels, and despite the ever-increasing popularity of email, real-time text-based communication technologies (instant messaging or IM) are also on the rise (see Mak, 2014; Pazos et al., 2013; Radicati & Levenstein, 2013; and Markman in this volume). The prominence of IM is evident in the rise of this mode of communication, not only as a tool for internal business communication, but as a front-stage channel, particularly for customer service encounters or professional-client conversations (Makarem et al., 2009; Pearce et al., 2013; L. Zhang et al., 2011).


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Assuming the body as a space of communication and production of subjectivity, we investigate, through the perspective of the contemporary youth at UFRN, the complexity surrounding the act of adorning the body as an act of communication, more precisely a visual communication, filled with symbolism and personality. Using the metaporic method, we seek to follow the communicational act, resulting from the relationship between these unique individuals at UFRN, their adornments and clothing, as an act that produces meaning. Through these narratives and singular expression, observed in these adorned / dressed bodys, we were able to identify seven categories that outlines the collage-individual that we present here: Aesthetic inconsistency and frequent change of style, gender X clothes, spaces regulated by a dominant aesthetic, symbolic connection with garments and / or accessories, the building an authorial image through various aesthetic references, moment of aesthetic rupture with socially established standards, and, parts of the body whose modification or acceptance reflects aesthetic ruptures.


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Este artículo tiene dos objetivos principales. En primer lugar, trazar un recorrido por las experiencias colaborativas a través de la fotografía y el video en Antropología, y en segundo lugar, contextualizar y mostrar los resultados de una investigación realizada recientemente sobre proyectos de fotografía participativa impulsados desde colectivos de fotógrafos documentales. Para estos objetivos me he centrado en trabajos pioneros y en autores que han puesto a prueba este tipo de metodologías con niños y adolescentes, escenario de mi trabajo de campo. Esta investigación, que está en sus comienzos, pretende buscar sinergias con otros profesionales y poder así establecer teorías y colaboraciones de cara a próximos proyectos de investigación aplicada a través del uso de los medios audiovisuales.


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Syftet med föreliggande studie har varit att kartlägga hur grafiska formgivare runt om i världen uppfattar skandinavisk grafisk design. 53 deltagare från industriländer deltog i studien som använde en kombination av mail-intervjuer och enkäter. Resultaten från denna studie indikerar att, oavsett kontinent, upplevs skandinavisk grafisk design som enkel och funktionell. Layouten uppfattades som rutnätsbaserad med mycket ljusrum och få grafiska element. Monokroma färger som svart, vit och grå utan gradienter och skuggor uppfattades som typiska för skandinavisk grafisk design; följt av jord- och pastellfärger. Sanserifer var mest förknippade med skandinavisk grafisk design. Motiv ansågs i denna studie att användas sparsamt, men när de används avbildar de naturen eller geometriska former. Foton och illustrationer ansågs användas ungefär lika mycket, illustrationer hade en smärre större preferens. Den upplevda påverkan av skandinavisk grafisk design varierade mellan deltagarna. Deltagarna som tyckte att påverkan var stor, ansåg att detta berodde på förespråkandet av enkelhet och funktion, sammanflätning av designområden och/eller frammaning av hållbar grafisk design. Deltagarna som ansåg att påverkan var låg, tyckte att för lite publicitet var en bidragande faktor.De flesta deltagarna i denna undersökning ansåg att skandinavisk grafisk design var enklare i jämförelse med vad de kunde se i sina hemländer. Vidare tyckte afrikanska, asiatiska och sydamerikanska deltagare  att färgerna hade lägre kroma.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07


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O presente projeto de investigação, propõe compreender a cultura visual contemporânea do design do selo postal português, de 2001 a 2013, considerando os avanços e os novos meios tecnológicos digitais. Para isso, partiu-se da história do selo postal como objeto de testemunho histórico, cultural e visual repleto de valores duradouros e possuidores de uma linguagem gráfica distinta. A esse conjunto de caraterísticas que determinam o selo postal, as mesmas, representam um grau de importância associados à história e à cultura de um país, evidenciando uma linguagem característica da vida social e da época que se encontra, que ao longo dos anos possuem valores de importância e sentimento para a humanidade. Primeiramente, procedeu-se a uma pesquisa exaustiva sobre os principais designers e ateliers portugueses, quer realizada em livros de coleções dos CTT, quer na internet em motores de busca. Seguidamente, realizou-se uma análise geral sobre a sintaxe da linguagem visual, baseada no trabalho de Donis A. Dondis (2003), declinada sobre a comunicação visual no design, para este caso, nos selos postais. Partindo dessa análise, posteriormente, efetuou-se a criação de uma emissão de selos postais juntamente com a tecnologia da realidade aumentada, tendo como base a temática centrada na cidade do Porto e que pode ser repercutida em diferentes cidades do país “Uma visita portuguesa com certeza”. Com este projeto conseguiu-se demonstrar e implementar uma tecnologia digital a um artefacto de cariz físico, usualmente, apresentado em suporte papel. O estudo pretende assim, contribuir para a inovação ao nível do design filatélico e histórico do selo postal português, tendo como base o uso dessa tecnologia.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialização em Animação da Leitura


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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El diseño de un sistema de empaques con doble función para cereales nacionales, es un estudio que evidencia el problema que existe en la producción de empaques para este tipo de alimentos (cereales) en el medio, que se han convertido en productos de consumo masivo, y por ende en generadores de gran cantidad de desechos por su función de envase secundario y por el volumen que ocupan. Propone una solución a través de procesos creativos de diseño que podrían incorporarse al empaque, promoviendo la reutilización y alargar la vida útil de un empaque. Evidencia la relación existente entre los campos de diseño y ecología a través de la producción de uno de los elementos de comunicación visual más importante hoy en día como es el diseño de packaging


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This paper investigates how textbook design may influence students’ visual attention to graphics, photos and text in current geography textbooks. Eye tracking, a visual method of data collection and analysis, was utilised to precisely monitor students’ eye movements while observing geography textbook spreads. In an exploratory study utilising random sampling, the eye movements of 20 students (secondary school students 15–17 years of age and university students 20–24 years of age) were recorded. The research entities were double-page spreads of current German geography textbooks covering an identical topic, taken from five separate textbooks. A two-stage test was developed. Each participant was given the task of first looking at the entire textbook spread to determine what was being explained on the pages. In the second stage, participants solved one of the tasks from the exercise section. Overall, each participant studied five different textbook spreads and completed five set tasks. After the eye tracking study, each participant completed a questionnaire. The results may verify textbook design as one crucial factor for successful knowledge acquisition from textbooks. Based on the eye tracking documentation, learning-related challenges posed by images and complex image-text structures in textbooks are elucidated and related to educational psychology insights and findings from visual communication and textbook analysis.


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O trabalho desenvolvido insere-se num projecto do FFishGUL, Freshwater Fish Group of the University of Lisbon, que consiste na publicação de um guia ilustrado que reúna e disponibilize informação sobre a fauna ictiológica dulciaquícola de Portugal Continental, dirigido a diversos públicos-alvo. Este guia procura promover o conhecimento sobre as espécies e comunidades piscícolas e ser uma ferramenta técnica de resposta a questões prioritárias em termos de conservação do património natural, gestão dos recursos hídricos e ordenamento do território. O âmbito deste trabalho de mestrado centra-se na ilustração de algumas das espécies de peixes tratadas, investigando e criando pela primeira vez uma representação rigorosa que promova a documentação e identificação destas, como ponto de partida para o trabalho a realizar para a totalidade das espécies a tratar no guia. O trabalho desenvolvido é um trabalho que se pode considerar inédito, na medida em que não existe, tanto quanto sabemos e após extensiva pesquisa bibliográfica neste domínio, nada publicado que se assemelhe aos níveis de rigor, detalhe e coerência entre todo o conjunto apresentado. O resultado pretendido para este guia é o de uma publicação de referência, de grande utilidade técnica e de cuidada comunicação visual. Nesse sentido foi também desenvolvido um layout gráfico, visando uma apresentação cuidada e apelativa dos conteúdos do guia, pretendendo contribuir para uma maior sensibilização dos vários públicos a que se destina; ABSTRACT: This Masters thesis is part of a larger project, developed by FFishGUL, the Freshwater Fish Group of the University of Lisbon, consisting of the edition of an illustrated guide to the freshwater fish of mainland Portugal. This guide aims to create a hitherto nonexistent tool to promote knowledge on Portuguese freshwater fish communities and species and help on the management of water resources and land-use planning. This Masters thesis is centered on the illustration of some of the guide’s fish species, aiming to study and create an accurate representation that will facilitate their correct identification. These illustrations serve as an example of the process that will be followed for the total guide’s species range. The developed work can be regarded as unprecedented, to the extent that there is not, as far as we know, and after extensive bibliographic research in this field, any published work resembling the levels of accuracy, detail and coherence of what is here presented. This guide intends to be a reference publication, of major technical utility and careful visual communication. In this sense a graphic layout was also developed, aiming a careful and attractive presentation of the guide’s contents and contributing to greater awareness of the various target audiences.